Revision fe53297356da5f02478fe9cafab5d9914a36d2be authored by Thorsten Becker on 14 August 2007, 03:33:21 UTC, committed by Thorsten Becker on 14 August 2007, 03:33:21 UTC
  spacing to top and lower layers of shell. The
  coor_refine=0.1,0.15,0.1,0.2 parameters specify the radius fraction
  of the bottom layer [0], the fraction of the nodes in this layer
  [1], the top layer fraction [2], and the top layer node fraction
  [3]. I.e. the defaults will put 15% of all nz nodes into the 10%
  lower layer, 20% in the top 10% upper layer, and the rest in

- renamed gzipped output version with sub-directory storage ascii-gz

- built in restart facilities for temperature and tracers when using
  ascii-gz I/O with vtkio != 2

- added a composition viscosity function, CDEPV, based on two tracer

  - for this to work, I had to move viscosity_input() *behind*
    tic_input() and tracer_input() in instructions

- added tracer_enriched option for internal heating. If tracer = on
  and tracer_enriched = on, will reader Q0_enriched and vary the element heat production 
  between Q0 for C = 0 and Q0_enriched for C = 1. I.e. this only works
  if C varies between 0 and 1.

- added an option to write from all processros to a single VTK file,
  if ascii-gz is activated, and vtkio = 2. The VTK output is of the
  "legacy", serial, single-file type, and requires that all processors see the same 

   This will lead to a bottleneck for large # of CPU computations as
   each processor has to wait til the previous is done. 

   More efficient I/O should be possible by using the distributed
   storage version of VTK, but I have no clue how this works. Anyone?

1 parent d6e512c
Raw File
 * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan,
 * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi.
 * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "element_definitions.h"
#include "global_defs.h"

static void geoid_from_buoyancy();
static void geoid_from_topography();

void get_STD_topo(E,tpg,tpgb,divg,vort,ii)
    struct All_variables *E;
    float **tpg,**tpgb;
    float **divg,**vort;
    int ii;
    void allocate_STD_mem();
    void compute_nodal_stress();
    void free_STD_mem();
    void get_surf_stress();

    int node,snode,m;
    float *divv[NCS],*vorv[NCS];
    float topo_scaling1, topo_scaling2;

    allocate_STD_mem(E, SXX, SYY, SZZ, SXY, SXZ, SZY, divv, vorv);
    compute_nodal_stress(E, SXX, SYY, SZZ, SXY, SXZ, SZY, divv, vorv);

   if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==E->parallel.nprocz-1)

/*    topo_scaling1=1.0/((E->data.density-E->data.density_above)*E->data.grav_acc); */
/*    topo_scaling2=1.0/((E->data.density_below-E->data.density)*E->data.grav_acc); */

   topo_scaling1 = topo_scaling2 = 1.0;

     for(snode=1;snode<=E->lmesh.nsf;snode++)   {
        node = E->surf_node[m][snode];
        tpg[m][snode]  = -2*SZZ[m][node] + SZZ[m][node-1];
        tpgb[m][snode] = 2*SZZ[m][node-E->lmesh.noz+1]-SZZ[m][node-E->lmesh.noz+2];
        tpg[m][snode]  = tpg[m][snode]*topo_scaling1;
        tpgb[m][snode]  = tpgb[m][snode]*topo_scaling2;

        divg[m][snode] = 2*divv[m][node]-divv[m][node-1];
        vort[m][snode] = 2*vorv[m][node]-vorv[m][node-1];

   free_STD_mem(E, SXX, SYY, SZZ, SXY, SXZ, SZY, divv, vorv);


void get_STD_freesurf(struct All_variables *E,float **freesurf)
        int node,snode,m;

        if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==E->parallel.nprocz-1)
                        for(snode=1;snode<=E->lmesh.nsf;snode++) {
                                node = E->surf_node[m][snode];
                                /*freesurf[m][snode] += 0.5*(E->sphere.cap[m].V[3][node]+E->sphere.cap[m].Vprev[3][node])*E->advection.timestep;*/
                                freesurf[m][snode] += E->sphere.cap[m].V[3][node]*E->advection.timestep;

void allocate_STD_mem(struct All_variables *E,
                      float** SXX, float** SYY, float** SZZ,
                      float** SXY, float** SXZ, float** SZY,
                      float** divv, float** vorv)
  int m, i;

  for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) {
    SXX[m] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.nno+1)*sizeof(float));
    SYY[m] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.nno+1)*sizeof(float));
    SXY[m] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.nno+1)*sizeof(float));
    SXZ[m] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.nno+1)*sizeof(float));
    SZY[m] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.nno+1)*sizeof(float));
    SZZ[m] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.nno+1)*sizeof(float));
    divv[m] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.nno+1)*sizeof(float));
    vorv[m] = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.nno+1)*sizeof(float));

  for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) {
    for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) {
      SZZ[m][i] = 0.0;
      SXX[m][i] = 0.0;
      SYY[m][i] = 0.0;
      SXY[m][i] = 0.0;
      SXZ[m][i] = 0.0;
      SZY[m][i] = 0.0;
      divv[m][i] = 0.0;
      vorv[m][i] = 0.0;

void free_STD_mem(struct All_variables *E,
                  float** SXX, float** SYY, float** SZZ,
                  float** SXY, float** SXZ, float** SZY,
                  float** divv, float** vorv)
  int m;
  for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++)        {
    free((void *)SXX[m]);
    free((void *)SYY[m]);
    free((void *)SXY[m]);
    free((void *)SXZ[m]);
    free((void *)SZY[m]);
    free((void *)SZZ[m]);
    free((void *)divv[m]);
    free((void *)vorv[m]);

void get_surf_stress(E,SXX,SYY,SZZ,SXY,SXZ,SZY)
  struct All_variables *E;
  float **SXX,**SYY,**SZZ,**SXY,**SXZ,**SZY;
  int m,i,node,stride;

  stride = E->lmesh.nsf*6;

    for (node=1;node<=E->lmesh.nno;node++)
      if ( (node%E->lmesh.noz)==0 )  {
        i = node/E->lmesh.noz;
        E->stress[m][(i-1)*6+1] = SXX[m][node];
        E->stress[m][(i-1)*6+2] = SYY[m][node];
        E->stress[m][(i-1)*6+3] = SZZ[m][node];
        E->stress[m][(i-1)*6+4] = SXY[m][node];
        E->stress[m][(i-1)*6+5] = SXZ[m][node];
        E->stress[m][(i-1)*6+6] = SZY[m][node];
     else if ( ((node+1)%E->lmesh.noz)==0 )  {
        i = (node+1)/E->lmesh.noz;
        E->stress[m][stride+(i-1)*6+1] = SXX[m][node];
        E->stress[m][stride+(i-1)*6+2] = SYY[m][node];
        E->stress[m][stride+(i-1)*6+3] = SZZ[m][node];
        E->stress[m][stride+(i-1)*6+4] = SXY[m][node];
        E->stress[m][stride+(i-1)*6+5] = SXZ[m][node];
        E->stress[m][stride+(i-1)*6+6] = SZY[m][node];


void compute_nodal_stress(struct All_variables *E,
                          float** SXX, float** SYY, float** SZZ,
                          float** SXY, float** SXZ, float** SZY,
                          float** divv, float** vorv)
  void get_global_shape_fn();
  void velo_from_element();
  void stress_conform_bcs();

  int i,j,e,node,m;

  float VV[4][9],Vxyz[9][9],Szz,Sxx,Syy,Sxy,Sxz,Szy,div,vor;
  double pre[9],tww[9],rtf[4][9];
  double velo_scaling, stress_scaling;

  struct Shape_function GN;
  struct Shape_function_dA dOmega;
  struct Shape_function_dx GNx;

  const int dims=E->mesh.nsd;
  const int vpts=vpoints[dims];
  const int ends=enodes[dims];
  const int lev=E->mesh.levmax;
  const int sphere_key=1;

  for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) {
    for(e=1;e<=E->lmesh.nel;e++)  {
      Szz = 0.0;
      Sxx = 0.0;
      Syy = 0.0;
      Sxy = 0.0;
      Sxz = 0.0;
      Szy = 0.0;
      div = 0.0;
      vor = 0.0;


      for(j=1;j<=vpts;j++)  {
        pre[j] =  E->EVi[m][(e-1)*vpts+j]*dOmega.vpt[j];
        Vxyz[1][j] = 0.0;
        Vxyz[2][j] = 0.0;
        Vxyz[3][j] = 0.0;
        Vxyz[4][j] = 0.0;
        Vxyz[5][j] = 0.0;
        Vxyz[6][j] = 0.0;
        Vxyz[7][j] = 0.0;
        Vxyz[8][j] = 0.0;

      for(i=1;i<=ends;i++) {
        tww[i] = 0.0;
          tww[i] += dOmega.vpt[j] * g_point[j].weight[E->mesh.nsd-1]
            * E->N.vpt[GNVINDEX(i,j)];

      for(j=1;j<=vpts;j++)   {
        for(i=1;i<=ends;i++)   {
          Vxyz[1][j]+=( VV[1][i]*GNx.vpt[GNVXINDEX(0,i,j)]
                        + VV[3][i]*E->N.vpt[GNVINDEX(i,j)] )*rtf[3][j];
          Vxyz[2][j]+=( (VV[2][i]*GNx.vpt[GNVXINDEX(1,i,j)]
                         + VV[1][i]*E->N.vpt[GNVINDEX(i,j)]*cos(rtf[1][j]))/sin(rtf[1][j])
                        + VV[3][i]*E->N.vpt[GNVINDEX(i,j)] )*rtf[3][j];
          Vxyz[3][j]+= VV[3][i]*GNx.vpt[GNVXINDEX(2,i,j)];

          Vxyz[4][j]+=( (VV[1][i]*GNx.vpt[GNVXINDEX(1,i,j)]
                         - VV[2][i]*E->N.vpt[GNVINDEX(i,j)]*cos(rtf[1][j]))/sin(rtf[1][j])
                        + VV[2][i]*GNx.vpt[GNVXINDEX(0,i,j)])*rtf[3][j];
          Vxyz[5][j]+=VV[1][i]*GNx.vpt[GNVXINDEX(2,i,j)] + rtf[3][j]*(VV[3][i]
          Vxyz[6][j]+=VV[2][i]*GNx.vpt[GNVXINDEX(2,i,j)] + rtf[3][j]*(VV[3][i]
          Vxyz[7][j]+=rtf[3][j] * (
                                   + VV[1][i]*E->N.vpt[GNVINDEX(i,j)]*cos(rtf[1][j])/sin(rtf[1][j])
                                   + VV[2][i]*GNx.vpt[GNVXINDEX(1,i,j)]/sin(rtf[1][j])  );
            ( VV[2][i]*GNx.vpt[GNVXINDEX(0,i,j)]*sin(rtf[1][j])
              + VV[2][i]*E->N.vpt[GNVINDEX(i,j)]*cos(rtf[1][j])
              - VV[1][i]*GNx.vpt[GNVXINDEX(1,i,j)] );
        Sxx += 2.0 * pre[j] * Vxyz[1][j];
        Syy += 2.0 * pre[j] * Vxyz[2][j];
        Szz += 2.0 * pre[j] * Vxyz[3][j];
        Sxy += pre[j] * Vxyz[4][j];
        Sxz += pre[j] * Vxyz[5][j];
        Szy += pre[j] * Vxyz[6][j];
        div += Vxyz[7][j]*dOmega.vpt[j];
        vor += Vxyz[8][j]*dOmega.vpt[j];

      Sxx /= E->eco[m][e].area;
      Syy /= E->eco[m][e].area;
      Szz /= E->eco[m][e].area;
      Sxy /= E->eco[m][e].area;
      Sxz /= E->eco[m][e].area;
      Szy /= E->eco[m][e].area;
      div /= E->eco[m][e].area;
      vor /= E->eco[m][e].area;

      Szz -= E->P[m][e];  /* add the pressure term */
      Sxx -= E->P[m][e];  /* add the pressure term */
      Syy -= E->P[m][e];  /* add the pressure term */

      for(i=1;i<=ends;i++) {
        node = E->ien[m][e].node[i];
        SZZ[m][node] += tww[i] * Szz;
        SXX[m][node] += tww[i] * Sxx;
        SYY[m][node] += tww[i] * Syy;
        SXY[m][node] += tww[i] * Sxy;
        SXZ[m][node] += tww[i] * Sxz;
        SZY[m][node] += tww[i] * Szy;
        divv[m][node]+= tww[i] * div;
        vorv[m][node]+= tww[i] * vor;

    }    /* end for el */
  }     /* end for m */


  /*    stress_scaling = 1.0e-6*E->data.ref_viscosity*E->data.therm_diff/ */
  /*                       (E->data.radius_km*E->data.radius_km); */

  /*    velo_scaling = 100.*365.*24.*3600.*1.0e-3*E->data.therm_diff/E->data.radius_km; */
  /* cm/yr */

  stress_scaling = velo_scaling = 1.0;

    for(node=1;node<=E->lmesh.nno;node++)   {
      SZZ[m][node] = SZZ[m][node]*E->Mass[m][node]*stress_scaling;
      SXX[m][node] = SXX[m][node]*E->Mass[m][node]*stress_scaling;
      SYY[m][node] = SYY[m][node]*E->Mass[m][node]*stress_scaling;
      SXY[m][node] = SXY[m][node]*E->Mass[m][node]*stress_scaling;
      SXZ[m][node] = SXZ[m][node]*E->Mass[m][node]*stress_scaling;
      SZY[m][node] = SZY[m][node]*E->Mass[m][node]*stress_scaling;
      vorv[m][node] = vorv[m][node]*E->Mass[m][node]*velo_scaling;
      divv[m][node] = divv[m][node]*E->Mass[m][node]*velo_scaling;

  /* assign stress to all the nodes */
    for (node=1;node<=E->lmesh.nno;node++) {
      E->gstress[m][(node-1)*6+1] = SXX[m][node];
      E->gstress[m][(node-1)*6+2] = SYY[m][node];
      E->gstress[m][(node-1)*6+3] = SZZ[m][node];
      E->gstress[m][(node-1)*6+4] = SXY[m][node];
      E->gstress[m][(node-1)*6+5] = SXZ[m][node];
      E->gstress[m][(node-1)*6+6] = SZY[m][node];

  /* replace boundary stresses with boundary conditions (if specified) */


void stress_conform_bcs(struct All_variables *E)
  int m, i, j, k, n, d;
  const unsigned sbc_flag[4] = {0, SBX, SBY, SBZ};
  const int stress_index[4][4] = { {0, 0, 0, 0},
                                   {0, 1, 4, 5},
                                   {0, 4, 2, 6},
                                   {0, 5, 6, 3} };

  if(E->control.side_sbcs) {

    for(m=1; m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc; m++)
      for(i=1; i<=E->lmesh.noy; i++)
        for(j=1; j<=E->lmesh.nox; j++)
          for(k=1; k<=E->lmesh.noz; k++) {
            n = k+(j-1)*E->lmesh.noz+(i-1)*E->lmesh.nox*E->lmesh.noz;
            for(d=1; d<=E->mesh.nsd; d++)
              if(E->node[m][n] & sbc_flag[d]) {
                  E->gstress[m][(n-1)*6+stress_index[d][2]] = E->sbc.SB[m][SIDE_WEST][d][ E->sbc.node[m][n] ];
                  E->gstress[m][(n-1)*6+stress_index[d][2]] = E->sbc.SB[m][SIDE_EAST][d][ E->sbc.node[m][n] ];
                  E->gstress[m][(n-1)*6+stress_index[d][1]] = E->sbc.SB[m][SIDE_NORTH][d][ E->sbc.node[m][n] ];
                  E->gstress[m][(n-1)*6+stress_index[d][1]] = E->sbc.SB[m][SIDE_SOUTH][d][ E->sbc.node[m][n] ];
                  E->gstress[m][(n-1)*6+stress_index[d][3]] = E->sbc.SB[m][SIDE_BOTTOM][d][ E->sbc.node[m][n] ];
                  E->gstress[m][(n-1)*6+stress_index[d][3]] = E->sbc.SB[m][SIDE_TOP][d][ E->sbc.node[m][n] ];

  } else {

    for(m=1; m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc; m++)
      for(i=1; i<=E->lmesh.noy; i++)
        for(j=1; j<=E->lmesh.nox; j++)
          for(k=1; k<=E->lmesh.noz; k++) {
            n = k+(j-1)*E->lmesh.noz+(i-1)*E->lmesh.nox*E->lmesh.noz;
            for(d=1; d<=E->mesh.nsd; d++)
              if(E->node[m][n] & sbc_flag[d]) {
                if(i==1 || i==E->lmesh.noy)
                  E->gstress[m][(n-1)*6+stress_index[d][2]] = E->sphere.cap[m].VB[d][n];
                if(j==1 || j==E->lmesh.nox)
                  E->gstress[m][(n-1)*6+stress_index[d][1]] = E->sphere.cap[m].VB[d][n];
                if(k==1 || k==E->lmesh.noz)
                  E->gstress[m][(n-1)*6+stress_index[d][3]] = E->sphere.cap[m].VB[d][n];

/* ===================================================================
   ===================================================================  */
void compute_geoid(E, harm_geoid,  harm_geoid_from_bncy,
                   harm_geoid_from_tpgt, harm_geoid_from_tpgb)

     struct All_variables *E;
     float *harm_geoid[2], *harm_geoid_from_bncy[2];
     float *harm_geoid_from_tpgt[2], *harm_geoid_from_tpgb[2];
    int i, p;

    geoid_from_buoyancy(E, harm_geoid_from_bncy);
    geoid_from_topography(E, harm_geoid_from_tpgt, harm_geoid_from_tpgb);

    if (E-> == (E->parallel.nprocz-1))  {
        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            for (p = 0; p <= E->sphere.hindice; p++) {
                harm_geoid[i][p] = harm_geoid_from_bncy[i][p]
                                 + harm_geoid_from_tpgt[i][p]
                                 + harm_geoid_from_tpgb[i][p];


static void geoid_from_buoyancy(E, harm_geoid)
     struct All_variables *E;
     float *harm_geoid[2];
    int m,k,ll,mm,node,i,j,p,noz,snode;
    float *TT[NCS],radius,*geoid[2],dlayer,con1,con2,scaling2,scaling;
    void sphere_expansion();
    void sum_across_depth_sph1();

    /* scale for buoyancy */
    scaling2 = -E->data.therm_exp*E->data.ref_temperature*E->data.density/E->control.Atemp;
    /* scale for geoid */
    scaling = 1.0e6*4.0*M_PI*E->data.radius_km*E->data.radius_km*

    /* buoyancy of one layer */
        TT[m] = (float *) malloc ((E->lmesh.nsf+1)*sizeof(float));

    /* sin coeff */
    geoid[0] = (float*)malloc((E->sphere.hindice+1)*sizeof(float));
    /* cos coeff */
    geoid[1] = (float*)malloc((E->sphere.hindice+1)*sizeof(float));

    /* reset arrays */
    for (p = 0; p <= E->sphere.hindice; p++) {
        harm_geoid[0][p] = 0;
        harm_geoid[1][p] = 0;

    /* loop over each layer */
    for(k=1;k<E->lmesh.noz;k++)  {

                for(j=1;j<=E->lmesh.nox;j++)  {
                    p = j + (i-1)*E->lmesh.nox;
                    TT[m][p] = (E->buoyancy[m][node]+E->buoyancy[m][node+1])*0.5*scaling2;

        /* expand TT into spherical harmonics */

        /* thickness of the layer */
        dlayer = (E->sx[1][3][k+1]-E->sx[1][3][k]);

        /* radius of the layer */
        radius = (E->sx[1][3][k+1]+E->sx[1][3][k])*0.5;

        /* contribution of buoyancy at this layer */
        for (ll=1;ll<=E->output.llmax;ll++)
            for (mm=0;mm<=ll;mm++)   {
                con1 = scaling/(2.0*ll+1.0)*dlayer;
                con2 = pow(radius,((double)(ll+2)));

                p = E->sphere.hindex[ll][mm];
                harm_geoid[0][p] += con1*con2*geoid[0][p];
                harm_geoid[1][p] += con1*con2*geoid[1][p];

        //if(E->  fprintf(stderr,"layer %d %.5e %g %g %g\n",k,radius,dlayer,con1,con2);

    /* accumulate geoid from all layers to the surface (top processors) */
    sum_across_depth_sph1(E, harm_geoid[0], harm_geoid[1]);

        free ((void *)TT[m]);

    free ((void *)geoid[0]);
    free ((void *)geoid[1]);

static void geoid_from_topography(E, geoid_tpgt, geoid_tpgb)
     struct All_variables *E;
     float *geoid_tpgt[2], *geoid_tpgb[2];
    float con1,con2,scaling,den_contrast1,den_contrast2,stress_scaling,topo_scaling1,topo_scaling2;
    int i,j,k,ll,mm,s;
    float *tpgt[2], *tpgb[2];
    void sum_across_depth_sph1();
    void sphere_expansion();

    for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
        tpgt[i] = (float *)malloc((E->sphere.hindice+2)*sizeof(float));
        tpgb[i] = (float *)malloc((E->sphere.hindice+2)*sizeof(float));

    stress_scaling = E->data.ref_viscosity*E->data.therm_diff/

    /* density contrast across surface */
    den_contrast1 = (E->data.density-E->data.density_above);
    /* density contrast across CMB */
    den_contrast2 = (E->data.density_below-E->data.density);

    /* scale for surface and CMB topo */
    topo_scaling1 = stress_scaling / (den_contrast1*E->data.grav_acc);
    topo_scaling2 = stress_scaling / (den_contrast2*E->data.grav_acc);

    /* scale for geoid */
    scaling = 1.0e3*4.0*M_PI*E->data.radius_km*

    if (E->parallel.me_loc[3] == E->parallel.nprocz-1) {
        /* expand surface topography into sph. harm. */
        sphere_expansion(E, E->slice.tpg, tpgt[0], tpgt[1]);

        /* dimensionalize surface topography */
        for (j=0; j<2; j++)
            for (i=0; i<E->sphere.hindice; i++) {
                tpgt[j][i] *= topo_scaling1;

        /* compute geoid due to surface topo, skip degree-0 and 1 term */
        for (j=0; j<2; j++)
            for (ll=2; ll<=E->output.llmax; ll++)   {
                con1 = den_contrast1 * scaling / (2.0*ll + 1.0);
                for (mm=0; mm<=ll; mm++)   {
                    i = E->sphere.hindex[ll][mm];
                    geoid_tpgt[j][i] = tpgt[j][i] * con1;

    if (E->parallel.me_loc[3] == 0) {
        /* expand bottom topography into sph. harm. */
        sphere_expansion(E, E->slice.tpgb, tpgb[0], tpgb[1]);

        /* dimensionalize bottom topography */
        for (j=0; j<2; j++)
            for (i=0; i<E->sphere.hindice; i++) {
                tpgb[j][i] *= topo_scaling2;
        /* compute geoid due to bottom topo, skip degree-0 and 1 term */
        for (j=0; j<2; j++)
            for (ll=2; ll<=E->output.llmax; ll++)   {
                con1 = den_contrast2 * scaling / (2.0*ll + 1.0);
                con2 = con1 * pow(E->sphere.ri, ((double)(ll+2)));
                for (mm=0; mm<=ll; mm++)   {
                    i = E->sphere.hindex[ll][mm];
                    geoid_tpgb[j][i] = tpgb[j][i] * con2;

    /* accumulate geoid to the surface (top processors) */
    sum_across_depth_sph1(E, geoid_tpgb[0], geoid_tpgb[1]);

    for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
        free ((void *) tpgt[j]);
        free ((void *) tpgb[j]);


/* ===================================================================
   Consistent boundary flux method for stress ... Zhong,Gurnis,Hulbert

   Solve for the stress as the code defined it internally, rather than
   what was intended to be solved. This is more appropriate.

   Note also that the routine is dependent on the method
   used to solve for the velocity in the first place.
   ===================================================================  */

void get_CBF_topo(E,H,HB)       /* call this only for top and bottom processors*/
    struct All_variables *E;
    float **H,**HB;

/*     void get_elt_k(); */
/*     void get_elt_g(); */
/*     void get_elt_f(); */
/*     void get_global_1d_shape_fn(); */
/*     void exchange_snode_f(); */
/*     void velo_from_element(); */

/*     int a,address,el,elb,els,node,nodeb,nodes,i,j,k,l,m,n,count; */
/*     int nodel,nodem,nodesl,nodesm,nnsf,nel2; */

/*     struct Shape_function1 GM,GMb; */
/*     struct Shape_function1_dA dGammax,dGammabx; */

/*     float *eltTU,*eltTL,*SU[NCS],*SL[NCS],*RU[NCS],*RL[NCS]; */
/*     float VV[4][9]; */

/*     double eltk[24*24],eltf[24]; */
/*     double eltkb[24*24],eltfb[24]; */
/*     double res[24],resb[24],eu[24],eub[24]; */
/*     higher_precision eltg[24][1],eltgb[24][1]; */

/*     const int dims=E->mesh.nsd; */
/*     const int Tsize=5;   */ /* maximum values, applicable to 3d, harmless for 2d */
/*     const int Ssize=4; */
/*     const int ends=enodes[dims]; */
/*     const int noz=E->lmesh.noz; */
/*     const int noy=E->lmesh.noy; */
/*     const int nno=E->lmesh.nno; */
/*     const int onedv=onedvpoints[dims]; */
/*     const int snode1=1,snode2=4,snode3=5,snode4=8; */
/*     const int elz = E->lmesh.elz; */
/*     const int ely = E->lmesh.ely; */
/*     const int lev=E->mesh.levmax; */
/*     const int sphere_key=1; */

/*     const int lnsf=E->lmesh.nsf; */

/*     eltTU = (float *)malloc((1+Tsize)*sizeof(float));  */
/*     eltTL = (float *)malloc((1+Tsize)*sizeof(float)); */

/*   for(j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++)          { */
/*     SU[j] = (float *)malloc((1+lnsf)*sizeof(float)); */
/*     SL[j] = (float *)malloc((1+lnsf)*sizeof(float)); */
/*     RU[j] = (float *)malloc((1+lnsf)*sizeof(float)); */
/*     RL[j] = (float *)malloc((1+lnsf)*sizeof(float)); */
/*     } */

/*   for(j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++)          { */

/*     for(i=0;i<=lnsf;i++) */
/*       RU[j][i] = RL[j][i] = SU[j][i] = SL[j][i] = 0.0; */

    /* calculate the element residuals */

/*     for(els=1;els<=E->lmesh.snel;els++) { */
/*       el = E->surf_element[j][els]; */
/*       elb = el + elz-1; */

/*       for(m=0;m<ends;m++) { */  /* for bottom elements no faults */
/*           nodeb= E->ien[j][elb].node[m+1]; */
/*           eub[m*dims  ] = E->sphere.cap[j].V[1][nodeb]; */
/*           eub[m*dims+1] = E->sphere.cap[j].V[2][nodeb]; */
/*           eub[m*dims+2] = E->sphere.cap[j].V[3][nodeb];  */
/*           } */

/*       velo_from_element(E,VV,j,el,sphere_key); */

/*       for(m=0;m<ends;m++) {   */
/*          eu [m*dims  ] = VV[1][m+1]; */
/*          eu [m*dims+1] = VV[2][m+1]; */
/*          eu [m*dims+2] = VV[3][m+1]; */
/*          } */

/*       get_elt_k(E,el,eltk,lev,j); */
/*       get_elt_k(E,elb,eltkb,lev,j); */
/*       get_elt_f(E,el,eltf,0,j); */
/*       get_elt_f(E,elb,eltfb,0,j); */
/*       get_elt_g(E,el,eltg,lev,j); */
/*       get_elt_g(E,elb,eltgb,lev,j); */

/*       for(m=0;m<dims*ends;m++) { */
/*             res[m]  = eltf[m]  - E->elt_del[lev][j][el].g[m][0]  * E->P[j][el]; */
/*             resb[m] = eltfb[m] - E->elt_del[lev][j][elb].g[m][0]* E->P[j][elb]; */
/*             } */

/*       for(m=0;m<dims*ends;m++) */
/*          for(l=0;l<dims*ends;l++) { */
/*               res[m]  -= eltk[ends*dims*m+l]  * eu[l]; */
/*               resb[m] -= eltkb[ends*dims*m+l] * eub[l]; */
/*               } */

            /* Put relevant (vertical & surface) parts of element residual into surface residual */

/*       for(m=1;m<=ends;m++) {    */  /* for bottom elements */
/*          switch (m) { */
/*              case 2: */
/*                  RL[j][E->sien[j][els].node[1]] += resb[(m-1)*dims+1];   */
/*                  break; */
/*              case 3: */
/*                  RL[j][E->sien[j][els].node[2]] += resb[(m-1)*dims+1];   */
/*                  break; */
/*              case 7: */
/*                  RL[j][E->sien[j][els].node[3]] += resb[(m-1)*dims+1];   */
/*                  break; */
/*              case 6: */
/*                  RL[j][E->sien[j][els].node[4]] += resb[(m-1)*dims+1];   */
/*                  break; */
/*                  } */
/*              } */

/*       for(m=1;m<=ends;m++) { */
/*          switch (m) { */
/*              case 1: */
/*                 nodes = E->sien[j][els].node[1]; */
/*                 break; */
/*              case 4: */
/*                 nodes = E->sien[j][els].node[2]; */
/*                 break; */
/*              case 8: */
/*                 nodes = E->sien[j][els].node[3]; */
/*                 break; */
/*              case 5: */
/*                 nodes = E->sien[j][els].node[4]; */
/*                 break; */
/*              } */

/*              RU[j][nodes] += res[(m-1)*dims+1];   */
/*          }  */     /* end for m */
/*       } */

    /* calculate the LHS */

/*     for(els=1;els<=E->lmesh.snel;els++) { */
/*        el = E->surf_element[j][els]; */
/*        elb = el + elz-1; */

/*        get_global_1d_shape_fn(E,el,&GM,&dGammax,0,j); */
/*        get_global_1d_shape_fn(E,elb,&GMb,&dGammabx,0,j); */

/*        for(m=1;m<=onedv;m++)        { */
/*           eltTU[m-1] = 0.0; */
/*           eltTL[m-1] = 0.0;  */
/*           for(n=1;n<=onedv;n++)          { */
/*              eltTU[m-1] +=  */
/*                 dGammax.vpt[GMVGAMMA(1,n)] * l_1d[n].weight[dims-1] */
/*                 * E->L.vpt[GMVINDEX(m,n)] * E->L.vpt[GMVINDEX(m,n)]; */
/*              eltTL[m-1] +=  */
/*                      dGammabx.vpt[GMVGAMMA(1+dims,n)]*l_1d[n].weight[dims-1] */
/*                 * E->L.vpt[GMVINDEX(m,n)] * E->L.vpt[GMVINDEX(m,n)]; */
/*              } */
/*           } */

/*         for (m=1;m<=onedv;m++)  */    /* for bottom */
/*             SL[m][E->sien[m][els].node[m]] += eltTL[m-1]; */

/*         for (m=1;m<=onedv;m++)  { */
/*             if (m==1)  */
/*                 a = 1; */
/*             else if (m==2) */
/*                 a = 4; */
/*             else if (m==3) */
/*                 a = 8; */
/*             else if (m==4) */
/*                 a = 5; */

/*             nodes = E->sien[m][els].node[m]; */
/*             SU[m][E->sien[m][els].node[m]] += eltTU[m-1]; */
/*             } */
/*         } */

/*       }  */     /* end for j */

/*     if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==0)  {      */    /* for top topography */
/*       for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nsf;i++)   */

/*       exchange_snode_f(E,RU,SU,E->mesh.levmax); */

/*       for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) */
/*         for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nsf;i++) */
/*           H[j][i] = -RU[j][i]/SU[j][i]; */
/*       } */

/*     if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==E->parallel.nprocz-1)   {  */   /* for bottom topo */
/*       exchange_snode_f(E,RL,SL,E->mesh.levmax); */
/*       for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) */
/*         for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nsf;i++) */
/*           HB[j][i] = -RL[j][i]/SL[j][i]; */
/*       } */

/*     free((void *)eltTU); */
/*     free((void *)eltTL); */
/*     for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++)   { */
/*       free((void *)SU[j]); */
/*       free((void *)SL[j]); */
/*       free((void *)RU[j]); */
/*       free((void *)RL[j]); */
/*       } */

/* version */
/* $Id$ */

/* End of file  */
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