Revision f8c1c6834e3c7da57d0cae114735f1cf643b0498 authored by Nico Schertler on 09 July 2018, 14:15:39 UTC, committed by Nico Schertler on 09 July 2018, 14:15:39 UTC
1 parent 722a9f4
#include "MotorcycleGraph.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <nsessentials/util/TimedBlock.h>
#include <nsessentials/data/Parallelization.h>
#include "MotorcycleOptionsInPatch.h"
#include "ParametrizationHelper.h"
#include "PatchSplittingProblem.h"
// ------------ Motorcycle ------------
void MotorcycleGraph::Motorcycle::AddToPath(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, const HEMesh& mesh)
if (!mesh.is_boundary(h) && !mesh.is_boundary(mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(h)))
void MotorcycleGraph::Motorcycle::RemoveLastPathSegment(const HEMesh& mesh)
if (!mesh.is_boundary(path.back()) && !mesh.is_boundary(mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(path.back())))
// ------------ MotorcycleStop ------------
MotorcycleGraph::MotorcycleStop::MotorcycleStop(size_t motorcycleId, size_t locationInMotorcyclePath)
: motorcycle(motorcycleId), locationInMotorcyclePath(locationInMotorcyclePath)
{ }
// ------------ LocationOnPath ------------
MotorcycleGraph::LocationOnPath::LocationOnPath() { }
MotorcycleGraph::LocationOnPath::LocationOnPath(size_t motorcycle, size_t pathSegment, bool goForward)
: motorcycle(motorcycle), pathSegment(pathSegment), goForward(goForward)
{ }
bool MotorcycleGraph::LocationOnPath::operator==(const LocationOnPath& other) const
return motorcycle == other.motorcycle && pathSegment == other.pathSegment && goForward == other.goForward;
// ------------ ExtractionStatistics ------------
void MotorcycleGraph::ExtractionStatistics::Clear()
totalFaces = 0;
openPatches = 0;
maxPatchDegree = 0;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const MotorcycleGraph::ExtractionStatistics& s)
std::cout << s.openPatches << " open patches." << std::endl;
for (int corners = 0; corners < s.patchCountPerNumberOfCorners.size(); ++corners)
std::cout << corners << " corners: " << (100.0f * s.patchSizesPerNumberOfCorners[corners] / s.totalFaces) << "% (" << s.patchCountPerNumberOfCorners[corners] << " patches)" << std::endl;
size_t steps[] = { 0, 1, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000 };
size_t stepCount = sizeof(steps) / sizeof(steps[0]);
for (int i = 0; i <= stepCount; ++i)
auto lower = (i == 0 ? s.patchSizes.begin() : std::upper_bound(s.patchSizes.begin(), s.patchSizes.end(), steps[i - 1]));
auto upper = (i == stepCount ? s.patchSizes.end() : std::upper_bound(s.patchSizes.begin(), s.patchSizes.end(), steps[i]));
size_t faces = 0;
for (auto it = lower; it != upper; ++it)
faces += *it;
if (i < stepCount)
std::cout << "Faces in patches with <= " << steps[i];
std::cout << "Faces in patches with > " << steps[i - 1];
std::cout << " faces: " << 100.0f * (float)faces / s.totalFaces << "% (" << (upper - lower) << " patches)" << std::endl;
return stream;
// ------------ HalfArc ------------
MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::Segment::Segment(const LocationOnPath& location, size_t length)
: location(location), length(length)
{ }
MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::HalfArc(const PathSegmentIterator& first, const PathSegmentIterator& last)
segments.emplace_back(*first, 0);
if (first == last)
auto it = first;
int length = 1;
//Find the segments of equal motorcycles that make up the given range
while (it != last)
auto newLocation = *it;
if (newLocation.motorcycle != segments.back().location.motorcycle)
segments.back().length = length;
segments.emplace_back(newLocation, 0);
length = 1;
segments.back().length = length;
size_t MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::Length() const
size_t l = 0;
for (auto& segment : segments)
l += segment.length;
return l;
void MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::MergeWith(HalfArc&& merged)
segments.insert(segments.end(), merged.segments.begin(), merged.segments.end());
MotorcycleGraph::LocationOnPath MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::LastPathSegment() const
auto& segment = segments.back();
if (segment.location.goForward)
return LocationOnPath(segment.location.motorcycle, segment.location.pathSegment + segment.length - 1, segment.location.goForward);
return LocationOnPath(segment.location.motorcycle, segment.location.pathSegment - segment.length + 1, segment.location.goForward);
void MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::SetStartInclusive(const PathSegmentIterator& start)
assert(start.arc == this);
auto newStartLocation = *start;
segments.erase(segments.begin(), segments.begin() + start.iMotorcycle);
segments.front().location = newStartLocation;
segments.front().length -= start.iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle;
void MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::SetEndExclusive(const PathSegmentIterator& end)
assert(end.arc == this);
if (end.iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle == 0)
segments.erase(segments.begin() + end.iMotorcycle, segments.end());
segments.erase(segments.begin() + end.iMotorcycle + 1, segments.end());
segments.back().length = end.iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle;
MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::begin() const { return PathSegmentIterator(0, 0, this); }
MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::end() const { return PathSegmentIterator(segments.size(), 0, this); }
// ------------ HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator ------------
MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator::PathSegmentIterator(int iMotorcycle, int iPathSegment, const HalfArc* arc)
: iMotorcycle(iMotorcycle), iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle(iPathSegment), arc(arc)
{ }
bool MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator::operator==(const PathSegmentIterator& other) const
return iMotorcycle == other.iMotorcycle && iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle == other.iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle;
bool MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator::operator!=(const PathSegmentIterator& other) const
return !(*this == other);
MotorcycleGraph::LocationOnPath MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator::operator*() const
auto& segment = arc->segments[iMotorcycle];
if (segment.location.goForward)
return LocationOnPath(segment.location.motorcycle, segment.location.pathSegment + iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle, segment.location.goForward);
return LocationOnPath(segment.location.motorcycle, segment.location.pathSegment - iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle, segment.location.goForward);
MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator& MotorcycleGraph::HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator::operator++()
if (iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle >= arc->segments[iMotorcycle].length)
iPathSegmentOnMotorcycle = 0;
return *this;
// ------------ MotorcycleGraph ------------
MotorcycleGraph::MotorcycleGraph(const HEMesh& mesh, PatchSet& patchSet, const std::vector<MetaSingularity>& metaSingularities,
const ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<size_t>& vertexToMetaSingularityIndex, const OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool> isOriginalEdgeProp,
LengthMeasure lengthMeasure)
: mesh(&mesh), patchSet(&patchSet), metaSingularities(metaSingularities), vertexToMetaSingularityIndex(vertexToMetaSingularityIndex),
visitedVertices(mesh), isOriginalEdgeProp(isOriginalEdgeProp), lengthMeasure(lengthMeasure)
{ }
size_t MotorcycleGraph::OppositeHalfarc(size_t arc) const
return arc ^ 1;
size_t MotorcycleGraph::AddMotorcycle(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, bool highPriority)
auto& visitedAtSource = visitedVertices.AccessOrCreateAtToVertex(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h));
int mergeWith = -1;
if (visitedHalfEdges.find(h) != visitedHalfEdges.end())
//The halfedge has already been visited
auto oppH = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h);
for (auto& stop : visitedAtSource)
//if the other motorcycle is terminated here, we can just merge with it
auto& motorcycle = motorcycles[stop.motorcycle];
if (motorcycle.terminated && motorcycle.straightContinuationEnd == (size_t)-1 && motorcycle.Path().back() == oppH)
mergeWith = stop.motorcycle;
if (mergeWith == -1)
std::cout << "The halfedge ";
PrintFullHalfedge(std::cout, h, *mesh);
std::cout << " has already been used." << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("Error adding a motorcycle");
motorcycles.emplace_back(h, highPriority);
if (highPriority)
hasHighPriorityMotorcycles = true;
if (mergeWith != -1)
motorcycles[motorcycles.size() - 1].straightContinuationEnd = mergeWith;
motorcycles[mergeWith].straightContinuationEnd = motorcycles.size() - 1;
motorcycles[motorcycles.size() - 1].terminated = true;
activeMotorcycles.push_back(motorcycles.size() - 1);
//Record the collision for all motorcycles passing through the start vertex
for (auto& stop : visitedAtSource)
visitedAtSource.emplace_back(motorcycles.size() - 1, 0);
return motorcycles.size() - 1;
size_t MotorcycleGraph::AddMotorcyclePair(const std::array<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle, 2>& h, bool highPriority)
#if __DEBUG
assert(mesh->from_vertex_handle(h[0]) == mesh->from_vertex_handle(h[1]));
auto& visitedAtSource = visitedVertices.AccessOrCreateAtToVertex(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h[0]));
int mergeH0With = -1, mergeH1With = -1;
if (visitedHalfEdges.find(h[0]) != visitedHalfEdges.end())
//The halfedge has already been visited
auto oppH0 = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h[0]);
for (auto& stop : visitedAtSource)
//if the other motorcycle is terminated here, we can just merge with it
auto& motorcycle = motorcycles[stop.motorcycle];
if (motorcycle.terminated && motorcycle.straightContinuationEnd == (size_t)-1 && motorcycle.Path().back() == oppH0)
mergeH0With = stop.motorcycle;
if(mergeH0With == -1)
std::cout << "The first halfedge at " << mesh->point(mesh->from_vertex_handle(h[0])) << " of the motorcycle pair has already been used." << std::endl;
if (visitedHalfEdges.find(h[1]) != visitedHalfEdges.end())
//The halfedge has already been visited
auto oppH1 = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h[1]);
for (auto& stop : visitedAtSource)
//if the other motorcycle is terminated here, we can just merge with it
auto& motorcycle = motorcycles[stop.motorcycle];
if (motorcycle.terminated && motorcycle.straightContinuationEnd == (size_t)-1 && motorcycle.Path().back() == oppH1)
mergeH1With = stop.motorcycle;
if (mergeH1With == -1)
std::cout << "The second halfedge at " << mesh->point(mesh->from_vertex_handle(h[1])) << " of the motorcycle pair has already been used." << std::endl;
for (auto& stop : visitedAtSource)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
motorcycles.emplace_back(h[i], highPriority);
visitedAtSource.emplace_back(motorcycles.size() - 1, 0);
if (highPriority)
hasHighPriorityMotorcycles = true;
motorcycles[motorcycles.size() - 2].straightContinuationStart = motorcycles.size() - 1;
motorcycles[motorcycles.size() - 1].straightContinuationStart = motorcycles.size() - 2;
if (mergeH0With != -1)
motorcycles[motorcycles.size() - 2].straightContinuationEnd = mergeH0With;
motorcycles[mergeH0With].straightContinuationEnd = motorcycles.size() - 2;
motorcycles[motorcycles.size() - 2].terminated = true;
activeMotorcycles.push_back(motorcycles.size() - 2);
if (mergeH1With != -1)
motorcycles[motorcycles.size() - 1].straightContinuationEnd = mergeH1With;
motorcycles[mergeH1With].straightContinuationEnd = motorcycles.size() - 1;
motorcycles[motorcycles.size() - 1].terminated = true;
activeMotorcycles.push_back(motorcycles.size() - 1);
return motorcycles.size() - 2;
void MotorcycleGraph::AddMotorcycleWithHistory(const std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& path, bool highPriority, bool collideWithBoundary)
if (path.size() == 0)
if (visitedHalfEdges.find(path[0]) != visitedHalfEdges.end())
return; //already used the beginning of this path
motorcycles.back().highPriority = highPriority;
if (highPriority)
hasHighPriorityMotorcycles = true;
auto& sourceVisited = visitedVertices.AccessOrCreateAtToVertex(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(path[0]));
for (auto& stop : sourceVisited)
sourceVisited.emplace_back(motorcycles.size() - 1, motorcycles.back().Path().size());
bool active = !collideWithBoundary;
for(auto it = path.begin(); it < path.end(); ++it)
//The last edge is only used if the motorcycle will immediately terminate. Otherwise,
//it just sits at the edge.
bool useEdge = it != path.end() - 1 || !active;
auto inserted = visitedHalfEdges.insert(*it);
if (!inserted.second)
//the motorcycle already collided with another motorcycle
std::cout << "This should not happen." << std::endl;
if (useEdge)
OccupyEdge(mesh->edge_handle(*it), motorcycles.size() - 1);
motorcycles.back().AddToPath(*it, *mesh);
auto& targetVisited = visitedVertices.AccessOrCreateAtToVertex(*it);
for (auto& stop : targetVisited)
targetVisited.emplace_back(motorcycles.size() - 1, motorcycles.back().Path().size());
if (targetVisited.size() > 1)
active = false;
//check for head-on collision
for (auto& stop : targetVisited)
if (motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].currentPosition == mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(*it))
//this is a head-on collision
motorcycles.back().straightContinuationEnd = stop.motorcycle;
motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].straightContinuationEnd = motorcycles.size() - 1;
motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].terminated = true;
motorcycles.back().currentPosition = *it;
if (active)
activeMotorcycles.push_back(motorcycles.size() - 1);
motorcycles.back().terminated = true;
motorcycles.back().collideWithPaddedBoundary = true;
bool MotorcycleGraph::HasActiveMotorcycles() const
return !activeMotorcycles.empty();
const std::vector<TexturePatch>& MotorcycleGraph::Patches() const
return patches;
void MotorcycleGraph::FindPossibleExits(const FencedRegion& patch, const std::pair<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle, EnteringEdge>& enteringInfo, std::set<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& possibleExits, bool verbose)
auto& loop = patch.Loops()[0];
//Walk the fence and record the edges that result in a zero-turn traversal.
//Motorcycles that pass through the region are considered boundaries. The edge through which
//the motorcycles enters is marked with -2 turns.
//The orientation of the current edge on the fence. Can be -1 if we are
//currently not on the boundary but on a motorcycle.
int currentRegionEdgeOrientation = enteringInfo.second.enteringViaEdgeColor;
//The current motorcycle that we are travelling on. currentMotorcycle.motorcycle can be
//(size_t)-1 if we are currently not on a motorcycle but on the fence.
LocationOnPath currentMotorcycle; currentMotorcycle.motorcycle = (size_t)-1;
//Records the number of turns needed to traverse through the fenced region leaving at the
//current position.
int currentTurns = -2;
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle currentH;
if (!mesh->is_boundary(enteringInfo.first))
//find the halfedge that is to the left of the entry point
currentH = mesh->prev_halfedge_handle(enteringInfo.first);
//if we are entering through a boundary edge, the halfedge to the left
//of the entry point does not exist. Instead, we use the inverse of the
//entering edge, which has a turn count of -3 instead of -2.
currentH = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(enteringInfo.first);
currentRegionEdgeOrientation = (currentRegionEdgeOrientation + loop.Degree() - 1) % loop.Degree();
currentTurns = -3;
//Check if we are also currently on a motorcycle
VisitedEntry* visited;
if(visitedVertices.TryAccessAtToVertex(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(currentH), visited))
currentMotorcycle = EdgeToMotorcycleLocation(currentH, *visited);
auto startVertex = mesh->from_vertex_handle(enteringInfo.first);
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Entering patch at ";
PrintFullHalfedge(std::cout, enteringInfo.first, *mesh);
std::cout << ", initial halfedge: ";
PrintFullHalfedge(std::cout, currentH, *mesh);
std::cout << ", currentQuadPatchEdgeColor: " << currentTurns << std::endl;
int outerIterations = 0;
bool hIsInitialEdge = true;
//Move along the boundary (or motorcycles)
if (outerIterations++ > 1000)
std::cout << "Problem with outer iteration when entering patch at " << mesh->point(startVertex) << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown error while finding appropriate exit points");
bool currentIsPaddedBorder = mesh->is_boundary(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(currentH)) && currentRegionEdgeOrientation != -1;
//there will never be a motorcycle on the padded boundary
if (currentIsPaddedBorder && currentMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1)
throw std::runtime_error("There was a motorcycle on the padded boundary.");
int iterations = 0;
int nextRegionEdgeOrientation = -1;
LocationOnPath nextMotorcycle; nextMotorcycle.motorcycle = (size_t)-1;
VisitedEntry* visited;
auto isVisited = visitedVertices.TryAccessAtToVertex(currentH, visited);
int hopsFromCurrentToNext = 0;
int boundaryOrientationChange = 0;
//Find the edge onto which to continue
auto stopCondition = [&](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h)
if (iterations++ > 10)
std::cout << "Problem with inner iteration when entering patch at " << mesh->point(mesh->from_vertex_handle(enteringInfo.first)) << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown error while finding appropriate exit points");
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Checking halfedge ";
PrintFullHalfedge(std::cout, h, *mesh);
std::cout << std::endl;
boundaryOrientationChange = 0;
//check if we continue on the fence
bool currentHOnPaddedBoundary = false;
auto edgeOnFence = patch.Loops()[0].FindEdge(h);
if (edgeOnFence != (size_t)-1)
nextRegionEdgeOrientation = patch.Loops()[0].Edges()[edgeOnFence].orientation;
if (mesh->is_boundary(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h)))
currentHOnPaddedBoundary = true;
if (currentMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1)
//check if this is a valid transition
if (!IsValidTransitionFromMotorcycleToBoundary(currentMotorcycle, currentH, *visited, true, boundaryOrientationChange, verbose) && !patch.IsToVertexOnBoundary(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h), true))
nextRegionEdgeOrientation = -1;
currentHOnPaddedBoundary = false;
else if (boundaryOrientationChange == 0)
boundaryOrientationChange = 2;
//check if we continue on a motorcycle
if (isVisited)
nextMotorcycle = EdgeToMotorcycleLocation(h, *visited);
if (nextMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1)
if (currentIsPaddedBorder)
//check if this is a valid transition
auto copy = nextMotorcycle;
copy.goForward = !copy.goForward;
if (!IsValidTransitionFromMotorcycleToBoundary(copy, mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(currentH), *visited, false, boundaryOrientationChange, verbose) && !patch.IsToVertexOnBoundary(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h), true))
nextMotorcycle.motorcycle = (size_t)-1;
else if (boundaryOrientationChange == 0)
boundaryOrientationChange = 2;
if (currentMotorcycle.motorcycle == nextMotorcycle.motorcycle && currentMotorcycle.goForward != nextMotorcycle.goForward)
nextMotorcycle.motorcycle = (size_t)-1;
if (nextMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1 && currentHOnPaddedBoundary)
nextRegionEdgeOrientation = -1;
return nextRegionEdgeOrientation != -1 || nextMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1;
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle nextH;
if (stopCondition(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(currentH)))
nextH = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(currentH);
hopsFromCurrentToNext = 0;
hopsFromCurrentToNext = 0;
nextH = currentH;
CirculateForwardUntil<false>(nextH, *mesh, stopCondition);
bool straightContinuation = false;
//Find if the current transition is a straight continuation
if (!hIsInitialEdge)
if (currentMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1 && nextMotorcycle.motorcycle == (size_t)-1)
if (!motorcycles[currentMotorcycle.motorcycle].terminated && motorcycles[currentMotorcycle.motorcycle].currentPosition == nextH)
//Although the motorcycle did not yet go there, this is in fact a straight continuation. If we don't
//do this, this location will be counted as a transition from motorcycle to edge
straightContinuation = true;
if (nextMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1 && currentMotorcycle.motorcycle == (size_t)-1)
if (!motorcycles[nextMotorcycle.motorcycle].terminated && mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[nextMotorcycle.motorcycle].currentPosition) == currentH)
//Same as above, just in the other direction
straightContinuation = true;
hIsInitialEdge = false;
if (currentIsPaddedBorder && currentMotorcycle.motorcycle == (size_t)-1 && nextMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1)
bool collisionWithPaddedBoundary =
(motorcycles[nextMotorcycle.motorcycle].startInPaddedBoundary && mesh->edge_handle(nextH) == mesh->edge_handle(motorcycles[nextMotorcycle.motorcycle].Path()[0]))
|| (motorcycles[nextMotorcycle.motorcycle].collideWithPaddedBoundary && mesh->edge_handle(nextH) == mesh->edge_handle(motorcycles[nextMotorcycle.motorcycle].Path()[motorcycles[nextMotorcycle.motorcycle].Path().size() - 1]));
if (!collisionWithPaddedBoundary)
++currentTurns; //two corners collapsed into one (the other one will be counted by the usual check)
if (mesh->is_boundary(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(nextH)) && nextRegionEdgeOrientation != -1 && currentMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1 && nextMotorcycle.motorcycle == (size_t)-1)
bool collisionWithPaddedBoundary =
(motorcycles[currentMotorcycle.motorcycle].startInPaddedBoundary && mesh->edge_handle(currentH) == mesh->edge_handle(motorcycles[currentMotorcycle.motorcycle].Path()[0]))
|| (motorcycles[currentMotorcycle.motorcycle].collideWithPaddedBoundary && mesh->edge_handle(currentH) == mesh->edge_handle(motorcycles[currentMotorcycle.motorcycle].Path()[motorcycles[currentMotorcycle.motorcycle].Path().size() - 1]));
if (!collisionWithPaddedBoundary)
++currentTurns; //two corners collapsed into one (the other one will be counted by the usual check)
if ((nextMotorcycle.motorcycle == currentMotorcycle.motorcycle && nextMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1) || (nextRegionEdgeOrientation == currentRegionEdgeOrientation && nextRegionEdgeOrientation != -1))
straightContinuation = true;
auto findStraightContinuation = [&](size_t motorcycle1, size_t motorcycle2)
if (motorcycle1 != -1)
auto continuation = FindStraightContinuation(motorcycle1, true);
if (continuation != (size_t)-1 && motorcycle2 == continuation)
straightContinuation = true;
continuation = FindStraightContinuation(motorcycle1, false);
if (continuation != (size_t)-1 && motorcycle2 == continuation)
straightContinuation = true;
else if (continuation != (size_t)-1 && motorcycles[continuation].Path().size() == 0 && !motorcycles[continuation].terminated)
//the continuation motorcycle might still be at its start with no path segments at all
auto continuationEdge = mesh->edge_handle(motorcycles[continuation].currentPosition);
if (mesh->edge_handle(nextH) == continuationEdge)
straightContinuation = true;
if (mesh->edge_handle(currentH) == continuationEdge)
straightContinuation = true;
if (!straightContinuation)
findStraightContinuation(currentMotorcycle.motorcycle, nextMotorcycle.motorcycle);
if (!straightContinuation)
findStraightContinuation(nextMotorcycle.motorcycle, currentMotorcycle.motorcycle);
//Update the current turn count for the current transition
if (boundaryOrientationChange != 0)
currentTurns += boundaryOrientationChange;
else if (straightContinuation)
; //straight continuation
else if (currentRegionEdgeOrientation != -1 && nextRegionEdgeOrientation == -1)
++currentTurns; //switch from fence to motorcycle
else if (currentRegionEdgeOrientation == -1 && nextRegionEdgeOrientation != -1)
++currentTurns; //switch from motorcycle to fence
else if (currentRegionEdgeOrientation != -1 && nextRegionEdgeOrientation != -1 && currentRegionEdgeOrientation != nextRegionEdgeOrientation)
currentTurns += 2 - hopsFromCurrentToNext;
else if (currentMotorcycle.motorcycle != nextMotorcycle.motorcycle)
++currentTurns; //switch from one motorcycle to another
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Continued to vertex " << mesh->to_vertex_handle(nextH) << " with regionEdgeColor = " << nextRegionEdgeOrientation << ", motorcycle = " << nextMotorcycle.motorcycle << ", quadPatchColor = " << currentTurns << std::endl;
if (currentTurns == 0)
//The current edge is a valid exit point
int checkMotorcycle = -1;
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edgeOnMotorcycle;
if (currentRegionEdgeOrientation != -1 && mesh->is_boundary(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(currentH)) && nextMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1 && currentMotorcycle.motorcycle == (size_t)-1)
checkMotorcycle = nextMotorcycle.motorcycle;
edgeOnMotorcycle = nextH;
if (nextRegionEdgeOrientation != -1 && mesh->is_boundary(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(nextH)) && currentMotorcycle.motorcycle != (size_t)-1 && nextMotorcycle.motorcycle == (size_t)-1)
checkMotorcycle = currentMotorcycle.motorcycle;
edgeOnMotorcycle = nextH;
if (checkMotorcycle != -1)
//Also add the adjacent edge as target (even if it is technically not reachable). This is done
//because the tracer checks both sides when colliding with a motorcycle
for (auto& stop : visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(currentH))
if (stop.motorcycle == checkMotorcycle)
if (stop.locationInMotorcyclePath > 0 && stop.locationInMotorcyclePath < motorcycles[checkMotorcycle].Path().size() - 1)
if (motorcycles[checkMotorcycle].Path()[stop.locationInMotorcyclePath - 1] == edgeOnMotorcycle || motorcycles[checkMotorcycle].Path()[stop.locationInMotorcyclePath] == edgeOnMotorcycle)
possibleExits.insert(motorcycles[checkMotorcycle].Path()[stop.locationInMotorcyclePath - 1]);
//use the inverse
possibleExits.insert(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[checkMotorcycle].Path()[stop.locationInMotorcyclePath - 1]));
currentRegionEdgeOrientation = nextRegionEdgeOrientation;
currentMotorcycle = nextMotorcycle;
currentH = nextH;
} while (startVertex != mesh->to_vertex_handle(currentH));
MotorcycleGraph::RouteResult MotorcycleGraph::RouteThroughPatch(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge, const FencedRegion& patch, const std::pair<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle, EnteringEdge>& enteringInfo, bool desperate, bool verbose)
const std::pair<float, bool> attempts[] =
std::pair<float, bool>(0.3f, false),
std::pair<float, bool>(-0.3f, false),
std::pair<float, bool>(-0.5f, true),
std::pair<float, bool>(-2.0f, true),
if (patch.Loops().size() > 1)
std::cout << "Multi-loop patches not supported." << std::endl;
throw 1;
auto& loop = patch.Loops()[0];
//Find an appropriate point of exit
std::set<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> possibleExits; //those are the edges perpendicular to the motorcycle's exit direction
FindPossibleExits(patch, enteringInfo, possibleExits, verbose);
if (possibleExits.empty())
return RouteResult(NoRoute);
for (int i = 0; i < (desperate ? 4 : 3); ++i)
auto result = RouteThroughPatch(edge, patch, attempts[i].first, attempts[i].second, possibleExits);
if (result.type != NoRoute)
return result;
return RouteResult(NoRoute);
MotorcycleGraph::RouteResult MotorcycleGraph::RouteThroughPatch(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge, const FencedRegion& patch, const float minCosDeviationAngle, bool allowTurnsOnRegularVertices, const std::set<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& possibleExits)
//Represents a valid routing option
struct Option
//cost of the route
float cost;
//route type
RouteResultType type;
//index of the corresponding motorcycle within options
size_t cycleIdx;
//if the route ends with a collision, this is the index of the motorcycle
size_t collisionWith;
//The first edge outside of the fenced region
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edgeOutside;
Option(float cost, RouteResultType type, size_t cycleIdx, size_t collisionWith, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edgeOutside)
: cost(cost), type(type), cycleIdx(cycleIdx), collisionWith(collisionWith), edgeOutside(edgeOutside)
{ }
bool operator<(const Option& other) const
if (cost != other.cost)
return cost < other.cost;
if (type != other.type)
return type < other.type;
if (cycleIdx != other.cycleIdx)
return cycleIdx < other.cycleIdx;
return false;
auto& loop = patch.Loops()[0];
std::set<Option> optionsWithCost;
//Perform Dijkstra through the fenced region
MotorcycleOptionsInPatch<> options;
options.AddMotorcycle(edge, *mesh, isOriginalEdgeProp);
auto leavePatchAction = [&](size_t localCycleIdx, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edgeOutside)
//whenever a candidate leaves the region, check if it was through a valid exit point
bool validExit = false;
if (edgeOutside.is_valid())
//motorcycles continues on the mesh
auto prevLoopEdge = (mesh->is_boundary(edgeOutside) ? (size_t)-1 : loop.FindEdge(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(mesh->prev_halfedge_handle(edgeOutside))));
if (prevLoopEdge != (size_t)-1 && possibleExits.find(loop.Edges()[prevLoopEdge].edge) != possibleExits.end())
validExit = true;
auto h = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(edgeOutside);
auto nextLoopEdge = (mesh->is_boundary(h) ? (size_t)-1 : loop.FindEdge(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(mesh->next_halfedge_handle(h))));
if (nextLoopEdge != (size_t)-1 && possibleExits.find(loop.Edges()[nextLoopEdge].edge) != possibleExits.end())
validExit = true;
if (validExit)
optionsWithCost.emplace(options.Motorcycles()[localCycleIdx].CostSoFar(), RouteThrough, localCycleIdx, -1, edgeOutside);
//motorcycles leaves through mesh boundary
auto h = options.Motorcycles()[localCycleIdx].Edges().back();
auto leftOutgoing = h;
CirculateForwardUntil<true>(leftOutgoing, *mesh, [](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle) { return false; });
auto rightIncoming = h;
CirculateBackwardUntil<true>(rightIncoming, *mesh, [](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle) { return false; });
rightIncoming = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(rightIncoming);
if(possibleExits.find(leftOutgoing) != possibleExits.end() && possibleExits.find(rightIncoming) != possibleExits.end())
optionsWithCost.emplace(options.Motorcycles()[localCycleIdx].CostSoFar(), RouteWithCollision, localCycleIdx, -1, edgeOutside);
auto passThroughVertexAction = [&](size_t localCycleIdx, HEMesh::VertexHandle v)
//whenever a candidate passes through an interior vertex, check if there is a valid collision
//with a motorcycle
auto lastHalfedge = options.Motorcycles()[localCycleIdx].Edges().back();
VisitedEntry* visited;
bool isVisited = visitedVertices.TryAccessAtToVertex(lastHalfedge, visited);
if (!isVisited)
return true; //no other motorcycle has been here before
//We collided with another motorcycle. Check if this is a valid collision.
//check for head-on collisions
for (auto& stop : *visited)
auto enteringIt = patchSet->enteringEdgeToPatch.find(motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].currentPosition);
if (stop.locationInMotorcyclePath == motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].Path().size() //if the motorcycle did not already continue ...
&& !motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].terminated // ... and is still active ...
&& enteringIt != patchSet->enteringEdgeToPatch.end()) // ... and is about to enter the patch
//possible head-on collision
bool validCollision = false;
if (!mesh->is_boundary(motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].currentPosition))
auto perpendicular = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(mesh->prev_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].currentPosition));
if (possibleExits.find(perpendicular) != possibleExits.end())
validCollision = true;
auto h = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].currentPosition);
if (!mesh->is_boundary(h))
auto perpendicular = mesh->next_halfedge_handle(h);
if (possibleExits.find(perpendicular) != possibleExits.end())
validCollision = true;
if (validCollision)
motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].currentPosition = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(lastHalfedge);
optionsWithCost.emplace(options.Motorcycles()[localCycleIdx].CostSoFar(), HeadOnCollision, localCycleIdx, stop.motorcycle, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle());
return false;
bool collideWithOccupied = false;
bool leftCollisionValid = false;
bool rightCollisionValid = false;
size_t collisionWith = -1;
auto h = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(lastHalfedge);
int iterations = 0;
while (true)
if (iterations++ > 10)
std::cout << "Cannot find occupied edges to the left around vertex " << mesh->from_vertex_handle(h).idx() << " (" << mesh->point(mesh->from_vertex_handle(h)) << ", coming from vertex " << mesh->to_vertex_handle(h).idx() << ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Path of current motorcycle: ";
for (auto p : options.Motorcycles()[localCycleIdx].Edges())
PrintHalfedge(std::cout, p, *mesh);
std::cout << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("Error routing through patch");
h = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h);
//h is an outgoing edge
if (mesh->is_boundary(h))
//cycle around
h = lastHalfedge;
CirculateBackwardUntil<true>(h, *mesh, [](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle) {return false; });
h = mesh->next_halfedge_handle(h);
auto it = occupiedEdges.find(mesh->edge_handle(h));
if (it != occupiedEdges.end())
collideWithOccupied = true;
if (possibleExits.find(h) != possibleExits.end())
leftCollisionValid = true;
collisionWith = it->second;
auto& collidedMotorcycle = motorcycles[it->second];
if ((collidedMotorcycle.startInPaddedBoundary && collidedMotorcycle.Path()[0] == h)
|| (collidedMotorcycle.collideWithPaddedBoundary && mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(collidedMotorcycle.Path().back()) == h))
rightCollisionValid = true;
auto idxInLoop = loop.FindEdge(h);
if (idxInLoop != (size_t)-1)
if (possibleExits.find(h) != possibleExits.end())
leftCollisionValid = true;
h = lastHalfedge;
iterations = 0;
while (true)
if (iterations++ > 10)
std::cout << "Cannot find occupied edges to the right around " << mesh->point(mesh->to_vertex_handle(h)) << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("Error routing through patch");
h = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h);
if (mesh->is_boundary(h))
//cycle around
h = lastHalfedge;
CirculateForwardUntil<true>(h, *mesh, [](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle) {return false; });
h = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h);
h = mesh->prev_halfedge_handle(h);
//h is an incoming edge
auto it = occupiedEdges.find(mesh->edge_handle(h));
if (it != occupiedEdges.end())
collideWithOccupied = true;
if (possibleExits.find(h) != possibleExits.end())
rightCollisionValid = true;
collisionWith = it->second;
auto& collidedMotorcycle = motorcycles[it->second];
if ((collidedMotorcycle.startInPaddedBoundary && mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(collidedMotorcycle.Path()[0]) == h)
|| (collidedMotorcycle.collideWithPaddedBoundary && collidedMotorcycle.Path().back() == h))
leftCollisionValid = true;
if (loop.FindEdge(h) != (size_t)-1)
if (possibleExits.find(h) != possibleExits.end())
rightCollisionValid = true;
bool valid = false;
if (collideWithOccupied)
valid = leftCollisionValid && rightCollisionValid;
valid = leftCollisionValid || rightCollisionValid;
if (valid)
optionsWithCost.emplace(options.Motorcycles()[localCycleIdx].CostSoFar(), RouteWithCollision, localCycleIdx, collisionWith, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle());
return false;
//Run Dijkstra
auto maxCostQuery = [&]() { if (optionsWithCost.size() == 0) return std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); else return optionsWithCost.begin()->cost; };
options.SimulateCyclesInPatch(*mesh, isOriginalEdgeProp, patch, passThroughVertexAction, leavePatchAction, maxCostQuery, minCosDeviationAngle, allowTurnsOnRegularVertices);
if (status != InProcess)
return RouteResult(NoRoute);
if (optionsWithCost.size() == 0)
return RouteResult(NoRoute);
auto& bestOption = *optionsWithCost.begin();
auto bestPathEdges = options.Motorcycles()[bestOption.cycleIdx].Edges();
if (bestOption.type == RouteThrough)
return RouteResult(bestOption.type, std::move(bestPathEdges), bestOption.collisionWith);
void MotorcycleGraph::RealizeRoute(size_t cycleIdx, const RouteResult & route)
if (route.type == NoRoute)
bool useLastSegment = route.type == RouteWithCollision || route.type == HeadOnCollision;
auto& cycle = motorcycles[cycleIdx];
for (int i = 0; i < route.route.size(); ++i)
OccupyEdge(mesh->edge_handle(route.route[i]), cycleIdx);
if (i < route.route.size() - 1 || useLastSegment)
cycle.AddToPath(route.route[i], *mesh);
visitedVertices.AccessOrCreateAtToVertex(cycle.Path().back()).emplace_back(cycleIdx, cycle.Path().size());
cycle.currentPosition = route.route[i];
if (useLastSegment)
auto& passedThrough = visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(cycle.Path().back());
if (passedThrough.size() == 2)
if (route.type == HeadOnCollision || route.type == RouteWithCollision)
motorcycles[cycleIdx].terminated = true;
if (route.collisionWith == (size_t)-1)
motorcycles[cycleIdx].collideWithPaddedBoundary = true;
if (route.type == HeadOnCollision)
motorcycles[cycleIdx].straightContinuationEnd = route.collisionWith;
motorcycles[route.collisionWith].straightContinuationEnd = cycleIdx;
motorcycles[route.collisionWith].terminated = true;
size_t MotorcycleGraph::FindStraightContinuation(size_t motorcycleIdx, bool forward) const
bool outForward;
return FindStraightContinuation(motorcycleIdx, forward, outForward);
size_t MotorcycleGraph::FindStraightContinuation(size_t motorcycleIdx, bool inForward, bool& outForward) const
outForward = inForward;
if (outForward)
if (!motorcycles[motorcycleIdx].terminated)
motorcycleIdx = motorcycles[motorcycleIdx].straightContinuationEnd;
motorcycleIdx = motorcycles[motorcycleIdx].straightContinuationStart;
outForward = !outForward;
} while (motorcycleIdx != (size_t)-1 && motorcycles[motorcycleIdx].Path().size() == 0);
return motorcycleIdx;
void MotorcycleGraph::AdvanceAllMotorcycles()
if (status != InProcess)
std::vector<PathContinuation> continuations;
bool verbose = false;
//check what motorcycles are at the entry of a fenced region and route them through
bool processedSomething = false;
for (int iActive = 0; iActive < activeMotorcycles.size();)
auto cycleIdx = activeMotorcycles[iActive];
if (hasHighPriorityMotorcycles && !motorcycles[cycleIdx].highPriority)
if (motorcycles[cycleIdx].terminated)
activeMotorcycles.erase(activeMotorcycles.begin() + iActive);
processedSomething = true;
auto enteringEdgeIt = patchSet->enteringEdgeToPatch.find(motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition);
if (enteringEdgeIt != patchSet->enteringEdgeToPatch.end())
auto pathSizeBefore = motorcycles[cycleIdx].Path().size();
auto& patch = patchSet->patches[enteringEdgeIt->second.patchIdx];
//The motor cycle just entered a patch. Route the motorcycle through it.
auto routeResult = RouteThroughPatch(enteringEdgeIt->first, patchSet->patches[enteringEdgeIt->second.patchIdx], *enteringEdgeIt);
RealizeRoute(cycleIdx, routeResult);
if (routeResult.type == NoRoute)
if (status != InProcess)
std::cout << "Cannot find path through patch for motorcycle " << cycleIdx << " at " << mesh->point(mesh->from_vertex_handle(motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition)) << std::endl;
//could not find a path through the patch
//TODO: try to track back
//Add an artificial valence-2 singularity to prevent the motorcycle from entering the region
//We have two pairs and try to use the one that does not use non-original edges
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle secondStopBeforeH;
if (motorcycles[cycleIdx].Path().size() >= 2)
secondStopBeforeH = motorcycles[cycleIdx].Path().back();
StoppingMotorcycles stoppingMotorcycles1(*mesh, motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition, isOriginalEdgeProp);
StoppingMotorcycles stoppingMotorcycles2(*mesh, secondStopBeforeH, isOriginalEdgeProp);
bool canUseStopping2 = secondStopBeforeH.is_valid() &&
patchSet->enteringEdgeToPatch.find(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(stoppingMotorcycles2.stopBeforeEdge)) == patchSet->enteringEdgeToPatch.end()
&& (motorcycles[cycleIdx].crashesOnPath.empty() || *motorcycles[cycleIdx].crashesOnPath.rbegin() != motorcycles[cycleIdx].Path().size());
//Try to find out which pair to use
StoppingMotorcycles* useStoppingMotorcycles = &stoppingMotorcycles1;
if (stoppingMotorcycles1.useNonOriginalEdge && canUseStopping2)
useStoppingMotorcycles = &stoppingMotorcycles2;
useStoppingMotorcycles->TryToRoute(*this, useStoppingMotorcycles == &stoppingMotorcycles1);
if (!useStoppingMotorcycles->hasValidRoute)
if (useStoppingMotorcycles == &stoppingMotorcycles1)
useStoppingMotorcycles = &stoppingMotorcycles2;
useStoppingMotorcycles = &stoppingMotorcycles1;
useStoppingMotorcycles->TryToRoute(*this, useStoppingMotorcycles == &stoppingMotorcycles1);
//Realize the stopping pair
if (useStoppingMotorcycles->hasValidRoute)
activeMotorcycles.erase(activeMotorcycles.begin() + iActive);
motorcycles[cycleIdx].terminated = true;
try {
useStoppingMotorcycles->Realize(*this, motorcycles[cycleIdx].highPriority);
catch (...)
std::cout << mesh->point(mesh->from_vertex_handle(motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition)) << std::endl;
status = InternalFailure;
if (useStoppingMotorcycles == &stoppingMotorcycles2)
//remove the last path segment
auto& visitedAtSource = visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition));
visitedAtSource.erase(std::remove_if(visitedAtSource.begin(), visitedAtSource.end(),
[&](const MotorcycleStop& stop) {return stop.motorcycle == cycleIdx && stop.locationInMotorcyclePath == motorcycles[cycleIdx].Path().size(); }), visitedAtSource.end());
if (visitedAtSource.empty())
std::cout << "The stopping motorcycles cannot be routed through the patch." << std::endl;
auto alternativeRouteResult = RouteThroughPatch(stoppingMotorcycles1.newSingularityH[useStoppingMotorcycles->failedStoppingMotorcycle], patchSet->patches[enteringEdgeIt->second.patchIdx], *enteringEdgeIt, true);
RealizeRoute(cycleIdx, alternativeRouteResult);
if (alternativeRouteResult.type == NoRoute)
std::cout << "The alternative route does not work at " << mesh->point(mesh->from_vertex_handle(enteringEdgeIt->first)) << "." << std::endl;
status = CannotTraceThroughRegion;
problematicFencedRegion = enteringEdgeIt->second.patchIdx;
else if (alternativeRouteResult.type == RouteWithCollision || alternativeRouteResult.type == HeadOnCollision)
activeMotorcycles.erase(activeMotorcycles.begin() + iActive);
motorcycles[cycleIdx].terminated = true;
else if (alternativeRouteResult.type == RouteThrough)
; //this motorcycle might have entered another patch, check it again (do not change iActive)
} //end if routeResult.type == NoRoute
else if (routeResult.type == RouteWithCollision || routeResult.type == HeadOnCollision)
activeMotorcycles.erase(activeMotorcycles.begin() + iActive);
motorcycles[cycleIdx].terminated = true;
else if (routeResult.type == RouteThrough)
; //this motorcycle might have entered another patch
++iActive; //motorcycle does not enter a fenced region
//erase terminated motorcycles from the list of active motorcycles
activeMotorcycles.erase(std::remove_if(activeMotorcycles.begin(), activeMotorcycles.end(), [&](size_t idx) { return motorcycles[idx].terminated; }), activeMotorcycles.end());
if (!processedSomething)
hasHighPriorityMotorcycles = false;
//check collisions on edges
//sort motorcycles by edge index (motor cycles on the same edge will be next to each other)
std::sort(activeMotorcycles.begin(), activeMotorcycles.end(),
[&](const size_t first, const size_t second) { return mesh->edge_handle(motorcycles[first].currentPosition).idx() < mesh->edge_handle(motorcycles[second].currentPosition).idx(); });
for (int i = activeMotorcycles.size() - 1; i >= 1; --i)
auto cycleIdx = activeMotorcycles[i];
auto nextCycleIdx = activeMotorcycles[i - 1];
if (mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition) == motorcycles[nextCycleIdx].currentPosition)
//there is a collision
//merge the motor cycles
motorcycles[cycleIdx].AddToPath(motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition, *mesh);
if (motorcycles[nextCycleIdx].Path().size() == 0 && motorcycles[nextCycleIdx].startInPaddedBoundary)
motorcycles[cycleIdx].collideWithPaddedBoundary = true;
visitedVertices.AccessOrCreateAtToVertex(motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition).emplace_back(cycleIdx, motorcycles[cycleIdx].Path().size());
//motorcycles[nextCycleIdx].path.push_back(motorcycles[nextCycleIdx].currentPosition); //last edge is shared by the two motorcycles
activeMotorcycles.erase(activeMotorcycles.begin() + (i - 1), activeMotorcycles.begin() + (i + 1));
motorcycles[cycleIdx].terminated = true;
motorcycles[nextCycleIdx].terminated = true;
motorcycles[cycleIdx].straightContinuationEnd = nextCycleIdx;
motorcycles[nextCycleIdx].straightContinuationEnd = cycleIdx;
//add the current edge to each motor cycle's path
//#pragma omp parallel for
for (auto it = activeMotorcycles.begin(); it != activeMotorcycles.end(); ++it)
auto cycleIdx = *it;
if (hasHighPriorityMotorcycles && !motorcycles[cycleIdx].highPriority)
motorcycles[cycleIdx].AddToPath(motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition, *mesh);
//Set a temporary context edge to differentiate motorcycles that have the same non-manifold target vertex but are on different
//surface patches.
for (int i = 0; i < activeMotorcycles.size(); ++i)
auto& motorcycle = motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[i]];
if (mesh->is_manifold(mesh->to_vertex_handle(motorcycle.currentPosition)))
motorcycle.temporaryContextEdge = 0;
auto h = motorcycle.currentPosition;
CirculateBackwardUntil<true>(h, *mesh, [](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle) { return false; });
motorcycle.temporaryContextEdge = h.idx();
//check collisions on vertices
//sort motorcycles by target vertex and temporary context edge
std::sort(activeMotorcycles.begin(), activeMotorcycles.end(),
[&](const size_t first, const size_t second)
if (motorcycles[first].highPriority && !motorcycles[second].highPriority)
return true;
if (motorcycles[second].highPriority && !motorcycles[first].highPriority)
return false;
auto firstV = mesh->to_vertex_handle(motorcycles[first].currentPosition).idx();
auto secondV = mesh->to_vertex_handle(motorcycles[second].currentPosition).idx();
if (firstV != secondV)
return firstV < secondV;
return motorcycles[first].temporaryContextEdge < motorcycles[second].temporaryContextEdge;
for (int i = activeMotorcycles.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
auto cycleIdx = activeMotorcycles[i];
if (hasHighPriorityMotorcycles && !motorcycles[cycleIdx].highPriority)
auto currentVertex = mesh->to_vertex_handle(motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition);
auto& passedThrough = visitedVertices.AccessOrCreateAtToVertex(motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition);
auto passedThroughBefore = passedThrough.size();
passedThrough.emplace_back(cycleIdx, motorcycles[cycleIdx].Path().size());
//check how many motor cycles are at the current vertex
int j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && currentVertex == mesh->to_vertex_handle(motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j]].currentPosition) && motorcycles[cycleIdx].temporaryContextEdge == motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j]].temporaryContextEdge)
passedThrough.emplace_back(activeMotorcycles[j], motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j]].Path().size());
//now, j is the first motor cycle that has a different target vertex
size_t cyclesAtVertex = i - j;
if (passedThroughBefore > 0)
//vertex has been visited before; stop all motor cycles
for (int k = j + 1; k <= i; ++k)
motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[k]].terminated = true;
i = j + 1;
std::cout << "Stopped " << cyclesAtVertex << " motorcycles because the target vertex " << currentVertex << " has already been visited." << std::endl;
//vertex has not been visited before
if (cyclesAtVertex == 1)
//nothing special here; single motorcycle just continues
PathContinuation continuation;
bool hasContinuation = FindBestContinuation(*mesh, motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition, continuation);
if (hasContinuation && continuation.edge.is_valid())
motorcycles[cycleIdx].currentPosition = continuation.edge;
motorcycles[cycleIdx].terminated = true;
if (!continuation.edge.is_valid())
motorcycles[cycleIdx].collideWithPaddedBoundary = true;
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Stopped motorcycle because it collided with the boundary." << std::endl;
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Stopped motorcycle because it had no continuation. This should not happen." << std::endl;
//Find out where each cycle would go
for (int k = 0; k < cyclesAtVertex; ++k)
PathContinuation continuation;
bool hasContinuation = FindBestContinuation(*mesh, motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + k]].currentPosition, continuation);
if (!hasContinuation)
continuations[k].score = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
continuations[k] = continuation;
bool handled = false;
//Check if we can merge two cycles, i.e. their continuations align with each other
for (int k = 0; k < cyclesAtVertex - 1; ++k)
if (handled)
if (!continuations[k].edge.is_valid())
continue; //no valid continuation
for (int l = k + 1; l < cyclesAtVertex; ++l)
if (!continuations[l].edge.is_valid())
continue; //no valid continuation
if (continuations[k].edge.is_valid() && continuations[k].edge == mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + l]].currentPosition)
&& continuations[l].edge.is_valid() && continuations[l].edge == mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + k]].currentPosition))
//these two cycles can merge
//k < l
motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + k]].straightContinuationEnd = activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + l];
motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + l]].straightContinuationEnd = activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + k];
//stop all cycles
for (int k = j + 1; k <= i; ++k)
motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[k]].terminated = true;
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Stopped motorcycles after merging 2." << std::endl;
handled = true;
if (!handled)
size_t cyclesWithPossibleContinuation = 0;
float bestContinuationScore = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
int cycleWithBestContinuationScore;
//check what motor cycles could not continue as planned
for (int k = 0; k < cyclesAtVertex; ++k)
if (std::isnan(continuations[k].score))
continue; //no valid continuation
for (int l = 0; l < cyclesAtVertex; ++l)
if (continuations[k].edge == mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + l]].currentPosition))
//There is already a motorcycle at the target position
continuations[k].score = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
if (!std::isnan(continuations[k].score))
if (continuations[k].score > bestContinuationScore)
bestContinuationScore = continuations[k].score;
cycleWithBestContinuationScore = k;
if (cyclesWithPossibleContinuation == 0)
//stop all motor cycles
for (int k = j + 1; k <= i; ++k)
motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[k]].terminated = true;
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Stopping " << cyclesAtVertex << " motorcycles because no motorcycle can continue." << std::endl;
//stop all others
for (int k = j + 1; k <= i; ++k)
if (k != j + 1 + cycleWithBestContinuationScore)
motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[k]].terminated = true;
//continue the cycle with the best continuation
if (continuations[cycleWithBestContinuationScore].edge.is_valid())
motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + cycleWithBestContinuationScore]].currentPosition = continuations[cycleWithBestContinuationScore].edge;
motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + cycleWithBestContinuationScore]].crashesOnPath.insert(motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + cycleWithBestContinuationScore]].Path().size());
motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + cycleWithBestContinuationScore]].terminated = true;
motorcycles[activeMotorcycles[j + 1 + cycleWithBestContinuationScore]].collideWithPaddedBoundary = true;
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Stopping " << cyclesAtVertex << " motorcycles after continuing one." << std::endl;
i = j + 1;
void MotorcycleGraph::AdvanceToEnd()
if (status == Finished)
status = InProcess;
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Advancing motorcycles ..");
while (HasActiveMotorcycles() && status == InProcess)
if (status == InProcess)
status = Finished;
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cout << "Exception during motorcycle tracing: " << e.what() << std::endl;
status = InternalFailure;
const std::vector<MotorcycleGraph::Motorcycle>& MotorcycleGraph::Motorcycles() const
return motorcycles;
std::vector<MotorcycleGraph::MotorcycleStop>::const_iterator MotorcycleGraph::FindMotorcycleAtEdge(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, const std::vector<MotorcycleGraph::MotorcycleStop>& motorcyclesAtSourceVertex, bool& outForward) const
//motorcycle that continues forward
auto motorcycleStopIt = std::find_if(motorcyclesAtSourceVertex.begin(), motorcyclesAtSourceVertex.end(), [&](const MotorcycleGraph::MotorcycleStop& stop)
auto& motorcycle = motorcycles[stop.motorcycle];
if (stop.locationInMotorcyclePath >= motorcycle.Path().size())
return false;
return h == motorcycle.Path()[stop.locationInMotorcyclePath];
if (motorcycleStopIt != motorcyclesAtSourceVertex.end())
outForward = true;
return motorcycleStopIt;
//motorcycle that continues backward
motorcycleStopIt = std::find_if(motorcyclesAtSourceVertex.begin(), motorcyclesAtSourceVertex.end(), [&](const MotorcycleStop& stop)
auto& motorcycle = motorcycles[stop.motorcycle];
if (stop.locationInMotorcyclePath <= 0)
return false;
return h == mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].Path()[stop.locationInMotorcyclePath - 1]);
if (motorcycleStopIt != motorcyclesAtSourceVertex.end())
outForward = false;
return motorcycleStopIt;
return motorcycleStopIt;
MotorcycleGraph::LocationOnPath MotorcycleGraph::EdgeToMotorcycleLocation(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, const std::vector<MotorcycleGraph::MotorcycleStop>& motorcyclesAtSourceVertex) const
LocationOnPath result;
auto stopIt = FindMotorcycleAtEdge(h, motorcyclesAtSourceVertex, result.goForward);
if (stopIt != motorcyclesAtSourceVertex.end())
result.motorcycle = stopIt->motorcycle;
if (result.goForward)
result.pathSegment = stopIt->locationInMotorcyclePath;
result.pathSegment = stopIt->locationInMotorcyclePath - 1;
result.motorcycle = -1;
result.pathSegment = -1;
return result;
MotorcycleGraph::LocationOnPath MotorcycleGraph::NextEdgeInPatch(const LocationOnPath& current, int& outColorChange, std::vector<size_t>& skippedMotorcycles, bool verbose) const
auto location = NextEdgeInPatchInternal(current, outColorChange, verbose);
while (motorcycles[location.motorcycle].isDeactivated)
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Turning around on a deactivated motorcycle." << std::endl;
outColorChange -= 2;
location.goForward = !location.goForward;
int skipColorChange;
location = NextEdgeInPatchInternal(location, skipColorChange, verbose);
outColorChange += skipColorChange;
return location;
bool MotorcycleGraph::CollidesWithBoundary(const LocationOnPath& location) const
auto goDirectlyToBoundary = false;
//Check if this motorcycle collides directly with the boundary
goDirectlyToBoundary = goDirectlyToBoundary || (location.goForward && motorcycles[location.motorcycle].collideWithPaddedBoundary && location.pathSegment == motorcycles[location.motorcycle].Path().size() - 1);
goDirectlyToBoundary = goDirectlyToBoundary || (!location.goForward && motorcycles[location.motorcycle].startInPaddedBoundary && location.pathSegment == 0);
//No check possible straight continuations
auto motorcycle = location.motorcycle;
auto forward = location.goForward;
while (true)
if (forward)
motorcycle = motorcycles[motorcycle].straightContinuationEnd;
motorcycle = motorcycles[motorcycle].straightContinuationStart;
forward = !forward;
if (motorcycle == (size_t)-1)
goDirectlyToBoundary = goDirectlyToBoundary || (forward && motorcycles[motorcycle].collideWithPaddedBoundary && motorcycles[motorcycle].Path().empty());
goDirectlyToBoundary = goDirectlyToBoundary || (!forward && motorcycles[motorcycle].startInPaddedBoundary && motorcycles[motorcycle].Path().empty());
return goDirectlyToBoundary;
bool MotorcycleGraph::IsValidTransitionFromMotorcycleToBoundary(const LocationOnPath& location, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edgeOnBoundary, const std::vector<MotorcycleStop>& motorCyclesAtTransition, bool forward, int& outColorChange, bool verbose) const
bool isValidTransition = false;
auto oldMotorcycleH = MotorcycleHalfedge(location);
outColorChange = 0;
//first option: this motorcycle collided with a singularity or starts there and the singularity has an outgoing edge to the boundary
const size_t* metaSingularityIdxPtr;
if (vertexToMetaSingularityIndex.TryAccessAtToVertex(oldMotorcycleH, metaSingularityIdxPtr))
auto& sing = metaSingularities[*metaSingularityIdxPtr];
auto oldEdgeInEmanatingList = sing.FindOutgoingMotorcycle(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(oldMotorcycleH));
//go to the next emanating motorcycle
if (forward)
if (oldEdgeInEmanatingList == 0)
oldEdgeInEmanatingList = sing.Degree();
if (oldEdgeInEmanatingList == sing.Degree())
oldEdgeInEmanatingList = 0;
if (sing.GetEmanatingMotorcycle(oldEdgeInEmanatingList).empty())
//valid transition to boundary
outColorChange += 2;
isValidTransition = true;
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Going to boundary over singularity" << std::endl;
//second option: this motorcycle collided with the boundary directly
if (!isValidTransition)
if (CollidesWithBoundary(location))
outColorChange += 1;
isValidTransition = true;
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Going to boundary directly." << std::endl;
//third option: the new motorcycle collided with another motorcycle that immediately collided with the boundary
if (!isValidTransition)
auto checkEdge = (forward
? mesh->prev_halfedge_handle(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(oldMotorcycleH))
: oldMotorcycleH);
CirculateUntilMotorcycleCondition stopCondition(*this);
stopCondition.motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex = &motorCyclesAtTransition;
auto circulationResult = (forward
? CirculateBackwardUntil<true>(checkEdge, *mesh, stopCondition)
: CirculateForwardUntil<true>(checkEdge, *mesh, stopCondition));
if(circulationResult == StoppedByCondition)
stopCondition.result.goForward = !stopCondition.result.goForward;
if (CollidesWithBoundary(stopCondition.result))
outColorChange += 2;
isValidTransition = true;
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Going to boundary via other motorcycle" << std::endl;
return isValidTransition;
MotorcycleGraph::LocationOnPath MotorcycleGraph::NextEdgeInPatchInternal(const LocationOnPath& current, int& outColorChange, bool verbose) const
auto h = MotorcycleHalfedge(current);
auto oldMotorcycleH = h;
outColorChange = 0;
CirculateUntilMotorcycleCondition stopCondition(*this);
stopCondition.motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex = nullptr;
bool haveResult = false;
bool isOnPaddedBoundary = false;
CirculationResult circulationResult;
//if we are at the end, check for transition to padded boundary
if ((current.pathSegment == 0 && !current.goForward) || (current.pathSegment == motorcycles[current.motorcycle].Path().size() - 1 && current.goForward))
stopCondition.motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex = &visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(h);
circulationResult = CirculateForwardUntil<true>(h, *mesh, stopCondition);
if (circulationResult == StoppedByCondition)
haveResult = true;
//stopped by boundary, check if this is a valid transition
int colorChange;
isOnPaddedBoundary = IsValidTransitionFromMotorcycleToBoundary(current, h, *stopCondition.motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex, true, colorChange, verbose);
outColorChange += colorChange;
if (isOnPaddedBoundary && verbose)
std::cout << "Going over to boundary at " << mesh->point(mesh->to_vertex_handle(oldMotorcycleH)) << " from ";
PrintFullHalfedge(std::cout, oldMotorcycleH, *mesh);
std::cout << " to ";
PrintFullHalfedge(std::cout, h, *mesh);
std::cout << std::endl;
//as long as we are moving on the boundary, check for valid transitions back onto a motorcycle
while (isOnPaddedBoundary)
auto oldH = h;
bool isVisited = visitedVertices.TryAccessAtToVertex(h, stopCondition.motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex);
if (!isVisited)
stopCondition.motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex = nullptr;
if (stopCondition(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h)))
h = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h);
circulationResult = StoppedByCondition;
circulationResult = CirculateForwardUntil<true>(h, *mesh, stopCondition);
if (circulationResult == StoppedByCondition)
haveResult = true;
//check if this is a valid transition from padded boundary back to a motorcycle
int colorChange;
auto oppH = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(oldH);
auto oppSeg = stopCondition.result;
oppSeg.goForward = !oppSeg.goForward;
isOnPaddedBoundary = !IsValidTransitionFromMotorcycleToBoundary(oppSeg, oppH, *stopCondition.motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex, false, colorChange, verbose);
outColorChange += colorChange;
if (isOnPaddedBoundary)
//we have been stopped by a motorcycle but the transition was invalid. Go to the boundary.
h = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h);
CirculateForwardUntil<true>(h, *mesh, [](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle) { return false; });
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Going over from ";
PrintFullHalfedge(std::cout, oldH, *mesh);
std::cout << " to ";
PrintFullHalfedge(std::cout, h, *mesh);
std::cout << " (still on boundary)" << std::endl;
std::cout << " (not on boundary anymore)" << std::endl;
if (!isOnPaddedBoundary)
return stopCondition.result;
if (!haveResult)
h = oldMotorcycleH;
stopCondition.motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex = &visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(h);
circulationResult = CirculateForwardUntil<false>(h, *mesh, stopCondition);
bool isStraightContinuation = false;
if (!current.goForward && current.pathSegment == 0 && FindStraightContinuation(current.motorcycle, current.goForward) == stopCondition.result.motorcycle)
isStraightContinuation = true;
if (current.goForward && current.pathSegment == motorcycles[current.motorcycle].Path().size() - 1 && FindStraightContinuation(current.motorcycle, current.goForward) == stopCondition.result.motorcycle)
isStraightContinuation = true;
if (current.motorcycle == stopCondition.result.motorcycle && current.goForward == stopCondition.result.goForward
&& ((current.goForward && current.pathSegment + 1 == stopCondition.result.pathSegment)
|| (!current.goForward && current.pathSegment - 1 == stopCondition.result.pathSegment)))
isStraightContinuation = true;
if (isStraightContinuation)
outColorChange = 0;
outColorChange = 1;
return stopCondition.result;
void MotorcycleGraph::AssignFaceIndexToHalfarcs(size_t patchIdx)
auto& patch = patches[patchIdx];
for (auto& side : patch.PatchSides())
for (auto arcIdx : side)
auto& arc = halfArcs[arcIdx];
arc.face = patchIdx;
std::set<size_t>::iterator MotorcycleGraph::NextCrashSite(const LocationOnPath& location) const
auto& motorcycle = motorcycles[location.motorcycle];
if (location.goForward)
return std::upper_bound(motorcycle.crashesOnPath.begin(), motorcycle.crashesOnPath.end(), location.pathSegment);
auto it = std::upper_bound(motorcycle.crashesOnPath.begin(), motorcycle.crashesOnPath.end(), location.pathSegment);
if (it != motorcycle.crashesOnPath.begin())
it = motorcycle.crashesOnPath.end();
return it;
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle MotorcycleGraph::MotorcycleHalfedge(const LocationOnPath& location) const
auto halfedge = motorcycles[location.motorcycle].Path()[location.pathSegment];
if (!location.goForward)
halfedge = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(halfedge);
return halfedge;
void MotorcycleGraph::ExtractArcsForMotorcycle(size_t iMotorcycle, std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& arcMerges, bool checkCollisionPoints)
auto& motorcycle = motorcycles[iMotorcycle];
if (motorcycle.Path().empty())
if (motorcycle.isDeactivated)
auto closeHalfArc = [&](size_t pathSegment)
auto motorcycle = halfArcs.back().segments.front().location.motorcycle;
auto length = pathSegment - halfArcs.back().segments.front().location.pathSegment;;
halfArcs.back().segments.front().length = length;
firstHalfedgeToHalfArc[MotorcycleHalfedge(halfArcs.back().segments.front().location)] = halfArcs.size() - 1;
//add the opposite halfarc
halfArcs.back().segments.emplace_back(LocationOnPath(motorcycle, pathSegment - 1, false), length);
firstHalfedgeToHalfArc[MotorcycleHalfedge(halfArcs.back().segments.front().location)] = halfArcs.size() - 1;
halfArcs.back().multiplier = 1;
halfArcs.back().segments.emplace_back(LocationOnPath(iMotorcycle, 0, true), 0);
halfArcs.back().multiplier = motorcycles[iMotorcycle].multiplier;
//check if we have a continuing motorcycle at the beginning and schedule for merge if possible
auto continuingMotorcycleStart = FindStraightContinuation(iMotorcycle, false);
if (continuingMotorcycleStart != (size_t)-1)
//find if the other motorcycle already has an arc
auto arcIt = firstHalfedgeToHalfArc.find(motorcycles[continuingMotorcycleStart].Path().front());
if (arcIt != firstHalfedgeToHalfArc.end())
//check if we have other motorcycles colliding at the start point
bool hasOtherMotorcycles = false;
for (auto& stop : visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycle.Path().front())))
if (stop.motorcycle != iMotorcycle && stop.motorcycle != continuingMotorcycleStart && !motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].isDeactivated)
hasOtherMotorcycles = true;
if (!hasOtherMotorcycles)
arcMerges.emplace_back(OppositeHalfarc(halfArcs.size() - 1), arcIt->second);
auto nextCollision = motorcycle.crashesOnPath.begin();
if (nextCollision != motorcycle.crashesOnPath.end() && *nextCollision == 0)
bool wasOnBorder = false;
//go along the path and create new arcs whenever there is an intersection with another motorcycle
for (size_t pathSegment = 0; pathSegment != motorcycle.Path().size(); ++pathSegment)
auto h = motorcycle.Path()[pathSegment];
bool newSegment = false;
if (nextCollision != motorcycle.crashesOnPath.end() && *nextCollision == pathSegment)
if (pathSegment != 0)
if (checkCollisionPoints)
bool hasOtherMotorcycles = false;
try {
for (auto& stop : visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(motorcycle.Path()[pathSegment - 1]))
if (!(stop.motorcycle == iMotorcycle && stop.locationInMotorcyclePath == pathSegment) && !motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].isDeactivated)
hasOtherMotorcycles = true;
catch (std::runtime_error&)
std::cout << "Error for halfedge ";
PrintFullHalfedge(std::cout, motorcycle.Path()[pathSegment - 1], *mesh);
std::cout << std::endl;
if (hasOtherMotorcycles)
newSegment = true;
newSegment = true;
bool isOnBorder = mesh->is_boundary(h) || mesh->is_boundary(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h));
if (wasOnBorder ^ isOnBorder)
newSegment = true;
if (!wasOnBorder && !isOnBorder && mesh->is_boundary(mesh->from_vertex_handle(h)))
newSegment = true;
if (pathSegment == 0)
newSegment = false;
if (newSegment)
halfArcs.back().segments.emplace_back(LocationOnPath(iMotorcycle, pathSegment, true), 0);
halfArcs.back().multiplier = motorcycles[iMotorcycle].multiplier;
wasOnBorder = isOnBorder;
//check if we have a continuing motorcycle at the end and schedule for merge if possible
auto continuingMotorcycleEnd = FindStraightContinuation(iMotorcycle, true);
if (continuingMotorcycleEnd != (size_t)-1)
//find if the other motorcycle already has an arc
auto arcIt = firstHalfedgeToHalfArc.find(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[continuingMotorcycleEnd].Path().back()));
if (arcIt != firstHalfedgeToHalfArc.end())
//check if we have other motorcycles colliding at the start point
bool hasOtherMotorcycles = false;
for (auto& stop : visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(motorcycle.Path().back()))
if (stop.motorcycle != iMotorcycle && stop.motorcycle != continuingMotorcycleEnd && !motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].isDeactivated)
hasOtherMotorcycles = true;
if (!hasOtherMotorcycles)
arcMerges.emplace_back(halfArcs.size() - 2, arcIt->second);
void MotorcycleGraph::ExtractArcs()
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Extracting arcs of motorcycle graph ..");
//Extract the graph arcs
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> arcMerges;
//Extract arcs from all motorcycles
for (size_t iMotorcycle = 0; iMotorcycle != motorcycles.size(); ++iMotorcycle)
ExtractArcsForMotorcycle(iMotorcycle, arcMerges);
std::cout << halfArcs.size() << " halfarcs in motorcycle graph before merge." << std::endl;
//Try to merge arcs of straight continuations
std::map<size_t, size_t> oldArcToNewArc;
for (auto& merge : arcMerges)
auto arc1 = merge.first;
std::map<size_t, size_t>::iterator it;
while ((it = oldArcToNewArc.find(arc1)) != oldArcToNewArc.end())
arc1 = it->second;
auto arc2 = merge.second;
while ((it = oldArcToNewArc.find(arc2)) != oldArcToNewArc.end())
arc2 = it->second;
oldArcToNewArc[arc2] = arc1;
auto opp1 = OppositeHalfarc(arc1);
auto opp2 = OppositeHalfarc(arc2);
halfArcs[opp1] = std::move(halfArcs[opp2]);
oldArcToNewArc[opp2] = opp1;
halfArcs.erase(std::remove_if(halfArcs.begin(), halfArcs.end(), [](const HalfArc& a) { return a.segments.empty(); }), halfArcs.end());
//Record correspondences between halfedges and arcs
for (int i = 0; i < halfArcs.size(); ++i)
auto& arc = halfArcs[i];
firstHalfedgeToHalfArc[MotorcycleHalfedge(arc.segments.front().location)] = i;
std::cout << halfArcs.size() << " halfarcs in motorcycle graph after merge." << std::endl;
void MotorcycleGraph::DeactivateUnnecessaryMotorcycles()
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Deactivating unnecessary motorcycles ..");
//randomized order
const int attempts = 20;
std::mt19937 g;
std::vector<size_t> bestAttemptDeactivatedMotorcycles;
size_t bestAttemptDeactivatedLength = 0;
for (int attempt = 0; attempt < attempts; ++attempt)
std::deque<size_t> candidatesToRemove;
std::vector<size_t> thisAttemptDeactivatedMotorcycles;
size_t thisAttemptDeactivatedLength = 0;
//Activate all motorcycles and fill the candidates list
for (size_t i = 0; i < motorcycles.size(); ++i)
motorcycles[i].isDeactivated = false;
//randomize the list of candidates
std::shuffle(candidatesToRemove.begin(), candidatesToRemove.end(), g);
std::vector<size_t> arcsInStraightContinuation;
while (!candidatesToRemove.empty())
//check if we can disable this motorcycle, i.e. if it (and all its straight continuations) do
//not have colliding motorcycles
auto candidateIdx = candidatesToRemove.front();
auto* candidate = &motorcycles[candidateIdx];
if (candidate->isDeactivated)
if (candidate->Path().size() == 0)
if (candidate->straightContinuationEnd != (size_t)-1 && candidate->straightContinuationStart != (size_t)-1)
continue; //this motorcycle is in the middle of some straight continuations
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle firstH, lastH;
bool checkForward = candidate->straightContinuationStart == (size_t)-1;
bool hasNonTrivialCollisions = false;
firstH = (checkForward ? candidate->Path().front() : mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(candidate->Path().back()));
while (candidate != nullptr)
lastH = (checkForward ? candidate->Path().back() : mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(candidate->Path().front()));
auto checkCollision = [&](size_t collisionLocationInMotorcyclePath)
if (collisionLocationInMotorcyclePath == 0 && candidate->straightContinuationStart == (size_t)-1 && !candidate->startInPaddedBoundary)
if (collisionLocationInMotorcyclePath == candidate->Path().size() && candidate->straightContinuationEnd == (size_t)-1 && !candidate->collideWithPaddedBoundary)
auto& visited = visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex((collisionLocationInMotorcyclePath == 0 ? mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(candidate->Path().front()) : candidate->Path()[collisionLocationInMotorcyclePath - 1]));
for (auto& stop : visited)
if (motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].isDeactivated)
if (stop.motorcycle == candidateIdx && stop.locationInMotorcyclePath == collisionLocationInMotorcyclePath)
if (collisionLocationInMotorcyclePath == 0 && stop.motorcycle == candidate->straightContinuationStart)
if (collisionLocationInMotorcyclePath == candidate->Path().size() && stop.motorcycle == candidate->straightContinuationEnd)
hasNonTrivialCollisions = true;
if (hasNonTrivialCollisions)
if (hasNonTrivialCollisions)
for (auto collision : candidate->crashesOnPath)
if (hasNonTrivialCollisions)
candidateIdx = FindStraightContinuation(candidateIdx, checkForward);
if (candidateIdx == (size_t)-1)
candidate = nullptr;
candidate = &motorcycles[candidateIdx];
checkForward = !checkForward;
if (hasNonTrivialCollisions)
//Determines if deactivating a motorcycle around a singularity does not leave a gap of more than
//one deactivated singularities.
auto canDeactivateMotorcycleAtSingularity = [&](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle outgoingH) -> bool
const size_t* singularityIdx;
if (vertexToMetaSingularityIndex.TryAccessAtToVertex(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(outgoingH), singularityIdx))
auto& sing = metaSingularities[*singularityIdx];
auto edgeInEmanatingList = sing.FindOutgoingMotorcycle(outgoingH);
auto prev = (edgeInEmanatingList == 0 ? sing.Degree() - 1 : edgeInEmanatingList - 1);
auto next = (edgeInEmanatingList == sing.Degree() - 1 ? 0 : edgeInEmanatingList + 1);
bool prevActive = sing.GetEmanatingMotorcycle(prev).size() == 0;
bool nextActive = sing.GetEmanatingMotorcycle(next).size() == 0;
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle prevH, nextH;
if (!prevActive)
prevH = sing.GetEmanatingMotorcycle(prev).front();
if (!nextActive)
nextH = sing.GetEmanatingMotorcycle(next).front();
for (auto& stop : visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(outgoingH)))
if (motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].Path().size() == 0)
auto h = (stop.locationInMotorcyclePath == 0 ? motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].Path().front()
: mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].Path().back()));
if (h == prevH && !motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].isDeactivated)
prevActive = true;
if (h == nextH && !motorcycles[stop.motorcycle].isDeactivated)
nextActive = true;
return prevActive && nextActive;
return true;
if (!canDeactivateMotorcycleAtSingularity(firstH))
if (!canDeactivateMotorcycleAtSingularity(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(lastH)))
//If we reached this point, we are allowed to deactivate this motorcycle (and all motorcycles in its straight continuations)
for (auto candidateIdx : arcsInStraightContinuation)
motorcycles[candidateIdx].isDeactivated = true;
thisAttemptDeactivatedLength += motorcycles[candidateIdx].NonBoundaryEdges();
//Deactivating this motorcycle might allow more motorcycles to be deactivated; schedule them for the check
for (auto& stop : visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(firstH)))
for (auto& stop : visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(lastH))
if (thisAttemptDeactivatedLength > bestAttemptDeactivatedLength)
bestAttemptDeactivatedMotorcycles = std::move(thisAttemptDeactivatedMotorcycles);
bestAttemptDeactivatedLength = thisAttemptDeactivatedLength;
for (size_t i = 0; i < motorcycles.size(); ++i)
motorcycles[i].isDeactivated = false;
for (auto deactivated : bestAttemptDeactivatedMotorcycles)
motorcycles[deactivated].isDeactivated = true;
template <typename PatchOutput>
void MotorcycleGraph::BuildPatchesFromArcs(const std::vector<size_t>& halfarcs, const std::vector<int>& halfarcColors, int firstArcOnFirstSide, int maxColor, const std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& additionalBoundaries, PatchOutput&& patchOutput) const
//Find the connected components of this patch
std::vector<bool> arcHandled(halfarcs.size(), false);
std::map<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle, size_t> boundaryEdges;
for (int i = 0; i < halfarcs.size(); ++i)
auto& arc = halfArcs[halfarcs[i]];
for (auto segment : arc)
boundaryEdges[MotorcycleHalfedge(segment)] = i;
for (auto h : additionalBoundaries)
boundaryEdges[h] = (size_t)-1;
for (int iArc = 0; iArc < halfarcs.size(); ++iArc)
if (arcHandled[iArc])
auto& arc = halfArcs[halfarcs[iArc]];
std::vector<bool> isArcInThisConnectedComponent(halfarcs.size(), false);
std::set<HEMesh::FaceHandle> facesInThisConnectedComponent;
std::queue<HEMesh::FaceHandle> bfsQueue;
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> openBoundaryEdges;
//Initialize BFS from this arc
for (auto segment : arc)
auto h = MotorcycleHalfedge(segment);
auto f = mesh->face_handle(h);
if (!f.is_valid())
isArcInThisConnectedComponent[iArc] = true;
arcHandled[iArc] = true;
//Perform BFS to find the faces, arcs, and open boundaries of this connected component.
while (!bfsQueue.empty())
auto f = bfsQueue.front();
for (auto h : mesh->fh_range(f))
auto boundaryIt = boundaryEdges.find(h);
if (boundaryIt != boundaryEdges.end())
if (boundaryIt->second == (size_t)-1)
arcHandled[boundaryIt->second] = true;
isArcInThisConnectedComponent[boundaryIt->second] = true;
auto opph = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h);
if (mesh->is_boundary(opph))
auto fn = mesh->face_handle(opph);
if (facesInThisConnectedComponent.find(fn) == facesInThisConnectedComponent.end())
if (facesInThisConnectedComponent.empty())
//Reconstruct the patch sides
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> patchSides(maxColor);
int i = firstArcOnFirstSide;
if (isArcInThisConnectedComponent[i])
if (i >= halfarcs.size())
i = 0;
} while (i != firstArcOnFirstSide);
//Build the patch
std::forward<PatchOutput>(patchOutput)(std::move(patchSides), std::move(facesInThisConnectedComponent), std::move(openBoundaryEdges));
void MotorcycleGraph::SplitNonRectangularPatches()
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Splitting non-rectangular patches ..");
std::cout << "Halfarcs before split: " << halfArcs.size() << std::endl;
int patchCount = patches.size();
for (int iPatch = 0; iPatch < patchCount; ++iPatch)
auto& patch = patches[iPatch];
//holds for each of the two dimensions the paths that split along the dimension (index to motorcyclePaths)
std::vector<size_t> splitPaths[2];
std::vector<float> splitSegmentsMultipliers[2];
if (patch.PatchSides().size() != 4)
bool patchHasOpenBoundary = !patch.OpenBoundaryEdges().empty();
if (patchHasOpenBoundary)
std::set<HEMesh::VertexHandle> verticesOnBoundary;
std::map<HEMesh::VertexHandle, int> verticesOnBoundaryEdge[4];
//Record the vertices on the boundary
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
bool firstSegment = true;
int nextVertexIdx = 0;
for (int iArc = 0; iArc < patch.PatchSides()[i].size(); ++iArc)
auto arcIdx = patch.PatchSides()[i][iArc];
auto& arc = halfArcs[arcIdx];
auto h = MotorcycleHalfedge(*arc.begin());
if (mesh->is_boundary(h) || mesh->is_boundary(mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(h)))
patchHasOpenBoundary = true;
for (auto segment : arc)
auto h = MotorcycleHalfedge(segment);
auto v = mesh->from_vertex_handle(h);
if (!firstSegment)
verticesOnBoundaryEdge[i][v] = nextVertexIdx++;
firstSegment = false;
if (patchHasOpenBoundary)
//Spawn motorcycles from every side into the patch
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> motorcycleStarts[4];
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> edgePaths[4];
for (int side = 0; side < 4; ++side)
for (int iArc = 0; iArc < patch.PatchSides()[side].size(); ++iArc)
auto arcIdx = patch.PatchSides()[side][iArc];
auto& arc = halfArcs[arcIdx];
auto lastSegment = arc.LastPathSegment();
for (auto segment : arc)
auto h = MotorcycleHalfedge(segment);
if (iArc == patch.PatchSides()[side].size() - 1 && segment == lastSegment)
CirculateForwardUntil<false>(h, *mesh, [&](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle hInside)
auto v = mesh->to_vertex_handle(hInside);
if (verticesOnBoundary.find(v) != verticesOnBoundary.end())
return true;
return false;
int patchSideForDirection[2];
std::vector<std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>> motorcyclePaths[2];
for(int iSide = 0; iSide < 2; ++iSide)
int side = iSide;
if (motorcycleStarts[side + 2].size() > motorcycleStarts[side].size())
side = side + 2;
patchSideForDirection[iSide] = side;
auto oppSide = (side + 2) % 4;
motorcyclePaths[iSide].resize(motorcycleStarts[side].size() + 2);
motorcyclePaths[iSide].front() = edgePaths[(side + 3) % 4];
motorcyclePaths[iSide].back() = edgePaths[(side + 1) % 4];
const float minContinuationScore = 0.8f;
//Run the motorcycles until they leave the patch
for (int i = 0; i < motorcycleStarts[side].size(); ++i)
auto h = motorcycleStarts[side][i];
motorcyclePaths[iSide][i + 1].push_back(h);
while (verticesOnBoundary.find(mesh->to_vertex_handle(h)) == verticesOnBoundary.end())
PathContinuation continuation;
auto canContinue = FindBestContinuation(*mesh, h, continuation);
canContinue = continuation.edge.is_valid();
h = continuation.edge;
if (!canContinue || continuation.score < minContinuationScore || !mesh->property(isOriginalEdgeProp, mesh->edge_handle(h)))
motorcyclePaths[iSide][i + 1].clear();
motorcyclePaths[iSide][i + 1].push_back(h);
if (h.is_valid() && verticesOnBoundaryEdge[oppSide].find(mesh->to_vertex_handle(h)) == verticesOnBoundaryEdge[oppSide].end())
motorcyclePaths[iSide][i + 1].clear();
//Remove all motorcycles that could not reach the other side
motorcyclePaths[iSide].erase(std::remove_if(motorcyclePaths[iSide].begin(), motorcyclePaths[iSide].end(), [](const std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& path) {return path.empty(); }), motorcyclePaths[iSide].end());
//Use at least 10 motorcycles to achieve some kind of significance
if (motorcyclePaths[iSide].size() < 10)
//ensure that the motorcycles are in increasing order of the opposite side
std::vector<int> targetIdx(motorcyclePaths[iSide].size());
for (int i = 1; i < motorcyclePaths[iSide].size() - 1; ++i)
targetIdx[i] = edgePaths[oppSide].size() - verticesOnBoundaryEdge[oppSide].at(mesh->to_vertex_handle(motorcyclePaths[iSide][i].back()));
targetIdx[0] = 0;
targetIdx.back() = edgePaths[oppSide].size();
//find the longest increasing subsequence
//algorithm from Wikipedia
std::vector<int> P(motorcyclePaths[iSide].size());
std::vector<int> M(motorcyclePaths[iSide].size());
int L = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < motorcyclePaths[iSide].size(); ++i)
int lo = 1;
int hi = L;
while (lo <= hi)
auto mid = std::ceil((lo + hi) / 2);
if (targetIdx[M[mid - 1]] < targetIdx[i])
lo = mid + 1;
hi = mid - 1;
int newL = lo;
if(newL > 1)
P[i] = M[newL - 2];
M[newL - 1] = i;
if (newL > L)
L = newL;
std::vector<bool> useMotorcycle(motorcyclePaths[iSide].size(), false);
int k = M[L - 1];
for (int i = L - 1; i >= 0; --i)
useMotorcycle[k] = true;
k = P[k];
for (int i = 0; i < motorcyclePaths[iSide].size(); ++i)
if (!useMotorcycle[i])
//ensure that the motorcycles start at different places on the current patch side
HEMesh::VertexHandle lastStart;
for (int i = 0; i < motorcyclePaths[iSide].size(); ++i)
if (motorcyclePaths[iSide][i].empty())
auto currentStart = mesh->from_vertex_handle(motorcyclePaths[iSide][i].front());
if (lastStart.is_valid())
if (currentStart == lastStart)
lastStart = currentStart;
motorcyclePaths[iSide].erase(std::remove_if(motorcyclePaths[iSide].begin(), motorcyclePaths[iSide].end(), [](const std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& path) {return path.empty(); }), motorcyclePaths[iSide].end());
//Measure the paths for all motorcycles
std::vector<float> pathLengths(motorcyclePaths[iSide].size());
for (int i = 0; i < motorcyclePaths[iSide].size(); ++i)
switch (lengthMeasure)
case Topological:
pathLengths[i] = motorcyclePaths[iSide][i].size();
case Geometrical:
pathLengths[i] = 0;
for (auto h : motorcyclePaths[iSide][i])
pathLengths[i] += mesh->calc_edge_length(h);
//std::cout << pathLengths[i] << std::endl;
//Laplacian smoothing on path lengths
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 3; ++iteration)
std::vector<float> smoothedPathLengths(pathLengths.size());
smoothedPathLengths[0] = pathLengths[0];
smoothedPathLengths.back() = pathLengths.back();
for (int i = 1; i < pathLengths.size() - 1; ++i)
smoothedPathLengths[i] = 0.5f * (pathLengths[i - 1] + pathLengths[i + 1]);
pathLengths = std::move(smoothedPathLengths);
PatchSplittingProblem prob(pathLengths);
const float immediateRoundThreshold = 0.01f;
while (prob.HasUnfixedMultipliers())
//Start by rounding all multipliers that are integer
for (int i = 0; i < prob.NumberOfMultipliers(); ++i)
auto m = prob.GetMultiplier(i);
auto rounded = std::ldexp(1.0f, (int)std::round(std::log2f(m)));
if (std::abs(rounded - m) <= immediateRoundThreshold)
prob.FixMultiplier(i, rounded);
if (!prob.HasUnfixedMultipliers())
//Find the multiplier with the smallest increase in the energy
float minEnergy = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
int minMultiplier;
float minMultiplierFixedTo;
for (int i = 0; i < prob.NumberOfMultipliers(); ++i)
if (prob.IsMultiplierFixed(i))
float m = prob.GetMultiplier(i);
float roundedFloor = std::max(0.25f, std::min(std::ldexp(1.0f, (int)std::floor(std::log2f(m))), 4.0f));
prob.FixMultiplier(i, roundedFloor);
float energy = prob.Optimize();
//std::cout << "Energy of rounding m" << i << " from " << m << " down to " << roundedFloor << ": " << energy << std::endl;
if (energy < minEnergy)
minEnergy = energy;
minMultiplierFixedTo = roundedFloor;
minMultiplier = i;
float roundedCeiling = std::max(0.25f, std::min(std::ldexp(1.0f, (int)std::ceil(std::log2f(m))), 4.0f));
prob.FixMultiplier(i, roundedCeiling);
energy = prob.Optimize();
//std::cout << "Energy of rounding m" << i << " from " << m << " up to " << roundedCeiling << ": " << energy << std::endl;
if (energy < minEnergy)
minEnergy = energy;
minMultiplierFixedTo = roundedCeiling;
minMultiplier = i;
prob.FixMultiplier(minMultiplier, minMultiplierFixedTo);
//Record the subpatches with equal multipliers
struct Subpatch
int startSegmentInclusive;
int endSegmentExclusive;
float multiplier;
std::vector<Subpatch> subpatches;
subpatches.back().startSegmentInclusive = -1; //the first segment has no multiplier (implicitly -1)
subpatches.back().multiplier = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < prob.NumberOfMultipliers(); ++i)
float m = prob.GetMultiplier(i);
if (m != subpatches.back().multiplier)
subpatches.back().endSegmentExclusive = i;
subpatches.back().startSegmentInclusive = i;
subpatches.back().multiplier = m;
subpatches.back().endSegmentExclusive = prob.NumberOfMultipliers();
//Eliminate small subpatches
const int minSubpatchSize = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < subpatches.size(); ++i)
auto& subpatch = subpatches[i];
int subpatchSize = subpatch.endSegmentExclusive - subpatch.startSegmentInclusive;
auto leftNeighborSubPatchIdx = i - 1;
while (leftNeighborSubPatchIdx >= 0 && subpatches[leftNeighborSubPatchIdx].startSegmentInclusive == subpatches[leftNeighborSubPatchIdx].endSegmentExclusive)
if (subpatchSize >= minSubpatchSize)
//merge patches with equal multipliers
if (leftNeighborSubPatchIdx >= 0 && subpatches[leftNeighborSubPatchIdx].multiplier == subpatch.multiplier)
subpatches[leftNeighborSubPatchIdx].endSegmentExclusive = subpatch.endSegmentExclusive;
subpatch.startSegmentInclusive = subpatch.endSegmentExclusive;
if (leftNeighborSubPatchIdx < 0)
subpatches[i + 1].startSegmentInclusive = subpatch.startSegmentInclusive;
subpatch.endSegmentExclusive = subpatch.startSegmentInclusive;
float adaptMultipliers = 1.0f / subpatches[i + 1].multiplier;
for (int j = 0; j < subpatches.size(); ++j)
subpatches[j].multiplier *= adaptMultipliers;
for (int k = std::max(0, subpatches[j].startSegmentInclusive); k < subpatches[j].endSegmentExclusive; ++k)
prob.FixMultiplier(k, subpatches[j].multiplier);
else if (i == subpatches.size() - 1)
subpatches[subpatches.size() - 2].endSegmentExclusive = subpatch.endSegmentExclusive;
for (int j = subpatch.startSegmentInclusive; j != subpatch.endSegmentExclusive; ++j)
prob.FixMultiplier(j, subpatches[subpatches.size() - 2].multiplier);
subpatch.startSegmentInclusive = subpatch.endSegmentExclusive;
//Eliminate one segment at a time
while(subpatch.startSegmentInclusive < subpatch.endSegmentExclusive)
//try to push left edge to neighbor
auto& leftNeighborPatch = subpatches[leftNeighborSubPatchIdx];
prob.FixMultiplier(subpatch.startSegmentInclusive, leftNeighborPatch.multiplier);
float energyLeft = prob.Optimize();
prob.FixMultiplier(subpatch.startSegmentInclusive, subpatch.multiplier); //revert
//try to push right edge to neighbor
auto& rightNeighborPatch = subpatches[i + 1];
prob.FixMultiplier(subpatch.endSegmentExclusive - 1, rightNeighborPatch.multiplier);
float energyRight = prob.Optimize();
if (energyLeft < energyRight)
prob.FixMultiplier(subpatch.endSegmentExclusive - 1, subpatch.multiplier); //revert
prob.FixMultiplier(subpatch.startSegmentInclusive, leftNeighborPatch.multiplier);
//remove empty subpatches
subpatches.erase(std::remove_if(subpatches.begin(), subpatches.end(), [](const Subpatch& subpatch) { return subpatch.startSegmentInclusive == subpatch.endSegmentExclusive; }), subpatches.end());
for (int i = 1; i < subpatches.size(); ++i)
} //for each of the two sides
//Now realize the splits
std::map<HEMesh::FaceHandle, size_t> faceToPatchIdx;
if (!splitPaths[0].empty() || !splitPaths[1].empty())
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> arcMerges;
size_t motorcyclesStartSide0 = motorcycles.size();
std::deque<size_t> halfarcsPerPatchSide[4];
//record the vertices where motorcycles of side 0 pass through
ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<std::pair<int, int>> vertexVisitedByMotorcycleOfSide0(*mesh); //pair: (motorcycle, position)
ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<char> vertexVisitedByMotorcycleOfSide1(*mesh); //only on the patch edges, value if ignored
for (int i = 0; i < splitPaths[0].size(); ++i)
auto& path = motorcyclePaths[0][splitPaths[0][i]];
auto h = mesh->opposite_halfedge_handle(path.front());
vertexVisitedByMotorcycleOfSide0.AccessOrCreateAtToVertex(h) = std::make_pair(i, 0);
motorcycles.back().multiplier = splitSegmentsMultipliers[0][i + 1] / splitSegmentsMultipliers[0][i];
for (int iSegment = 0; iSegment < path.size(); ++iSegment)
auto segment = path[iSegment];
#if __DEBUG
std::pair<int, int>* entry;
if (vertexVisitedByMotorcycleOfSide0.TryAccessAtToVertex(segment, entry))
throw std::runtime_error("The cutting paths of the patch intersect.");
vertexVisitedByMotorcycleOfSide0.AccessOrCreateAtToVertex(segment) = std::make_pair(motorcycles.size() - 1, iSegment + 1);
motorcycles.back().AddToPath(segment, *mesh);
size_t motorcyclesStartSide1 = motorcycles.size();
//find the intersection point between motorcycles from side 0 and motorcycles of side 1
for (int i = 0; i < splitPaths[1].size(); ++i)
auto& path = motorcyclePaths[1][splitPaths[1][i]];
motorcycles.back().multiplier = splitSegmentsMultipliers[1][i + 1] / splitSegmentsMultipliers[1][i];
for (int iSegment = 0; iSegment < path.size(); ++iSegment)
auto h = path[iSegment];
motorcycles.back().AddToPath(h, *mesh);
const std::pair<int, int>* entry;
if (vertexVisitedByMotorcycleOfSide0.TryAccessAtToVertex(h, entry))
auto mIdx = motorcycles.size() - 1;
auto oldArcCount = halfArcs.size();
ExtractArcsForMotorcycle(motorcycles.size() - 1, arcMerges, false);
auto forwardEdge = (patchSideForDirection[1] == 1 ? 2 : 0);
auto backwardEdge = (patchSideForDirection[1] == 1 ? 0 : 2);
for (int i = oldArcCount; i < halfArcs.size(); i += 2)
halfarcsPerPatchSide[backwardEdge].push_front(i + 1);
//Add the side0 motorcycles
for (int i = 0; i < splitPaths[0].size(); ++i)
auto oldArcCount = halfArcs.size();
ExtractArcsForMotorcycle(motorcyclesStartSide0 + i, arcMerges, false);
auto forwardEdge = (patchSideForDirection[0] == 0 ? 1 : 3);
auto backwardEdge = (patchSideForDirection[0] == 0 ? 3 : 1);
for (int i = oldArcCount; i < halfArcs.size(); i += 2)
halfarcsPerPatchSide[backwardEdge].push_front(i + 1);
//split the halfarcs of the patch edges if necessary
for (int iSide = 0; iSide < 4; ++iSide)
for (int iArc = 0; iArc < patch.PatchSides()[iSide].size(); ++iArc)
auto arcIdx = patch.PatchSides()[iSide][iArc];
auto it = halfArcs[arcIdx].begin();
while (it != halfArcs[patch.PatchSides()[iSide][iArc]].end())
auto h = MotorcycleHalfedge(*it);
bool targetHasMotorcycle = false;
if (iSide % 2 == 0)
const std::pair<int, int>* unused;
targetHasMotorcycle = vertexVisitedByMotorcycleOfSide0.TryAccessAtToVertex(h, unused);
const char* unused;
targetHasMotorcycle = vertexVisitedByMotorcycleOfSide1.TryAccessAtToVertex(h, unused);
if (targetHasMotorcycle)
SplitArcAfterSegment(patch.PatchSides()[iSide][iArc], it);
//filll the vector of all halfarcs
std::vector<size_t> arcs;
arcs.reserve(halfarcsPerPatchSide[0].size() + halfarcsPerPatchSide[1].size() + halfarcsPerPatchSide[2].size() + halfarcsPerPatchSide[3].size());
std::vector<int> arcColors;
arcColors.reserve(halfarcsPerPatchSide[0].size() + halfarcsPerPatchSide[1].size() + halfarcsPerPatchSide[2].size() + halfarcsPerPatchSide[3].size());
for (int iSide = 0; iSide < 4; ++iSide)
for (auto arc : halfarcsPerPatchSide[iSide])
bool usedThisPatch = false;
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> empty;
BuildPatchesFromArcs(arcs, arcColors, 0, 4, empty,
[&](std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>&& patchSides, std::set<OpenMesh::FaceHandle>&& faces, std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>&& openBoundary)
int patchIdx;
if (!usedThisPatch)
patchIdx = iPatch;
usedThisPatch = true;
patchIdx = patches.size() - 1;
for (auto f : faces)
faceToPatchIdx[f] = patchIdx;
patches[patchIdx].PrepareBuild(std::move(patchSides), std::move(faces), std::move(openBoundary));
} //if we need to split
for (auto f : patch.Faces())
faceToPatchIdx[f] = iPatch;
//Record interior patch lengths
for (int side = 0; side < 2; ++side)
for (auto& path : motorcyclePaths[side])
std::map<size_t, float> patchToLength;
for (auto h : path)
float edgeLength;
switch (lengthMeasure)
case Topological:
edgeLength = 1;
case Geometrical:
edgeLength = mesh->calc_edge_length(h);
auto f = mesh->face_handle(h);
size_t fPatch = -1;
if (f.is_valid())
auto patchIt = faceToPatchIdx.find(f);
if (patchIt != faceToPatchIdx.end())
patchToLength[patchIt->second] += edgeLength;
fPatch = patchIt->second;
auto oppf = mesh->opposite_face_handle(h);
if (oppf.is_valid())
auto patchIt = faceToPatchIdx.find(oppf);
if (patchIt != faceToPatchIdx.end() && patchIt->second != fPatch)
patchToLength[patchIt->second] += edgeLength;
for (auto& entry : patchToLength)
patches[entry.first].AddInteriorPatchLength(side, entry.second);
} //for every patch
std::cout << "Halfarcs after split: " << halfArcs.size() << std::endl;
void MotorcycleGraph::SplitArcAfterSegment(size_t iArc, HalfArc::PathSegmentIterator it)
auto& arc = halfArcs[iArc];
auto nextIt = it; ++nextIt;
if (nextIt == arc.end())
return; //there is nothing to split
auto oppositeLocation = *it;
oppositeLocation.goForward = !oppositeLocation.goForward;
auto oppositeArcIdx = OppositeHalfarc(iArc);
auto& oppositeArc = halfArcs[oppositeArcIdx];
auto oppositeLocationIt = std::find(oppositeArc.begin(), oppositeArc.end(), oppositeLocation);
//Create two new halfarcs and copy the properties
HalfArc newArc(nextIt, arc.end());
newArc.face = arc.face;
newArc.multiplier = arc.multiplier;
HalfArc newOppositeArc(oppositeArc.begin(), oppositeLocationIt);
newOppositeArc.face = oppositeArc.face;
newOppositeArc.multiplier = oppositeArc.multiplier;
if (arc.face != (size_t)-1)
patches[arc.face].InsertArcAfter(halfArcs.size(), iArc);
if (oppositeArc.face != (size_t)-1)
patches[oppositeArc.face].InsertArcBefore(halfArcs.size() + 1, oppositeArcIdx);
void MotorcycleGraph::LoadExternal(std::vector<TexturePatch>&& patches, std::vector<HalfArc>&& halfarcs)
this->patches = patches;
this->halfArcs = halfarcs;
for (auto& patch : this->patches)
void MotorcycleGraph::ExtractPatches(ExtractionStatistics& statistics)
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Extracting patches from motorcycles ..");
if (!activeMotorcycles.empty())
std::cout << "The motorcycle graph still has active motorcycles. Cannot extract patches." << std::endl;
std::vector<bool> halfArcUsed(halfArcs.size(), false);
bool verbose = false;
struct PatchExtractionInfo
std::vector<size_t> halfArcsInPatch;
std::vector<int> halfArcInPatchColors;
int orientation;
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> additionalBoundaries;
std::vector<PatchExtractionInfo> extractionInfos;
struct ColorZeroPatchInfo
int extractionInfoId;
std::vector<size_t> skippedMotorcycles;
ColorZeroPatchInfo(int extractionInfoId, std::vector<size_t>&& skippedMotorcycles)
: extractionInfoId(extractionInfoId), skippedMotorcycles(skippedMotorcycles)
{ }
std::vector<ColorZeroPatchInfo> colorZeroPatches;
statistics.totalFaces = mesh->n_faces();
//Extract patches by following the arcs around until they reach their starting point
for(int iArc = 0; iArc < halfArcs.size(); ++iArc)
auto& arc = halfArcs[iArc];
auto currentArc = iArc;
if (halfArcUsed[iArc])
auto firstHalfedge = MotorcycleHalfedge(arc.segments.front().location);
if (mesh->is_boundary(firstHalfedge))
if (verbose)
auto startVertex = (arc.segments.front().location.goForward ?
: mesh->to_vertex_handle(motorcycles[arc.segments.front().location.motorcycle].Path()[arc.segments.front().location.pathSegment]));
std::cout << "Start at (" << arc.segments.front().location.motorcycle << ", " << arc.segments.front().location.pathSegment
<< ", " << arc.segments.front().location.goForward << "): vertex " << startVertex << " at " << mesh->point(startVertex)
<< " going in direction " << mesh->calc_edge_vector(MotorcycleHalfedge(arc.segments.front().location)) << std::endl;
//We are creating a new patch
extractionInfos.back().orientation = 0;
std::vector<size_t> skippedMotorcycles;
while (!halfArcUsed[currentArc])
halfArcUsed[currentArc] = true;
//find the next arc
auto lastLocation = halfArcs[currentArc].LastPathSegment();
auto lastH = MotorcycleHalfedge(lastLocation);
const VisitedEntry* visited;
if (!visitedVertices.TryAccessAtToVertex(lastH, visited))
std::cout << "Cannot find visited vertex at " << mesh->point(mesh->to_vertex_handle(lastH)) << std::endl;
int colorChange;
auto newLocation = NextEdgeInPatch(lastLocation, colorChange, skippedMotorcycles, verbose);
auto newH = MotorcycleHalfedge(newLocation);
currentArc =;
catch (...)
std::cout << "Halfedge does not correspond to a halfarc: ";
PrintFullHalfedge(std::cout, newH, *mesh);
std::cout << std::endl;
extractionInfos.back().orientation += colorChange;
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Going over to motorcycle " << newLocation.motorcycle << " at segment " << newLocation.pathSegment << ", forward = " << newLocation.goForward << ", new color = " << extractionInfos.back().orientation << std::endl;
if (verbose)
auto endLocation = halfArcs[currentArc].LastPathSegment();
auto endVertex = (endLocation.goForward
? mesh->from_vertex_handle(motorcycles[endLocation.motorcycle].Path()[endLocation.pathSegment]) :
std::cout << "End after " << extractionInfos.back().orientation << " corners in total." << std::endl;
auto endHalfedge = MotorcycleHalfedge(halfArcs[currentArc].segments.front().location);
if (endHalfedge != firstHalfedge || extractionInfos.back().orientation == 0)
if (extractionInfos.back().orientation == 0)
std::cout << "Color-0 patch." << std::endl;
colorZeroPatches.emplace_back(extractionInfos.size() - 1, std::move(skippedMotorcycles));
std::cout << "Open patch." << std::endl;
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle lastH;
for (auto arcIdx : extractionInfos.back().halfArcsInPatch)
for (auto p : halfArcs[arcIdx])
lastH = MotorcycleHalfedge(p);
PrintHalfedge(std::cout, lastH, *mesh);
std::cout << "(" << mesh->to_vertex_handle(lastH).idx() << ")" << std::endl;
//valid patch
statistics.maxPatchDegree = std::max(statistics.maxPatchDegree, extractionInfos.back().orientation);
if (!colorZeroPatches.empty())
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Reactivating motorcycles to avoid cylindrical patches ..");
//There are cylindrical patches; we need to re-activate some motorcycles
std::map<size_t, size_t> motorcycleToColorZeroPatchId;
for (int i = 0; i < colorZeroPatches.size(); ++i)
auto& patch = colorZeroPatches[i];
for (auto arcIdx : extractionInfos[patch.extractionInfoId].halfArcsInPatch)
for (auto& location : halfArcs[arcIdx].segments)
motorcycleToColorZeroPatchId[location.location.motorcycle] = i;
std::vector<bool> colorZeroPatchHandled(colorZeroPatches.size(), false);
CirculateUntilMotorcycleCondition stopCondition(*this);
for (int i = 0; i < colorZeroPatches.size(); ++i)
if (colorZeroPatchHandled[i])
colorZeroPatchHandled[i] = true;
auto& patch = colorZeroPatches[i];
std::queue<size_t> reactivateMotorcycleQueue;
//greedily reactivate the first motorcycle
while (!reactivateMotorcycleQueue.empty())
auto motorcycleIdx = reactivateMotorcycleQueue.front();
auto& motorcycle = motorcycles[motorcycleIdx];
if (!motorcycle.isDeactivated)
motorcycle.isDeactivated = false;
if (motorcycle.straightContinuationStart != (size_t)-1)
if (motorcycle.straightContinuationEnd != (size_t)-1)
const size_t* unused;
//Check motorcycle target
auto h = motorcycle.Path().back();
if (motorcycle.straightContinuationEnd == (size_t)-1 && !motorcycle.collideWithPaddedBoundary && !vertexToMetaSingularityIndex.TryAccessAtToVertex(h, unused))
//There is no straight continuation and the target collision is not a singularity
//(which can not happen in the current formulation, but I'll leave it here anyway)
//Hence, the motorcycle must collide with another, reactivate this one, too.
stopCondition.motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex = &visitedVertices.AccessAtToVertex(h);
CirculateForwardUntil<true>(h, *mesh, stopCondition);
auto otherPatchIt = motorcycleToColorZeroPatchId.find(stopCondition.result.motorcycle);
if (otherPatchIt != motorcycleToColorZeroPatchId.end())
colorZeroPatchHandled[otherPatchIt->second] = true;
//try again
//do a BFS from each arc to find bridges between patches
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Finding bridges ..");
struct PerFaceInfo
size_t belongsToExtractionUnit;
PerFaceInfo() { }
PerFaceInfo(size_t belongsToExtractionUnit)
: belongsToExtractionUnit(belongsToExtractionUnit)
{ }
std::map<HEMesh::FaceHandle, PerFaceInfo> perFaceInfos;
std::set<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> boundaries;
//initialize the BFS
std::queue<HEMesh::FaceHandle> bfsQueue;
for (int iExtractionUnit = 0; iExtractionUnit < extractionInfos.size(); ++iExtractionUnit)
auto& extractionUnit = extractionInfos[iExtractionUnit];
for (size_t arcIdx : extractionUnit.halfArcsInPatch)
for (auto p : halfArcs[arcIdx])
auto h = MotorcycleHalfedge(p);
auto f = mesh->face_handle(h);
if (f.is_valid())
perFaceInfos[f].belongsToExtractionUnit = iExtractionUnit;
//do the BFS
while (!bfsQueue.empty())
auto f = bfsQueue.front();
auto& fInfo =;
for (auto h : mesh->fh_range(f))
if (boundaries.find(h) != boundaries.end())
auto oppF = mesh->opposite_face_handle(h);
if (!oppF.is_valid())
auto inserted = perFaceInfos.emplace(oppF, fInfo);
if (inserted.second)
//there was already an entry for this face
if (inserted.first->second.belongsToExtractionUnit != fInfo.belongsToExtractionUnit)
//two different patches meet here, we are on a bridge
//extract the actual patches
statistics.patchCountPerNumberOfCorners.resize(statistics.maxPatchDegree + 1);
statistics.patchSizesPerNumberOfCorners.resize(statistics.maxPatchDegree + 1);
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Building patches ..");
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < extractionInfos.size(); ++i)
auto& info = extractionInfos[i];
int firstArcOnFirstSide = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < info.halfArcsInPatch.size(); ++i)
auto& arc = halfArcs[info.halfArcsInPatch[i]];
if (info.halfArcInPatchColors[i] == info.orientation && firstArcOnFirstSide == -1)
firstArcOnFirstSide = i;
info.halfArcInPatchColors[i] = info.halfArcInPatchColors[i] % info.orientation;
if (firstArcOnFirstSide == -1)
firstArcOnFirstSide = 0;
BuildPatchesFromArcs(info.halfArcsInPatch, info.halfArcInPatchColors, firstArcOnFirstSide, info.orientation, info.additionalBoundaries,
[&](std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>&& patchSides, std::set<OpenMesh::FaceHandle>&& faces, std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>&& openBoundary)
int patchIdx;
#pragma omp critical
patchIdx = patches.size() - 1;
patches[patchIdx].PrepareBuild(std::move(patchSides), std::move(faces), std::move(openBoundary));
nse::data::atomicAdd(&statistics.patchCountPerNumberOfCorners[info.orientation], 1);
nse::data::atomicAdd(&statistics.patchSizesPerNumberOfCorners[info.orientation], patches[patchIdx].Faces().size());
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Finalizing patches ..");
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < patches.size(); ++i)
void MotorcycleGraph::OccupyEdge(HEMesh::EdgeHandle e, size_t motorcycle)
auto h = mesh->halfedge_handle(e, 0);
occupiedEdges[e] = motorcycle;
// ----------- CirculateUntilMotorcycleCondition -----------
bool MotorcycleGraph::CirculateUntilMotorcycleCondition::operator()(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h)
if (motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex == nullptr)
return false;
result = graph.EdgeToMotorcycleLocation(h, *motorcyclesAtQueryTargetVertex);
if (result.motorcycle != (size_t)-1)
return true;
return false;
// ----------- StoppingMotorcycles -----------
MotorcycleGraph::StoppingMotorcycles::StoppingMotorcycles(const HEMesh& mesh, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle stopBeforeEdge, OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<bool> isOriginalEdgeProp)
: stopBeforeEdge(stopBeforeEdge)
if (!stopBeforeEdge.is_valid())
useNonOriginalEdge = false;
if (!mesh.is_boundary(stopBeforeEdge))
newSingularityH[0] = mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(mesh.prev_halfedge_handle(stopBeforeEdge));
newSingularityH[0] = HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle(-1);
if (!mesh.is_boundary(mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(stopBeforeEdge)))
newSingularityH[1] = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(stopBeforeEdge));
newSingularityH[1] = HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle(-1);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
if (!newSingularityH[i].is_valid())
if (!, mesh.edge_handle(newSingularityH[i])))
useNonOriginalEdge = true;
void MotorcycleGraph::StoppingMotorcycles::TryToRoute(MotorcycleGraph& graph, bool tryAlternative)
hasValidRoute = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
if (!newSingularityH[i].is_valid())
auto enteringIt = graph.patchSet->enteringEdgeToPatch.find(newSingularityH[i]);
if (enteringIt != graph.patchSet->enteringEdgeToPatch.end())
//the new motorcycle is in a patch again
newSingularityHRoutes[i] = graph.RouteThroughPatch(enteringIt->first, graph.patchSet->patches[enteringIt->second.patchIdx], *enteringIt);
if (newSingularityHRoutes[i].type == NoRoute)
//try with the original direction
if (tryAlternative)
newSingularityHRoutes[i] = graph.RouteThroughPatch(stopBeforeEdge, graph.patchSet->patches[enteringIt->second.patchIdx], *enteringIt);
if (!tryAlternative || newSingularityHRoutes[i].type == NoRoute)
failedStoppingMotorcycle = i;
hasValidRoute = false;
newSingularityHRoutes[i].type = NoRoute;
void MotorcycleGraph::StoppingMotorcycles::Realize(MotorcycleGraph& graph, bool highPriority)
if (newSingularityH[0].is_valid() && newSingularityH[1].is_valid())
auto idx = graph.AddMotorcyclePair({ { newSingularityH[0], newSingularityH[1] } }, highPriority);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
graph.RealizeRoute(idx + i, newSingularityHRoutes[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
if (newSingularityH[i].is_valid())
auto idx = graph.AddMotorcycle(newSingularityH[i], highPriority);[idx].startInPaddedBoundary = true;
graph.RealizeRoute(idx, newSingularityHRoutes[i]);
Computing file changes ...