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Tip revision: 75d1630a0c6354a3997c4068dc8cdc447491b6f8 authored by Padraig Gleeson on 16 December 2021, 14:09:58 UTC
Merge pull request #119 from NeuralEnsemble/development
Tip revision: 75d1630
## Introduction

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This package provides Python libNeuroML, for working with neuronal models specified in [NeuroML 2](http://neuroml.org/neuromlv2).

For more about libNeuroML see:

Michael Vella, Robert C. Cannon, Sharon Crook, Andrew P. Davison, Gautham Ganapathy, Hugh P. C. Robinson, R. Angus Silver and Padraig Gleeson,
**libNeuroML and PyLEMS: using Python to combine procedural and declarative modeling approaches in computational neuroscience**
[Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 2014](http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fninf.2014.00038/abstract), doi: 10.3389/fninf.2014.00038


Documentation is available at http://readthedocs.org/docs/libneuroml/en/latest/

For installation instructions, see http://readthedocs.org/docs/libneuroml/en/latest/install.html

For an overview of all NeuroML related libraries/documentation/publications see https://docs.neuroml.org

## pyNeuroML

A related package, **[pyNeuroML](https://github.com/NeuroML/pyNeuroML)** builds on this and provides functionality, scripts and modules for reading, writing, **simulating** and analysing NeuroML2/LEMS models.

pyNeuroML builds on: [libNeuroML](https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/libNeuroML) & [PyLEMS](https://github.com/LEMS/pylems) and wraps functionality from [jNeuroML](https://github.com/NeuroML/jNeuroML).

## Development process for libNeuroML

Most of the work happens in the [development branch](https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/libNeuroML/tree/development).
That branch is kept up to date with the development branches for [NeuroML 2](https://github.com/NeuroML/NeuroML2/tree/development) and related libraries.
See https://docs.neuroml.org/ for an overview of the various NeuroML libraries.

## Changelog
### version 0.2.57 (dev)

- Enable Python 3.10 support
- Regenerate nml.py with generateDS using Python 3
- Add generic `add` method to all NeuroML ComponentType classes that allows users to easily construct their NeuroML documents.
- Improve unit tests
- DEPRECATION notice: `append_to_element` will be deprecated in future releases, please use the `add` method instead

### version 0.2.56

- Documentation updates for RTD and other minor fixes.

### version 0.2.55

- Patch release with minor changes under the hood.
- Use PyTest for testing.
- Enable CI on GitHub Actions

### version 0.2.54

- Using Schema for NeuroML v2.1. Better compatibility with Python 3

### version 0.2.50

- Updated to use the final stable Schema for NeuroML v2.0

### version 0.2.47

- Updated to use the final stable Schema for NeuroML v2beta5

### version 0.2.18

- Updated to use the final stable Schema for NeuroML v2beta4
- Tested with Python 3

### version 0.2.4

- Updated to use the Schema for NeuroML v2beta4

### version 0.2.2

- Updated to use the Schema for NeuroML v2beta3
- Ensures numpy & pytables are only required when using non-XML loaders/writers

### version 0.2.0

- Updated to use the Schema for NeuroML v2beta2

### version 0.1.9

- Minor release: Update to latest schema

### version 0.1.8

- Several Bug fixes and small enhamcements
- Support for latest NeuroML schema (see change outline)
- JSON serialization
- MongoDB backend
- HDF5 serialization
- Improved installation process
- All usage examples are now run on the Travis-CI continuous integration server to confirm that that they do not error.
- Schema validation utility
- Improved documentation and documentation new look

:copyright: Copyright 2021 by the libNeuroML team, see [AUTHORS](AUTHORS). Modified BSD License, see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.

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