Revision f8dc6fbf8af24198c75a5d237cff25a4e8d01493 authored by Jonathan Protzenko on 29 March 2020, 22:30:29 UTC, committed by Jonathan Protzenko on 29 March 2020, 22:30:29 UTC
1 parent aa7c574
Raw File
# This file requires Python version >= 3.6
# This file requires SCons version >= 3.00
# See ./ for more information

# Here are some background notes on SCons for anyone interested in reading or editing this file.
# See for more information.
# SCons is a build tool, like Make. Similar to Make, it builds a graph of dependencies and
# commands that should be run when files change.  However, unlike Make, SCons does not have a
# specialized language to describe the graph.  Instead, SCons runs a user-supplied Python script
# named "SConstruct" to construct the graph.  After the script completes, the SCons engine
# uses the constructed graph to analyze dependencies and run commands.  (Note that unlike Make,
# SCons's default dependency analysis uses file hashes rather than timestamps.)
# For example, consider the following Makefile:
#   b.txt : a1.txt sub/a2.txt
#       cmd1 a1.txt sub\\a2.txt > b.txt
#   c.txt : b.txt
#       cmd2 b.txt > c.txt
# The most direct SCons equivalent of this is the following Python code:
#   Command('b.txt', ['a1.txt', 'sub/a2.txt'], 'cmd1 a1.txt sub\\a2.txt > b.txt')
#   Command('c.txt', 'b.txt', 'cmd2 b.txt > c.txt')
# However, SCons encourages a more platform-neutral style, based on two concepts: nodes and
# environments.  For example, the code above contains a string that is hard-wired to use
# Windows-style backslashes rather than Unix-style forward slashes.  Instead of writing strings,
# SCons allows scripts to construct abstract "nodes" that can represent graph nodes such as files.
# SCons can then convert those nodes into paths with forward or backward slashes depending on
# the platform:
#   # First construct File nodes for each file name (using forward slashes, even on Windows):
#   a1 = File('a1.txt')
#   a2 = File('sub/a2.txt')
#   b = File('b.txt')
#   c = File('c.txt')
#   # Then let SCons convert the File nodes into strings:
#   Command(b, [a1, a2], f'cmd1 {a1} {a2} > {b}')
#   Command(c, b, f'cmd2 {b} > {c}')
# Scripts can say str(a1), a1.path, a1.abspath, etc. to convert a node to a string.  The code
# above uses Python's f-strings (formatted string literals) to convert nodes to strings and embed
# them into larger strings ( ).
# SCons encourages scripts to write functions that accept and pass nodes rather than strings
# For example, the built-in SCons object-file generator will generate an object file node, whose
# actual string representation may be "foo.o" using Unix tools or "foo.obj" using Windows tools:
#   foo_c = File('foo.c')
#   foo_obj = Object(foo_c)  # compile foo.c to foo.o or foo.obj
# (Note that "foo_obj = Object('foo.c')" is also ok, because most built-in SCons functions
# convert string names to nodes automatically.)
# In addition to encouraging platform independence, SCons tries to encourage independence from
# users' configurations.  In particular, by default, it executes commands in a minimal
# environment with a minimal PATH, such as ['/usr/local/bin', '/bin', '/usr/bin'] on Unix.
# The Environment function creates a new minimal environment:
#   env = Environment()
# Scripts can then customize various environments to change the PATH, change the default
# C/C++/Assembly tools, change the flags passed to various tools, etc:
#   env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O3', '-flto', '-g', '-DKRML_NOUINT128', '-std=c++11'])
#   env.PrependENVPath('PATH', os.path.dirname(str(gmp_dll)))
# Built in top-level functions like "Command(...)" and "Object(...)" execute in a default
# environment.  To run them in a custom environment, simply call them as methods of an
# environment object:
#   env.Command(b, [a1, a2], f'cmd1 {a1} {a2} > {b}')
#   env.Command(c, b, f'cmd2 {b} > {c}')
#   foo_obj = env.Object(foo_c)
# SCons has many other features, but for simplicity, the code in this file uses SCons features
# sparingly, preferring Python features (such as f-strings) to SCons features (such as
# SCons's own string substitution for special variables like $SOURCES) when possible.
# Our hope is that this Python-centric style will be more approachable to newcomers.

import re
import sys
import os, os.path
import subprocess
import traceback
import pdb
import SCons.Util
import atexit
import platform
import fnmatch
import pathlib
import shutil

if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
  print(f'Requires Python version >= 3.6, found version {sys.version_info}')  # If the syntax of this line is invalid, the version of Python is probably older than 3.6

#   Command-line options

if 'VALE_HOME' in os.environ:
  vale_default_path = os.environ['VALE_HOME']
  vale_default_path = '../../vale'

if 'KREMLIN_HOME' in os.environ:
  kremlin_default_path = os.environ['KREMLIN_HOME']
  kremlin_default_path = '../../kremlin'

if 'FSTAR_HOME' in os.environ:
  fstar_default_path = os.environ['FSTAR_HOME']
  fstar_default_path = '../../FStar'

def AddOptYesNo(name, dest, default, help):
  AddOption('--' + name, dest = dest, default = default, action = 'store_true', help = f'{help} (default {default})')
  AddOption('--NO-' + name, dest = dest, default = default, action = 'store_false')

# Retrieve tool-specific command overrides passed in by the user
AddOption('--VALE-PATH', dest = 'vale_path', type = 'string', default = vale_default_path, action = 'store',
  help = 'Specify the path to Vale tool')
AddOption('--KREMLIN-PATH', dest = 'kremlin_path', type = 'string', default = kremlin_default_path, action = 'store',
  help = 'Specify the path to kreMLin')
AddOption('--FSTAR-PATH', dest = 'fstar_path', type = 'string', default = fstar_default_path, action = 'store',
  help = 'Specify the path to F* tool')
AddOption('--FSTAR-Z3', dest = 'fstar_z3', type = 'string', default = '', action = 'store',
  help = 'Specify the path to z3 or z3.exe for F*')
AddOptYesNo('FSTAR-MY-VERSION', dest = 'fstar_my_version', default = False,
  help = 'Use version of F* that does not necessarily match .tested_fstar_version')
AddOptYesNo('Z3-MY-VERSION', dest = 'z3_my_version', default = False,
  help = 'Use version of Z3 that does not necessarily match .tested_z3_version')
AddOptYesNo('VALE-MY-VERSION', dest = 'vale_my_version', default = False,
  help = 'Use version of Vale that does not necessarily match .vale_version')
AddOptYesNo('RECORD-HINTS', dest = 'record_hints', default = False,
  help = 'Record new F* .hints files into the hints directory')
AddOptYesNo('USE-HINTS', dest = 'use_hints', default = True,
  help = 'Use F* .hints files from the hints directory')
AddOption('--FARGS', dest = 'fstar_user_args', type = 'string', default = [], action = 'append',
  help = 'Supply temporary additional arguments to the F* compiler')
AddOption('--VARGS', dest = 'vale_user_args', type = 'string', default = [], action = 'append',
  help = 'Supply temporary additional arguments to the Vale compiler')
AddOption('--KARGS', dest = 'kremlin_user_args', type = 'string', default = [], action = 'append',
  help = 'Supply temporary additional arguments to the Kremlin compiler')
AddOption('--CARGS', dest = 'c_user_args', type = 'string', default = [], action = 'append',
  help = 'Supply temporary additional arguments to the C compiler')
AddOption('--OPENSSL', dest = 'openssl_path', type = 'string', default = None, action = 'store',
  help = 'Specify the path to the root of an OpenSSL source tree')
AddOption('--CACHE-DIR', dest = 'cache_dir', type = 'string', default = None, action = 'store',
  help = 'Specify the SCons Shared Cache Directory')
AddOptYesNo('VERIFY', dest = 'verify', default = True,
  help = 'Verify and compile, or compile only')
AddOption('--ONE', dest = 'single_vaf', type = 'string', default = None, action = 'store',
  help = 'Only verify one specified .vaf file, and in that file, only verify procedures or verbatim blocks marked as {:verify}.')
AddOptYesNo('COLOR', dest = 'do_color', default = True,
  help="Add color to build output")
AddOptYesNo('DUMP-ARGS', dest = 'dump_args', default = False,
  help = "Print arguments that will be passed to the verification tools")
AddOptYesNo('FSTAR-EXTRACT', dest = 'fstar_extract', default = False,
  help = "Generate .S and .asm files via F* extraction to OCaml")
AddOptYesNo('MIN-TEST', dest = 'min_test', default = False,
  help = "Only run on a minimal set of test files")
AddOptYesNo('PROFILE', dest = 'profile', default = False,
  help = "Turn on profile options to measure verification performance (note: --NO-USE-HINTS is recommended when profiling)")

is_help = GetOption('help')
vale_path = Dir(GetOption('vale_path')).abspath
kremlin_path = Dir(GetOption('kremlin_path')).abspath
fstar_path = Dir(GetOption('fstar_path')).abspath
fstar_user_args = GetOption('fstar_user_args')
vale_user_args = GetOption('vale_user_args')
kremlin_user_args = GetOption('kremlin_user_args')
c_user_args = GetOption('c_user_args')
openssl_path = GetOption('openssl_path')
fstar_my_version = GetOption('fstar_my_version')
z3_my_version = GetOption('z3_my_version')
vale_my_version = GetOption('vale_my_version')
fstar_extract = GetOption('fstar_extract')
record_hints = GetOption('record_hints')
use_hints = GetOption('use_hints')
do_color = GetOption('do_color')
dump_args = GetOption('dump_args')
single_vaf = GetOption('single_vaf')
is_single_vaf = not (single_vaf is None)
min_test = GetOption('min_test')
profile = GetOption('profile')

#   Environment settings

common_env = Environment()

common_env.Append(CCFLAGS = c_user_args)

target_arch = 'x86'
if (sys.platform == 'win32' and os.getenv('PLATFORM') == 'X64') or platform.machine() == 'x86_64':
  target_arch = 'amd64'

common_env['TARGET_ARCH'] = target_arch

mono = ''
if not is_help:
  if sys.platform == 'win32':
    import importlib.util
    common_env.Replace(CCPDBFLAGS = '/Zi /Fd${TARGET.base}.pdb')
    # Use kremlib.h without primitive support for uint128_t.
    common_env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['/Ox', '/Gz', '/DKRML_NOUINT128'])
    common_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['/DEBUG'])
    if os.getenv('PLATFORM') == 'X64':
      common_env['AS'] = 'ml64'
    if 'SHELL' in os.environ and importlib.util.find_spec('win32job') != None and importlib.util.find_spec('win32api'):
      # Special job handling for cygwin so that child processes exit when the parent process exits
      import win32job
      import win32api
      hdl = win32job.CreateJobObject(None, "")
      win32job.AssignProcessToJobObject(hdl, win32api.GetCurrentProcess())
      extended_info = win32job.QueryInformationJobObject(None, win32job.JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation)
      extended_info['BasicLimitInformation']['LimitFlags'] = win32job.JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE
      win32job.SetInformationJobObject(hdl, win32job.JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation, extended_info)
    common_env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-O3', '-flto', '-g', '-DKRML_NOUINT128'])
    common_env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-std=c++11'])  # This option is C++ specific
    mono = 'mono'

  if sys.platform == 'win32':
    # fstar.exe relies on libgmp-10.dll
    gmp_dll = FindFile('libgmp-10.dll', os.environ['PATH'].split(';'))
    if gmp_dll != None:
      common_env.PrependENVPath('PATH', os.path.dirname(str(gmp_dll)))

# Helper class to specify per-file command-line options for verification.
class BuildOptions:
  # First argument is mandatory (verification options); all others are optional named arguments
  def __init__(self, args, vale_includes = None):
    self.env = common_env.Clone()
    self.verifier_flags = args
    self.vale_includes = vale_includes

#   Configuration settings

def fstar_default_args_nosmtencoding(relative=True):
  cache_dir = 'obj/cache_checked'
  cache_dir = cache_dir if relative else os.path.abspath(cache_dir)

  return ('--max_fuel 1 --max_ifuel 1'
  + (' --initial_ifuel 1' if is_single_vaf else ' --initial_ifuel 0')
  # The main purpose of --z3cliopt smt.QI.EAGER_THRESHOLD=100 is to make sure that matching loops get caught
  # Don't remove unless you're sure you've used the axiom profiler to make sure you have no matching loops
  + ' --z3cliopt --z3cliopt smt.QI.EAGER_THRESHOLD=100 --z3cliopt smt.CASE_SPLIT=3'
  + ' --hint_info'
  + (' --use_hints --use_hint_hashes' if use_hints else '')
  + (' --cache_off' if record_hints else ' --cache_checked_modules')
  + ' --cache_dir ' + cache_dir
  + ' --use_extracted_interfaces true'

def fstar_default_args(relative=True):
  return (fstar_default_args_nosmtencoding(relative)
  + ' --smtencoding.elim_box true --smtencoding.l_arith_repr native --smtencoding.nl_arith_repr wrapped'

fstar_record_hints = ' --record_hints' if record_hints else ''

vale_scons_args = '-disableVerify -omitUnverified' if is_single_vaf else ''
vale_includes = f'-include {File("code/lib/util/Vale.Lib.Operator.vaf")}'

if min_test:
  verify_paths = [
  verify_paths = [

class ExternalFile:
  def __init__ (self, filename):
    self.filename = filename

  def obj_name(self):
    return 'obj/external/' + os.path.basename(self.filename)

external_files = [

no_extraction_files = [File(x) for x in [

# Table of files we exclude from the minimal test suite
# (typically for performance reasons)
# Note that the entries below are prefixes of blacklisted files
min_test_suite_blacklist = [File(x) for x in [
]] + [Dir(x) for x in [

manual_dependencies = {

# Table of special-case sources which requires non-default arguments
verify_options = [
  ('code/lib/util/Vale.Lib.Operator.vaf', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args(), vale_includes = '')),

  # Special treatment for sensitive modules

  # Disable verification by adding 'filename': None

#  ('code/thirdPartyPorts/rfc7748/curve25519/x64/X64.FastSqr.vaf', None),

  # Temporarily deactivate verification of the whole interop layer in scons, since the Makefile will check
#  ('code/arch/x64/interop/*', None), 

  #('code/thirdPartyPorts/OpenSSL/sha/X64.SHA.vaf', None),
#  ('code/arch/x64/interop/GCMencryptOpt_stdcalls.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args_nosmtencoding())),
#  ('code/arch/x64/interop/GCMencrypt_stdcalls.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args_nosmtencoding())),

  ('code/*/*.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args())),
  ('code/*/*.fsti', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args())),
  ('specs/*/*.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args())),
  ('specs/*/*.fsti', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args())),

  # .fst/.fsti files default to this set of options
  ('.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args() + ' --use_two_phase_tc false')),
  ('.fsti', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args() + ' --use_two_phase_tc false')),

  ('code/arch/x64/X64.Leakage_Ins.fst', None),
  ('code/arch/x64/X64.Leakage_Ins_Xmm.fst', None),

  ('code/arch/x64/Views.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args().replace('--smtencoding.nl_arith_repr wrapped', '--smtencoding.nl_arith_repr native'))),
  ('code/arch/x64/X64.Bytes_Semantics.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args().replace('--smtencoding.nl_arith_repr wrapped', '--smtencoding.nl_arith_repr native'))),

  ('code/lib/collections/Collections.Lists.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args().replace('--z3cliopt smt.QI.EAGER_THRESHOLD=100',''))),
  ('code/arch/x64/X64.Memory.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args_nosmtencoding().replace('--use_extracted_interfaces true', '').replace('--z3cliopt', '') + '--smtencoding.elim_box true ')),
  ('code/arch/x64/X64.Memory_Sems.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args_nosmtencoding().replace('--use_extracted_interfaces true', '').replace('--z3cliopt', '') + '--smtencoding.elim_box true ')),
  ('code/arch/x64/Interop.fst', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args_nosmtencoding().replace('--use_extracted_interfaces true', '').replace('--z3cliopt smt.QI.EAGER_THRESHOLD=100', '') + '--smtencoding.elim_box true ')),
  ('code/lib/util/BufferViewHelpers.fst' , BuildOptions(fstar_default_args_nosmtencoding().replace('--z3cliopt', ''))),

  # We copy these files from F*'s library because we need to generate a .checked file for them,
  # but we don't need to reverify them:
  ('obj/external/*.fsti', BuildOptions('--cache_checked_modules --admit_smt_queries true')),
  ('obj/external/*.fst', BuildOptions('--cache_checked_modules --admit_smt_queries true')),

  # .vaf files default to this set of options when compiling .fst/.fsti
  ('.vaf', BuildOptions(fstar_default_args() + ' --use_two_phase_tc false'))

verify_options_dict = { k:v for (k,v) in verify_options}

# --NOVERIFY is intended for CI scenarios, where the Win32/x86 build is verified, so
# the other build flavors do not redundently re-verify the same results.
fstar_no_verify = ''
verify = GetOption('verify')
if not verify:
  print('***\n*** WARNING:  NOT VERIFYING ANY CODE\n***')
  fstar_no_verify = '--admit_smt_queries true'

# Find Z3 for F*
found_z3 = False
if not is_help:
  fstar_z3 = GetOption('fstar_z3')
  if fstar_z3 == '':
    fstar_z3 = File('tools/Z3/z3.exe').path if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'tools/Z3/z3'
    if os.path.isfile(fstar_z3):
      found_z3 = True
      if sys.platform == 'win32':
        find_z3 = FindFile('z3.exe', os.environ['PATH'].split(';'))
        find_z3 = FindFile('z3', os.environ['PATH'].split(':'))
      if find_z3 != None:
        found_z3 = True
        fstar_z3 = str(find_z3)
    found_z3 = True
  fstar_z3_path = '--smt ' + (os.path.abspath(fstar_z3) if dump_args else fstar_z3)
  fstar_z3_path = ''

vale_exe = File(f'{vale_path}/bin/vale.exe')
import_fstar_types_exe = File(f'{vale_path}/bin/importFStarTypes.exe')
fstar_exe = File(f'{fstar_path}/bin/fstar.exe')

def add_from_os_env(env, name):
  if name in os.environ:
    env['ENV'][name] = os.environ[name]

ocaml_env = Environment()
add_from_os_env(ocaml_env, 'PATH')
add_from_os_env(ocaml_env, 'OCAMLPATH')
add_from_os_env(ocaml_env, 'OCAMLLIB')
add_from_os_env(ocaml_env, 'OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH')
add_from_os_env(ocaml_env, 'CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH')

#   Global variables

all_modules = []  # string names of modules
src_include_paths = []  # string paths in sources where .fst, .fsti are found
obj_include_paths = []  # string paths in obj/, but omitting the 'obj/' prefix
ml_out_deps = {}
fsti_map = {}  # map module names to .fsti File nodes (or .fst File nodes if no .fsti exists)
dump_deps = {}  # map F* type .dump file names x.dump to sets of .dump file names that x.dump depends on
vaf_dump_deps = {} # map .vaf file names x.vaf to sets of .dump file names that x.vaf depends on
vaf_vaf_deps = {} # map .vaf file names x.vaf to sets of y.vaf file names that x.vaf depends on

# match 'include {:attr1} ... {:attrn} "filename"'
# where attr may be 'verbatim' or 'from BASE'
vale_include_re = re.compile(r'include((?:\s*\{\:(?:\w|[ ])*\})*)\s*"(\S+)"', re.M)
vale_fstar_re = re.compile(r'\{\:\s*fstar\s*\}')
vale_from_base_re = re.compile(r'\{\:\s*from\s*BASE\s*\}')
vale_open_re = re.compile(r'open\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)')
vale_friend_re = re.compile(r'friend\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)')
vale_import_re = re.compile(r'module\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*[=]\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)')

if (not sys.stdout.isatty()) or not do_color:
  # No color if the output is not a terminal or user opts out
  yellow = ''
  red = ''
  uncolor = ''
  yellow = '\033[93m'
  red = '\033[91;40;38;5;217m'
  uncolor = '\033[0m'

#   Utility functions

def print_error(s):

def print_error_exit(s):

# Given a File node for dir/dir/.../m.extension, return m
def file_module_name(file):
  name =
  name = name[:1].upper() + name[1:] # capitalize first letter, as expected for F* module names
  return os.path.splitext(name)[0]

# Return '.vaf', '.fst', etc.
def file_extension(file):
  return os.path.splitext(file.path)[1]

# Drop the '.vaf', '.fst', etc.
def file_drop_extension(file):
  return os.path.splitext(file.path)[0]

# Given source File node, return File node in object directory
def to_obj_dir(file):
  if str(file).startswith('obj'):
    return file
    return File(f'obj/{file}')

def to_hint_file(file):
  return File(f'../hints/{}.hints')

def ml_out_file(sourcefile, suffix):
  module_name = file_module_name(sourcefile).replace('.', '_')
  return File(f'obj/ml_out/{module_name}{suffix}')

# Is the file from our own sources, rather than an external file (e.g., like an F* library file)?
def is_our_file(file):
  path = file.path
  return True in [path.startswith(str(Dir(p))) for p in ['obj'] + verify_paths]

def compute_include_paths(src_include_paths, obj_include_paths, obj_prefix):
  return src_include_paths + [str(Dir('obj/external'))] + [str(Dir(f'{obj_prefix}/{x}')) for x in obj_include_paths]

def compute_includes(src_include_paths, obj_include_paths, obj_prefix, relative=True):
  fstar_include_paths = compute_include_paths(src_include_paths, obj_include_paths, obj_prefix)
  return " ".join(["--include " + (x if relative else os.path.abspath(x)) for x in fstar_include_paths])

def CopyFile(target, source):
  Command(target, source, Copy(target, source))
  return target

#   Configuration and environment functions

# Helper to look up a BuildOptions matching a srcpath File node, from the
# verify_options[] list, falling back on a default if no specific override is present.
def get_build_options(srcnode):
  srcpath = srcnode.path
  srcpath = srcpath.replace('\\', '/')  # switch to posix path separators
  if srcpath in verify_options_dict:    # Exact match
    return verify_options_dict[srcpath]
    for key, options in verify_options: # Fuzzy match
      if fnmatch.fnmatch (srcpath, key):
        return options
    ext = os.path.splitext(srcpath)[1]
    if ext in verify_options_dict:      # Exact extension match
      return verify_options_dict[ext]
      return None

def on_black_list(file, list):
  return True in [str(file).startswith(str(entry)) for entry in list]

def check_fstar_version():
  import subprocess
  fstar_version_file = ".tested_fstar_version"
  if os.path.isfile(fstar_version_file):
    with open(fstar_version_file, 'r') as myfile:
      lines =
    version = lines[0]
    cmd = [str(fstar_exe), '--version']
    o = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT).decode('ascii')
    lines = o.splitlines()
    for line in lines:
      if '=' in line:
        key, v = line.split('=', 1)
        if key == 'commit' and v == version:
    print_error(f'Expected F* version commit={version}, but fstar --version returned the following:')
    for line in lines:
      print_error('  ' + line)
      f'Get F* version {version} from,' +
      f' modify .tested_fstar_version, or use the --FSTAR-MY-VERSION option to override.' +
      f' (We try to update the F* version frequently; feel free to change .tested_fstar_version' +
      f' to a more recent F* version as long as the build still succeeds with the new version.' +
      f' We try to maintain the invariant that the build succeeds with the F* version in .tested_fstar_version.)' +
      f' See ./ for more information.')

def check_z3_version(fstar_z3):
  import subprocess
  z3_version_file = ".tested_z3_version"
  if os.path.isfile(z3_version_file):
    with open(z3_version_file, 'r') as myfile:
      lines =
    version = lines[0]
    cmd = [fstar_z3, '--version']
    o = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT).decode('ascii')
    lines = o.splitlines()
    line = lines[0]
    for word in line.split(' '):
      if '.' in word:
        if word == version:
    print_error(f'Expected Z3 version {version}, but z3 --version returned the following:')
    for line in lines:
      print_error('  ' + line)
      f'Get a recent Z3 executable from,' +
      f' modify .tested_z3_version, or use the --Z3-MY-VERSION option to override.' +
      f' (We rarely change the Z3 version; we strongly recommend using the expected version of Z3.)' +
      f' See ./ for more information.')

def check_vale_version():
  with open(".vale_version") as f:
    version =[0]
  vale_version_file = f'{vale_path}/bin/.vale_version'
  vale_version = '0.2.7 or older'
  if os.path.isfile(vale_version_file):
    with open(vale_version_file) as f:
      vale_version =[0]
  if vale_version != version:
    print_error(f'Expected Vale version {version}, but found Vale version {vale_version}')
      f'Get version {version} from{version}/vale-release-{version}.zip,' +
      f' modify .vale_version, or use the --VALE-MY-VERSION option to override.' +
      f' See ./ for more information.')

def print_dump_args():
  #print('Currently using the following F* args:')
  options = fstar_default_args(relative=False)
    options = get_build_options(File(COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS[0])).verifier_flags
    #print("The options are: %s" % options.verifier_flags)
  fstar_includes = compute_includes(src_include_paths, obj_include_paths, 'obj', relative=False)
  for option in [fstar_z3_path, fstar_no_verify, fstar_includes, fstar_user_args, options]:
    if len(option) > 0:
      print(f'{option} ', end='')

# extract a string filename out of a build failure
def bf_to_filename(bf):
  import SCons.Errors
  if bf is None: # unknown targets product None in list
    return '(unknown tgt)'
  elif isinstance(bf, SCons.Errors.StopError):
    return str(bf)
  elif bf.node:
    return str(bf.node)
  elif bf.filename:
    return bf.filename
  return '(unknown failure)'

def report_verification_failures():
  import time
  from SCons.Script import GetBuildFailures
  bf = GetBuildFailures()
  if bf:
    # bf is normally a list of build failures; if an element is None,
    # it's because of a target that scons doesn't know anything about.
    for x in bf:
      if x is not None:
        filename = bf_to_filename(x)
        if filename.endswith('.tmp') and os.path.isfile(filename):
          error_filename = filename[:-len('.tmp')] + '.error'
          stderr_filename = filename[:-len('.tmp')] + '.stderr'
          if os.path.isfile(error_filename):
          report_filename = stderr_filename if os.path.isfile(stderr_filename) else filename
          print(f'##### {red}Verification error{uncolor}')
          print('Printing contents of ' + report_filename + ' #####')
          with open (report_filename, 'r') as myfile:
            lines =
            valeErrors = [line for line in lines if ("*****" in line)]
            for line in lines:
              if 'error was reported' in line or '(Error)' in line or ' failed' in line:
                line = f'{red}{line}{uncolor}'
          os.rename(filename, error_filename)
        if filename.endswith('.dump') and os.path.isfile(filename):
          stderr_filename = filename[:-len('.dump')] + '.stderr'
          report_filename = stderr_filename if os.path.isfile(stderr_filename) else filename
          print(f'##### {red}Verification error{uncolor}')
          print('Printing contents of ' + report_filename + ' #####')
          with open (report_filename, 'r') as myfile:
            lines =
            valeErrors = [line for line in lines if ("*****" in line)]
            for line in lines:
              if 'error was reported' in line or '(Error)' in line or ' failed' in line:
                line = f'{red}{line}{uncolor}'

#   File and module processing functions

def add_module_for_file(file):
  global all_modules
  m = file_module_name(file)
  if m in all_modules:
    print(f'error: found more than one instance of module {m} (all module names must be unique for include paths to work correctly)')

def add_include_dir_for_file(include_paths, file):
  d = str(file.dir)
  if not (d in include_paths):
    pathlib.Path(str(to_obj_dir(file).dir)).mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)

def include_fstar_file(env, file):
  options = get_build_options(file)
  add_include_dir_for_file(src_include_paths, file)
  if options != None:
    if (file_extension(file) == ".fst"):
    fsti_map[file_module_name(file)] = file

def include_vale_file(env, file):
  options = get_build_options(file)
  add_include_dir_for_file(obj_include_paths, file)
  dummy_dir = File(f'obj/dummies/{file_drop_extension(file)}').dir
  pathlib.Path(str(dummy_dir)).mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
  if options != None:
    module_name = file_module_name(file)
    fsti_map[module_name] = f'{file_drop_extension(to_obj_dir(file))}.fsti'
    for extension in ['.fst', '.fsti']:
      # The F* dependency analysis runs before .vaf files are converted to .fst/.fsti files,
      # so generate a dummy .fst/.fsti file pair for each .vaf file for the F* dependency analysis.
      dummy_file = File(f'obj/dummies/{file_drop_extension(file)}{extension}')
      pathlib.Path(str(dummy_file.dir)).mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
      with open(str(dummy_file), 'w') as myfile:
        myfile.write(f'module {module_name}' + '\n')

def add_ml_dependencies(targets, sources):
  if fstar_extract:
    sources_ml = [ml_out_file(File(x), '.ml') for x in sources if is_our_file(File(x))]
    targets_ml = [ml_out_file(File(x), '.ml') for x in targets if is_our_file(File(x))]
    sources_ml = [x for x in sources_ml if not (x in no_extraction_files)]
    targets_ml = [x for x in targets_ml if not (x in no_extraction_files)]
    sources_ml = [x for x in sources_ml if not (x in targets_ml)]
    Depends(targets_ml, sources_ml)
    for t in targets_ml:
      if not (t in ml_out_deps):
        ml_out_deps[t] = set()
      for s in sources_ml:

# Verify a .fst or .fsti file
def verify_fstar_file(options, targetfile, sourcefile, fstar_includes):
  env = options.env
  stderrfile = File(f'{targetfile}.stderr')
  temptargetfile = File(f'{targetfile}.tmp')
  temptargetfiles = [temptargetfile]
  dumptargetfile = File(re.sub('\.verified$', '.dump', str(targetfile)))
  hintfile = to_hint_file(sourcefile)
  if min_test and on_black_list(sourcefile, min_test_suite_blacklist):
    print(f'Skipping {sourcefile} because it is on min_test_suite_blacklist')
  if record_hints:
  elif use_hints and os.path.isfile(str(hintfile)):
    Depends(temptargetfiles, hintfile)
  env.Command(temptargetfiles, sourcefile,
    f'{fstar_exe} {sourcefile} {options.verifier_flags} {fstar_z3_path} {fstar_no_verify}' +
    f' {fstar_includes} {" ".join(fstar_user_args)} --hint_file {hintfile} {fstar_record_hints}' +
    (f' --debug {file_module_name(File(sourcefile))} --debug_level print_normalized_terms' if profile else '') +
    f' 1> {temptargetfile} 2> {stderrfile}')
  CopyFile(targetfile, temptargetfile)
  dump_module_flag = '--dump_module ' + file_module_name(sourcefile)
  dump_flags = ('--print_implicits --print_universes --print_effect_args --print_full_names' +
    ' --print_bound_var_types --ugly ' + dump_module_flag)
  env.Command(dumptargetfile, sourcefile,
    f'{fstar_exe} {sourcefile} {options.verifier_flags} {fstar_z3_path} {fstar_no_verify} --admit_smt_queries true' +
    f' {fstar_includes} {" ".join(fstar_user_args)}' +
    f' {dump_flags} 1>{dumptargetfile} 2>{dumptargetfile}.stderr')
  Depends(dumptargetfile, targetfile)

def extract_fstar_file(options, sourcefile, fstar_includes):
  env = options.env
  base_name = file_drop_extension(sourcefile)
  module_name = file_module_name(sourcefile)
  hintfile = to_hint_file(sourcefile)
  mlfile = ml_out_file(sourcefile, '.ml')
  Depends(mlfile, to_obj_dir(base_name + '.fst.verified'))
  verifier_flags = options.verifier_flags.replace('--use_extracted_interfaces true', '')
  return env.Command(mlfile, sourcefile,
    f'{fstar_exe} {sourcefile} {verifier_flags} {fstar_z3_path} {fstar_no_verify} --admit_smt_queries true' +
    f' {fstar_includes} {" ".join(fstar_user_args)}' +
    f' --odir obj/ml_out --codegen OCaml --extract_module {module_name}')

# Process a .fst or .fsti file
def process_fstar_file(env, file, fstar_includes):
  options = get_build_options(file)
  if options != None:
    target = File(f'{to_obj_dir(file)}.verified')
    verify_fstar_file(options, target, file, fstar_includes)
    if fstar_extract:
      if file_extension(file) == '.fst':
        if not (ml_out_file(file, '.ml') in no_extraction_files):
          extract_fstar_file(options, file, fstar_includes)

def vale_dependency_scan(env, file):
  if min_test and on_black_list(file, min_test_suite_blacklist):
    print(f'Skipping {file} because it is on min_test_suite_blacklist')
  contents = file.get_text_contents()
  dirname = os.path.dirname(str(file))
  vaf_includes = vale_include_re.findall(contents)
  fst_includes = vale_open_re.findall(contents) + vale_import_re.findall(contents)
  fst_friends = vale_friend_re.findall(contents)
  obj_file_base = file_drop_extension(to_obj_dir(file))
  vaf_dump_deps[str(file)] = set()
  vaf_vaf_deps[str(file)] = set()
  fst_fsti = [f'{obj_file_base}.fst', f'{obj_file_base}.fsti']
  obj_tmp = [f'{obj_file_base}.fst.verified.tmp']
  obj_tmps = [f'{obj_file_base}.fst.verified.tmp', f'{obj_file_base}.fsti.verified.tmp']
  typesfile = File(f'{obj_file_base}.types.vaf')
  for (attrs, inc) in vaf_includes:
      dumpsourcebase = to_obj_dir(File(f'{fsti_map[inc]}'))
      dumpsourcefile = File(f'{dumpsourcebase}.dump')
      if is_our_file(dumpsourcebase):
        print_error_exit(f'TODO: not implemented: .vaf includes extern F* file {inc}')
      f = os.path.join('code' if else dirname, inc)
      # if A.vaf includes B.vaf, then manually establish these dependencies:
      #   A.fst.verified.tmp  depends on B.fsti.verified
      #   A.fsti.verified.tmp depends on B.fsti.verified
      f_base = file_drop_extension(to_obj_dir(File(f)))
      f_fsti = File(f_base + '.fsti.verified')
      Depends(obj_tmps, f_fsti)
      add_ml_dependencies([obj_file_base + '.fst'], [f_base + '.fst'])
  Depends(fst_fsti, typesfile)
  for inc in fst_includes:
    if inc in fsti_map:
      Depends(obj_tmps, to_obj_dir(File(f'{fsti_map[inc]}.verified')))
      add_ml_dependencies([obj_file_base + '.fst'], [fsti_map[inc]])
  for inc in fst_friends:
    if inc in fsti_map:
      Depends(obj_tmp, re.sub('\.fsti$', '.fst.verified', str(to_obj_dir(fsti_map[inc]))))
      add_ml_dependencies([obj_file_base + '.fst'], [fsti_map[inc]])

# Translate Vale .vaf to F* .fst/fsti pair
# Takes a source .vaf File node
# Returns list of File nodes representing the resulting .fst and .fsti files
def translate_vale_file(options, source_vaf):
  env = options.env
  target = file_drop_extension(to_obj_dir(source_vaf))
  target_fst = File(target + '.fst')
  target_fsti = File(target + '.fsti')
  targets = [target_fst, target_fsti]
  opt_vale_includes = vale_includes if options.vale_includes == None else options.vale_includes
  types_include = ''
  types_include = f'-include {target}.types.vaf'
  env.Command(targets, source_vaf,
    f'{mono} {vale_exe} -fstarText -quickMods -typecheck {types_include} {opt_vale_includes}' +
    f' -in {source_vaf} -out {target_fst} -outi {target_fsti}' +
    f' {vale_scons_args} {" ".join(vale_user_args)}')
  return targets

# Process a .vaf file
def process_vale_file(env, file, fstar_includes):
  options = get_build_options(file)
  if options != None:
    vale_dependency_scan(env, file)
    fsts = translate_vale_file(options, file)
    fst = fsts[0]
    fsti = fsts[1]
    fst_options = get_build_options(fst)
    fsti_options = get_build_options(fsti)
    target = file_drop_extension(to_obj_dir(file))
    target_fst = f'{target}.fst.verified'
    target_fsti = f'{target}.fsti.verified'
    Depends(f'{target_fst}.tmp', target_fsti)
    verify_fstar_file(fst_options, target_fst, fst, fstar_includes)
    verify_fstar_file(fsti_options, target_fsti, fsti, fstar_includes)
    if fstar_extract:
      extract_fstar_file(fst_options, fst, fstar_includes)

def compute_module_types(env, source_vaf):
  source_base = file_drop_extension(to_obj_dir(File(source_vaf)))
  types_vaf = f'{source_base}.types.vaf'
  done = set()
  dumps = []
  def collect_dumps_in_order(x):
    if not (x in done):
      for y in sorted(dump_deps[x]):
        # if x depends on y, y must appear first
      x_vaf = re.sub('\.dump$', '.types.vaf', x)
      Depends(types_vaf, x)
  for vaf in sorted(vaf_vaf_deps[source_vaf] | {source_vaf}):
    for x in sorted(vaf_dump_deps[vaf]):
  dumps_string = " ".join(['-in ' + str(x) for x in dumps])
  Depends(types_vaf, import_fstar_types_exe)
  Command(types_vaf, dumps, f'{mono} {import_fstar_types_exe} {dumps_string} -out {types_vaf} > {types_vaf}.errors')

def recursive_glob(env, pattern, strings = False):
  matches = []
  split = os.path.split(pattern) # [0] is the directory, [1] is the actual pattern
  platform_directory = split[0] #os.path.normpath(split[0])
  for d in os.listdir(platform_directory):
    f = os.path.join(platform_directory, d)
    if os.path.isdir(f):
      if min_test and on_black_list(f, min_test_suite_blacklist):
        print(f'Skipping {f} because it is on min_test_suite_blacklist')
        newpattern = os.path.join(split[0], d, split[1])
        matches.append(recursive_glob(env, newpattern, strings))
  files = env.Glob(pattern, strings=strings)
  for f in files:
    if min_test and on_black_list(f, min_test_suite_blacklist):
      print(f'Skipping {f} because it is on min_test_suite_blacklist')
  return Flatten([File(x) for x in matches])

# Verify *.fst, *.fsti, *.vaf files in a list of directories.  This enumerates
# all files in those trees, and creates verification targets for each,
# which in turn causes a dependency scan to verify all of their dependencies.
def process_files_in(env, directories):
  fsts = []
  fstis = []
  vafs = []
  for d in directories:
    fsts.extend(recursive_glob(env, d + '/*.fst', strings = True))
    fstis.extend(recursive_glob(env, d + '/*.fsti', strings = True))
    vafs.extend(recursive_glob(env, d + '/*.vaf', strings = True))
  # Compute include directories:
  for file in fsts:
    include_fstar_file(env, file)
  for file in fstis:
    include_fstar_file(env, file)
  for file in external_files:
    file_node = File(file.obj_name())
    fsti_map[file_module_name(file_node)] = file_node
  for file in vafs:
    include_vale_file(env, file)
  # Process and verify files:
  fstar_include_paths = compute_include_paths(src_include_paths, obj_include_paths, 'obj')
  fstar_includes = compute_includes(src_include_paths, obj_include_paths, 'obj')
  if is_single_vaf:
    process_vale_file(env, File(single_vaf), fstar_includes)
    for file in fsts:
      process_fstar_file(env, file, fstar_includes)
    for file in fstis:
      process_fstar_file(env, file, fstar_includes)
    for file in external_files:
      process_fstar_file(env, File(file.obj_name()), fstar_includes)
    for file in vafs:
      process_vale_file(env, file, fstar_includes)
    for target in manual_dependencies:
      Depends(target, manual_dependencies[target])

def extract_assembly_code(env, output_base_name, main_file, alg_files, cmdline_file):
  # OCaml depends on many libraries and executables; we have to assume they are in the user's PATH:
  ocaml_env.PrependENVPath('OCAMLPATH', fstar_path + '/bin')
  main_ml = ml_out_file(main_file, '.ml')
  main_cmx = ml_out_file(main_file, '.cmx')
  main_exe = ml_out_file(main_file, '.exe')
  alg_mls = [ml_out_file(x, '.ml') for x in alg_files]
  alg_cmxs = [ml_out_file(x, '.cmx') for x in alg_files]
  cmdline_ml = ml_out_file(cmdline_file, '.ml')
  cmdline_cmx = ml_out_file(cmdline_file, '.cmx')
  #pointer_src = File('code/lib/util/')
  #pointer_ml = ml_out_file(pointer_src, '.ml')
  #pointer_cmx = ml_out_file(pointer_src, '.cmx')
  #CopyFile(pointer_ml, pointer_src)
  CopyFile(cmdline_ml, cmdline_file)
  CopyFile(main_ml, main_file)
  for alg_cmx in alg_cmxs:
    Depends(cmdline_cmx, alg_cmx)
    Depends(main_cmx, alg_cmx)
  Depends(cmdline_cmx, cmdline_ml)
  Depends(main_cmx, cmdline_cmx)
  Depends(main_cmx, main_ml)
  done = set()
  cmxs = []
  objs = []
  ignore_warnings = [ "8", # Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
                     "20", # Warning 20: this argument will not be used by the function.
                     "26"] # Warning 26: unused variable
  ignore_warnings_str = "-w " + "".join(["-" + s for s in ignore_warnings])
  def add_cmx(x_ml):
    x_cmx = ml_out_file(x_ml, '.cmx')
    x_obj = ml_out_file(x_ml, '.o')
    cmx = ocaml_env.Command([x_cmx, x_obj], x_ml,
      f'ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -package fstarlib -o {x_cmx} {x_ml} -I obj/ml_out {ignore_warnings_str}')
    Depends(main_exe, cmx[0])
    Depends(main_exe, x_obj)
  def collect_cmxs_in_order(x_ml):
    if not (x_ml in done):
      for y_ml in sorted(ml_out_deps[x_ml]): # sorting makes the order deterministic, so scons doesn't needlessly rebuild
        # if x depends on y, y must appear first in ocaml link step
        Depends(ml_out_file(x_ml, '.cmx'), ml_out_file(y_ml, '.cmx'))
  for alg_ml in alg_mls:
  cmxs_string = " ".join([str(cmx) for cmx in cmxs])
  ocaml_env.Command(main_exe, cmxs + objs,
    f'ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -package fstarlib {cmxs_string} -o {main_exe}')
  # Run executable to generate assembly files:
  output_target_base = 'obj/' + output_base_name
  def generate_asm(suffix, assembler, os):
    # TODO: cross-compilation support; note that platform.machine() does not
    # produce a consistent string across OSes
    target = output_target_base + "-x86_64" + suffix
    return ocaml_env.Command(target, main_exe, f'{main_exe} {assembler} {os} > {target}')
  masm_win = generate_asm('-msvc.asm', 'MASM', 'Win')
  gcc_win = generate_asm('-mingw.S', 'GCC', 'Win')
  gcc_linux = generate_asm('-linux.S', 'GCC', 'Linux')
  gcc_macos = generate_asm('-darwin.S', 'GCC', 'MacOS')
  if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
    return [gcc_linux, masm_win, gcc_win, gcc_macos]
  elif sys.platform == 'win32':
    return [masm_win, gcc_win, gcc_linux, gcc_macos]
  elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
    return [gcc_win, masm_win, gcc_linux, gcc_macos]
  elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
    return [gcc_macos, gcc_win, masm_win, gcc_linux]
    print('Unsupported sys.platform value: ' + sys.platform)

#   FStar dependency analysis

def compute_fstar_deps(env, src_directories, fstar_includes):
  import subprocess
  # find all .fst, .fsti files in src_directories
  fst_files = []
  for d in src_directories:
    fst_files.extend(recursive_glob(env, d+'/*.fst', strings = True))
    fst_files.extend(recursive_glob(env, d+'/*.fsti', strings = True))
  # use fst_files to choose .fst and .fsti files that need dependency analysis
  files = []
  for f in fst_files:
    options = get_build_options(f)
    if options != None:
  # call fstar --dep make
  includes = []
  for include in fstar_includes:
    includes += ["--include", include]
  lines = []
  depsBackupFile = 'obj/fstarDepsBackup.d'
  args = ["--dep", "make"] + includes + files
  cmd = [fstar_exe] + args
  cmd = [str(x) for x in cmd]
  #print(" ".join(cmd))
    if not dump_args:
      print('F* dependency analysis starting')
    o = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT).decode('ascii')
    if not dump_args:
      print('F* dependency analysis finished')
  except (subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
    print(f'F* dependency analysis: error: {e.output}')
  fstar_deps_ok = True
  lines = o.splitlines()
  for line in lines:
    if 'Warning:' in line:
      fstar_deps_ok = False
    if len(line) == 0:
    elif '(Warning ' in line:
      # example: "(Warning 307) logic qualifier is deprecated"
      # lines are of the form:
      #   a1.fst a2.fst ... : b1.fst b2.fst ...
      # we change this to:
      #   obj\...\a1.fst.verified obj\...\a2.fst.verified ... : b1.fst.verified b2.fst.verified ...
      # we ignore targets that we will not verify (e.g. F* standard libraries)
      targets, sources = line.split(': ', 1) # ': ', not ':', because of Windows drive letters
      sources = sources.split()
      targets = targets.split()
      obj_name = str(Dir('obj'))
      dummies_name = str(Dir('obj/dummies'))
      sources = [str(File(x)).replace(dummies_name, obj_name) for x in sources]
      targets = [str(File(x)).replace(dummies_name, obj_name) for x in targets]
      for source in sources:
        for target in targets:
          if target.startswith('specs') and (source.startswith('obj') or source.startswith('code')) and not dump_args:
            print(f'{yellow}Warning: file {target} in specs directory depends on file {source} outside specs directory{uncolor}')
      sources_ver = [to_obj_dir(File(re.sub('\.fst$', '.fst.verified', re.sub('\.fsti$', '.fsti.verified', x)))) for x in sources if is_our_file(File(x))]
      targets_ver = [to_obj_dir(File(re.sub('\.fst$', '.fst.verified.tmp', re.sub('\.fsti$', '.fsti.verified.tmp', x)))) for x in targets if is_our_file(File(x))]
      Depends(targets_ver, sources_ver)
      add_ml_dependencies(targets, sources)
      # Computing types from F* files
      # Dump F* types for for each of a1.fst a2.fst ... into a1.fst.dump, a2.fst.dump, ...
      # Targets that we don't verify go in obj/external
      for t in targets:
        if is_our_file(File(t)):
          dumptargetfile = str(to_obj_dir(t + '.dump'))
          # Compute types of an external module, assuming it was compiled with default arguments
          dumptargetfile = 'obj/external/' + os.path.split(t)[1] + '.dump'
          dump_module_flag = '--dump_module ' + file_module_name(File(t))
          dump_flags = ('--print_implicits --print_universes --print_effect_args --print_full_names' +
            ' --print_bound_var_types --ugly ' + dump_module_flag)
          env.Command(dumptargetfile, t,
            f'{fstar_exe} {t} {fstar_z3_path} {fstar_no_verify} --admit_smt_queries true' +
            f' {dump_flags} 1>{dumptargetfile} 2> {dumptargetfile}.stderr')
        if not (dumptargetfile in dump_deps):
          dump_deps[dumptargetfile] = set()
        for s in sources:
          if is_our_file(File(s)):
            dump_deps[dumptargetfile].add(str(to_obj_dir(s + '.dump')))
            dump_deps[dumptargetfile].add('obj/external/' + os.path.split(s)[1] + '.dump')
  if fstar_deps_ok:
    # Save results in depsBackupFile
    with open(depsBackupFile, 'w') as myfile:
      for line in lines:
        myfile.write(line + '\n')
    print('F* dependency analysis failed')

#   Top-level commands

if not is_help:
  env = common_env

  # Create obj directory and any subdirectories needed during dependency analysis
  # (SCons will create other subdirectories during build)
  pathlib.Path('obj').mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
  pathlib.Path('obj/external').mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
  pathlib.Path('obj/cache_checked').mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)

  # Check F*, Z3, and Vale versions
  if not fstar_my_version:
  if not z3_my_version:
    if not found_z3:
      print_error_exit('Could not find z3 executable.  Either put z3 in your path, or put it in the directory tools/Z3/, or use the --FSTARZ3=<z3-executable> option.')
  if not vale_my_version:

  # HACK: copy external files
  for f in external_files:
    source = f.filename
    target = f.obj_name()
    shutil.copy(source, target)

  if not dump_args:
    print('Processing source files')
  process_files_in(env, verify_paths)
  if not is_single_vaf:
    compute_fstar_deps(env, verify_paths, compute_include_paths(src_include_paths, obj_include_paths, 'obj/dummies'))
    for x in vaf_dump_deps:
      compute_module_types(env, x)

  if fstar_extract and not min_test:
    # Build AES-GCM
    aesgcm_asm = extract_assembly_code(env, 'aesgcm', File('code/crypto/aes/x64/'),
      [File('code/crypto/aes/x64/X64.GCMdecrypt.vaf')], File('code/lib/util/'))
    cpuid_asm = extract_assembly_code(env, 'cpuid', File('code/lib/util/x64/'),
      [File('code/lib/util/x64/stdcalls/X64.Cpuidstdcall.vaf')], File('code/lib/util/'))
    sha256_asm = extract_assembly_code(env, 'sha256', File('code/crypto/sha/'),
      [File('code/thirdPartyPorts/OpenSSL/sha/X64.SHA.vaf')], File('code/lib/util/'))
    curve25519_asm = extract_assembly_code(env, 'curve25519', File('code/crypto/ecc/curve25519/'), [
    if env['TARGET_ARCH'] == 'amd64':
      aesgcmasm_obj = env.Object('obj/aesgcmasm_openssl', aesgcm_asm[0])
      aesgcmtest_src = File('code/crypto/aes/x64/TestAesGcm.cpp')
      aesgcmtest_cpp = to_obj_dir(aesgcmtest_src)
      CopyFile(aesgcmtest_cpp, aesgcmtest_src)
      aesgcmtest_exe = env.Program(source = [aesgcmasm_obj, aesgcmtest_cpp], target = 'obj/TestAesGcm.exe')
      sha256asm_obj = env.Object('obj/sha256asm_openssl', sha256_asm[0])
      sha256test_src = File('code/crypto/sha/TestSha.cpp')
      sha256test_cpp = to_obj_dir(sha256test_src)
      CopyFile(sha256test_cpp, sha256test_src)
      sha256test_exe = env.Program(source = [sha256asm_obj, sha256test_cpp], target = 'obj/TestSha.exe')
      curve25519asm_obj = env.Object('obj/curve25519asm_openssl', curve25519_asm[0])
      curve25519test_src = File('code/crypto/ecc/curve25519/test_ecc.c')
      curve25519test_cpp = to_obj_dir(curve25519test_src)
      CopyFile(curve25519test_cpp, curve25519test_src)
      curve25519test_exe = env.Program(source = [curve25519asm_obj, curve25519test_cpp], target = 'obj/TestEcc.exe')

  if dump_args:
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