Revision fb0341d7eb6d3ae899a20f913e9f550f738d1bea authored by ah744 on 22 December 2016, 07:02:43 UTC, committed by ah744 on 22 December 2016, 07:02:43 UTC
1 parent 02af1d2
Release version -v2.0
Added OSX Build - available on ScaffCC_OSX branch
New data type abit added - representation of ancilla bits
New function afree() added - usage: free ancilla bits and conserve usage
throughout algorithms
New function reverse() added - usage: reverse the computational steps of a
specific function in an automated fashion
New implementation of RKQC added - subcompiler call now directly inlined
in an LLVM module pass
Several small notational changes made to algorithms Boolean Formula, Class Number,
RKQC_Test, and SHA-1
New compilation flag to generate QX quantum computer simulator input files added - "-s",
now algorithms can be compiled down to acceptably formatted input files
for the QX quantum computer simulator available from TU Delft
Release version - v1.0-beta.2
Updates made to Class Number algorithm, corrections to QASM section
Changes made to and to allow for integration of coarse-grained scheduling with full schedule outputs of LPFS
Changes made to GenLPFSSchedule.cpp to prepend metrics header to all LPFS scheduled functions for integration with CG scheduling
Computing file changes ...