Raw File
Tip revision: f140dbc8b05aa3d341c70436a1920a06df9a0ed4 authored by Roberto Di Cosmo on 02 May 2021, 17:11:46 UTC
Signal exceptions in the worker to the master process in the simplemapper skeleton.
Tip revision: f140dbc
 (public_name parmap)
 (synopsis "Parallel map primitive for multicores")
 (wrapped false)
 (libraries bigarray unix)
 (foreign_stubs (language c) (names bytearray_stubs setcore_stubs)))

  (package parmap)
  (mld_files index)

 (targets parmap_compat.ml setcore_stubs.h)
  (:discover ../config/discover.exe))
  (run %{discover})))
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