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Tip revision: af2925ce71f51d47cce8e45d94b638ca434a4d33 authored by rsatija on 24 May 2021, 16:34:45 UTC
Merge pull request #4529 from satijalab/develop
Tip revision: af2925c
#' @include generics.R

# Functions

  names = c('myAUC', 'p_val', 'avg_logFC'),
  package = 'Seurat',
  add = TRUE
#' Gene expression markers for all identity classes
#' Finds markers (differentially expressed genes) for each of the identity classes in a dataset
#' @inheritParams FindMarkers
#' @param node A node to find markers for and all its children; requires
#' \code{\link{BuildClusterTree}} to have been run previously; replaces \code{FindAllMarkersNode}
#' @param return.thresh Only return markers that have a p-value < return.thresh, or a power > return.thresh (if the test is ROC)
#' @return Matrix containing a ranked list of putative markers, and associated
#' statistics (p-values, ROC score, etc.)
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
#' @aliases FindAllMarkersNode
#' @concept differential_expression
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' # Find markers for all clusters
#' all.markers <- FindAllMarkers(object = pbmc_small)
#' head(x = all.markers)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Pass a value to node as a replacement for FindAllMarkersNode
#' pbmc_small <- BuildClusterTree(object = pbmc_small)
#' all.markers <- FindAllMarkers(object = pbmc_small, node = 4)
#' head(x = all.markers)
#' }
FindAllMarkers <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  logfc.threshold = 0.25,
  test.use = 'wilcox',
  slot = 'data',
  min.pct = 0.1,
  min.diff.pct = -Inf,
  node = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  only.pos = FALSE,
  max.cells.per.ident = Inf,
  random.seed = 1,
  latent.vars = NULL,
  min.cells.feature = 3,
  min.cells.group = 3,
  pseudocount.use = 1,
  mean.fxn = NULL,
  fc.name = NULL,
  base = 2,
  return.thresh = 1e-2,
) {
  MapVals <- function(vec, from, to) {
    vec2 <- setNames(object = to, nm = from)[as.character(x = vec)]
    vec2[is.na(x = vec2)] <- vec[is.na(x = vec2)]
    return(unname(obj = vec2))
  if ((test.use == "roc") && (return.thresh == 1e-2)) {
    return.thresh <- 0.7
  if (is.null(x = node)) {
    idents.all <- sort(x = unique(x = Idents(object = object)))
  } else {
    if (!PackageCheck('ape', error = FALSE)) {
      stop(cluster.ape, call. = FALSE)
    tree <- Tool(object = object, slot = 'BuildClusterTree')
    if (is.null(x = tree)) {
      stop("Please run 'BuildClusterTree' before finding markers on nodes")
    descendants <- DFT(tree = tree, node = node, include.children = TRUE)
    all.children <- sort(x = tree$edge[, 2][!tree$edge[, 2] %in% tree$edge[, 1]])
    descendants <- MapVals(
      vec = descendants,
      from = all.children,
      to = tree$tip.label
    drop.children <- setdiff(x = tree$tip.label, y = descendants)
    keep.children <- setdiff(x = tree$tip.label, y = drop.children)
    orig.nodes <- c(
      as.numeric(x = setdiff(x = descendants, y = keep.children))
    tree <- ape::drop.tip(phy = tree, tip = drop.children)
    new.nodes <- unique(x = tree$edge[, 1, drop = TRUE])
    idents.all <- (tree$Nnode + 2):max(tree$edge)
  genes.de <- list()
  messages <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(x = idents.all)) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Calculating cluster ", idents.all[i])
    genes.de[[i]] <- tryCatch(
      expr = {
          object = object,
          assay = assay,
          ident.1 = if (is.null(x = node)) {
          } else {
          ident.2 = if (is.null(x = node)) {
          } else {
          features = features,
          logfc.threshold = logfc.threshold,
          test.use = test.use,
          slot = slot,
          min.pct = min.pct,
          min.diff.pct = min.diff.pct,
          verbose = verbose,
          only.pos = only.pos,
          max.cells.per.ident = max.cells.per.ident,
          random.seed = random.seed,
          latent.vars = latent.vars,
          min.cells.feature = min.cells.feature,
          min.cells.group = min.cells.group,
          pseudocount.use = pseudocount.use,
          mean.fxn = mean.fxn,
          fc.name = fc.name,
          base = base,
      error = function(cond) {
    if (is.character(x = genes.de[[i]])) {
      messages[[i]] <- genes.de[[i]]
      genes.de[[i]] <- NULL
  gde.all <- data.frame()
  for (i in 1:length(x = idents.all)) {
    if (is.null(x = unlist(x = genes.de[i]))) {
    gde <- genes.de[[i]]
    if (nrow(x = gde) > 0) {
      if (test.use == "roc") {
        gde <- subset(
          x = gde,
          subset = (myAUC > return.thresh | myAUC < (1 - return.thresh))
      } else if (is.null(x = node) || test.use %in% c('bimod', 't')) {
        gde <- gde[order(gde$p_val, -gde[, 2]), ]
        gde <- subset(x = gde, subset = p_val < return.thresh)
      if (nrow(x = gde) > 0) {
        gde$cluster <- idents.all[i]
        gde$gene <- rownames(x = gde)
      if (nrow(x = gde) > 0) {
        gde.all <- rbind(gde.all, gde)
  if ((only.pos) && nrow(x = gde.all) > 0) {
    return(subset(x = gde.all, subset = gde.all[, 2] > 0))
  rownames(x = gde.all) <- make.unique(names = as.character(x = gde.all$gene))
  if (nrow(x = gde.all) == 0) {
    warning("No DE genes identified", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
  if (length(x = messages) > 0) {
    warning("The following tests were not performed: ", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    for (i in 1:length(x = messages)) {
      if (!is.null(x = messages[[i]])) {
        warning("When testing ", idents.all[i], " versus all:\n\t", messages[[i]], call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(x = node)) {
    gde.all$cluster <- MapVals(
      vec = gde.all$cluster,
      from = new.nodes,
      to = orig.nodes

#' Finds markers that are conserved between the groups
#' @inheritParams FindMarkers
#' @param ident.1 Identity class to define markers for
#' @param ident.2 A second identity class for comparison. If NULL (default) -
#' use all other cells for comparison.
#' @param grouping.var grouping variable
#' @param assay of assay to fetch data for (default is RNA)
#' @param meta.method method for combining p-values. Should be a function from
#' the metap package (NOTE: pass the function, not a string)
#' @param \dots parameters to pass to FindMarkers
#' @return data.frame containing a ranked list of putative conserved markers, and
#' associated statistics (p-values within each group and a combined p-value
#' (such as Fishers combined p-value or others from the metap package),
#' percentage of cells expressing the marker, average differences). Name of group is appended to each
#' associated output column (e.g. CTRL_p_val). If only one group is tested in the grouping.var, max
#' and combined p-values are not returned.
#' @export
#' @concept differential_expression
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' pbmc_small
#' # Create a simulated grouping variable
#' pbmc_small[['groups']] <- sample(x = c('g1', 'g2'), size = ncol(x = pbmc_small), replace = TRUE)
#' FindConservedMarkers(pbmc_small, ident.1 = 0, ident.2 = 1, grouping.var = "groups")
#' }
FindConservedMarkers <- function(
  ident.2 = NULL,
  assay = 'RNA',
  slot = 'data',
  meta.method = metap::minimump,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  metap.installed <- PackageCheck("metap", error = FALSE)
  if (!metap.installed[1]) {
      "Please install the metap package to use FindConservedMarkers.",
      "\nThis can be accomplished with the following commands: ",
      call. = FALSE
  if (!is.function(x = meta.method)) {
    stop("meta.method should be a function from the metap package. Please see https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/metap/metap.pdf for a detailed description of the available functions.")
  object.var <- FetchData(object = object, vars = grouping.var)
  object <- SetIdent(
    object = object,
    cells = colnames(x = object),
    value = paste(Idents(object = object), object.var[, 1], sep = "_")
  levels.split <- names(x = sort(x = table(object.var[, 1])))
  num.groups <- length(levels.split)
  cells <- list()
  for (i in 1:num.groups) {
    cells[[i]] <- rownames(
      x = object.var[object.var[, 1] == levels.split[i], , drop = FALSE]
  marker.test <- list()
  # do marker tests
  ident.2.save <- ident.2
  for (i in 1:num.groups) {
    level.use <- levels.split[i]
    ident.use.1 <- paste(ident.1, level.use, sep = "_")
    ident.use.1.exists <- ident.use.1 %in% Idents(object = object)
    if (!all(ident.use.1.exists)) {
      bad.ids <- ident.1[!ident.use.1.exists]
        "Identity: ",
        paste(bad.ids, collapse = ", "),
        " not present in group ",
        ". Skipping ",
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
    ident.2 <- ident.2.save
    cells.1 <- WhichCells(object = object, idents = ident.use.1)
    if (is.null(x = ident.2)) {
      cells.2 <- setdiff(x = cells[[i]], y = cells.1)
      ident.use.2 <- names(x = which(x = table(Idents(object = object)[cells.2]) > 0))
      ident.2 <- gsub(pattern = paste0("_", level.use), replacement = "", x = ident.use.2)
      if (length(x = ident.use.2) == 0) {
        stop(paste("Only one identity class present:", ident.1))
    } else {
      ident.use.2 <- paste(ident.2, level.use, sep = "_")
    if (verbose) {
        "Testing group ",
        ": (",
        paste(ident.1, collapse = ", "),
        ") vs (",
        paste(ident.2, collapse = ", "),
    ident.use.2.exists <- ident.use.2 %in% Idents(object = object)
    if (!all(ident.use.2.exists)) {
      bad.ids <- ident.2[!ident.use.2.exists]
        "Identity: ",
        paste(bad.ids, collapse = ", "),
        " not present in group ",
        ". Skipping ",
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
    marker.test[[i]] <- FindMarkers(
      object = object,
      assay = assay,
      slot = slot,
      ident.1 = ident.use.1,
      ident.2 = ident.use.2,
      verbose = verbose,
    names(x = marker.test)[i] <- levels.split[i]
  marker.test <- Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = marker.test)
  genes.conserved <- Reduce(
    f = intersect,
    x = lapply(
      X = marker.test,
      FUN = function(x) {
        return(rownames(x = x))
  markers.conserved <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(x = marker.test)) {
    markers.conserved[[i]] <- marker.test[[i]][genes.conserved, ]
    colnames(x = markers.conserved[[i]]) <- paste(
      names(x = marker.test)[i],
      colnames(x = markers.conserved[[i]]),
      sep = "_"
  markers.combined <- Reduce(cbind, markers.conserved)
  pval.codes <- colnames(x = markers.combined)[grepl(pattern = "*_p_val$", x = colnames(x = markers.combined))]
  if (length(x = pval.codes) > 1) {
    markers.combined$max_pval <- apply(
      X = markers.combined[, pval.codes, drop = FALSE],
      MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = max
    combined.pval <- data.frame(cp = apply(
      X = markers.combined[, pval.codes, drop = FALSE],
      MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = function(x) {
    meta.method.name <- as.character(x = formals()$meta.method)
    if (length(x = meta.method.name) == 3) {
      meta.method.name <- meta.method.name[3]
    colnames(x = combined.pval) <- paste0(meta.method.name, "_p_val")
    markers.combined <- cbind(markers.combined, combined.pval)
    markers.combined <- markers.combined[order(markers.combined[, paste0(meta.method.name, "_p_val")]), ]
  } else {
    warning("Only a single group was tested", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

# Methods for Seurat-defined generics

#' @param cells.1 Vector of cell names belonging to group 1
#' @param cells.2 Vector of cell names belonging to group 2
#' @param counts Count matrix if using scale.data for DE tests. This is used for
#' computing pct.1 and pct.2 and for filtering features based on fraction
#' expressing
#' @param features Genes to test. Default is to use all genes
#' @param logfc.threshold Limit testing to genes which show, on average, at least
#' X-fold difference (log-scale) between the two groups of cells. Default is 0.25
#' Increasing logfc.threshold speeds up the function, but can miss weaker signals.
#' @param test.use Denotes which test to use. Available options are:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"wilcox"} : Identifies differentially expressed genes between two
#'  groups of cells using a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test (default)
#'  \item{"bimod"} : Likelihood-ratio test for single cell gene expression,
#'  (McDavid et al., Bioinformatics, 2013)
#'  \item{"roc"} : Identifies 'markers' of gene expression using ROC analysis.
#'  For each gene, evaluates (using AUC) a classifier built on that gene alone,
#'  to classify between two groups of cells. An AUC value of 1 means that
#'  expression values for this gene alone can perfectly classify the two
#'  groupings (i.e. Each of the cells in cells.1 exhibit a higher level than
#'  each of the cells in cells.2). An AUC value of 0 also means there is perfect
#'  classification, but in the other direction. A value of 0.5 implies that
#'  the gene has no predictive power to classify the two groups. Returns a
#'  'predictive power' (abs(AUC-0.5) * 2) ranked matrix of putative differentially
#'  expressed genes.
#'  \item{"t"} : Identify differentially expressed genes between two groups of
#'  cells using the Student's t-test.
#'  \item{"negbinom"} : Identifies differentially expressed genes between two
#'   groups of cells using a negative binomial generalized linear model.
#'   Use only for UMI-based datasets
#'  \item{"poisson"} : Identifies differentially expressed genes between two
#'   groups of cells using a poisson generalized linear model.
#'   Use only for UMI-based datasets
#'  \item{"LR"} : Uses a logistic regression framework to determine differentially
#'  expressed genes. Constructs a logistic regression model predicting group
#'  membership based on each feature individually and compares this to a null
#'  model with a likelihood ratio test.
#'  \item{"MAST"} : Identifies differentially expressed genes between two groups
#'  of cells using a hurdle model tailored to scRNA-seq data. Utilizes the MAST
#'  package to run the DE testing.
#'  \item{"DESeq2"} : Identifies differentially expressed genes between two groups
#'  of cells based on a model using DESeq2 which uses a negative binomial
#'  distribution (Love et al, Genome Biology, 2014).This test does not support
#'  pre-filtering of genes based on average difference (or percent detection rate)
#'  between cell groups. However, genes may be pre-filtered based on their
#'  minimum detection rate (min.pct) across both cell groups. To use this method,
#'  please install DESeq2, using the instructions at
#'  https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DESeq2.html
#' }
#' @param min.pct  only test genes that are detected in a minimum fraction of
#' min.pct cells in either of the two populations. Meant to speed up the function
#' by not testing genes that are very infrequently expressed. Default is 0.1
#' @param min.diff.pct  only test genes that show a minimum difference in the
#' fraction of detection between the two groups. Set to -Inf by default
#' @param only.pos Only return positive markers (FALSE by default)
#' @param verbose Print a progress bar once expression testing begins
#' @param max.cells.per.ident Down sample each identity class to a max number.
#' Default is no downsampling. Not activated by default (set to Inf)
#' @param random.seed Random seed for downsampling
#' @param latent.vars Variables to test, used only when \code{test.use} is one of
#' 'LR', 'negbinom', 'poisson', or 'MAST'
#' @param min.cells.feature Minimum number of cells expressing the feature in at least one
#' of the two groups, currently only used for poisson and negative binomial tests
#' @param min.cells.group Minimum number of cells in one of the groups
#' @param pseudocount.use Pseudocount to add to averaged expression values when
#' calculating logFC. 1 by default.
#' @param fc.results data.frame from FoldChange
#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @rdname FindMarkers
#' @concept differential_expression
#' @export
#' @method FindMarkers default
FindMarkers.default <- function(
  slot = "data",
  counts = numeric(),
  cells.1 = NULL,
  cells.2 = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  logfc.threshold = 0.25,
  test.use = 'wilcox',
  min.pct = 0.1,
  min.diff.pct = -Inf,
  verbose = TRUE,
  only.pos = FALSE,
  max.cells.per.ident = Inf,
  random.seed = 1,
  latent.vars = NULL,
  min.cells.feature = 3,
  min.cells.group = 3,
  pseudocount.use = 1,
  fc.results = NULL,
) {
    object = object,
    cells.1 = cells.1,
    cells.2 = cells.2,
    min.cells.group = min.cells.group
  features <- features %||% rownames(x = object)
  # reset parameters so no feature filtering is performed
  if (test.use %in% DEmethods_noprefilter()) {
    features <- rownames(x = object)
    min.diff.pct <- -Inf
    logfc.threshold <- 0
  data <- switch(
    EXPR = slot,
    'scale.data' = counts,
  # feature selection (based on percentages)
  alpha.min <- pmax(fc.results$pct.1, fc.results$pct.2)
  names(x = alpha.min) <- rownames(x = fc.results)
  features <- names(x = which(x = alpha.min >= min.pct))
  if (length(x = features) == 0) {
    warning("No features pass min.pct threshold; returning empty data.frame")
    return(fc.results[features, ])
  alpha.diff <- alpha.min - pmin(fc.results$pct.1, fc.results$pct.2)
  features <- names(
    x = which(x = alpha.min >= min.pct & alpha.diff >= min.diff.pct)
  if (length(x = features) == 0) {
    warning("No features pass min.diff.pct threshold; returning empty data.frame")
    return(fc.results[features, ])
  # feature selection (based on logFC)
  if (slot != "scale.data") {
    total.diff <- fc.results[, 1] #first column is logFC
    names(total.diff) <- rownames(fc.results)
    features.diff <- if (only.pos) {
      names(x = which(x = total.diff >= logfc.threshold))
    } else {
      names(x = which(x = abs(x = total.diff) >= logfc.threshold))
    features <- intersect(x = features, y = features.diff)
    if (length(x = features) == 0) {
      warning("No features pass logfc.threshold threshold; returning empty data.frame")
      return(fc.results[features, ])
  # subsample cell groups if they are too large
  if (max.cells.per.ident < Inf) {
    set.seed(seed = random.seed)
    if (length(x = cells.1) > max.cells.per.ident) {
      cells.1 <- sample(x = cells.1, size = max.cells.per.ident)
    if (length(x = cells.2) > max.cells.per.ident) {
      cells.2 <- sample(x = cells.2, size = max.cells.per.ident)
    if (!is.null(x = latent.vars)) {
      latent.vars <- latent.vars[c(cells.1, cells.2), , drop = FALSE]
  de.results <- PerformDE(
    object = object,
    cells.1 = cells.1,
    cells.2 = cells.2,
    features = features,
    test.use = test.use,
    verbose = verbose,
    min.cells.feature = min.cells.feature,
    latent.vars = latent.vars,
  de.results <- cbind(de.results, fc.results[rownames(x = de.results), , drop = FALSE])
  if (only.pos) {
    de.results <- de.results[de.results[, 2] > 0, , drop = FALSE]
  if (test.use %in% DEmethods_nocorrect()) {
    de.results <- de.results[order(-de.results$power, -de.results[, 1]), ]
  } else {
    de.results <- de.results[order(de.results$p_val, -de.results[, 1]), ]
    de.results$p_val_adj = p.adjust(
      p = de.results$p_val,
      method = "bonferroni",
      n = nrow(x = object)

#' @rdname FindMarkers
#' @concept differential_expression
#' @export
#' @method FindMarkers Assay
FindMarkers.Assay <- function(
  slot = "data",
  cells.1 = NULL,
  cells.2 = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  logfc.threshold = 0.25,
  test.use = 'wilcox',
  min.pct = 0.1,
  min.diff.pct = -Inf,
  verbose = TRUE,
  only.pos = FALSE,
  max.cells.per.ident = Inf,
  random.seed = 1,
  latent.vars = NULL,
  min.cells.feature = 3,
  min.cells.group = 3,
  pseudocount.use = 1,
  mean.fxn = NULL,
  fc.name = NULL,
  base = 2,
) {
  data.slot <- ifelse(
    test = test.use %in% DEmethods_counts(),
    yes = 'counts',
    no = slot
  data.use <-  GetAssayData(object = object, slot = data.slot)
  counts <- switch(
    EXPR = data.slot,
    'scale.data' = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = "counts"),
  fc.results <- FoldChange(
    object = object,
    slot = data.slot,
    cells.1 = cells.1,
    cells.2 = cells.2,
    features = features,
    pseudocount.use = pseudocount.use,
    mean.fxn = mean.fxn,
    fc.name = fc.name,
    base = base
  de.results <- FindMarkers(
    object = data.use,
    slot = data.slot,
    counts = counts,
    cells.1 = cells.1,
    cells.2 = cells.2,
    features = features,
    logfc.threshold = logfc.threshold,
    test.use = test.use,
    min.pct = min.pct,
    min.diff.pct = min.diff.pct,
    verbose = verbose,
    only.pos = only.pos,
    max.cells.per.ident = max.cells.per.ident,
    random.seed = random.seed,
    latent.vars = latent.vars,
    min.cells.feature = min.cells.feature,
    min.cells.group = min.cells.group,
    pseudocount.use = pseudocount.use,
    fc.results = fc.results,

#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @rdname FindMarkers
#' @concept differential_expression
#' @export
#' @method FindMarkers DimReduc
FindMarkers.DimReduc <- function(
  cells.1 = NULL,
  cells.2 = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  logfc.threshold = 0.25,
  test.use = "wilcox",
  min.pct = 0.1,
  min.diff.pct = -Inf,
  verbose = TRUE,
  only.pos = FALSE,
  max.cells.per.ident = Inf,
  random.seed = 1,
  latent.vars = NULL,
  min.cells.feature = 3,
  min.cells.group = 3,
  pseudocount.use = 1,
  mean.fxn = rowMeans,
  fc.name = NULL,

) {
  if (test.use %in% DEmethods_counts()) {
    stop("The following tests cannot be used for differential expression on a reduction as they assume a count model: ",
         paste(DEmethods_counts(), collapse=", "))
  data <- t(x = Embeddings(object = object))
    object = data,
    cells.1 = cells.1,
    cells.2 = cells.2,
    min.cells.group = min.cells.group
  features <- features %||% rownames(x = data)
  # reset parameters so no feature filtering is performed
  if (test.use %in% DEmethods_noprefilter()) {
    features <- rownames(x = data)
    min.diff.pct <- -Inf
    logfc.threshold <- 0
  fc.results <- FoldChange(
    object = object,
    cells.1 = cells.1,
    cells.2 = cells.2,
    features = features,
    mean.fxn = mean.fxn,
    fc.name = fc.name
  # subsample cell groups if they are too large
  if (max.cells.per.ident < Inf) {
    set.seed(seed = random.seed)
    if (length(x = cells.1) > max.cells.per.ident) {
      cells.1 <- sample(x = cells.1, size = max.cells.per.ident)
    if (length(x = cells.2) > max.cells.per.ident) {
      cells.2 <- sample(x = cells.2, size = max.cells.per.ident)
    if (!is.null(x = latent.vars)) {
      latent.vars <- latent.vars[c(cells.1, cells.2), , drop = FALSE]
  de.results <- PerformDE(
    object = data,
    cells.1 = cells.1,
    cells.2 = cells.2,
    features = features,
    test.use = test.use,
    verbose = verbose,
    min.cells.feature = min.cells.feature,
    latent.vars = latent.vars,
  de.results <- cbind(de.results, fc.results)
  if (only.pos) {
    de.results <- de.results[de.results$avg_diff > 0, , drop = FALSE]
  if (test.use %in% DEmethods_nocorrect()) {
    de.results <- de.results[order(-de.results$power, -de.results$avg_diff), ]
  } else {
    de.results <- de.results[order(de.results$p_val, -de.results$avg_diff), ]
    de.results$p_val_adj = p.adjust(
      p = de.results$p_val,
      method = "bonferroni",
      n = nrow(x = object)

#' @param ident.1 Identity class to define markers for; pass an object of class
#' \code{phylo} or 'clustertree' to find markers for a node in a cluster tree;
#' passing 'clustertree' requires \code{\link{BuildClusterTree}} to have been run
#' @param ident.2 A second identity class for comparison; if \code{NULL},
#' use all other cells for comparison; if an object of class \code{phylo} or
#' 'clustertree' is passed to \code{ident.1}, must pass a node to find markers for
#' @param reduction Reduction to use in differential expression testing - will test for DE on cell embeddings
#' @param group.by Regroup cells into a different identity class prior to performing differential expression (see example)
#' @param subset.ident Subset a particular identity class prior to regrouping. Only relevant if group.by is set (see example)
#' @param assay Assay to use in differential expression testing
#' @param slot Slot to pull data from; note that if \code{test.use} is "negbinom", "poisson", or "DESeq2",
#' \code{slot} will be set to "counts"
#' @param mean.fxn Function to use for fold change or average difference calculation.
#' If NULL, the appropriate function will be chose according to the slot used
#' @param fc.name Name of the fold change, average difference, or custom function column
#' in the output data.frame. If NULL, the fold change column will be named
#' according to the logarithm base (eg, "avg_log2FC"), or if using the scale.data
#' slot "avg_diff".
#' @param base The base with respect to which logarithms are computed.
#' @rdname FindMarkers
#' @concept differential_expression
#' @export
#' @method FindMarkers Seurat
FindMarkers.Seurat <- function(
  ident.1 = NULL,
  ident.2 = NULL,
  group.by = NULL,
  subset.ident = NULL,
  assay = NULL,
  slot = 'data',
  reduction = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  logfc.threshold = 0.25,
  test.use = "wilcox",
  min.pct = 0.1,
  min.diff.pct = -Inf,
  verbose = TRUE,
  only.pos = FALSE,
  max.cells.per.ident = Inf,
  random.seed = 1,
  latent.vars = NULL,
  min.cells.feature = 3,
  min.cells.group = 3,
  pseudocount.use = 1,
  mean.fxn = NULL,
  fc.name = NULL,
  base = 2,
) {
  if (!is.null(x = group.by)) {
    if (!is.null(x = subset.ident)) {
      object <- subset(x = object, idents = subset.ident)
    Idents(object = object) <- group.by
  if (!is.null(x = assay) && !is.null(x = reduction)) {
    stop("Please only specify either assay or reduction.")
  if (length(x = ident.1) == 0) {
    stop("At least 1 ident must be specified in `ident.1`")
  # select which data to use
  if (is.null(x = reduction)) {
    assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
    data.use <- object[[assay]]
    cellnames.use <-  colnames(x = data.use)
  } else {
    data.use <- object[[reduction]]
    cellnames.use <- rownames(data.use)
  cells <- IdentsToCells(
    object = object,
    ident.1 = ident.1,
    ident.2 = ident.2,
    cellnames.use = cellnames.use
  # fetch latent.vars
  if (!is.null(x = latent.vars)) {
    latent.vars <- FetchData(
      object = object,
      vars = latent.vars,
      cells = c(cells$cells.1, cells$cells.2)
  # check normalization method
  norm.command <- paste0("NormalizeData.", assay)
  if (norm.command %in% Command(object = object) && is.null(x = reduction)) {
    norm.method <- Command(
      object = object,
      command = norm.command,
      value = "normalization.method"
    if (norm.method != "LogNormalize") {
      mean.fxn <- function(x) {
        return(log(x = rowMeans(x = x) + pseudocount.use, base = base))
  de.results <- FindMarkers(
    object = data.use,
    slot = slot,
    cells.1 = cells$cells.1,
    cells.2 = cells$cells.2,
    features = features,
    logfc.threshold = logfc.threshold,
    test.use = test.use,
    min.pct = min.pct,
    min.diff.pct = min.diff.pct,
    verbose = verbose,
    only.pos = only.pos,
    max.cells.per.ident = max.cells.per.ident,
    random.seed = random.seed,
    latent.vars = latent.vars,
    min.cells.feature = min.cells.feature,
    min.cells.group = min.cells.group,
    pseudocount.use = pseudocount.use,
    mean.fxn = mean.fxn,
    base = base,
    fc.name = fc.name,

#' @param cells.1 Vector of cell names belonging to group 1
#' @param cells.2 Vector of cell names belonging to group 2
#' @param features Features to calculate fold change for.
#' If NULL, use all features
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @rdname FoldChange
#' @concept differential_expression
#' @export
#' @method FoldChange default
FoldChange.default <- function(
  features = NULL,
) {
  features <- features %||% rownames(x = object)
  # Calculate percent expressed
  thresh.min <- 0
  pct.1 <- round(
    x = rowSums(x = object[features, cells.1, drop = FALSE] > thresh.min) /
      length(x = cells.1),
    digits = 3
  pct.2 <- round(
    x = rowSums(x = object[features, cells.2, drop = FALSE] > thresh.min) /
      length(x = cells.2),
    digits = 3
  # Calculate fold change
  data.1 <- mean.fxn(object[features, cells.1, drop = FALSE])
  data.2 <- mean.fxn(object[features, cells.2, drop = FALSE])
  fc <- (data.1 - data.2)
  fc.results <- as.data.frame(x = cbind(fc, pct.1, pct.2))
  colnames(fc.results) <- c(fc.name, "pct.1", "pct.2")

#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @rdname FoldChange
#' @concept differential_expression
#' @export
#' @method FoldChange Assay
FoldChange.Assay <- function(
  features = NULL,
  slot = "data",
  pseudocount.use = 1,
  fc.name = NULL,
  mean.fxn = NULL,
  base = 2,
) {
  data <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = slot)
  mean.fxn <- mean.fxn %||% switch(
    EXPR = slot,
    'data' = function(x) {
      return(log(x = rowMeans(x = expm1(x = x)) + pseudocount.use, base = base))
    'scale.data' = rowMeans,
    function(x) {
      return(log(x = rowMeans(x = x) + pseudocount.use, base = base))
  # Omit the decimal value of e from the column name if base == exp(1)
  base.text <- ifelse(
    test = base == exp(1),
    yes = "",
    no = base
  fc.name <- fc.name %||% ifelse(
    test = slot == "scale.data",
    yes = "avg_diff",
    no = paste0("avg_log", base.text, "FC")
    object = data,
    cells.1 = cells.1,
    cells.2 = cells.2,
    features = features,
    mean.fxn = mean.fxn,
    fc.name = fc.name

#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @rdname FoldChange
#' @concept differential_expression
#' @export
#' @method FoldChange DimReduc
FoldChange.DimReduc <- function(
  features = NULL,
  slot = NULL,
  pseudocount.use = NULL,
  fc.name = NULL,
  mean.fxn = NULL,
) {
  mean.fxn <- mean.fxn %||% rowMeans
  fc.name <- fc.name %||% "avg_diff"
  data <- t(x = Embeddings(object = object))
  features <- features %||% rownames(x = data)
  # Calculate avg difference
  data.1 <- mean.fxn(data[features, cells.1, drop = FALSE])
  data.2 <- mean.fxn(data[features, cells.2, drop = FALSE])
  fc <- (data.1 - data.2)
  fc.results <- data.frame(fc)
  colnames(fc.results) <- fc.name

#' @param ident.1 Identity class to calculate fold change for; pass an object of class
#' \code{phylo} or 'clustertree' to calculate fold change for a node in a cluster tree;
#' passing 'clustertree' requires \code{\link{BuildClusterTree}} to have been run
#' @param ident.2 A second identity class for comparison; if \code{NULL},
#' use all other cells for comparison; if an object of class \code{phylo} or
#' 'clustertree' is passed to \code{ident.1}, must pass a node to calculate fold change for
#' @param reduction Reduction to use - will calculate average difference on cell embeddings
#' @param group.by Regroup cells into a different identity class prior to
#' calculating fold change (see example in \code{\link{FindMarkers}})
#' @param subset.ident Subset a particular identity class prior to regrouping.
#' Only relevant if group.by is set (see example in \code{\link{FindMarkers}})
#' @param assay Assay to use in fold change calculation
#' @param slot Slot to pull data from
#' @param pseudocount.use Pseudocount to add to averaged expression values when
#' calculating logFC. 1 by default.
#' @param mean.fxn Function to use for fold change or average difference calculation
#' @param base The base with respect to which logarithms are computed.
#' @param fc.name Name of the fold change, average difference, or custom function column
#' in the output data.frame
#' @rdname FoldChange
#' @concept differential_expression
#' @export
#' @method FoldChange Seurat
FoldChange.Seurat <- function(
  ident.1 = NULL,
  ident.2 = NULL,
  group.by = NULL,
  subset.ident = NULL,
  assay = NULL,
  slot = 'data',
  reduction = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  pseudocount.use = 1,
  mean.fxn = NULL,
  base = 2,
  fc.name = NULL,
) {
  if (!is.null(x = group.by)) {
    if (!is.null(x = subset.ident)) {
      object <- subset(x = object, idents = subset.ident)
    Idents(object = object) <- group.by
  if (!is.null(x = assay) && !is.null(x = reduction)) {
    stop("Please only specify either assay or reduction.")
  # select which data to use
  if (is.null(x = reduction)) {
    assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
    data.use <- object[[assay]]
    cellnames.use <-  colnames(x = data.use)
  } else {
    data.use <- object[[reduction]]
    cellnames.use <- rownames(data.use)
  cells <- IdentsToCells(
    object = object,
    ident.1 = ident.1,
    ident.2 = ident.2,
    cellnames.use = cellnames.use
  fc.results <- FoldChange(
    object = data.use,
    cells.1 = cells$cells.1,
    cells.2 = cells$cells.2,
    features = features,
    slot = slot,
    pseudocount.use = pseudocount.use,
    mean.fxn = mean.fxn,
    base = base,
    fc.name = fc.name

# Internal

# internal function to calculate AUC values
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
AUCMarkerTest <- function(data1, data2, mygenes, print.bar = TRUE) {
  myAUC <- unlist(x = lapply(
    X = mygenes,
    FUN = function(x) {
        x = as.numeric(x = data1[x, ]),
        y = as.numeric(x = data2[x, ])
  myAUC[is.na(x = myAUC)] <- 0
  iterate.fxn <- ifelse(test = print.bar, yes = pblapply, no = lapply)
  avg_diff <- unlist(x = iterate.fxn(
    X = mygenes,
    FUN = function(x) {
          x = as.numeric(x = data1[x, ])
        ) - ExpMean(
          x = as.numeric(x = data2[x, ])
  toRet <- data.frame(cbind(myAUC, avg_diff), row.names = mygenes)
  toRet <- toRet[rev(x = order(toRet$myAUC)), ]

#internal function to run mcdavid et al. DE test
#' @importFrom stats sd dnorm
bimodLikData <- function(x, xmin = 0) {
  x1 <- x[x <= xmin]
  x2 <- x[x > xmin]
  xal <- MinMax(
    data = length(x = x2) / length(x = x),
    min = 1e-5,
    max = (1 - 1e-5)
  likA <- length(x = x1) * log(x = 1 - xal)
  if (length(x = x2) < 2) {
    mysd <- 1
  } else {
    mysd <- sd(x = x2)
  likB <- length(x = x2) *
    log(x = xal) +
    sum(dnorm(x = x2, mean = mean(x = x2), sd = mysd, log = TRUE))
  return(likA + likB)

# returns tests that do not support feature pre-filtering
DEmethods_noprefilter <- function() {

# returns tests that support latent variables (latent.vars)
DEmethods_latent <- function() {
  c('negbinom', 'poisson', 'MAST', "LR")

# returns tests that require CheckDots
DEmethods_checkdots <- function() {
  c('wilcox', 'MAST', 'DESeq2')

# returns tests that do not use Bonferroni correction on the DE results
DEmethods_nocorrect <- function() {

# returns tests that require count data
DEmethods_counts <- function() {
  c("negbinom", "poisson", "DESeq2")

# Differential expression using DESeq2
# Identifies differentially expressed genes between two groups of cells using
# DESeq2
# @references Love MI, Huber W and Anders S (2014). "Moderated estimation of
# fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2." Genome Biology.
# https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DESeq2.html
# @param data.use Data matrix to test
# @param cells.1 Group 1 cells
# @param cells.2 Group 2 cells
# @param verbose Print a progress bar
# @param ... Extra parameters to pass to DESeq2::results
# @return Returns a p-value ranked matrix of putative differentially expressed
# genes.
# @details
# This test does not support pre-filtering of genes based on average difference
# (or percent detection rate) between cell groups. However, genes may be
# pre-filtered based on their minimum detection rate (min.pct) across both cell
# groups. To use this method, please install DESeq2, using the instructions at
#  https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DESeq2.html
# @export
# @examples
# \dontrun{
#   data("pbmc_small")
#   pbmc_small
#   DESeq2DETest(pbmc_small, cells.1 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 1),
#               cells.2 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 2))
# }
DESeq2DETest <- function(
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (!PackageCheck('DESeq2', error = FALSE)) {
    stop("Please install DESeq2 - learn more at https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DESeq2.html")
  CheckDots(..., fxns = 'DESeq2::results')
  group.info <- data.frame(row.names = c(cells.1, cells.2))
  group.info[cells.1, "group"] <- "Group1"
  group.info[cells.2, "group"] <- "Group2"
  group.info[, "group"] <- factor(x = group.info[, "group"])
  group.info$wellKey <- rownames(x = group.info)
  dds1 <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
    countData = data.use,
    colData = group.info,
    design = ~ group
  dds1 <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactors(object = dds1)
  dds1 <- DESeq2::estimateDispersions(object = dds1, fitType = "local")
  dds1 <- DESeq2::nbinomWaldTest(object = dds1)
  res <- DESeq2::results(
    object = dds1,
    contrast = c("group", "Group1", "Group2"),
    alpha = 0.05,
  to.return <- data.frame(p_val = res$pvalue, row.names = rownames(res))

# internal function to calculate AUC values
#' @importFrom ROCR prediction performance
DifferentialAUC <- function(x, y) {
  prediction.use <- prediction(
    predictions = c(x, y),
    labels = c(rep(x = 1, length(x = x)), rep(x = 0, length(x = y))),
    label.ordering = 0:1
  perf.use <- performance(prediction.obj = prediction.use, measure = "auc")
  auc.use <- round(x = perf.use@y.values[[1]], digits = 3)

#internal function to run mcdavid et al. DE test
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
DifferentialLRT <- function(x, y, xmin = 0) {
  lrtX <- bimodLikData(x = x)
  lrtY <- bimodLikData(x = y)
  lrtZ <- bimodLikData(x = c(x, y))
  lrt_diff <- 2 * (lrtX + lrtY - lrtZ)
  return(pchisq(q = lrt_diff, df = 3, lower.tail = F))

# Likelihood ratio test for zero-inflated data
# Identifies differentially expressed genes between two groups of cells using
# the LRT model proposed in McDavid et al, Bioinformatics, 2013
# @inheritParams FindMarkers
# @param object Seurat object
# @param cells.1 Group 1 cells
# @param cells.2 Group 2 cells
# @param assay.type Type of assay to fetch data for (default is RNA)
# @return Returns a p-value ranked matrix of putative differentially expressed
# genes.
#' @importFrom pbapply pbsapply
#' @importFrom future.apply future_sapply
#' @importFrom future nbrOfWorkers
# @export
# @examples
# data("pbmc_small")
# pbmc_small
# DiffExpTest(pbmc_small, cells.1 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 1),
#             cells.2 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 2))
DiffExpTest <- function(
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  my.sapply <- ifelse(
    test = verbose && nbrOfWorkers() == 1,
    yes = pbsapply,
    no = future_sapply
  p_val <- unlist(
    x = my.sapply(
      X = 1:nrow(x = data.use),
      FUN = function(x) {
          x = as.numeric(x = data.use[x, cells.1]),
          y = as.numeric(x = data.use[x, cells.2])
  to.return <- data.frame(p_val, row.names = rownames(x = data.use))

# Differential expression testing using Student's t-test
# Identify differentially expressed genes between two groups of cells using
# the Student's t-test
# @return Returns a p-value ranked matrix of putative differentially expressed
# genes.
#' @importFrom stats t.test
#' @importFrom pbapply pbsapply
#' @importFrom future.apply future_sapply
#' @importFrom future nbrOfWorkers
# @export
# @examples
# data("pbmc_small")
# pbmc_small
# DiffTTest(pbmc_small, cells.1 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 1),
#             cells.2 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 2))
DiffTTest <- function(
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  my.sapply <- ifelse(
    test = verbose && nbrOfWorkers() == 1,
    yes = pbsapply,
    no = future_sapply
  p_val <- unlist(
    x = my.sapply(
      X = 1:nrow(data.use),
      FUN = function(x) {
        t.test(x = data.use[x, cells.1], y = data.use[x, cells.2])$p.value
  to.return <- data.frame(p_val,row.names = rownames(x = data.use))

# Tests for UMI-count based data
# Identifies differentially expressed genes between two groups of cells using
# either a negative binomial or poisson generalized linear model
# @param data.use Data to test
# @param cells.1 Group 1 cells
# @param cells.2 Group 2 cells
# @param min.cells Minimum number of cells threshold
# @param latent.vars Latent variables to test
# @param test.use parameterizes the glm
# @param verbose Print progress bar
# @return Returns a p-value ranked matrix of putative differentially expressed
# genes.
#' @importFrom MASS glm.nb
#' @importFrom pbapply pbsapply
#' @importFrom stats var as.formula
#' @importFrom future.apply future_sapply
#' @importFrom future nbrOfWorkers
# @export
# @examples
# data("pbmc_small")
# pbmc_small
# # Note, not recommended for particularly small datasets - expect warnings
# NegBinomDETest(pbmc_small, cells.1 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 1),
#             cells.2 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 2))
GLMDETest <- function(
  min.cells = 3,
  latent.vars = NULL,
  test.use = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  group.info <- data.frame(
    group = rep(
      x = c('Group1', 'Group2'),
      times = c(length(x = cells.1), length(x = cells.2))
  rownames(group.info) <- c(cells.1, cells.2)
  group.info[, "group"] <- factor(x = group.info[, "group"])
  latent.vars <- if (is.null(x = latent.vars)) {
  } else {
    cbind(x = group.info, latent.vars)
  latent.var.names <- colnames(x = latent.vars)
  my.sapply <- ifelse(
    test = verbose && nbrOfWorkers() == 1,
    yes = pbsapply,
    no = future_sapply
  p_val <- unlist(
    x = my.sapply(
      X = 1:nrow(data.use),
      FUN = function(x) {
        latent.vars[, "GENE"] <- as.numeric(x = data.use[x, ])
        # check that gene is expressed in specified number of cells in one group
        if (sum(latent.vars$GENE[latent.vars$group == "Group1"] > 0) < min.cells &&
            sum(latent.vars$GENE[latent.vars$group == "Group2"] > 0) < min.cells) {
            "Skipping gene --- ",
            ". Fewer than ",
            " cells in both clusters."
        # check that variance between groups is not 0
        if (var(x = latent.vars$GENE) == 0) {
            "Skipping gene -- ",
            ". No variance in expression between the two clusters."
        fmla <- as.formula(object = paste(
          "GENE ~",
          paste(latent.var.names, collapse = "+")
        p.estimate <- 2
        if (test.use == "negbinom") {
            expr = p.estimate <- summary(
              object = glm.nb(formula = fmla, data = latent.vars)
            )$coef[2, 4],
            silent = TRUE
        } else if (test.use == "poisson") {
          return(summary(object = glm(
            formula = fmla,
            data = latent.vars,
            family = "poisson"
  features.keep <- rownames(data.use)
  if (length(x = which(x = p_val == 2)) > 0) {
    features.keep <- features.keep[-which(x = p_val == 2)]
    p_val <- p_val[!p_val == 2]
  to.return <- data.frame(p_val, row.names = features.keep)

# Helper function for FindMarkers.Seurat and FoldChange.Seurat
# Convert idents to cells
#' @importFrom methods is
IdentsToCells <- function(
) {
  if (is.null(x = ident.1)) {
    stop("Please provide ident.1")
  } else if ((length(x = ident.1) == 1 && ident.1[1] == 'clustertree') || is(object = ident.1, class2 = 'phylo')) {
    if (is.null(x = ident.2)) {
      stop("Please pass a node to 'ident.2' to run FindMarkers on a tree")
    tree <- if (is(object = ident.1, class2 = 'phylo')) {
    } else {
      Tool(object = object, slot = 'BuildClusterTree')
    if (is.null(x = tree)) {
      stop("Please run 'BuildClusterTree' or pass an object of class 'phylo' as 'ident.1'")
    ident.1 <- tree$tip.label[GetLeftDescendants(tree = tree, node = ident.2)]
    ident.2 <- tree$tip.label[GetRightDescendants(tree = tree, node = ident.2)]
  if (length(x = as.vector(x = ident.1)) > 1 &&
      any(as.character(x = ident.1) %in% cellnames.use)) {
    bad.cells <- cellnames.use[which(x = !as.character(x = ident.1) %in% cellnames.use)]
    if (length(x = bad.cells) > 0) {
      stop(paste0("The following cell names provided to ident.1 are not present in the object: ", paste(bad.cells, collapse = ", ")))
  } else {
    ident.1 <- WhichCells(object = object, idents = ident.1)
  # if NULL for ident.2, use all other cells
  if (length(x = as.vector(x = ident.2)) > 1 &&
      any(as.character(x = ident.2) %in% cellnames.use)) {
    bad.cells <- cellnames.use[which(!as.character(x = ident.2) %in% cellnames.use)]
    if (length(x = bad.cells) > 0) {
      stop(paste0("The following cell names provided to ident.2 are not present in the object: ", paste(bad.cells, collapse = ", ")))
  } else {
    if (is.null(x = ident.2)) {
      ident.2 <- setdiff(x = cellnames.use, y = ident.1)
    } else {
      ident.2 <- WhichCells(object = object, idents = ident.2)
  return(list(cells.1 = ident.1, cells.2 = ident.2))

# Perform differential expression testing using a logistic regression framework
# Constructs a logistic regression model predicting group membership based on a
# given feature and compares this to a null model with a likelihood ratio test.
# @param data.use expression matrix
# @param cells.1 Vector of cells in group 1
# @param cells2. Vector of cells in group 2
# @param latent.vars Latent variables to include in model
# @param verbose Print messages
#' @importFrom lmtest lrtest
#' @importFrom pbapply pbsapply
#' @importFrom stats as.formula glm
#' @importFrom future.apply future_sapply
#' @importFrom future nbrOfWorkers
LRDETest <- function(
  latent.vars = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  group.info <- data.frame(row.names = c(cells.1, cells.2))
  group.info[cells.1, "group"] <- "Group1"
  group.info[cells.2, "group"] <- "Group2"
  group.info[, "group"] <- factor(x = group.info[, "group"])
  data.use <- data.use[, rownames(group.info), drop = FALSE]
  latent.vars <- latent.vars[rownames(group.info), , drop = FALSE]
  my.sapply <- ifelse(
    test = verbose && nbrOfWorkers() == 1,
    yes = pbsapply,
    no = future_sapply
  p_val <- my.sapply(
    X = 1:nrow(x = data.use),
    FUN = function(x) {
      if (is.null(x = latent.vars)) {
        model.data <- cbind(GENE = data.use[x, ], group.info)
        fmla <- as.formula(object = "group ~ GENE")
        fmla2 <- as.formula(object = "group ~ 1")
      } else {
        model.data <- cbind(GENE = data.use[x, ], group.info, latent.vars)
        fmla <- as.formula(object = paste(
          "group ~ GENE +",
          paste(colnames(x = latent.vars), collapse = "+")
        fmla2 <- as.formula(object = paste(
          "group ~",
          paste(colnames(x = latent.vars), collapse = "+")
      model1 <- glm(formula = fmla, data = model.data, family = "binomial")
      model2 <- glm(formula = fmla2, data = model.data, family = "binomial")
      lrtest <- lrtest(model1, model2)
  to.return <- data.frame(p_val, row.names = rownames(data.use))

# ROC-based marker discovery
# Identifies 'markers' of gene expression using ROC analysis. For each gene,
# evaluates (using AUC) a classifier built on that gene alone, to classify
# between two groups of cells.
# An AUC value of 1 means that expression values for this gene alone can
# perfectly classify the two groupings (i.e. Each of the cells in cells.1
# exhibit a higher level than each of the cells in cells.2). An AUC value of 0
# also means there is perfect classification, but in the other direction. A
# value of 0.5 implies that the gene has no predictive power to classify the
# two groups.
# @return Returns a 'predictive power' (abs(AUC-0.5) * 2) ranked matrix of
# putative differentially expressed genes.
# @export
# @examples
# data("pbmc_small")
# pbmc_small
# MarkerTest(pbmc_small, cells.1 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 1),
#             cells.2 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 2))
MarkerTest <- function(
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  to.return <- AUCMarkerTest(
    data1 = data.use[, cells.1, drop = FALSE],
    data2 = data.use[, cells.2, drop = FALSE],
    mygenes = rownames(x = data.use),
    print.bar = verbose
  to.return$power <- abs(x = to.return$myAUC - 0.5) * 2

# Differential expression using MAST
# Identifies differentially expressed genes between two groups of cells using
# a hurdle model tailored to scRNA-seq data. Utilizes the MAST package to run
# the DE testing.
# @references Andrew McDavid, Greg Finak and Masanao Yajima (2017). MAST: Model-based
# Analysis of Single Cell Transcriptomics. R package version 1.2.1.
# https://github.com/RGLab/MAST/
# @param data.use Data to test
# @param cells.1 Group 1 cells
# @param cells.2 Group 2 cells
# @param latent.vars Confounding variables to adjust for in DE test
# @param verbose print output
# @param \dots Additional parameters to zero-inflated regression (zlm) function
# in MAST
# @details
# To use this method, please install MAST, using instructions at https://github.com/RGLab/MAST/
# @return Returns a p-value ranked matrix of putative differentially expressed
# genes.
#' @importFrom stats relevel
MASTDETest <- function(
  latent.vars = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  # Check for MAST
  if (!PackageCheck('MAST', error = FALSE)) {
    stop("Please install MAST - learn more at https://github.com/RGLab/MAST")
  group.info <- data.frame(row.names = c(cells.1, cells.2))
  latent.vars <- latent.vars %||% group.info
  group.info[cells.1, "group"] <- "Group1"
  group.info[cells.2, "group"] <- "Group2"
  group.info[, "group"] <- factor(x = group.info[, "group"])
  latent.vars.names <- c("condition", colnames(x = latent.vars))
  latent.vars <- cbind(latent.vars, group.info)
  latent.vars$wellKey <- rownames(x = latent.vars)
  fdat <- data.frame(rownames(x = data.use))
  colnames(x = fdat)[1] <- "primerid"
  rownames(x = fdat) <- fdat[, 1]
  sca <- MAST::FromMatrix(
    exprsArray = as.matrix(x = data.use),
    check_sanity = FALSE,
    cData = latent.vars,
    fData = fdat
  cond <- factor(x = SummarizedExperiment::colData(sca)$group)
  cond <- relevel(x = cond, ref = "Group1")
  SummarizedExperiment::colData(sca)$condition <- cond
  fmla <- as.formula(
    object = paste0(" ~ ", paste(latent.vars.names, collapse = "+"))
  zlmCond <- MAST::zlm(formula = fmla, sca = sca, ...)
  summaryCond <- summary(object = zlmCond, doLRT = 'conditionGroup2')
  summaryDt <- summaryCond$datatable
  # fcHurdle <- merge(
  #   summaryDt[contrast=='conditionGroup2' & component=='H', .(primerid, `Pr(>Chisq)`)], #hurdle P values
  #   summaryDt[contrast=='conditionGroup2' & component=='logFC', .(primerid, coef, ci.hi, ci.lo)], by='primerid'
  # ) #logFC coefficients
  # fcHurdle[,fdr:=p.adjust(`Pr(>Chisq)`, 'fdr')]
  p_val <- summaryDt[summaryDt[, "component"] == "H", 4]
  genes.return <- summaryDt[summaryDt[, "component"] == "H", 1]
  # p_val <- subset(summaryDt, component == "H")[, 4]
  # genes.return <- subset(summaryDt, component == "H")[, 1]
  to.return <- data.frame(p_val, row.names = genes.return)

# compare two negative binomial regression models
# model one uses only common factors (com.fac)
# model two additionally uses group factor (grp.fac)
#' @importFrom stats glm anova coef
NBModelComparison <- function(y, theta, latent.data, com.fac, grp.fac) {
  tab <- as.matrix(x = table(y > 0, latent.data[, grp.fac]))
  freqs <- tab['TRUE', ] / apply(X = tab, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum)
  fit2 <- 0
  fit4 <- 0
    expr = fit2 <- glm(
      formula = y ~ .,
      data = latent.data[, com.fac, drop = FALSE],
      family = MASS::negative.binomial(theta = theta)
    fit4 <- glm(
      formula = y ~ .,
      data = latent.data[, c(com.fac, grp.fac)],
      family = MASS::negative.binomial(theta = theta)
    silent = TRUE
  if (is.numeric(x = fit2) || is.numeric(x = fit4)) {
    message('One of the glm.nb calls failed')
    return(c(rep(x = NA, 5), freqs))
  pval <- anova(fit2, fit4, test = 'Chisq')$'Pr(>Chi)'[2]
  foi <- 2 + length(x = com.fac)
  log2.fc <- log2(x = 1 / exp(x = coef(object = fit4)[foi]))
  ret <- c(
    coef(object = fit4)[foi],
  names(x = ret) <- c(

PerformDE <- function(
) {
  if (!(test.use %in% DEmethods_latent()) && !is.null(x = latent.vars)) {
      "'latent.vars' is only used for the following tests: ",
      paste(DEmethods_latent(), collapse=", "),
      call. = FALSE,
      immediate. = TRUE
  if (!test.use %in% DEmethods_checkdots()) {
  de.results <- switch(
    EXPR = test.use,
    'wilcox' = WilcoxDETest(
      data.use = object[features, c(cells.1, cells.2), drop = FALSE],
      cells.1 = cells.1,
      cells.2 = cells.2,
      verbose = verbose,
    'bimod' = DiffExpTest(
      data.use = object[features, c(cells.1, cells.2), drop = FALSE],
      cells.1 = cells.1,
      cells.2 = cells.2,
      verbose = verbose
    'roc' = MarkerTest(
      data.use = object[features, c(cells.1, cells.2), drop = FALSE],
      cells.1 = cells.1,
      cells.2 = cells.2,
      verbose = verbose
    't' = DiffTTest(
      data.use = object[features, c(cells.1, cells.2), drop = FALSE],
      cells.1 = cells.1,
      cells.2 = cells.2,
      verbose = verbose
    'negbinom' = GLMDETest(
      data.use = object[features, c(cells.1, cells.2), drop = FALSE],
      cells.1 = cells.1,
      cells.2 = cells.2,
      min.cells = min.cells.feature,
      latent.vars = latent.vars,
      test.use = test.use,
      verbose = verbose
    'poisson' = GLMDETest(
      data.use = object[features, c(cells.1, cells.2), drop = FALSE],
      cells.1 = cells.1,
      cells.2 = cells.2,
      min.cells = min.cells.feature,
      latent.vars = latent.vars,
      test.use = test.use,
      verbose = verbose
    'MAST' = MASTDETest(
      data.use = object[features, c(cells.1, cells.2), drop = FALSE],
      cells.1 = cells.1,
      cells.2 = cells.2,
      latent.vars = latent.vars,
      verbose = verbose,
    "DESeq2" = DESeq2DETest(
      data.use = object[features, c(cells.1, cells.2), drop = FALSE],
      cells.1 = cells.1,
      cells.2 = cells.2,
      verbose = verbose,
    "LR" = LRDETest(
      data.use = object[features, c(cells.1, cells.2), drop = FALSE],
      cells.1 = cells.1,
      cells.2 = cells.2,
      latent.vars = latent.vars,
      verbose = verbose
    stop("Unknown test: ", test.use)

# given a UMI count matrix, estimate NB theta parameter for each gene
# and use fit of relationship with mean to assign regularized theta to each gene
#' @importFrom stats glm loess poisson
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
RegularizedTheta <- function(cm, latent.data, min.theta = 0.01, bin.size = 128) {
  genes.regress <- rownames(x = cm)
  bin.ind <- ceiling(x = 1:length(x = genes.regress) / bin.size)
  max.bin <- max(bin.ind)
  message('Running Poisson regression (to get initial mean), and theta estimation per gene')
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = max.bin, style = 3, file = stderr())
  theta.estimate <- c()
  for (i in 1:max.bin) {
    genes.bin.regress <- genes.regress[bin.ind == i]
    bin.theta.estimate <- unlist(
      x = parallel::mclapply(
        X = genes.bin.regress,
        FUN = function(j) {
          return(as.numeric(x = MASS::theta.ml(
            y = cm[j, ],
            mu = glm(
              formula = cm[j, ] ~ .,
              data = latent.data,
              family = poisson
      use.names = FALSE
    theta.estimate <- c(theta.estimate, bin.theta.estimate)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = i)
  close(con = pb)
  UMI.mean <- apply(X = cm, MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean)
  var.estimate <- UMI.mean + (UMI.mean ^ 2) / theta.estimate
  for (span in c(1/3, 1/2, 3/4, 1)) {
    fit <- loess(
      formula = log10(x = var.estimate) ~ log10(x = UMI.mean),
      span = span
    if (! any(is.na(x = fit$fitted))) {
        'Used loess with span %1.2f to fit mean-variance relationship\n',
  if (any(is.na(x = fit$fitted))) {
    stop('Problem when fitting NB gene variance in RegularizedTheta - NA values were fitted.')
  theta.fit <- (UMI.mean ^ 2) / ((10 ^ fit$fitted) - UMI.mean)
  names(x = theta.fit) <- genes.regress
  to.fix <- theta.fit <= min.theta | is.infinite(x = theta.fit)
  if (any(to.fix)) {
      'Fitted theta below ',
      ' for ',
      ' genes, setting them to ',
    theta.fit[to.fix] <- min.theta

# FindMarkers helper function for cell grouping error checking
ValidateCellGroups <- function(
) {
  if (length(x = cells.1) == 0) {
    stop("Cell group 1 is empty - no cells with identity class ", cells.1)
  } else if (length(x = cells.2) == 0) {
    stop("Cell group 2 is empty - no cells with identity class ", cells.2)
  } else if (length(x = cells.1) < min.cells.group) {
    stop("Cell group 1 has fewer than ", min.cells.group, " cells")
  } else if (length(x = cells.2) < min.cells.group) {
    stop("Cell group 2 has fewer than ", min.cells.group, " cells")
  } else if (any(!cells.1 %in% colnames(x = object))) {
    bad.cells <- colnames(x = object)[which(x = !as.character(x = cells.1) %in% colnames(x = object))]
      "The following cell names provided to cells.1 are not present: ",
      paste(bad.cells, collapse = ", ")
  } else if (any(!cells.2 %in% colnames(x = object))) {
    bad.cells <- colnames(x = object)[which(x = !as.character(x = cells.2) %in% colnames(x = object))]
      "The following cell names provided to cells.2 are not present: ",
      paste(bad.cells, collapse = ", ")

# Differential expression using Wilcoxon Rank Sum
# Identifies differentially expressed genes between two groups of cells using
# a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test. Makes use of limma::rankSumTestWithCorrelation for a
# more efficient implementation of the wilcoxon test. Thanks to Yunshun Chen and
# Gordon Smyth for suggesting the limma implementation.
# @param data.use Data matrix to test
# @param cells.1 Group 1 cells
# @param cells.2 Group 2 cells
# @param verbose Print a progress bar
# @param ... Extra parameters passed to wilcox.test
# @return Returns a p-value ranked matrix of putative differentially expressed
# features
#' @importFrom pbapply pbsapply
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test
#' @importFrom future.apply future_sapply
#' @importFrom future nbrOfWorkers
# @export
# @examples
# data("pbmc_small")
# pbmc_small
# WilcoxDETest(pbmc_small, cells.1 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 1),
#             cells.2 = WhichCells(object = pbmc_small, idents = 2))
WilcoxDETest <- function(
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  data.use <- data.use[, c(cells.1, cells.2), drop = FALSE]
  j <- seq_len(length.out = length(x = cells.1))
  my.sapply <- ifelse(
    test = verbose && nbrOfWorkers() == 1,
    yes = pbsapply,
    no = future_sapply
  overflow.check <- ifelse(
    test = is.na(x = suppressWarnings(length(x = data.use[1, ]) * length(x = data.use[1, ]))),
    yes = FALSE,
    no = TRUE
  limma.check <- PackageCheck("limma", error = FALSE)
  if (limma.check[1] && overflow.check) {
    p_val <- my.sapply(
      X = 1:nrow(x = data.use),
      FUN = function(x) {
        return(min(2 * min(limma::rankSumTestWithCorrelation(index = j, statistics = data.use[x, ])), 1))
  } else {
    if (getOption('Seurat.limma.wilcox.msg', TRUE) && overflow.check) {
        "For a more efficient implementation of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test,",
        "\n(default method for FindMarkers) please install the limma package",
        "\nAfter installation of limma, Seurat will automatically use the more ",
        "\nefficient implementation (no further action necessary).",
        "\nThis message will be shown once per session"
      options(Seurat.limma.wilcox.msg = FALSE)
    group.info <- data.frame(row.names = c(cells.1, cells.2))
    group.info[cells.1, "group"] <- "Group1"
    group.info[cells.2, "group"] <- "Group2"
    group.info[, "group"] <- factor(x = group.info[, "group"])
    data.use <- data.use[, rownames(x = group.info), drop = FALSE]
    p_val <- my.sapply(
      X = 1:nrow(x = data.use),
      FUN = function(x) {
        return(wilcox.test(data.use[x, ] ~ group.info[, "group"], ...)$p.value)
  return(data.frame(p_val, row.names = rownames(x = data.use)))
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