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Tip revision: 4e84f9c3ca9fe092798b126ac5e10739073c0772 authored by François Dupressoir on 14 May 2020, 11:59:26 UTC
Make CI useful again
Tip revision: 4e84f9c
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
require import AllCore List.

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abstract theory FinType.
type t.

op enum : t list.

op card : int = size enum.

axiom enum_spec : forall x, count (pred1 x) enum = 1.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma enumP : forall x, mem enum x.
move=> x; have: 0 < count (pred1 x) enum by rewrite enum_spec.
by move/has_count/hasP; case=> y [h @/pred1 <-].

lemma enum_uniq : uniq enum.
proof. by apply/count_mem_uniq=> x; rewrite enumP enum_spec. qed.

lemma card_gt0 : 0 < card.
rewrite /card; have: mem enum witness by rewrite enumP.
by case: enum=> //= x s _; rewrite addzC ltzS size_ge0.
end FinType.

(* ==================================================================== *)
abstract theory FinProdType.
type t1, t2.

clone FinType as FT1 with type t <- t1.
clone FinType as FT2 with type t <- t2.

clone include FinType
  with type t    = t1 * t2,
         op enum = allpairs (fun x y => (x, y)) FT1.enum FT2.enum
  proof *.

realize enum_spec.
case=> x y; rewrite count_uniq_mem.
+ by apply/allpairs_uniq => //; [apply FT1.enum_uniq | apply FT2.enum_uniq].
+ by apply/b2i_eq1/allpairsP; exists (x, y); rewrite !(FT1.enumP, FT2.enumP).
end FinProdType.
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