Raw File
Tip revision: 428249f43a9c6fd0c425b28deb5fee51a9525d69 authored by Dominique Makowski on 18 September 2022, 01:46:03 UTC
version 0.13.0
Tip revision: 428249f
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/map_estimate.R, R/p_direction.R, R/p_map.R,
%   R/p_significance.R
\title{Convert to Numeric}
\method{as.numeric}{map_estimate}(x, ...)

\method{as.numeric}{p_direction}(x, ...)

\method{as.numeric}{p_map}(x, ...)

\method{as.numeric}{p_significance}(x, ...)
\item{x}{object to be coerced or tested.}

\item{...}{further arguments passed to or from other methods.}
Convert to Numeric
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