Revision fb9bc26027b392663d9818317c25b75f85677430 authored by Shichao Wu on 16 February 2023, 17:46:59 UTC, committed by GitHub on 16 February 2023, 17:46:59 UTC
1 parent 398e135
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# Copyright (C) 2013  Ian Harry
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================

This module is responsible for setting up the matched-filtering stage of
workflows. For details about this module and its capabilities see here:

import os, logging
from math import radians
from pycbc.workflow.core import FileList, make_analysis_dir
from pycbc.workflow.jobsetup import (select_matchedfilter_class,

def setup_matchedfltr_workflow(workflow, science_segs, datafind_outs,
                               tmplt_banks, output_dir=None,
                               injection_file=None, tags=None):
    This function aims to be the gateway for setting up a set of matched-filter
    jobs in a workflow. This function is intended to support multiple
    different ways/codes that could be used for doing this. For now the only
    supported sub-module is one that runs the matched-filtering by setting up
    a serious of matched-filtering jobs, from one executable, to create
    matched-filter triggers covering the full range of science times for which
    there is data and a template bank file.

    Workflow : pycbc.workflow.core.Workflow
        The workflow instance that the coincidence jobs will be added to.
    science_segs : ifo-keyed dictionary of ligo.segments.segmentlist instances
        The list of times that are being analysed in this workflow.
    datafind_outs : pycbc.workflow.core.FileList
        An FileList of the datafind files that are needed to obtain the
        data used in the analysis.
    tmplt_banks : pycbc.workflow.core.FileList
        An FileList of the template bank files that will serve as input
        in this stage.
    output_dir : path
        The directory in which output will be stored.
    injection_file : pycbc.workflow.core.File, optional (default=None)
        If given the file containing the simulation file to be sent to these
        jobs on the command line. If not given no file will be sent.
    tags : list of strings (optional, default = [])
        A list of the tagging strings that will be used for all jobs created
        by this call to the workflow. An example might be ['BNSINJECTIONS'] or
        ['NOINJECTIONANALYSIS']. This will be used in output names.

    inspiral_outs : pycbc.workflow.core.FileList
        A list of output files written by this stage. This *will not* contain
        any intermediate products produced within this stage of the workflow.
        If you require access to any intermediate products produced at this
        stage you can call the various sub-functions directly.
    if tags is None:
        tags = []"Entering matched-filtering setup module.")
    cp = workflow.cp

    # Parse for options in .ini file
    mfltrMethod = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-matchedfilter", "matchedfilter-method",

    # Could have a number of choices here
    if mfltrMethod == "WORKFLOW_INDEPENDENT_IFOS":"Adding matched-filter jobs to workflow.")
        inspiral_outs = setup_matchedfltr_dax_generated(workflow, science_segs,
                                      datafind_outs, tmplt_banks, output_dir,
    elif mfltrMethod == "WORKFLOW_MULTIPLE_IFOS":"Adding matched-filter jobs to workflow.")
        inspiral_outs = setup_matchedfltr_dax_generated_multi(workflow,
                                      science_segs, datafind_outs, tmplt_banks,
                                      output_dir, injection_file=injection_file,
        errMsg = "Matched filter method not recognized. Must be one of "
        errMsg += "WORKFLOW_INDEPENDENT_IFOS (currently only one option)."
        raise ValueError(errMsg)"Leaving matched-filtering setup module.")
    return inspiral_outs

def setup_matchedfltr_dax_generated(workflow, science_segs, datafind_outs,
                                    tmplt_banks, output_dir,
    Setup matched-filter jobs that are generated as part of the workflow.
    module can support any matched-filter code that is similar in principle to
    lalapps_inspiral, but for new codes some additions are needed to define
    Executable and Job sub-classes (see

    workflow : pycbc.workflow.core.Workflow
        The Workflow instance that the coincidence jobs will be added to.
    science_segs : ifo-keyed dictionary of ligo.segments.segmentlist instances
        The list of times that are being analysed in this workflow.
    datafind_outs : pycbc.workflow.core.FileList
        An FileList of the datafind files that are needed to obtain the
        data used in the analysis.
    tmplt_banks : pycbc.workflow.core.FileList
        An FileList of the template bank files that will serve as input
        in this stage.
    output_dir : path
        The directory in which output will be stored.
    injection_file : pycbc.workflow.core.File, optional (default=None)
        If given the file containing the simulation file to be sent to these
        jobs on the command line. If not given no file will be sent.
    tags : list of strings (optional, default = [])
        A list of the tagging strings that will be used for all jobs created
        by this call to the workflow. An example might be ['BNSINJECTIONS'] or
        ['NOINJECTIONANALYSIS']. This will be used in output names.

    inspiral_outs : pycbc.workflow.core.FileList
        A list of output files written by this stage. This *will not* contain
        any intermediate products produced within this stage of the workflow.
        If you require access to any intermediate products produced at this
        stage you can call the various sub-functions directly.
    if tags is None:
        tags = []
    # Need to get the exe to figure out what sections are analysed, what is
    # discarded etc. This should *not* be hardcoded, so using a new executable
    # will require a bit of effort here ....

    cp = workflow.cp
    ifos = science_segs.keys()
    match_fltr_exe = os.path.basename(cp.get('executables','inspiral'))
    # Select the appropriate class
    exe_class = select_matchedfilter_class(match_fltr_exe)

    # Set up class for holding the banks
    inspiral_outs = FileList([])

    # Matched-filtering is done independently for different ifos, but might not be!
    # If we want to use multi-detector matched-filtering or something similar to this
    # it would probably require a new module
    for ifo in ifos:"Setting up matched-filtering for %s." %(ifo))
        job_instance = exe_class(workflow.cp, 'inspiral', ifo=ifo,

        sngl_ifo_job_setup(workflow, ifo, inspiral_outs, job_instance,
                           science_segs[ifo], datafind_outs,
                           parents=tmplt_banks, allow_overlap=False)
    return inspiral_outs

def setup_matchedfltr_dax_generated_multi(workflow, science_segs, datafind_outs,
                                          tmplt_banks, output_dir,
    Setup matched-filter jobs that are generated as part of the workflow in
    which a single job reads in and generates triggers over multiple ifos.
    module can support any matched-filter code that is similar in principle to
    pycbc_multi_inspiral or lalapps_coh_PTF_inspiral, but for new codes some
    additions are needed to define Executable and Job sub-classes

    workflow : pycbc.workflow.core.Workflow
        The Workflow instance that the coincidence jobs will be added to.
    science_segs : ifo-keyed dictionary of ligo.segments.segmentlist instances
        The list of times that are being analysed in this workflow.
    datafind_outs : pycbc.workflow.core.FileList
        An FileList of the datafind files that are needed to obtain the
        data used in the analysis.
    tmplt_banks : pycbc.workflow.core.FileList
        An FileList of the template bank files that will serve as input
        in this stage.
    output_dir : path
        The directory in which output will be stored.
    injection_file : pycbc.workflow.core.File, optional (default=None)
        If given the file containing the simulation file to be sent to these
        jobs on the command line. If not given no file will be sent.
    tags : list of strings (optional, default = [])
        A list of the tagging strings that will be used for all jobs created
        by this call to the workflow. An example might be ['BNSINJECTIONS'] or
        ['NOINJECTIONANALYSIS']. This will be used in output names.

    inspiral_outs : pycbc.workflow.core.FileList
        A list of output files written by this stage. This *will not* contain
        any intermediate products produced within this stage of the workflow.
        If you require access to any intermediate products produced at this
        stage you can call the various sub-functions directly.
    if tags is None:
        tags = []
    # Need to get the exe to figure out what sections are analysed, what is
    # discarded etc. This should *not* be hardcoded, so using a new executable
    # will require a bit of effort here ....

    cp = workflow.cp
    ifos = sorted(science_segs.keys())
    match_fltr_exe = os.path.basename(cp.get('executables','inspiral'))

    # List for holding the output
    inspiral_outs = FileList([])"Setting up matched-filtering for %s." %(' '.join(ifos),))

    if match_fltr_exe == 'pycbc_multi_inspiral':
        exe_class = select_matchedfilter_class(match_fltr_exe)
        cp.set('inspiral', 'ra',
               str(radians(float(cp.get('workflow', 'ra')))))
        cp.set('inspiral', 'dec',
               str(radians(float(cp.get('workflow', 'dec')))))
        # At the moment we aren't using sky grids, but when we do this code
        # might be used then. 
        # from pycbc.workflow.grb_utils import get_sky_grid_scale
        # if cp.has_option("jitter_skyloc", "apply-fermi-error"):
        #     cp.set('inspiral', 'sky-error',
        #            str(get_sky_grid_scale(float(cp.get('workflow',
        #                                                'sky-error')))))
        # else:
        #     cp.set('inspiral', 'sky-error',
        #            str(get_sky_grid_scale(float(cp.get('workflow',
        #                                                'sky-error')),
        #                                   sigma_sys=0.0)))
        # cp.set('inspiral', 'trigger-time',\
        #        cp.get('workflow', 'trigger-time'))
        # cp.set('inspiral', 'block-duration',
        #        str(abs(science_segs[ifos[0]][0]) - \
        #                2 * int(cp.get('inspiral', 'pad-data'))))

        job_instance = exe_class(workflow.cp, 'inspiral', ifo=ifos,
        if cp.has_option("workflow", "do-long-slides") and "slide" in tags[-1]:
            slide_num = int(tags[-1].replace("slide", ""))
  "Setting up matched-filtering for slide {}"
            slide_shift = int(cp.get("inspiral", "segment-length"))
            time_slide_dict = {ifo: (slide_num + 1) * ix * slide_shift
                               for ix, ifo in enumerate(ifos)}
            multi_ifo_coherent_job_setup(workflow, inspiral_outs, job_instance,
                                         science_segs, datafind_outs,
                                         output_dir, parents=tmplt_banks,
            multi_ifo_coherent_job_setup(workflow, inspiral_outs, job_instance,
                                         science_segs, datafind_outs,
                                         output_dir, parents=tmplt_banks)
        # Select the appropriate class
        raise ValueError("Not currently supported.")
    return inspiral_outs
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