Revision f8c1c6834e3c7da57d0cae114735f1cf643b0498 authored by Nico Schertler on 09 July 2018, 14:15:39 UTC, committed by Nico Schertler on 09 July 2018, 14:15:39 UTC
1 parent 722a9f4
#include "common.h"
#include <nsessentials/util/TimedBlock.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <iostream>
int FaceValence(OpenMesh::VertexHandle v, const HEMesh& mesh)
int valence = 0;
for (auto f : mesh.vf_range(v))
return valence;
bool IsToVertexSingularity(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, const HEMesh& mesh)
auto v = mesh.to_vertex_handle(h);
if (mesh.is_manifold(v))
return IsSingularityManifoldVertex(v, mesh);
CirculateBackwardUntil<true>(h, mesh, [](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle) { return false; });
return IsSingularityNonManifoldVertex(h, mesh);
bool IsSingularityManifoldVertex(OpenMesh::VertexHandle v, const HEMesh& mesh, int& valenceDefect)
int faceValence = FaceValence(v, mesh);
if (mesh.is_boundary(v))
valenceDefect = faceValence - 2;
//all incident faces must be quads
//for(auto f : mesh.vf_range(v))
// if(mesh.valence(f) != 4)
// return true;
if (valenceDefect != 0)
return true;
valenceDefect = faceValence - 4;
if (faceValence != 4)
return true;
//check geometry
//const float angleVarianceThreshold = 0.2f;
//float n = 0;
//float mean = 0;
//float summedVariance = 0;
//for (auto h : mesh.vih_range(v))
// if (mesh.is_boundary(h))
// continue;
// auto angle = mesh.calc_sector_angle(h);
// ++n;
// auto newMean = mean + 1.0f / n * (angle - mean);
// summedVariance += (angle - mean) * (angle - newMean);
// mean = newMean;
//if (summedVariance / n > angleVarianceThreshold)
// return true;
return false;
bool IsSingularityManifoldVertex(OpenMesh::VertexHandle v, const HEMesh& mesh)
int defect;
return IsSingularityManifoldVertex(v, mesh, defect);
bool IsSingularityNonManifoldVertex(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle contextOutgoingBoundary, const HEMesh& mesh, int& valenceDefect)
auto h = mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(contextOutgoingBoundary);
int faces = 0;
while (!mesh.is_boundary(h))
h = mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(mesh.next_halfedge_handle(h));
valenceDefect = faces - 2;
return valenceDefect != 0;
bool IsSingularityNonManifoldVertex(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle contextOutgoingBoundary, const HEMesh& mesh)
int defect;
return IsSingularityNonManifoldVertex(contextOutgoingBoundary, mesh, defect);
size_t GetEdgeId(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, size_t>& vertexPairToEdge, size_t& nextEdgeId)
auto lo = (v1 < v2 ? v1 : v2);
auto hi = (v1 < v2 ? v2 : v1);
auto inserted = vertexPairToEdge.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(lo, hi), nextEdgeId));
if (inserted.second)
return nextEdgeId - 1;
return inserted.first->second;
void CatmullClarkSubdivide(FaceList& F, Matrix3Xf& V, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>& subdivisionInfo)
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Catmull-Clark subdivision ..");
size_t nextEdgeId = 0;
std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, size_t> vertexPairToEdge;
//establish the edges
size_t totalFaceValence = 0;
for (auto& f : F)
totalFaceValence += f.size();
for (int i = 0; i < f.size() - 1; ++i)
GetEdgeId(f[i], f[i + 1], vertexPairToEdge, nextEdgeId);
GetEdgeId(f.back(), f[0], vertexPairToEdge, nextEdgeId);
size_t oldVertexCount = V.cols();
V.conservativeResize(Eigen::NoChange, oldVertexCount + vertexPairToEdge.size() + F.size());
FaceList newF(totalFaceValence);
//Calculate vertices for edges
for (auto& edgeEntry : vertexPairToEdge)
size_t index = edgeEntry.second;
unsigned int v1 = edgeEntry.first.first;
unsigned int v2 = edgeEntry.first.second;
V.col(oldVertexCount + index) = 0.5f * (V.col(v1) + V.col(v2));
size_t nextFaceId = 0;
//Calculate vertices for faces; calculate new faces
for (int iFace = 0; iFace < F.size(); ++iFace)
auto& f =;
Eigen::Vector3f centroid; centroid.setZero();
for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i)
int next = (i + 1) % f.size();
int prev = (i - 1 + f.size()) % f.size();
centroid += V.col(f[i]);
newF[nextFaceId][0] = GetEdgeId(f[prev], f[i], vertexPairToEdge, nextEdgeId) + oldVertexCount;
newF[nextFaceId][1] = f[i];
newF[nextFaceId][2] = GetEdgeId(f[i], f[next], vertexPairToEdge, nextEdgeId) + oldVertexCount;
newF[nextFaceId][3] = oldVertexCount + vertexPairToEdge.size() + iFace;
centroid *= 1.0f / f.size();
V.col(oldVertexCount + vertexPairToEdge.size() + iFace) = centroid;
F = std::move(newF);
void MergeTriangulatedQuads(FaceList& F, const Matrix3Xf& V, float cosAngleThreshold)
nse::util::TimedBlock b("Merging triangulated quads ..");
size_t nextEdgeId = 0;
std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, size_t> vertexPairToEdge;
std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>> edgeTriangleIncidences;
//establish edge-face incidences
for (int iFace = 0; iFace < F.size(); ++iFace)
auto& f =;
for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i)
auto next = (i + 1) % f.size();
auto edgeId = GetEdgeId(f[i], f[next], vertexPairToEdge, nextEdgeId);
if(f.size() == 3)
for (auto& entry : edgeTriangleIncidences)
if (entry.second.size() == 2) //TODO: support non-manifold edges
auto& f1 = F[entry.second[0]];
auto& f2 = F[entry.second[1]];
if (f1.size() != 3 || f2.size() != 3)
continue; //one of the faces has already been merged
unsigned int f1DiagonalStartVertex, f2DiagonalStartVertex;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
auto next = (i + 1) % 3;
if (GetEdgeId(f1[i], f1[next], vertexPairToEdge, nextEdgeId) == entry.first)
f1DiagonalStartVertex = i;
if (GetEdgeId(f2[i], f2[next], vertexPairToEdge, nextEdgeId) == entry.first)
f2DiagonalStartVertex = i;
unsigned int quadV[] = {
f1[(f1DiagonalStartVertex + 2) % 3],
f2[(f2DiagonalStartVertex + 2) % 3],
f2[f2DiagonalStartVertex] };
if (f1[f1DiagonalStartVertex] == f2[f2DiagonalStartVertex])
continue; //The faces are not oriented consistently
//check the angles
bool isQuad = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
auto next = (i + 1) % 4;
auto prev = (i + 3) % 4;
auto dir1 = (V.col(quadV[prev]) - V.col(quadV[i])).normalized();
auto dir2 = (V.col(quadV[next]) - V.col(quadV[i])).normalized();
float dot = std::abs(;
if (1 - dot * dot < cosAngleThreshold * cosAngleThreshold)
isQuad = false;
if (isQuad)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
f1[i] = quadV[i];
//delete empty faces
size_t deleted = 0;
for (int i = F.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (F[i].size() == 0)
F.erase(F.begin() + i);
std::cout << "Deleted " << deleted << " triangles." << std::endl;
void ProjectToTangentSpace(OpenMesh::Vec3f& vec, const OpenMesh::Vec3f& normal)
if (!std::isnan(normal[0]))
vec -= OpenMesh::dot(vec, normal) * normal;
float ContinuationScoreToBoundary(const HEMesh& mesh, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge, const OpenMesh::Vec3f vertexNormal)
auto currentVertex = mesh.to_vertex_handle(edge);
//find the two boundary edges
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle incomingBoundary, outgoingBoundary;
auto edgeVector = mesh.calc_edge_vector(edge).normalized();
CirculateForwardUntil<false>(edge, mesh, [&](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h)
if (mesh.is_boundary(h))
outgoingBoundary = h;
if (mesh.is_boundary(mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(h)))
incomingBoundary = h;
return false;
if (incomingBoundary.is_valid())
//check continuation to boundary
auto dIncomingOM = mesh.calc_edge_vector(incomingBoundary); ProjectToTangentSpace(dIncomingOM, vertexNormal);
auto dOutgoingOM = mesh.calc_edge_vector(outgoingBoundary); ProjectToTangentSpace(dOutgoingOM, vertexNormal);
Eigen::Vector3f dIncoming(dIncomingOM[0], dIncomingOM[1], dIncomingOM[2]);
Eigen::Vector3f dOutgoing(dOutgoingOM[0], dOutgoingOM[1], dOutgoingOM[2]);
Eigen::Vector3f normal(vertexNormal[0], vertexNormal[1], vertexNormal[2]);
//calculate the signed angle between the incoming and outgoing boundary edges
float angle = std::atan2(dOutgoing.cross(dIncoming).dot(normal),;
Eigen::AngleAxis<float> rotation(angle / 2, normal);
//calculate the virtual continuation as the angle bisector
auto directionToBoundary = rotation * dOutgoing;
//calculate the dot product
return edgeVector[0] * directionToBoundary.x() + edgeVector[1] * directionToBoundary.y() + edgeVector[2] * directionToBoundary.z();
return -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
void FindPossibleContinuations(const HEMesh& mesh, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge, std::vector<PathContinuation>& outContinuations, const float minCosDeviationAngle, bool allowTurnsOnRegularVertices)
auto currentVertex = mesh.to_vertex_handle(edge);
OpenMesh::Vec3f vertexNormal;
CalcVertexNormalAngleWeights(mesh, currentVertex, vertexNormal);
auto dir1 = mesh.calc_edge_vector(edge);
ProjectToTangentSpace(dir1, vertexNormal); dir1.normalize();
//outSide is true if h1 comes before h2 in an ordering of the edges around vertexNormal (having angle less than 180°)
auto calcDot = [&](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h2)
auto dir2 = mesh.calc_edge_vector(h2);
ProjectToTangentSpace(dir2, vertexNormal);
return OpenMesh::dot(dir1, dir2);
bool isSingularity = false;
if (mesh.is_manifold(currentVertex))
isSingularity = IsSingularityManifoldVertex(currentVertex, mesh);
auto contextEdge = edge;
CirculateBackwardUntil<true>(contextEdge, mesh, [](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle) {return false; });
isSingularity = IsSingularityNonManifoldVertex(contextEdge, mesh);
bool madeCycle = false;
if (allowTurnsOnRegularVertices || isSingularity)
//irregular vertex or we want to allow turns everywhere
//find the edges that have the allowed deviation from being straight
auto h = edge;
CirculateForwardUntil<false>(h, mesh, [&](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h)
float dot = calcDot(h);
if (dot >= minCosDeviationAngle)
outContinuations.emplace_back(h, dot);
return false;
auto toBoundaryScore = ContinuationScoreToBoundary(mesh, edge, vertexNormal);
if (!std::isinf(toBoundaryScore) && toBoundaryScore > minCosDeviationAngle)
outContinuations.emplace_back(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle(), toBoundaryScore);
//continuation over a regular vertex
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h;
if (RegularContinuation(mesh, edge, h))
auto dot = calcDot(h);
outContinuations.emplace_back(h, dot);
auto toBoundaryScore = ContinuationScoreToBoundary(mesh, edge, vertexNormal);
outContinuations.emplace_back(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle(-1), toBoundaryScore);
bool FindBestContinuation(const HEMesh& mesh, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge, PathContinuation& outContinuation, const float minCosDeviationAngle, bool allowTurnsOnRegularVertices)
//find the continuation with the best score
std::vector<PathContinuation> continuations;
FindPossibleContinuations(mesh, edge, continuations, minCosDeviationAngle, allowTurnsOnRegularVertices);
int bestContinuation = -1;
float bestScore = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
for (int i = 0; i < continuations.size(); ++i)
if (continuations[i].score > bestScore)
bestContinuation = i;
bestScore = continuations[i].score;
if (bestContinuation == -1)
return false;
outContinuation = continuations[bestContinuation];
return true;
bool RegularContinuation(const HEMesh& mesh, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle& outContinuation)
auto currentVertex = mesh.to_vertex_handle(edge);
if (!mesh.is_boundary(currentVertex))
//regular non-boundary
outContinuation = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(mesh.next_halfedge_handle(edge)));
return true;
//regular boundary
if (mesh.is_boundary(edge))
auto h = edge;
CirculateBackwardUntil<true>(h, mesh, [](HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle) {return false; });
outContinuation = h;
return true;
auto nextOpposite = mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(mesh.next_halfedge_handle(edge));
if (!mesh.is_boundary(nextOpposite))
outContinuation = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(nextOpposite);
return true;
return false;
void PrintHalfedge(std::ostream& stream, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, const HEMesh& mesh)
stream << "(" << mesh.from_vertex_handle(h) << ") -- " << h << " --> ";
void PrintFullHalfedge(std::ostream& stream, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, const HEMesh& mesh)
stream << "(" << mesh.from_vertex_handle(h) << ") -- " << h << " --> (" << mesh.to_vertex_handle(h) << ")";
int TurnsBetweenEdges(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h1, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h2, const HEMesh& mesh, bool useMargin)
if (useMargin && mesh.is_boundary(mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(h1)) && mesh.is_boundary(mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(h2)))
return 0; //add regular margin around mesh
//Circulate h1 until it is equal to h2 and count the hops
int hops = 1;
h1 = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(h1);
while (h1 != h2)
h1 = mesh.opposite_halfedge_handle(h1);
if (mesh.is_boundary(h1))
h1 = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(h1);
return 2 - hops;
void CalcVertexNormalAngleWeights(const HEMesh& mesh, OpenMesh::VertexHandle _vh, OpenMesh::Vec3f& _n)
//adaptation of OpenMesh::calc_vertex_normal_correct
HEMesh::ConstVertexIHalfedgeIter cvih_it = mesh.cvih_iter(_vh);
if (!cvih_it.is_valid())
{//don't crash on isolated vertices
OpenMesh::Vec3f in_he_vec;
mesh.calc_edge_vector(*cvih_it, in_he_vec);
for (; cvih_it.is_valid(); ++cvih_it)
{//calculates the sector normal defined by cvih_it and adds it to _n
if (mesh.is_boundary(*cvih_it))
OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle out_heh(mesh.next_halfedge_handle(*cvih_it));
OpenMesh::Vec3f out_he_vec;
mesh.calc_edge_vector(out_heh, out_he_vec);
auto angle = acos(OpenMesh::sane_aarg(OpenMesh::dot(in_he_vec, out_he_vec)));
_n += angle * cross(in_he_vec, out_he_vec).normalized();
in_he_vec = out_he_vec;
in_he_vec *= -1;//change the orientation
Computing file changes ...