Revision fad4edae238e68074be88ed40d315872abb26890 authored by Joshua J. Cogliati on 26 December 2019, 19:22:22 UTC, committed by Joshua J. Cogliati on 26 December 2019, 19:22:22 UTC
1 parent 1f5ab9f
Tip revision: fad4edae238e68074be88ed40d315872abb26890 authored by Joshua J. Cogliati on 26 December 2019, 19:22:22 UTC
Adding ucblogo.png from version 6.0
Adding ucblogo.png from version 6.0
Tip revision: fad4eda
* wxGlobals.h wx logo global references module
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 1
#define BACK_GROUND 3
#define X_COORD 6
#define Y_COORD 7
#define X_MAX 8
#define Y_MAX 9
#define EDIT_STATE 10
// used for the text editor flag
#define NO_INFO 0
#define DO_LOAD 1
#define NO_LOAD 2
//terminal size in characters
#define TERM_ROWS 25
#define TERM_COLS 82
// fonts
extern "C" char wx_font_face[];
extern "C" int wx_font_size;
extern "C" int label_height;
#define FONT_CFG(fm,sz) sz, wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, wxString(fm,wxConvUTF8)
/* wxMain */
#define NAME_BUFFER_SIZE 300
#define MAXOUTBUFF 4096
#define MAXINBUFF 4096
#define BUFF_LEN 4096 //should be a power of two.
#define buff_empty (buff_push_index == buff_pop_index)
#define buff_push(c) buff[buff_push_index++] = c; \
buff_push_index = buff_push_index % BUFF_LEN; \
if(buff_push_index == buff_pop_index) { \
fprintf(stderr, "buff push warning: pushindex = popindex\n. discarding last push"); \
buff_push_index = (buff_push_index - 1) % BUFF_LEN; \
#define buff_pop(c) c = buff[buff_pop_index++]; \
buff_pop_index = buff_pop_index % BUFF_LEN
extern char buff[];
extern int buff_push_index;
extern int buff_pop_index;
extern int alreadyAlerted;
extern char output_buffer[];
extern int output_index;
/* wxTerminal */
class TurtleCanvas;
class TextEditor;
extern wxCommandEvent * haveInputEvent;
extern LogoFrame *logoFrame;
extern LogoEventManager *logoEventManager;
extern wxMenuBar* menuBar;
extern wxBoxSizer *topsizer;
extern TextEditor *editWindow;
extern TurtleCanvas * turtleGraphics;
/* wxTurtleGraphics */
// the size of the turtle graphics window
extern "C" int getInfo(int);
extern "C" void setInfo(int, int);
extern wxMemoryDC *m_memDC;
/* wxTextEdit */
extern char * file; // using this is safe because the other thread is sleeping
// and it stack is also asleep
extern "C" int check_wx_stop(int force_yield);
extern "C" int internal_check();
#define wxdprintf if (wx_Debugging) printf
extern int wx_Debugging; /* in wxMain */
Computing file changes ...