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Tip revision: ac9827aca3feeea075944b30d95b44c4bffb1030 authored by Charlie Jacomme on 08 March 2019, 14:00:31 UTC
rnd auto dans cramer shoup
Tip revision: ac9827a
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
require import AllCore List.

pred is_finite (p : 'a -> bool) =
  exists s, uniq s /\ (forall x, x \in s <=> p x).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op to_seq: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list.

axiom to_seq_finite (P : 'a -> bool):
  is_finite P => uniq (to_seq P) /\ (forall x, x \in to_seq P <=> P x).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma uniq_to_seq (P : 'a -> bool):
  is_finite P => uniq (to_seq P).
proof. by move=>/to_seq_finite [-> _]. qed.

lemma mem_to_seq (P : 'a -> bool) x:
  is_finite P => mem (to_seq P) x <=> P x.
proof. by move=>/to_seq_finite [_ ->]. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma finiteP ['a] (p : 'a -> bool) :
  (exists s, forall x, p x => x \in s) <=> is_finite p.
proof. split.
+ case=> s in_sP; exists (undup (filter p s)); split.
  - by apply/undup_uniq.
  - by move=> x; rewrite mem_undup mem_filter andb_idr // &(in_sP).
+ by case=> s [_ in_sP]; exists s => x /in_sP.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma NfiniteP ['a] n (p : 'a -> bool) : 0 <= n =>
  !is_finite p => exists s, (n <= size s /\ uniq s) /\ (mem s) <= p.
move=> ge0_n; rewrite /is_finite negb_exists /= => h.
elim: n ge0_n => [|n ge0_n [s [[sz uq_s] ih]]]; first by exists [].
suff [x [px x_notin_s]]: exists x, p x /\ !(x \in s).
+ exists (x :: s); rewrite /= x_notin_s uq_s /= addzC.
  by rewrite lez_add2l sz /= => y; rewrite in_cons => -[->//|/ih].
move: (h s); apply/contraR; rewrite negb_exists uq_s /=.
by move=> + x - /(_ x); rewrite negb_and /= /#.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Finite sets can be obtained by union, intersection and difference    *
 * of empty and singleton sets. Finiteness is closed under inclusion.   *)

lemma finite0: is_finite pred0<:'a>.
proof. by exists []. qed.

lemma finite1 (x : 'a): is_finite (pred1 x).
proof. by exists [x]. qed.

lemma finite_leq (B A : 'a -> bool):
  A <= B => is_finite B => is_finite A.
move=> le_A_B [wB] [uniq_wB wB_univ]; apply/finiteP.
exists (filter A wB) => x Ax; rewrite mem_filter Ax /=.
by rewrite wB_univ le_A_B.

lemma finiteU (A B : 'a -> bool):
  is_finite A => is_finite B => is_finite (predU A B).
move=> [wA] [uniq_wA wA_univ] [wB] [uniq_wB wB_univ].
apply/finiteP; exists (wA ++ wB) => x ABx.
by rewrite mem_cat wA_univ wB_univ.

lemma finiteIl (A B : 'a -> bool):
  is_finite A => is_finite (predI A B).
by move=> fin_A; apply/(finite_leq A)=> //=; exact/predIsubpredl.

lemma finiteIr (A B : 'a -> bool):
  is_finite B => is_finite (predI A B).
by move=> fin_B; apply/(finite_leq B)=> //=; exact/predIsubpredr.

lemma finiteD (A B : 'a -> bool):
  is_finite A => is_finite (predD A B).
proof. by move=> fin_A; apply/(finite_leq A)=> //= x @/predD. qed.
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