d60649e | fdarboux | 18 January 2018, 10:23:27 UTC | Doc: Clearer advice for non-specialists in numerical computation | 18 January 2018, 10:23:27 UTC |
efe8214 | fdarboux | 12 January 2018, 10:57:47 UTC | Empty dummy.txt file in Outputs directories to account for a bug in the SourceSup code viewer | 12 January 2018, 10:57:47 UTC |
4f7644f | laguerre | 13 December 2017, 14:01:43 UTC | removed initialization of rec_hydro in scheme.cpp | 13 December 2017, 14:01:43 UTC |
18239a8 | fdarboux | 11 December 2017, 13:47:32 UTC | asc2xyz.c : version number | 11 December 2017, 13:47:32 UTC |
1ae502d | laguerre | 08 December 2017, 15:56:51 UTC | Removed warning in asc2xyz.c file | 08 December 2017, 15:56:51 UTC |
0d083bd | laguerre | 08 December 2017, 15:43:11 UTC | Add of Makefiles to compile tool programs | 08 December 2017, 15:43:11 UTC |
1c0afd9 | laguerre | 04 December 2017, 08:38:36 UTC | replaced Include specify options by Include specific options in Makefile. | 04 December 2017, 08:38:36 UTC |
9a2ee18 | fdarboux | 01 December 2017, 12:16:15 UTC | add of dummy.txt and tools... for real | 01 December 2017, 12:16:15 UTC |
637dc44 | fdarboux | 30 November 2017, 14:41:30 UTC | Tools added; dummy.txt in lib ; documentation update | 30 November 2017, 14:41:30 UTC |
13fa077 | laguerre | 11 September 2017, 13:44:38 UTC | correction of warnings in debug mode | 11 September 2017, 13:44:38 UTC |
974463d | lucas | 13 July 2017, 15:05:49 UTC | Correction of Exp01/ into Examples/ forotten in README and Doc-NewReleaseHowTo | 13 July 2017, 15:05:49 UTC |
f6c49aa | laguerre | 29 June 2017, 10:29:08 UTC | Deleted branches/FullSWOF_2D_Inhomogeneous_Boundary | 29 June 2017, 10:29:08 UTC |
435e144 | laguerre | 29 June 2017, 10:25:46 UTC | Merged from branches/FullSWOF_2D_Inhomogeneous_Boundary to trunk | 29 June 2017, 10:25:46 UTC |
161de6e | laguerre | 29 June 2017, 10:15:19 UTC | Merged from trunk to branches/FullSWOF_2D_Inhomogeneous_Boundary. | 29 June 2017, 10:15:19 UTC |
3ec8011 | laguerre | 09 May 2017, 15:17:19 UTC | Modification of imposed discharge per cell in boundary condition | 09 May 2017, 15:17:19 UTC |
c201a74 | laguerre | 09 May 2017, 14:11:57 UTC | Updated the documentation with the new Examples directory | 09 May 2017, 14:11:57 UTC |
0dcc93b | laguerre | 09 May 2017, 13:43:41 UTC | Renamed the Exp01 directory to Simple | 09 May 2017, 13:43:41 UTC |
321f996 | laguerre | 09 May 2017, 13:41:57 UTC | Renamed the Exp01 directory to Simple | 09 May 2017, 13:41:57 UTC |
70b3c9b | laguerre | 09 May 2017, 13:12:12 UTC | Creation of two examples to run FullSWOF | 09 May 2017, 13:12:12 UTC |
81c93d8 | laguerre | 09 May 2017, 12:27:35 UTC | Moving Exp01 to Examples | 09 May 2017, 12:27:35 UTC |
e7a901f | laguerre | 09 May 2017, 12:18:06 UTC | Creation of the directory Examples to structure better the examples | 09 May 2017, 12:18:06 UTC |
7bcadb1 | laguerre | 09 May 2017, 12:04:59 UTC | Corrections in comments and update the explanation of inhomogeneous boundaries in Documentation.tex | 09 May 2017, 12:04:59 UTC |
67e90e9 | fdarboux | 26 April 2017, 09:31:31 UTC | Doc: dtheta is the initial water deficit | 26 April 2017, 09:31:31 UTC |
642bc07 | fdarboux | 21 April 2017, 08:10:45 UTC | Drop support for 32-bit benchmarks: finishing the job... | 21 April 2017, 08:10:45 UTC |
e662c45 | fdarboux | 21 April 2017, 08:03:05 UTC | Drop support for 32-bit benchmarks. Glitch in doc biblio. | 21 April 2017, 08:03:05 UTC |
0445d49 | laguerre | 13 April 2017, 10:26:40 UTC | The evolution in time added to boundary conditions | 13 April 2017, 10:26:40 UTC |
6c4adcd | laguerre | 23 March 2017, 13:49:37 UTC | Tests added in debug mode to track sending indexes in boundary conditions. | 23 March 2017, 13:49:37 UTC |
0bfe9bc | laguerre | 21 March 2017, 14:53:31 UTC | Updated parameters.txt to take into account the spatialization of boundary condition | 21 March 2017, 14:53:31 UTC |
e9ddfc2 | laguerre | 20 March 2017, 15:24:45 UTC | Modifications of schemes class and libboundaryconditions to take into account the spatialization of boundary conditions | 20 March 2017, 15:24:45 UTC |
04c4f4c | laguerre | 20 March 2017, 13:15:22 UTC | Replaced the parameters of boundary conditions by vectors in parameters class | 20 March 2017, 13:15:22 UTC |
44bb45b | laguerre | 14 March 2017, 09:48:17 UTC | Creation of inhomogeneous boundary conditions | 14 March 2017, 09:48:17 UTC |
af39812 | fdarboux | 03 March 2017, 14:31:54 UTC | Scripts: checking for programs | 03 March 2017, 14:31:54 UTC |
a75ad3a | laguerre | 28 February 2017, 16:05:48 UTC | Optimization of output classes with the parameters of methods passed by reference | 28 February 2017, 16:05:48 UTC |
f1daa53 | laguerre | 16 February 2017, 11:11:20 UTC | Correction in the choice of specific points, We moved the calculation of index of the arrays just before to saving data | 16 February 2017, 11:11:20 UTC |
51ed3b3 | laguerre | 13 February 2017, 11:18:34 UTC | Correction in the choice of specific points, we mustn't choose a time saved in the case of no save | 13 February 2017, 11:18:34 UTC |
ae4efde | laguerre | 09 February 2017, 16:57:18 UTC | branches/FullSWOF2D_Saving_specific_points deleted. | 09 February 2017, 16:57:18 UTC |
445fdf5 | laguerre | 09 February 2017, 16:48:09 UTC | Merged from branches/FullSWOF2D_Saving_specific_points to trunk | 09 February 2017, 16:48:09 UTC |
7d584f4 | laguerre | 09 February 2017, 16:30:44 UTC | Merged from trunk/ | 09 February 2017, 16:30:44 UTC |
f77f0b6 | laguerre | 08 February 2017, 13:59:54 UTC | TO DO LIST updated with the uniformization of classes. | 08 February 2017, 13:59:54 UTC |
879cc3d | lucas | 03 February 2017, 17:13:30 UTC | Corrections and addition of precision(10) in debug mode | 03 February 2017, 17:13:30 UTC |
5dedcdc | laguerre | 03 February 2017, 13:22:44 UTC | Added 10 significant figures in the output of specific points. | 03 February 2017, 13:22:44 UTC |
d85355a | laguerre | 05 January 2017, 09:45:03 UTC | Deleted z in the output of specific points. | 05 January 2017, 09:45:03 UTC |
c1af621 | laguerre | 23 December 2016, 11:16:57 UTC | In the Documentation, the choice of specific points added | 23 December 2016, 11:16:57 UTC |
e74867f | laguerre | 22 December 2016, 11:20:22 UTC | Choice of specific points added in the parameter files of Benchmarks | 22 December 2016, 11:20:22 UTC |
f0597d3 | laguerre | 22 December 2016, 11:02:55 UTC | Minor corrections in comments | 22 December 2016, 11:02:55 UTC |
12e0c7f | laguerre | 22 December 2016, 10:33:02 UTC | componant replaced by compenent because componant does not exist | 22 December 2016, 10:33:02 UTC |
ae3cb84 | laguerre | 22 December 2016, 10:02:50 UTC | Warn of the treatment of the errors and of warnings in the comments of method function | 22 December 2016, 10:02:50 UTC |
5499f38 | laguerre | 22 December 2016, 09:08:29 UTC | Deleted a line between the different times in huz_specific_points.dat file | 22 December 2016, 09:08:29 UTC |
276707f | laguerre | 22 December 2016, 08:52:22 UTC | Awk replaced by Gawk in huz_specific_points.dat file because there were problems with Mac OS | 22 December 2016, 08:52:22 UTC |
4a16650 | laguerre | 21 December 2016, 16:35:10 UTC | Add a time step to save specific points | 21 December 2016, 16:35:10 UTC |
a7a9feb | laguerre | 03 October 2016, 16:10:18 UTC | Add new classes in the directory libsave to save the specific points chosen by the user | 03 October 2016, 16:10:18 UTC |
9567b86 | laguerre | 27 September 2016, 15:26:14 UTC | Add is_coord_in_file_valid() function which verifies if the coordinates of user are valid | 27 September 2016, 15:26:14 UTC |
961d83e | laguerre | 20 September 2016, 14:28:53 UTC | Add the parameters in order to choose the output of the specific points | 20 September 2016, 14:28:53 UTC |
d3c4faa | laguerre | 19 September 2016, 14:03:51 UTC | Add an output for saving variables at specific points. | 19 September 2016, 14:03:51 UTC |
c21a45e | laguerre | 19 September 2016, 14:01:07 UTC | delete FullSWOF2D_Saving_specific_points | 19 September 2016, 14:01:07 UTC |
3e1c7cc | laguerre | 19 September 2016, 13:52:11 UTC | Add an output for saving variables at specific points. | 19 September 2016, 13:52:11 UTC |
344f99d | laguerre | 19 September 2016, 13:51:15 UTC | Add an output for saving variables at specific points. | 19 September 2016, 13:51:15 UTC |
f447c74 | laguerre | 01 June 2016, 13:38:20 UTC | replaced <outflow ... at the boundary> by <boundaries> in Outputs/results.dat because it is more relevant | 01 June 2016, 13:38:20 UTC |
5a5563e | laguerre | 01 June 2016, 13:25:52 UTC | The extension of filename friction_init.dat replaced by txt because it is more coherent | 01 June 2016, 13:25:52 UTC |
2635537 | laguerre | 14 March 2016, 13:56:45 UTC | Tagging the 1.07.00 release of the FullSWOF_2D project. | 14 March 2016, 13:56:45 UTC |
ea9de78 | laguerre | 14 March 2016, 13:53:37 UTC | Ready for tag version 1.07.00 | 14 March 2016, 13:53:37 UTC |
1c6f47a | laguerre | 10 February 2016, 10:57:15 UTC | Update of the date of the file Documentation.tex | 10 February 2016, 10:57:15 UTC |
55e14ee | laguerre | 10 February 2016, 10:45:58 UTC | correction of a comment in the choice of friction | 10 February 2016, 10:45:58 UTC |
efe3111 | laguerre | 09 February 2016, 11:00:40 UTC | minor corrections in the Documentation | 09 February 2016, 11:00:40 UTC |
21c7f2b | laguerre | 09 February 2016, 10:39:23 UTC | HLLC2 default value. | 09 February 2016, 10:39:23 UTC |
1739abf | laguerre | 08 February 2016, 15:06:28 UTC | laminar friction added in the documentation | 08 February 2016, 15:06:28 UTC |
c87db06 | laguerre | 08 February 2016, 14:58:37 UTC | explanation of the interest of HLLC solver in the documentation | 08 February 2016, 14:58:37 UTC |
6416b3c | laguerre | 14 January 2016, 14:56:28 UTC | hllc and hllc2 added in the documentation | 14 January 2016, 14:56:28 UTC |
13a0afb | laguerre | 14 January 2016, 14:23:29 UTC | Clarification of the differences between HLL and HLL2 | 14 January 2016, 14:23:29 UTC |
f92c9a4 | laguerre | 14 January 2016, 10:20:05 UTC | Choices hllc an hllc2 added in the parameters files of the benchmarks | 14 January 2016, 10:20:05 UTC |
556c35c | laguerre | 14 January 2016, 10:01:22 UTC | f_hllc2.hpp and f_hllc2.cpp files added. | 14 January 2016, 10:01:22 UTC |
f993735 | laguerre | 04 January 2016, 15:18:57 UTC | New HLLC2 version of the flux HLLC | 04 January 2016, 15:18:57 UTC |
9e2b96e | laguerre | 04 January 2016, 14:20:49 UTC | doi corrected in doc.bib file for Bouchut04 | 04 January 2016, 14:20:49 UTC |
ac167f9 | laguerre | 04 January 2016, 14:08:01 UTC | New flux HLLC | 04 January 2016, 14:08:01 UTC |
c50272a | laguerre | 29 October 2015, 14:36:09 UTC | typo corrected in the word: Initialization | 29 October 2015, 14:36:09 UTC |
4a4b435 | laguerre | 29 October 2015, 14:14:15 UTC | update the header of files where I corrected the typo in initialization | 29 October 2015, 14:14:15 UTC |
703aadd | laguerre | 29 October 2015, 13:57:08 UTC | typo corrected in the word: initialization | 29 October 2015, 13:57:08 UTC |
513cad8 | lucas | 20 July 2015, 17:18:44 UTC | Upgrade to Doxygen 1.8.10 | 20 July 2015, 17:18:44 UTC |
ab8ba88 | laguerre | 11 July 2015, 13:50:22 UTC | Add the environment variable EROSION into make_config | 11 July 2015, 13:50:22 UTC |
d1080d3 | laguerre | 11 July 2015, 12:29:48 UTC | Ajout du modele Hairsine et Rose dans FullSWOF_2D | 11 July 2015, 12:29:48 UTC |
2c1b753 | laguerre | 06 July 2015, 13:12:52 UTC | Doxygen modifications in HLL and HLL2 | 06 July 2015, 13:12:52 UTC |
44d0dfc | laguerre | 26 May 2015, 12:26:10 UTC | test commit after sourcesup changes | 26 May 2015, 12:26:10 UTC |
613944c | fdarboux | 03 April 2015, 09:04:27 UTC | UpdateDateVersion.sh: Check first for sed, doxygen, mktemp and egrep | 03 April 2015, 09:04:27 UTC |
25973ce | lucas | 10 March 2015, 14:10:58 UTC | correction in doxygen of output.cpp | 10 March 2015, 14:10:58 UTC |
1f3b7f1 | lucas | 10 March 2015, 13:13:22 UTC | correction of typos in make_config and infiltration.cpp | 10 March 2015, 13:13:22 UTC |
47a0554 | laguerre | 03 March 2015, 10:21:18 UTC | Correction of the bug 9686. There was an error of sign in the comparison between 0 and the coefficients (friccoef and Kc_coef). | 03 March 2015, 10:21:18 UTC |
9baa8d0 | laguerre | 02 March 2015, 13:20:54 UTC | Tagging the 1.06.00 release of the FullSWOF_2D project. | 02 March 2015, 13:20:54 UTC |
4a2d1a5 | laguerre | 02 March 2015, 13:15:53 UTC | Ready for tag version 1.06.00 | 02 March 2015, 13:15:53 UTC |
6519b75 | lucas | 19 February 2015, 10:29:26 UTC | cleaning of the code | 19 February 2015, 10:29:26 UTC |
ebefd9a | lucas | 18 February 2015, 22:02:44 UTC | cleaning of the code - addition of a remark in the doc | 18 February 2015, 22:02:44 UTC |
f4986fe | fdarboux | 30 January 2015, 12:39:27 UTC | Doc: Details about parametrization of friction | 30 January 2015, 12:39:27 UTC |
cef20aa | laguerre | 30 January 2015, 11:23:23 UTC | added \<variable\> in the comments because doxygen considered <variable> as a tag | 30 January 2015, 11:23:23 UTC |
c2e63d8 | laguerre | 30 January 2015, 08:38:25 UTC | Doxygen_config_files (latex and html) updated for doxygen | 30 January 2015, 08:38:25 UTC |
ac01c2f | laguerre | 28 January 2015, 16:04:20 UTC | Resolution of warnings in the code with the compiler g++ 4.8.2 | 28 January 2015, 16:04:20 UTC |
2e4049b | laguerre | 28 January 2015, 13:58:48 UTC | Updated of the documentation in order to use the friction | 28 January 2015, 13:58:48 UTC |
9017fb0 | laguerre | 28 January 2015, 11:27:24 UTC | Added the parameter 'Name of the friction file <fric_NF>' in the parameters.txt file of the benchmarks | 28 January 2015, 11:27:24 UTC |
40190c8 | laguerre | 28 January 2015, 10:51:12 UTC | Deleted the array of frictions of the Scheme class because moved it in the Friction class | 28 January 2015, 10:51:12 UTC |
9b1dfc0 | laguerre | 28 January 2015, 10:03:35 UTC | Added in the Friction class the deallocation of arrays in the destructor | 28 January 2015, 10:03:35 UTC |
12cc803 | lucas | 23 January 2015, 13:05:43 UTC | Cleaning of the code after the merge | 23 January 2015, 13:05:43 UTC |
800328c | lucas | 07 January 2015, 16:57:45 UTC | Minor correction in doxygen (greenampt.hpp) | 07 January 2015, 16:57:45 UTC |