Raw File
Tip revision: 72a0c7b61adcf1d6630db9e952bf8b0d4f979295 authored by Paul Hoffman on 16 July 2020, 04:37:54 UTC
Merge pull request #3268 from satijalab/develop
Tip revision: 72a0c7b
#' @include generics.R

# Functions

#' Determine statistical significance of PCA scores.
#' Randomly permutes a subset of data, and calculates projected PCA scores for
#' these 'random' genes. Then compares the PCA scores for the 'random' genes
#' with the observed PCA scores to determine statistical signifance. End result
#' is a p-value for each gene's association with each principal component.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param reduction DimReduc to use. ONLY PCA CURRENTLY SUPPORTED.
#' @param assay Assay used to calculate reduction.
#' @param dims Number of PCs to compute significance for
#' @param num.replicate Number of replicate samplings to perform
#' @param prop.freq Proportion of the data to randomly permute for each
#' replicate
#' @param verbose Print progress bar showing the number of replicates
#' that have been processed.
#' @param maxit maximum number of iterations to be performed by the irlba function of RunPCA
#' @return Returns a Seurat object where JS(object = object[['pca']], slot = 'empirical')
#' represents p-values for each gene in the PCA analysis. If ProjectPCA is
#' subsequently run, JS(object = object[['pca']], slot = 'full') then
#' represents p-values for all genes.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply pbsapply
#' @importFrom future.apply future_lapply future_sapply
#' @importFrom future nbrOfWorkers
#' @references Inspired by Chung et al, Bioinformatics (2014)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pbmc_small = suppressWarnings(JackStraw(pbmc_small))
#' head(JS(object = pbmc_small[['pca']], slot = 'empirical'))
#' }
JackStraw <- function(
  reduction = "pca",
  assay = NULL,
  dims = 20,
  num.replicate = 100,
  prop.freq = 0.01,
  verbose = TRUE,
  maxit = 1000
) {
  if (reduction != "pca") {
    stop("Only pca for reduction is currently supported")
  if (verbose && nbrOfWorkers() == 1) {
    my.lapply <- pblapply
    my.sapply <- pbsapply
  } else {
    my.lapply <- future_lapply
    my.sapply <- future_sapply
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
  if (IsSCT(assay = object[[assay]])) {
    stop("JackStraw cannot be run on SCTransform-normalized data.
         Please supply a non-SCT assay.")
  if (dims > length(x = object[[reduction]])) {
    dims <- length(x = object[[reduction]])
    warning("Number of dimensions specified is greater than those available. Setting dims to ", dims, " and continuing", immediate. = TRUE)
  if (dims > nrow(x = object)) {
    dims <- nrow(x = object)
    warning("Number of dimensions specified is greater than the number of cells. Setting dims to ", dims, " and continuing", immediate. = TRUE)
  loadings <- Loadings(object = object[[reduction]], projected = FALSE)
  reduc.features <- rownames(x = loadings)
  if (length(x = reduc.features) < 3) {
    stop("Too few features")
  if (length(x = reduc.features) * prop.freq < 3) {
      "Number of variable genes given ",
      " as the prop.freq is low. Consider including more variable genes and/or increasing prop.freq. ",
      "Continuing with 3 genes in every random sampling."
  data.use <- GetAssayData(object = object, assay = assay, slot = "scale.data")[reduc.features, ]
  rev.pca <- object[[paste0('RunPCA.', assay)]]$rev.pca
  weight.by.var <- object[[paste0('RunPCA.', assay)]]$weight.by.var
  fake.vals.raw <- my.lapply(
    X = 1:num.replicate,
    FUN = JackRandom,
    scaled.data = data.use,
    prop.use = prop.freq,
    r1.use = 1,
    r2.use = dims,
    rev.pca = rev.pca,
    weight.by.var = weight.by.var,
    maxit = maxit
  fake.vals <- sapply(
    X = 1:dims,
    FUN = function(x) {
      return(as.numeric(x = unlist(x = lapply(
        X = 1:num.replicate,
        FUN = function(y) {
          return(fake.vals.raw[[y]][, x])
  fake.vals <- as.matrix(x = fake.vals)
  jackStraw.empP <- as.matrix(
      X = 1:dims,
      FUN = function(x) {
        return(unlist(x = lapply(
          X = abs(loadings[, x]),
          FUN = EmpiricalP,
          nullval = abs(fake.vals[,x])
  colnames(x = jackStraw.empP) <- paste0("PC", 1:ncol(x = jackStraw.empP))
  jackstraw.obj <- new(
    Class = "JackStrawData",
    empirical.p.values  = jackStraw.empP,
    fake.reduction.scores = fake.vals,
    empirical.p.values.full = matrix()
  JS(object = object[[reduction]]) <- jackstraw.obj
  object <- LogSeuratCommand(object = object)

#' L2-normalization
#' Perform l2 normalization on given dimensional reduction
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param reduction Dimensional reduction to normalize
#' @param new.dr name of new dimensional reduction to store
#' (default is olddr.l2)
#' @param new.key name of key for new dimensional reduction
#' @return Returns a \code{\link{Seurat}} object
#' @export
L2Dim <- function(object, reduction, new.dr = NULL, new.key = NULL) {
  l2.norm <- L2Norm(mat = Embeddings(object[[reduction]]))
    new.dr <- paste0(reduction, ".l2")
    new.key <- paste0("L2", Key(object[[reduction]]))
  colnames(x = l2.norm) <- paste0(new.key, 1:ncol(x = l2.norm))
  l2.dr <- CreateDimReducObject(
    embeddings = l2.norm,
    loadings = Loadings(object = object[[reduction]], projected = FALSE),
    projected = Loadings(object = object[[reduction]], projected = TRUE),
    assay = DefaultAssay(object = object),
    stdev = slot(object = object[[reduction]], name = 'stdev'),
    key = new.key,
    jackstraw = slot(object = object[[reduction]], name = 'jackstraw'),
    misc = slot(object = object[[reduction]], name = 'misc')
  object[[new.dr]] <- l2.dr

#' L2-Normalize CCA
#' Perform l2 normalization on CCs
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to L2Dim.
#' @export
L2CCA <- function(object, ...){
  CheckDots(..., fxns = 'L2Dim')
  return(L2Dim(object = object, reduction = "cca", ...))

#' Significant genes from a PCA
#' Returns a set of genes, based on the JackStraw analysis, that have
#' statistically significant associations with a set of PCs.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param pcs.use PCS to use.
#' @param pval.cut P-value cutoff
#' @param use.full Use the full list of genes (from the projected PCA). Assumes
#' that \code{ProjectDim} has been run. Currently, must be set to FALSE.
#' @param max.per.pc Maximum number of genes to return per PC. Used to avoid genes from one PC dominating the entire analysis.
#' @return A vector of genes whose p-values are statistically significant for
#' at least one of the given PCs.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{ProjectDim}} \code{\link{JackStraw}}
#' @examples
#' PCASigGenes(pbmc_small, pcs.use = 1:2)
PCASigGenes <- function(
  pval.cut = 0.1,
  use.full = FALSE,
  max.per.pc = NULL
) {
  # pvals.use <- GetDimReduction(object,reduction.type = "pca",slot = "jackstraw")@empirical.p.values
  empirical.use <- ifelse(test = use.full, yes = 'full', no = 'empirical')
  pvals.use <- JS(object = object[['pca']], slot = empirical.use)
  if (length(x = pcs.use) == 1) {
    pvals.min <- pvals.use[, pcs.use]
  if (length(x = pcs.use) > 1) {
    pvals.min <- apply(X = pvals.use[, pcs.use], MARGIN = 1, FUN = min)
  names(x = pvals.min) <- rownames(x = pvals.use)
  features <- names(x = pvals.min)[pvals.min < pval.cut]
  if (!is.null(x = max.per.pc)) {
    top.features <- TopFeatures(
      object = object[['pca']],
      dim = pcs.use,
      nfeatures = max.per.pc,
      projected = use.full,
      balanced = FALSE
    features <- intersect(x = top.features, y = features)

#' Project Dimensional reduction onto full dataset
#' Takes a pre-computed dimensional reduction (typically calculated on a subset
#' of genes) and projects this onto the entire dataset (all genes). Note that
#' the cell loadings will remain unchanged, but now there are gene loadings for
#' all genes.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param reduction Reduction to use
#' @param assay Assay to use
#' @param dims.print Number of dims to print features for
#' @param nfeatures.print Number of features with highest/lowest loadings to print for
#' each dimension
#' @param overwrite Replace the existing data in feature.loadings
#' @param do.center Center the dataset prior to projection (should be set to TRUE)
#' @param verbose Print top genes associated with the projected dimensions
#' @return Returns Seurat object with the projected values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pbmc_small
#' pbmc_small <- ProjectDim(object = pbmc_small, reduction = "pca")
#' # Vizualize top projected genes in heatmap
#' DimHeatmap(object = pbmc_small, reduction = "pca", dims = 1, balanced = TRUE)
ProjectDim <- function(
  reduction = "pca",
  assay = NULL,
  dims.print = 1:5,
  nfeatures.print = 20,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  do.center = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  redeuc <- object[[reduction]]
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = redeuc)
  data.use <- GetAssayData(
    object = object[[assay]],
    slot = "scale.data"
  if (do.center) {
    data.use <- scale(x = as.matrix(x = data.use), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  cell.embeddings <- Embeddings(object = redeuc)
  new.feature.loadings.full <- data.use %*% cell.embeddings
  rownames(x = new.feature.loadings.full) <- rownames(x = data.use)
  colnames(x = new.feature.loadings.full) <- colnames(x = cell.embeddings)
  Loadings(object = redeuc, projected = TRUE) <- new.feature.loadings.full
  if (overwrite) {
    Loadings(object = redeuc, projected = FALSE) <- new.feature.loadings.full
  object[[reduction]] <- redeuc
  if (verbose) {
      x = redeuc,
      dims = dims.print,
      nfeatures = nfeatures.print,
      projected = TRUE
  object <- LogSeuratCommand(object = object)

# Methods for Seurat-defined generics

#' @param standardize Standardize matrices - scales columns to have unit variance
#' and mean 0
#' @param num.cc Number of canonical vectors to calculate
#' @param seed.use Random seed to set. If NULL, does not set a seed
#' @param verbose Show progress messages
#' @importFrom irlba irlba
#' @rdname RunCCA
#' @export
RunCCA.default <- function(
  standardize = TRUE,
  num.cc = 20,
  seed.use = 42,
  verbose = FALSE,
) {
  if (!is.null(x = seed.use)) {
    set.seed(seed = seed.use)
  cells1 <- colnames(x = object1)
  cells2 <- colnames(x = object2)
  if (standardize) {
    object1 <- Standardize(mat = object1, display_progress = FALSE)
    object2 <- Standardize(mat = object2, display_progress = FALSE)
  mat3 <- crossprod(x = object1, y = object2)
  cca.svd <- irlba(A = mat3, nv = num.cc)
  cca.data <- rbind(cca.svd$u, cca.svd$v)
  colnames(x = cca.data) <- paste0("CC", 1:num.cc)
  rownames(cca.data) <- c(cells1, cells2)
  cca.data <- apply(
    X = cca.data,
    MARGIN = 2,
    FUN = function(x) {
      if (sign(x[1]) == -1) {
        x <- x * -1
  return(list(ccv = cca.data, d = cca.svd$d))

#' @param assay1,assay2 Assays to pull from in the first and second objects, respectively
#' @param features Set of genes to use in CCA. Default is the union of both
#' the variable features sets present in both objects.
#' @param renormalize Renormalize raw data after merging the objects. If FALSE,
#' merge the data matrices also.
#' @param rescale Rescale the datasets prior to CCA. If FALSE, uses existing data in the scale data slots.
#' @param compute.gene.loadings Also compute the gene loadings. NOTE - this will
#' scale every gene in the dataset which may impose a high memory cost.
#' @param add.cell.id1,add.cell.id2 Add ...
#' @param ... Extra parameters (passed onto MergeSeurat in case with two objects
#' passed, passed onto ScaleData in case with single object and rescale.groups
#' set to TRUE)
#' @rdname RunCCA
#' @export
#' @method RunCCA Seurat
RunCCA.Seurat <- function(
  assay1 = NULL,
  assay2 = NULL,
  num.cc = 20,
  features = NULL,
  renormalize = FALSE,
  rescale = FALSE,
  compute.gene.loadings = TRUE,
  add.cell.id1 = NULL,
  add.cell.id2 = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  assay1 <- assay1 %||% DefaultAssay(object = object1)
  assay2 <- assay2 %||% DefaultAssay(object = object2)
  if (assay1 != assay2) {
    warning("Running CCA on different assays")
  if (is.null(x = features)) {
    if (length(x = VariableFeatures(object = object1, assay = assay1)) == 0) {
      stop(paste0("VariableFeatures not computed for the ", assay1, " assay in object1"))
    if (length(x = VariableFeatures(object = object2, assay = assay2)) == 0) {
      stop(paste0("VariableFeatures not computed for the ", assay2, " assay in object2"))
    features <- union(x = VariableFeatures(object = object1), y = VariableFeatures(object = object2))
    if (length(x = features) == 0) {
      stop("Zero features in the union of the VariableFeature sets ")
  nfeatures <- length(x = features)
  if (!(rescale)) {
    data.use1 <- GetAssayData(object = object1, assay = assay1, slot = "scale.data")
    data.use2 <- GetAssayData(object = object2, assay = assay2, slot = "scale.data")
    features <- CheckFeatures(data.use = data.use1, features = features, object.name = "object1", verbose = FALSE)
    features <- CheckFeatures(data.use = data.use2, features = features, object.name = "object2", verbose = FALSE)
    data1 <- data.use1[features, ]
    data2 <- data.use2[features, ]
  if (rescale) {
    data.use1 <- GetAssayData(object = object1, assay = assay1, slot = "data")
    data.use2 <- GetAssayData(object = object2, assay = assay2, slot = "data")
    features <- CheckFeatures(data.use = data.use1, features = features, object.name = "object1", verbose = FALSE)
    features <- CheckFeatures(data.use = data.use2, features = features, object.name = "object2", verbose = FALSE)
    data1 <- data.use1[features,]
    data2 <- data.use2[features,]
    if (verbose) message("Rescaling groups")
    data1 <- FastRowScale(as.matrix(data1))
    dimnames(data1) <- list(features, colnames(x = object1))
    data2 <- FastRowScale(as.matrix(data2))
    dimnames(data2) <- list(features, colnames(x = object2))
  if (length(x = features) / nfeatures < 0.1 & verbose) {
    warning("More than 10% of provided features filtered out. Please check that the given features are present in the scale.data slot for both the assays provided here and that they have non-zero variance.")
  if (length(x = features) < 50) {
    warning("Fewer than 50 features used as input for CCA.")
  if (verbose) {
    message("Running CCA")
  cca.results <- RunCCA(
    object1 = data1,
    object2 = data2,
    standardize = TRUE,
    num.cc = num.cc,
    verbose = verbose,
  if (verbose) {
    message("Merging objects")
  combined.object <- merge(
    x = object1,
    y = object2,
    merge.data = TRUE,
  combined.object[['cca']] <- CreateDimReducObject(
    embeddings = cca.results$ccv[colnames(combined.object), ],
    assay = assay1,
    key = "CC_"
  combined.object[['cca']]@assay.used <- DefaultAssay(combined.object)
  if (ncol(combined.object) != (ncol(object1) + ncol(object2))) {
    warning("Some cells removed after object merge due to minimum feature count cutoff")
  combined.scale <- cbind(data1,data2)
  combined.object <- SetAssayData(object = combined.object,new.data = combined.scale, slot = "scale.data")
  if (renormalize) {
    combined.object <- NormalizeData(
      object = combined.object,
      assay = assay1,
      normalization.method = object1[[paste0("NormalizeData.", assay1)]]$normalization.method,
      scale.factor = object1[[paste0("NormalizeData.", assay1)]]$scale.factor
  if (compute.gene.loadings) {
    combined.object <- ProjectDim(
      object = combined.object,
      reduction = "cca",
      verbose = FALSE,
      overwrite = TRUE)

#' @param assay Name of Assay ICA is being run on
#' @param nics Number of ICs to compute
#' @param rev.ica By default, computes the dimensional reduction on the cell x
#' feature matrix. Setting to true will compute it on the transpose (feature x cell
#' matrix).
#' @param ica.function ICA function from ica package to run (options: icafast,
#' icaimax, icajade)
#' @param verbose Print the top genes associated with high/low loadings for
#' the ICs
#' @param ndims.print ICs to print genes for
#' @param nfeatures.print Number of genes to print for each IC
#' @param reduction.key dimensional reduction key, specifies the string before
#' the number for the dimension names.
#' @param seed.use Set a random seed.  Setting NULL will not set a seed.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to be passed to fastica
#' @importFrom ica icafast icaimax icajade
#' @rdname RunICA
#' @export
#' @method RunICA default
RunICA.default <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  nics = 50,
  rev.ica = FALSE,
  ica.function = "icafast",
  verbose = TRUE,
  ndims.print = 1:5,
  nfeatures.print = 30,
  reduction.name = "ica",
  reduction.key = "ica_",
  seed.use = 42,
) {
  CheckDots(..., fxns = ica.function)
  if (!is.null(x = seed.use)) {
    set.seed(seed = seed.use)
  nics <- min(nics, ncol(x = object))
  ica.fxn <- eval(expr = parse(text = ica.function))
  if (rev.ica) {
    ica.results <- ica.fxn(object, nc = nics,...)
    cell.embeddings <- ica.results$M
  } else {
    ica.results <- ica.fxn(t(x = object), nc = nics,...)
    cell.embeddings <- ica.results$S
  feature.loadings <- (as.matrix(x = object ) %*% as.matrix(x = cell.embeddings))
  colnames(x = feature.loadings) <- paste0(reduction.key, 1:ncol(x = feature.loadings))
  colnames(x = cell.embeddings) <- paste0(reduction.key, 1:ncol(x = cell.embeddings))
  reduction.data <- CreateDimReducObject(
    embeddings = cell.embeddings,
    loadings = feature.loadings,
    assay = assay,
    key = reduction.key
  if (verbose) {
    print(x = reduction.data, dims = ndims.print, nfeatures = nfeatures.print)

#' @param features Features to compute ICA on
#' @rdname RunICA
#' @export
#' @method RunICA Assay
RunICA.Assay <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  nics = 50,
  rev.ica = FALSE,
  ica.function = "icafast",
  verbose = TRUE,
  ndims.print = 1:5,
  nfeatures.print = 30,
  reduction.name = "ica",
  reduction.key = "ica_",
  seed.use = 42,
) {
  data.use <- PrepDR(
    object = object,
    features = features,
    verbose = verbose
  reduction.data <- RunICA(
    object = data.use,
    assay = assay,
    nics = nics,
    rev.ica = rev.ica,
    ica.function = ica.function,
    verbose = verbose,
    ndims.print = ndims.print,
    nfeatures.print = nfeatures.print,
    reduction.key = reduction.key,
    seed.use = seed.use,


#' @param reduction.name dimensional reduction name
#' @rdname RunICA
#' @method RunICA Seurat
#' @export
RunICA.Seurat <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  nics = 50,
  rev.ica = FALSE,
  ica.function = "icafast",
  verbose = TRUE,
  ndims.print = 1:5,
  nfeatures.print = 30,
  reduction.name = "ica",
  reduction.key = "IC_",
  seed.use = 42,
) {
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
  assay.data <- GetAssay(object = object, assay = assay)
  reduction.data <- RunICA(
    object = assay.data,
    assay = assay,
    features = features,
    nics = nics,
    rev.ica = rev.ica,
    ica.function = ica.function,
    verbose = verbose,
    ndims.print = ndims.print,
    nfeatures.print = nfeatures.print,
    reduction.key = reduction.key,
    seed.use = seed.use,
  object[[reduction.name]] <- reduction.data
  object <- LogSeuratCommand(object = object)

#' @param assay Which assay to use. If NULL, use the default assay
#' @param n Number of singular values to compute
#' @param reduction.key Key for dimension reduction object
#' @param scale.max Clipping value for cell embeddings. Default (NULL) is no clipping.
#' @param seed.use Set a random seed. By default, sets the seed to 42. Setting
#' NULL will not set a seed.
#' @param verbose Print messages
#' @importFrom irlba irlba
#' @rdname RunLSI
#' @export
RunLSI.default <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  n = 50,
  reduction.key = 'LSI_',
  scale.max = NULL,
  seed.use = 42,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (!is.null(seed.use)) {
    set.seed(seed = seed.use)
  tf.idf <- TF.IDF(data = object, verbose = verbose)
  tf.idf <- LogNorm(data = tf.idf, display_progress = verbose, scale_factor = 1e4)
  colnames(x = tf.idf) <- colnames(x = object)
  rownames(x = tf.idf) <- rownames(x = object)
  n <- min(n, ncol(x = object) - 1)
  if (verbose) {
    message("Running SVD on TF-IDF matrix")
  lsi <- irlba(A = t(tf.idf), nv = n)
  feature.loadings <- lsi$v
  sdev <- lsi$d / sqrt(max(1, nrow(x = object) - 1))
  cell.embeddings <- lsi$u
  if (verbose) {
    message('Scaling cell embeddings')
  embed.mean <- apply(X = cell.embeddings, MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean)
  embed.sd <- apply(X = cell.embeddings, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sd)
  norm.embeddings <- (cell.embeddings - embed.mean) / embed.sd
  if (!is.null(x = scale.max)) {
    norm.embeddings[norm.embeddings > scale.max] <- scale.max
    norm.embeddings[norm.embeddings < -scale.max] <- -scale.max
  rownames(x = feature.loadings) <- rownames(x = object)
  colnames(x = feature.loadings) <- paste0(reduction.key, 1:n)
  rownames(x = norm.embeddings) <- colnames(x = object)
  colnames(x = norm.embeddings) <- paste0(reduction.key, 1:n)
  reduction.data <- CreateDimReducObject(
    embeddings = norm.embeddings,
    loadings = feature.loadings,
    assay = assay,
    stdev = sdev,
    key = reduction.key

#' @param features Which features to use. If NULL, use variable features
#' @rdname RunLSI
#' @export
#' @method RunLSI Assay
RunLSI.Assay <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  n = 50,
  reduction.key = 'LSI_',
  scale.max = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  features <- features %||% VariableFeatures(object)
  data.use <- GetAssayData(
    object = object,
    slot = 'counts'
  )[features, ]
  reduction.data <- RunLSI(
    object = data.use,
    assay = assay,
    n = n,
    reduction.key = reduction.key,
    scale.max = scale.max,
    verbose = verbose,

#' @param reduction.name Name for stored dimension reduction object. Default 'lsi'
#' @examples
#' lsi <- RunLSI(object = pbmc_small, n = 5)
#' @rdname RunLSI
#' @export
#' @method RunLSI Seurat
RunLSI.Seurat <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  n = 50,
  reduction.key = 'LSI_',
  reduction.name = 'lsi',
  scale.max = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object)
  assay.data <- GetAssay(object = object, assay = assay)
  reduction.data <- RunLSI(
    object = assay.data,
    assay = assay,
    features = features,
    n = n,
    reduction.key = reduction.key,
    scale.max = scale.max,
    verbose = verbose,
  object[[reduction.name]] <- reduction.data
  object <- LogSeuratCommand(object = object)

#' @param assay Name of Assay PCA is being run on
#' @param npcs Total Number of PCs to compute and store (50 by default)
#' @param rev.pca By default computes the PCA on the cell x gene matrix. Setting
#' to true will compute it on gene x cell matrix.
#' @param weight.by.var Weight the cell embeddings by the variance of each PC
#' (weights the gene loadings if rev.pca is TRUE)
#' @param verbose Print the top genes associated with high/low loadings for
#' the PCs
#' @param ndims.print PCs to print genes for
#' @param nfeatures.print Number of genes to print for each PC
#' @param reduction.key dimensional reduction key, specifies the string before
#' the number for the dimension names. PC by default
#' @param seed.use Set a random seed. By default, sets the seed to 42. Setting
#' NULL will not set a seed.
#' @param approx Use truncated singular value decomposition to approximate PCA
#' @importFrom irlba irlba
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @rdname RunPCA
#' @export
RunPCA.default <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  npcs = 50,
  rev.pca = FALSE,
  weight.by.var = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  ndims.print = 1:5,
  nfeatures.print = 30,
  reduction.key = "PC_",
  seed.use = 42,
  approx = TRUE,
) {
  if (!is.null(x = seed.use)) {
    set.seed(seed = seed.use)
  if (rev.pca) {
    npcs <- min(npcs, ncol(x = object) - 1)
    pca.results <- irlba(A = object, nv = npcs, ...)
    total.variance <- sum(RowVar(x = t(x = object)))
    sdev <- pca.results$d/sqrt(max(1, nrow(x = object) - 1))
    if (weight.by.var) {
      feature.loadings <- pca.results$u %*% diag(pca.results$d)
    } else{
      feature.loadings <- pca.results$u
    cell.embeddings <- pca.results$v
  else {
    total.variance <- sum(RowVar(x = object))
    if (approx) {
      npcs <- min(npcs, nrow(x = object) - 1)
      pca.results <- irlba(A = t(x = object), nv = npcs, ...)
      feature.loadings <- pca.results$v
      sdev <- pca.results$d/sqrt(max(1, ncol(object) - 1))
      if (weight.by.var) {
        cell.embeddings <- pca.results$u %*% diag(pca.results$d)
      } else {
        cell.embeddings <- pca.results$u
    } else {
      npcs <- min(npcs, nrow(x = object))
      pca.results <- prcomp(x = t(object), rank. = npcs, ...)
      feature.loadings <- pca.results$rotation
      sdev <- pca.results$sdev
      if (weight.by.var) {
        cell.embeddings <- pca.results$x %*% diag(pca.results$sdev[1:npcs]^2)
      } else {
        cell.embeddings <- pca.results$x
  rownames(x = feature.loadings) <- rownames(x = object)
  colnames(x = feature.loadings) <- paste0(reduction.key, 1:npcs)
  rownames(x = cell.embeddings) <- colnames(x = object)
  colnames(x = cell.embeddings) <- colnames(x = feature.loadings)
  reduction.data <- CreateDimReducObject(
    embeddings = cell.embeddings,
    loadings = feature.loadings,
    assay = assay,
    stdev = sdev,
    key = reduction.key,
    misc = list(total.variance = total.variance)
  if (verbose) {
    msg <- capture.output(print(
      x = reduction.data,
      dims = ndims.print,
      nfeatures = nfeatures.print
    message(paste(msg, collapse = '\n'))

#' @param features Features to compute PCA on. If features=NULL, PCA will be run
#' using the variable features for the Assay. Note that the features must be present
#' in the scaled data. Any requested features that are not scaled or have 0 variance
#' will be dropped, and the PCA will be run using the remaining features.
#' @rdname RunPCA
#' @export
#' @method RunPCA Assay
RunPCA.Assay <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  npcs = 50,
  rev.pca = FALSE,
  weight.by.var = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  ndims.print = 1:5,
  nfeatures.print = 30,
  reduction.key = "PC_",
  seed.use = 42,
) {
  data.use <- PrepDR(
    object = object,
    features = features,
    verbose = verbose
  reduction.data <- RunPCA(
    object = data.use,
    assay = assay,
    npcs = npcs,
    rev.pca = rev.pca,
    weight.by.var = weight.by.var,
    verbose = verbose,
    ndims.print = ndims.print,
    nfeatures.print = nfeatures.print,
    reduction.key = reduction.key,
    seed.use = seed.use,


#' @param reduction.name dimensional reduction name,  pca by default
#' @rdname RunPCA
#' @export
#' @method RunPCA Seurat
RunPCA.Seurat <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  npcs = 50,
  rev.pca = FALSE,
  weight.by.var = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  ndims.print = 1:5,
  nfeatures.print = 30,
  reduction.name = "pca",
  reduction.key = "PC_",
  seed.use = 42,
) {
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
  assay.data <- GetAssay(object = object, assay = assay)
  reduction.data <- RunPCA(
    object = assay.data,
    assay = assay,
    features = features,
    npcs = npcs,
    rev.pca = rev.pca,
    weight.by.var = weight.by.var,
    verbose = verbose,
    ndims.print = ndims.print,
    nfeatures.print = nfeatures.print,
    reduction.key = reduction.key,
    seed.use = seed.use,
  object[[reduction.name]] <- reduction.data
  object <- LogSeuratCommand(object = object)

#' @param assay Name of assay that that t-SNE is being run on
#' @param seed.use Random seed for the t-SNE. If NULL, does not set the seed
#' @param tsne.method Select the method to use to compute the tSNE. Available
#' methods are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Rtsne: }{Use the Rtsne package Barnes-Hut implementation of tSNE (default)}
# \item{tsne: }{standard tsne - not recommended for large datasets}
#' \item{FIt-SNE: }{Use the FFT-accelerated Interpolation-based t-SNE. Based on
#' Kluger Lab code found here: https://github.com/KlugerLab/FIt-SNE}
#' }
#' @param dim.embed The dimensional space of the resulting tSNE embedding
#' (default is 2). For example, set to 3 for a 3d tSNE
#' @param reduction.key dimensional reduction key, specifies the string before the number for the dimension names. tSNE_ by default
#' @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne
#' @rdname RunTSNE
#' @export
#' @method RunTSNE matrix
RunTSNE.matrix <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  seed.use = 1,
  tsne.method = "Rtsne",
  dim.embed = 2,
  reduction.key = "tSNE_",
) {
  if (!is.null(x = seed.use)) {
    set.seed(seed = seed.use)
  tsne.data <- switch(
    EXPR = tsne.method,
    'Rtsne' = Rtsne(
      X = object,
      dims = dim.embed,
      ... # PCA/is_distance
    'FIt-SNE' = fftRtsne(X = object, dims = dim.embed, rand_seed = seed.use, ...),
    stop("Invalid tSNE method: please choose from 'Rtsne' or 'FIt-SNE'")
  colnames(x = tsne.data) <- paste0(reduction.key, 1:ncol(x = tsne.data))
  rownames(x = tsne.data) <- rownames(x = object)
  tsne.reduction <- CreateDimReducObject(
    embeddings = tsne.data,
    key = reduction.key,
    assay = assay,
    global = TRUE

#' @param cells Which cells to analyze (default, all cells)
#' @param dims Which dimensions to use as input features
#' @rdname RunTSNE
#' @export
#' @method RunTSNE DimReduc
RunTSNE.DimReduc <- function(
  cells = NULL,
  dims = 1:5,
  seed.use = 1,
  tsne.method = "Rtsne",
  dim.embed = 2,
  reduction.key = "tSNE_",
) {
  args <- as.list(x = sys.frame(which = sys.nframe()))
  args <- c(args, list(...))
  args$object <- args$object[[cells, args$dims]]
  args$dims <- NULL
  args$cells <- NULL
  args$assay <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
  return(do.call(what = 'RunTSNE', args = args))

#' @rdname RunTSNE
#' @export
#' @method RunTSNE dist
RunTSNE.dist <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  seed.use = 1,
  tsne.method = "Rtsne",
  dim.embed = 2,
  reduction.key = "tSNE_",
) {
  args <- as.list(x = sys.frame(which = sys.nframe()))
  args <- c(args, list(...))
  args$object <- as.matrix(x = args$object)
  args$is_distance <- TRUE
  return(do.call(what = 'RunTSNE', args = args))

#' @param reduction Which dimensional reduction (e.g. PCA, ICA) to use for
#' the tSNE. Default is PCA
#' @param features If set, run the tSNE on this subset of features
#' (instead of running on a set of reduced dimensions). Not set (NULL) by default;
#' \code{dims} must be NULL to run on features
#' @param distance.matrix If set, runs tSNE on the given distance matrix
#' instead of data matrix (experimental)
#' @param reduction.name dimensional reduction name, specifies the position in the object$dr list. tsne by default
#' @rdname RunTSNE
#' @export
#' @method RunTSNE Seurat
RunTSNE.Seurat <- function(
  reduction = "pca",
  cells = NULL,
  dims = 1:5,
  features = NULL,
  seed.use = 1,
  tsne.method = "Rtsne",
  dim.embed = 2,
  distance.matrix = NULL,
  reduction.name = "tsne",
  reduction.key = "tSNE_",
) {
  cells <- cells %||% Cells(x = object)
  tsne.reduction <- if (!is.null(x = distance.matrix)) {
      object = distance.matrix,
      assay = DefaultAssay(object = object),
      seed.use = seed.use,
      tsne.method = tsne.method,
      dim.embed = dim.embed,
      reduction.key = reduction.key,
      is_distance = TRUE,
  } else if (!is.null(x = dims)) {
      object = object[[reduction]],
      cells = cells,
      dims = dims,
      seed.use = seed.use,
      tsne.method = tsne.method,
      dim.embed = dim.embed,
      reduction.key = reduction.key,
      pca = FALSE,
  } else if (!is.null(x = features)) {
      object = t(x = as.matrix(x = GetAssayData(object = object)[features, cells])),
      assay = DefaultAssay(object = object),
      seed.use = seed.use,
      tsne.method = tsne.method,
      dim.embed = dim.embed,
      reduction.key = reduction.key,
      pca = FALSE,
  } else {
    stop("Unknown way of running tSNE")
  object[[reduction.name]] <- tsne.reduction
  object <- LogSeuratCommand(object = object)

#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available py_set_seed import
#' @importFrom uwot umap umap_transform
#' @importFrom future nbrOfWorkers
#' @rdname RunUMAP
#' @method RunUMAP default
#' @export
RunUMAP.default <- function(
  reduction.model = NULL,
  assay = NULL,
  umap.method = 'uwot',
  n.neighbors = 30L,
  n.components = 2L,
  metric = 'cosine',
  n.epochs = NULL,
  learning.rate = 1.0,
  min.dist = 0.3,
  spread = 1.0,
  set.op.mix.ratio = 1.0,
  local.connectivity = 1L,
  repulsion.strength = 1,
  negative.sample.rate = 5,
  a = NULL,
  b = NULL,
  uwot.sgd = FALSE,
  seed.use = 42,
  metric.kwds = NULL,
  angular.rp.forest = FALSE,
  reduction.key = 'UMAP_',
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (!is.null(x = seed.use)) {
    set.seed(seed = seed.use)
  if (umap.method != 'umap-learn' && getOption('Seurat.warn.umap.uwot', TRUE)) {
      "The default method for RunUMAP has changed from calling Python UMAP via reticulate to the R-native UWOT using the cosine metric",
      "\nTo use Python UMAP via reticulate, set umap.method to 'umap-learn' and metric to 'correlation'",
      "\nThis message will be shown once per session",
      call. = FALSE,
      immediate. = TRUE
    options(Seurat.warn.umap.uwot = FALSE)
  umap.output <- switch(
    EXPR = umap.method,
    'umap-learn' = {
      if (!py_module_available(module = 'umap')) {
        stop("Cannot find UMAP, please install through pip (e.g. pip install umap-learn).")
      if (!is.null(x = seed.use)) {
        py_set_seed(seed = seed.use)
      if (typeof(x = n.epochs) == "double") {
        n.epochs <- as.integer(x = n.epochs)
      umap_import <- import(module = "umap", delay_load = TRUE)
      umap <- umap_import$UMAP(
        n_neighbors = as.integer(x = n.neighbors),
        n_components = as.integer(x = n.components),
        metric = metric,
        n_epochs = n.epochs,
        learning_rate = learning.rate,
        min_dist = min.dist,
        spread = spread,
        set_op_mix_ratio = set.op.mix.ratio,
        local_connectivity = local.connectivity,
        repulsion_strength = repulsion.strength,
        negative_sample_rate = negative.sample.rate,
        a = a,
        b = b,
        metric_kwds = metric.kwds,
        angular_rp_forest = angular.rp.forest,
        verbose = verbose
      umap$fit_transform(as.matrix(x = object))
    'uwot' = {
      if (metric == 'correlation') {
          "UWOT does not implement the correlation metric, using cosine instead",
          call. = FALSE,
          immediate. = TRUE
        metric <- 'cosine'
        X = object,
        n_threads = nbrOfWorkers(),
        n_neighbors = as.integer(x = n.neighbors),
        n_components = as.integer(x = n.components),
        metric = metric,
        n_epochs = n.epochs,
        learning_rate = learning.rate,
        min_dist = min.dist,
        spread = spread,
        set_op_mix_ratio = set.op.mix.ratio,
        local_connectivity = local.connectivity,
        repulsion_strength = repulsion.strength,
        negative_sample_rate = negative.sample.rate,
        a = a,
        b = b,
        fast_sgd = uwot.sgd,
        verbose = verbose
    'uwot-learn' = {
      if (metric == 'correlation') {
          "UWOT does not implement the correlation metric, using cosine instead",
          call. = FALSE,
          immediate. = TRUE
        metric <- 'cosine'
        X = object,
        n_threads = nbrOfWorkers(),
        n_neighbors = as.integer(x = n.neighbors),
        n_components = as.integer(x = n.components),
        metric = metric,
        n_epochs = n.epochs,
        learning_rate = learning.rate,
        min_dist = min.dist,
        spread = spread,
        set_op_mix_ratio = set.op.mix.ratio,
        local_connectivity = local.connectivity,
        repulsion_strength = repulsion.strength,
        negative_sample_rate = negative.sample.rate,
        a = a,
        b = b,
        fast_sgd = uwot.sgd,
        verbose = verbose,
        ret_model = TRUE
    'uwot-predict' = {
      if (metric == 'correlation') {
          "UWOT does not implement the correlation metric, using cosine instead",
          call. = FALSE,
          immediate. = TRUE
        metric <- 'cosine'
      if (is.null(x = reduction.model) || !inherits(x = reduction.model, what = 'DimReduc')) {
          "If using uwot-predict, please pass a DimReduc object with the model stored to reduction.model.",
          call. = FALSE
      model <- reduction.model %||% Misc(
        object = reduction.model,
        slot = "model"
      if (length(x = model) == 0) {
          "The provided reduction.model does not have a model stored. Please try running umot-learn on the object first",
          call. = FALSE
        X = object,
        model = model,
        n_threads = nbrOfWorkers(),
        n_epochs = n.epochs,
        verbose = verbose
    stop("Unknown umap method: ", umap.method, call. = FALSE)
  if (umap.method == 'uwot-learn') {
    umap.model <- umap.output
    umap.output <- umap.output$embedding
  colnames(x = umap.output) <- paste0(reduction.key, 1:ncol(x = umap.output))
  if (inherits(x = object, what = 'dist')) {
    rownames(x = umap.output) <- attr(x = object, "Labels")
  } else {
    rownames(x = umap.output) <- rownames(x = object)
  umap.reduction <- CreateDimReducObject(
    embeddings = umap.output,
    key = reduction.key,
    assay = assay,
    global = TRUE
  if (umap.method == 'uwot-learn') {
    Misc(umap.reduction, slot = "model") <- umap.model

#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available import
#' @rdname RunUMAP
#' @method RunUMAP Graph
#' @export
RunUMAP.Graph <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  umap.method = 'umap-learn',
  n.components = 2L,
  metric = 'correlation',
  n.epochs = 0L,
  learning.rate = 1,
  min.dist = 0.3,
  spread = 1,
  repulsion.strength = 1,
  negative.sample.rate = 5L,
  a = NULL,
  b = NULL,
  uwot.sgd = FALSE,
  seed.use = 42L,
  metric.kwds = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  reduction.key = 'UMAP_',
) {
  if (umap.method != 'umap-learn') {
      "Running UMAP on Graph objects is only supported using the umap-learn method",
      call. = FALSE,
      immediate. = TRUE
  if (!py_module_available(module = 'umap')) {
    stop("Cannot find UMAP, please install through pip (e.g. pip install umap-learn).")
  if (!py_module_available(module = 'numpy')) {
    stop("Cannot find numpy, please install through pip (e.g. pip install numpy).")
  if (!py_module_available(module = 'sklearn')) {
    stop("Cannot find sklearn, please install through pip (e.g. pip install scikit-learn).")
  if (!py_module_available(module = 'scipy')) {
    stop("Cannot find scipy, please install through pip (e.g. pip install scipy).")
  np <- import("numpy", delay_load = TRUE)
  sp <- import("scipy", delay_load = TRUE)
  sklearn <- import("sklearn", delay_load = TRUE)
  umap <- import("umap", delay_load = TRUE)
  diag(x = object) <- 0
  data <- object
  object <- sp$sparse$coo_matrix(arg1 = object)
  ab.params <- umap$umap_$find_ab_params(spread = spread, min_dist = min.dist)
  a <- a %||% ab.params[[1]]
  b <- b %||% ab.params[[2]]
  n.epochs <- n.epochs %||% 0L
  random.state <- sklearn$utils$check_random_state(seed = as.integer(x = seed.use))
  embeddings <- umap$umap_$simplicial_set_embedding(
    data = data,
    graph = object,
    n_components = n.components,
    initial_alpha = learning.rate,
    a = a,
    b = b,
    gamma = repulsion.strength,
    negative_sample_rate = negative.sample.rate,
    n_epochs = as.integer(x = n.epochs),
    random_state = random.state,
    init = "spectral",
    metric = metric,
    metric_kwds = metric.kwds,
    verbose = verbose
  rownames(x = embeddings) <- colnames(x = data)
  colnames(x = embeddings) <- paste0("UMAP_", 1:n.components)
  # center the embeddings on zero
  embeddings <- scale(x = embeddings, scale = FALSE)
  umap <- CreateDimReducObject(
    embeddings = embeddings,
    key = reduction.key,
    assay = assay,
    global = TRUE

#' @param reduction.model \code{DimReduc} object that contains the umap model
#' @param dims Which dimensions to use as input features, used only if
#' \code{features} is NULL
#' @param reduction Which dimensional reduction (PCA or ICA) to use for the
#' UMAP input. Default is PCA
#' @param features If set, run UMAP on this subset of features (instead of running on a
#' set of reduced dimensions). Not set (NULL) by default; \code{dims} must be NULL to run
#' on features
#' @param graph Name of graph on which to run UMAP
#' @param assay Assay to pull data for when using \code{features}, or assay used to construct Graph
#' if running UMAP on a Graph
#' @param umap.method UMAP implementation to run. Can be
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{uwot}:}{Runs umap via the uwot R package}
#'   \item{\code{uwot-learn}:}{Runs umap via the uwot R package and return the learned umap model}
#'   \item{\code{umap-learn}:}{Run the Seurat wrapper of the python umap-learn package}
#' }
#' @param n.neighbors This determines the number of neighboring points used in
#' local approximations of manifold structure. Larger values will result in more
#' global structure being preserved at the loss of detailed local structure. In
#' general this parameter should often be in the range 5 to 50.
#' @param n.components The dimension of the space to embed into.
#' @param metric metric: This determines the choice of metric used to measure
#' distance in the input space. A wide variety of metrics are already coded, and
#' a user defined function can be passed as long as it has been JITd by numba.
#' @param n.epochs he number of training epochs to be used in optimizing the low dimensional
#' embedding. Larger values result in more accurate embeddings. If NULL is specified, a value will
#' be selected based on the size of the input dataset (200 for large datasets, 500 for small).
#' @param learning.rate The initial learning rate for the embedding optimization.
#' @param min.dist This controls how tightly the embedding is allowed compress points together.
#' Larger values ensure embedded points are moreevenly distributed, while smaller values allow the
#' algorithm to optimise more accurately with regard to local structure. Sensible values are in
#' the range 0.001 to 0.5.
#' @param spread The effective scale of embedded points. In combination with min.dist this
#' determines how clustered/clumped the embedded points are.
#' @param set.op.mix.ratio Interpolate between (fuzzy) union and intersection as the set operation
#' used to combine local fuzzy simplicial sets to obtain a global fuzzy simplicial sets. Both fuzzy
#' set operations use the product t-norm. The value of this parameter should be between 0.0 and
#' 1.0; a value of 1.0 will use a pure fuzzy union, while 0.0 will use a pure fuzzy intersection.
#' @param local.connectivity The local connectivity required - i.e. the number of nearest neighbors
#' that should be assumed to be connected at a local level. The higher this value the more connected
#' the manifold becomes locally. In practice this should be not more than the local intrinsic
#' dimension of the manifold.
#' @param repulsion.strength Weighting applied to negative samples in low dimensional embedding
#' optimization. Values higher than one will result in greater weight being given to negative
#' samples.
#' @param negative.sample.rate The number of negative samples to select per positive sample in the
#' optimization process. Increasing this value will result in greater repulsive force being applied,
#' greater optimization cost, but slightly more accuracy.
#' @param a More specific parameters controlling the embedding. If NULL, these values are set
#' automatically as determined by min. dist and spread. Parameter of differentiable approximation of
#' right adjoint functor.
#' @param b More specific parameters controlling the embedding. If NULL, these values are set
#' automatically as determined by min. dist and spread. Parameter of differentiable approximation of
#' right adjoint functor.
#' @param uwot.sgd Set \code{uwot::umap(fast_sgd = TRUE)}; see \code{\link[uwot]{umap}} for more details
#' @param metric.kwds A dictionary of arguments to pass on to the metric, such as the p value for
#' Minkowski distance. If NULL then no arguments are passed on.
#' @param angular.rp.forest Whether to use an angular random projection forest to initialise the
#' approximate nearest neighbor search. This can be faster, but is mostly on useful for metric that
#' use an angular style distance such as cosine, correlation etc. In the case of those metrics
#' angular forests will be chosen automatically.
#' @param reduction.name Name to store dimensional reduction under in the Seurat object
#' @param reduction.key dimensional reduction key, specifies the string before
#' the number for the dimension names. UMAP by default
#' @param seed.use Set a random seed. By default, sets the seed to 42. Setting
#' NULL will not set a seed
#' @param verbose Controls verbosity
#' @rdname RunUMAP
#' @export
#' @method RunUMAP Seurat
RunUMAP.Seurat <- function(
  reduction.model = NULL,
  dims = NULL,
  reduction = 'pca',
  features = NULL,
  graph = NULL,
  assay = 'RNA',
  umap.method = 'uwot',
  n.neighbors = 30L,
  n.components = 2L,
  metric = 'cosine',
  n.epochs = NULL,
  learning.rate = 1,
  min.dist = 0.3,
  spread = 1,
  set.op.mix.ratio = 1,
  local.connectivity = 1L,
  repulsion.strength = 1,
  negative.sample.rate = 5L,
  a = NULL,
  b = NULL,
  uwot.sgd = FALSE,
  seed.use = 42L,
  metric.kwds = NULL,
  angular.rp.forest = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  reduction.name = 'umap',
  reduction.key = 'UMAP_',
) {
  if (sum(c(is.null(x = dims), is.null(x = features), is.null(x = graph))) < 2) {
      stop("Please specify only one of the following arguments: dims, features, or graph")
  if (!is.null(x = features)) {
    data.use <- as.matrix(x = t(x = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = 'data', assay = assay)[features, , drop = FALSE]))
    if (ncol(x = data.use) < n.components) {
        "Please provide as many or more features than n.components: ",
        length(x = features),
        " features provided, ",
        " UMAP components requested",
        call. = FALSE
  } else if (!is.null(x = dims)) {
    data.use <- Embeddings(object[[reduction]])[, dims]
    assay <- DefaultAssay(object = object[[reduction]])
    if (length(x = dims) < n.components) {
        "Please provide as many or more dims than n.components: ",
        length(x = dims),
        " dims provided, ",
        " UMAP components requested",
        call. = FALSE
  } else if (!is.null(x = graph)) {
    data.use <- object[[graph]]
  } else {
    stop("Please specify one of dims, features, or graph")
  object[[reduction.name]] <- RunUMAP(
    object = data.use,
    reduction.model = reduction.model,
    assay = assay,
    umap.method = umap.method,
    n.neighbors = n.neighbors,
    n.components = n.components,
    metric = metric,
    n.epochs = n.epochs,
    learning.rate = learning.rate,
    min.dist = min.dist,
    spread = spread,
    set.op.mix.ratio = set.op.mix.ratio,
    local.connectivity = local.connectivity,
    repulsion.strength = repulsion.strength,
    negative.sample.rate = negative.sample.rate,
    a = a,
    b = b,
    uwot.sgd = uwot.sgd,
    seed.use = seed.use,
    metric.kwds = metric.kwds,
    angular.rp.forest = angular.rp.forest,
    reduction.key = reduction.key,
    verbose = verbose
  object <- LogSeuratCommand(object = object)

#' @param dims Which dimensions to examine
#' @param score.thresh Threshold to use for the proportion test of PC
#' significance (see Details)
#' @importFrom stats prop.test
#' @rdname ScoreJackStraw
#' @export
#' @method ScoreJackStraw JackStrawData
ScoreJackStraw.JackStrawData <- function(
  dims = 1:5,
  score.thresh = 1e-5,
) {
  pAll <- JS(object = object, slot = "empirical.p.values")
  pAll <- pAll[, dims, drop = FALSE]
  pAll <- as.data.frame(pAll)
  pAll$Contig <- rownames(x = pAll)
  score.df <- NULL
  for (i in dims) {
    pc.score <- suppressWarnings(prop.test(
      x = c(
        length(x = which(x = pAll[, i] <= score.thresh)),
        floor(x = nrow(x = pAll) * score.thresh)
      n = c(nrow(pAll), nrow(pAll))
    if (length(x = which(x = pAll[, i] <= score.thresh)) == 0) {
      pc.score <- 1
    if (is.null(x = score.df)) {
      score.df <- data.frame(PC = paste0("PC", i), Score = pc.score)
    } else {
      score.df <- rbind(score.df, data.frame(PC = paste0("PC", i), Score = pc.score))
  score.df$PC <- dims
  score.df <- as.matrix(score.df)
  JS(object = object, slot = 'overall') <- score.df

#' @rdname ScoreJackStraw
#' @export
#' @method ScoreJackStraw DimReduc
ScoreJackStraw.DimReduc <- function(object, dims = 1:5, score.thresh = 1e-5, ...) {
  JS(object = object) <- ScoreJackStraw(
    object = JS(object = object),
    dims = dims,
    score.thresh = 1e-5,

#' @param reduction Reduction associated with JackStraw to score
#' @param do.plot Show plot. To return ggplot object, use \code{JackStrawPlot} after
#' running ScoreJackStraw.
#' @seealso \code{\link{JackStrawPlot}}
#' @rdname ScoreJackStraw
#' @export
#' @method ScoreJackStraw Seurat
ScoreJackStraw.Seurat <- function(
  reduction = "pca",
  dims = 1:5,
  score.thresh = 1e-5,
  do.plot = FALSE,
) {
  object[[reduction]] <- ScoreJackStraw(
    object = object[[reduction]],
    dims = dims,
  if (do.plot) {
    CheckDots(..., fxns = 'JackStrawPlot')
    suppressWarnings(expr = print(JackStrawPlot(
      object = object,
      reduction = reduction,
      dims = dims,
  object <- LogSeuratCommand(object = object)

# Methods for R-defined generics

# Internal

# Check that features are present and have non-zero variance
# @param data.use Feature matrix (features are rows)
# @param features Features to check
# @param object.name Name of object for message printing
# @param verbose Print warnings
# @return Returns a vector of features that is the subset of features
# that have non-zero variance
CheckFeatures <- function(
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  if (any(!features %in% rownames(x = data.use))) {
    missing.features <- features[!features %in% rownames(x = data.use)]
    features <- setdiff(x = features, y = missing.features)
    if (verbose){
          "The following ", length(x = missing.features),
           " features are not scaled in ",
           ": ",
           paste0(missing.features, collapse = ", ")
  if (inherits(x = data.use, what = 'dgCMatrix')) {
    features.var <- SparseRowVar(mat = data.use[features, ], display_progress = F)
  else {
    features.var <- RowVar(x = data.use[features, ])
  no.var.features <- features[features.var == 0]
  if (length(x = no.var.features) > 0 && verbose) {
       "The following features have zero variance in ",
       ": ",
       paste0(no.var.features, collapse = ", ")
  features <- setdiff(x = features, y = no.var.features)
  features <- features[!is.na(x = features)]

EmpiricalP <- function(x, nullval) {
  return(sum(nullval > x) / length(x = nullval))

# FIt-SNE helper function for calling fast_tsne from R
# Based on Kluger Lab FIt-SNE v1.1.0 code on https://github.com/KlugerLab/FIt-SNE/blob/master/fast_tsne.R
# commit d2cf403 on Feb 8, 2019
#' @importFrom utils file_test
fftRtsne <- function(X,
  dims = 2,
  perplexity = 30,
  theta = 0.5,
  check_duplicates = TRUE,
  max_iter = 1000,
  fft_not_bh = TRUE,
  ann_not_vptree = TRUE,
  stop_early_exag_iter = 250,
  exaggeration_factor = 12.0,
  no_momentum_during_exag = FALSE,
  start_late_exag_iter = -1.0,
  late_exag_coeff = 1.0,
  mom_switch_iter = 250,
  momentum = 0.5,
  final_momentum = 0.8,
  learning_rate = 200,
  n_trees = 50,
  search_k = -1,
  rand_seed = -1,
  nterms = 3,
  intervals_per_integer = 1,
  min_num_intervals = 50,
  K = -1,
  sigma = -30,
  initialization = NULL,
  data_path = NULL,
  result_path = NULL,
  load_affinities = NULL,
  fast_tsne_path = NULL,
  nthreads = getOption('mc.cores', default = 1),
  perplexity_list = NULL,
  get_costs = FALSE,
  df = 1.0,
) {
  if (is.null(x = data_path)) {
    data_path <- tempfile(pattern = 'fftRtsne_data_', fileext = '.dat')
  if (is.null(x = result_path)) {
    result_path <- tempfile(pattern = 'fftRtsne_result_', fileext = '.dat')
  if (is.null(x = fast_tsne_path)) {
    # suppressWarnings(expr = fast_tsne_path <- system2(command = 'which', args = 'fast_tsne', stdout = TRUE))
    fast_tsne_path <- SysExec(progs = ifelse(
      test = .Platform$OS.type == 'windows',
      yes = 'FItSNE.exe',
      no = 'fast_tsne'
    if (length(x = fast_tsne_path) == 0) {
      stop("no fast_tsne_path specified and fast_tsne binary is not in the search path")
  fast_tsne_path <- normalizePath(path = fast_tsne_path)
  if (!file_test(op = '-x', x = fast_tsne_path)) {
    stop("fast_tsne_path '", fast_tsne_path, "' does not exist or is not executable")
  # check fast_tsne version
  ft.out <- suppressWarnings(expr = system2(command = fast_tsne_path, stdout = TRUE))
  if (grepl(pattern = '= t-SNE v1.1', x = ft.out[1])) {
    version_number <- '1.1.0'
  } else if (grepl(pattern = '= t-SNE v1.0', x = ft.out[1])) {
    version_number <- '1.0'
  } else {
    message("First line of fast_tsne output is")
    stop("Our FIt-SNE wrapper requires FIt-SNE v1.X.X, please install the appropriate version from github.com/KlugerLab/FIt-SNE and have fast_tsne_path point to it if it's not in your path")
  is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5) {
    return(abs(x = x - round(x = x)) < tol)
  if (version_number == '1.0' && df != 1.0) {
    stop("This version of FIt-SNE does not support df!=1. Please install the appropriate version from github.com/KlugerLab/FIt-SNE")
  if (!is.numeric(x = theta) || (theta < 0.0) || (theta > 1.0) ) {
    stop("Incorrect theta.")
  if (nrow(x = X) - 1 < 3 * perplexity) {
    stop("Perplexity is too large.")
  if (!is.matrix(x = X)) {
    stop("Input X is not a matrix")
  if (!(max_iter > 0)) {
    stop("Incorrect number of iterations.")
  if (!is.wholenumber(x = stop_early_exag_iter) || stop_early_exag_iter < 0) {
    stop("stop_early_exag_iter should be a positive integer")
  if (!is.numeric(x = exaggeration_factor)) {
    stop("exaggeration_factor should be numeric")
  if (!is.wholenumber(x = dims) || dims <= 0) {
    stop("Incorrect dimensionality.")
  if (search_k == -1) {
    if (perplexity > 0) {
      search_k <- n_trees * perplexity * 3
    } else if (perplexity == 0) {
      search_k <- n_trees * max(perplexity_list) * 3
    } else {
      search_k <- n_trees * K * 3
  nbody_algo <- ifelse(test = fft_not_bh, yes = 2, no = 1)
  if (is.null(load_affinities)) {
    load_affinities <- 0
  } else {
    if (load_affinities == 'load') {
      load_affinities <- 1
    } else if (load_affinities == 'save') {
      load_affinities <- 2
    } else {
      load_affinities <- 0
  knn_algo <- ifelse(test = ann_not_vptree, yes = 1, no = 2)
  f <- file(description = data_path, open = "wb")
  n = nrow(x = X)
  D = ncol(x = X)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = n), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = D), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.numeric(x = theta), con = f, size = 8) #theta
  writeBin(object = as.numeric(x = perplexity), con = f, size = 8) #theta
  if (perplexity == 0) {
    writeBin(object = as.integer(x = length(x = perplexity_list)), con = f, size = 4)
    writeBin(object = perplexity_list, con = f)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = dims), con = f, size = 4) #theta
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = max_iter), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = stop_early_exag_iter), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = mom_switch_iter), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.numeric(x = momentum), con = f, size = 8)
  writeBin(object = as.numeric(x = final_momentum), con = f, size = 8)
  writeBin(object = as.numeric(x = learning_rate), con = f, size = 8)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = K), con = f, size = 4) #K
  writeBin(object = as.numeric(x = sigma), con = f, size = 8) #sigma
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = nbody_algo), con = f, size = 4)  #not barnes hut
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = knn_algo), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.numeric(x = exaggeration_factor), con = f, size = 8) #compexag
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = no_momentum_during_exag), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = n_trees), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = search_k), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = start_late_exag_iter), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.numeric(x = late_exag_coeff), con = f, size = 8)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = nterms), con = f, size = 4)
  writeBin(object = as.numeric(x = intervals_per_integer), con = f, size = 8)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = min_num_intervals), con = f, size = 4)
  tX = c(t(X))
  writeBin(object = tX, con = f)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = rand_seed), con = f, size = 4)
  if (version_number != "1.0") {
    writeBin(object = as.numeric(x = df), con = f, size = 8)
  writeBin(object = as.integer(x = load_affinities), con = f, size = 4)
  if (!is.null(x = initialization)) {
    writeBin(object = c(t(x = initialization)), con = f)
  close(con = f)
  if (version_number == "1.0") {
    flag <- system2(
     command = fast_tsne_path,
     args = c(data_path, result_path, nthreads)
  } else {
    flag <- system2(
      command = fast_tsne_path,
      args = c(version_number, data_path, result_path, nthreads)
  if (flag != 0) {
    stop('tsne call failed')
  f <- file(description = result_path, open = "rb")
  n <- readBin(con = f, what = integer(), n = 1, size = 4)
  d <- readBin(con = f, what = integer(), n = 1, size = 4)
  Y <- readBin(con = f, what = numeric(), n = n * d)
  Y <- t(x = matrix(Y, nrow = d))
  if (get_costs) {
    tmp <- readBin(con = f, what = integer(), n = 1, size = 4)
    costs <- readBin(con = f, what = numeric(), n = max_iter, size = 8)
    Yout <- list(Y = Y, costs = costs)
  } else {
    Yout <- Y
  close(con = f)

JackRandom <- function(
  prop.use = 0.01,
  r1.use = 1,
  r2.use = 5,
  seed.use = 1,
  rev.pca = FALSE,
  weight.by.var = weight.by.var,
  maxit = 1000
) {
  if (!is.null(x = seed.use)) {
    set.seed(seed = seed.use)
  rand.genes <- sample(
    x = rownames(x = scaled.data),
    size = nrow(x = scaled.data) * prop.use
  # make sure that rand.genes is at least 3
  if (length(x = rand.genes) < 3) {
    rand.genes <- sample(x = rownames(x = scaled.data), size = 3)
  data.mod <- scaled.data
  data.mod[rand.genes, ] <- MatrixRowShuffle(x = scaled.data[rand.genes, ])
  temp.object <- RunPCA(
    object = data.mod,
    assay = "temp",
    npcs = r2.use,
    features = rownames(x = data.mod),
    rev.pca = rev.pca,
    weight.by.var = weight.by.var,
    verbose = FALSE,
    maxit = maxit
  return(Loadings(temp.object)[rand.genes, r1.use:r2.use])

# Calculates the l2-norm of a vector
# Modified from PMA package
# @references Witten, Tibshirani, and Hastie, Biostatistics 2009
# @references \url{https://github.com/cran/PMA/blob/master/R/PMD.R}
# @param vec numeric vector
# @return returns the l2-norm.
L2Norm <- function(vec) {
  a <- sqrt(x = sum(vec ^ 2))
  if (a == 0) {
    a <- .05

# Prep data for dimensional reduction
# Common checks and preparatory steps before running certain dimensional
# reduction techniques
# @param object        Assay object
# @param features  Features to use as input for the dimensional reduction technique.
#                      Default is variable features
# @ param verbose   Print messages and warnings
PrepDR <- function(
  features = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  if (length(x = VariableFeatures(object = object)) == 0 && is.null(x = features)) {
    stop("Variable features haven't been set. Run FindVariableFeatures() or provide a vector of feature names.")
  data.use <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = "scale.data")
  if (nrow(x = data.use ) == 0) {
    stop("Data has not been scaled. Please run ScaleData and retry")
  features <- features %||% VariableFeatures(object = object)
  features.keep <- unique(x = features[features %in% rownames(x = data.use)])
  if (length(x = features.keep) < length(x = features)) {
    features.exclude <- setdiff(x = features, y = features.keep)
    if (verbose) {
      warning(paste0("The following ", length(x = features.exclude), " features requested have not been scaled (running reduction without them): ", paste0(features.exclude, collapse = ", ")))
  features <- features.keep
  features.var <- apply(X = data.use[features, ], MARGIN = 1, FUN = var)
  features.keep <- features[features.var > 0]
  if (length(x = features.keep) < length(x = features)) {
    features.exclude <- setdiff(x = features, y = features.keep)
    if (verbose) {
      warning(paste0("The following ", length(x = features.exclude), " features requested have zero variance (running reduction without them): ", paste0(features.exclude, collapse = ", ")))
  features <- features.keep
  features <- features[!is.na(x = features)]
  data.use <- data.use[features, ]
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