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Tip revision: a1f2746a4d87a6fbab8d9db16c60055c11c062ed authored by Jerome Kelleher on 02 February 2018, 16:34:35 UTC
Merge pull request #396 from jeromekelleher/docs-mist
Tip revision: a1f2746
.. _sec-installation:


Quick Start

To install and run ``msprime`` on a fresh Ubuntu 15.10 installation, do the

    $ sudo apt-get install pkg-config python-dev python-pip libgsl0-dev hdf5-tools libhdf5-serial-dev
    $ sudo pip install msprime
    $ mspms 2 1 -t 1
    /usr/local/bin/mspms 2 1 -t 1
    5338 8035 23205

    segsites: 3
    positions: 0.014 0.045 0.573

If you do not wish to install ``msprime`` to your system, you can try
it out in a `virtualenv <http://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/>`_ as

    $ virtualenv msprime-env
    $ source msprime-env/bin/activate
    (msprime-env) $ pip install msprime
    (msprime-env) $ mspms

See below for installation instructions for Macs.

.. _sec-requirements:


Msprime requires Python 2.7+ (Python 3 versions are fully supported from
3.1 onwards), the `GNU Scientific Library <http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/>`_,
and `HDF5 <https://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/>`_ version 1.8 or later. These
packages are available for all major platforms. For example, to install on
Debian/Ubuntu use::

    # apt-get install python-dev libgsl0-dev libhdf5-serial-dev pkg-config

For Redhat/Fedora use::

    # yum install gsl-devel hdf5-devel

On FreeBSD we can use ``pkg`` to install the requirements::

    # pkg install gsl hdf5-18

To install the dependencies on OS X, we can use `Homebrew <http://brew.sh/>`_::

    $ brew update
    $ brew install gsl homebrew/science/hdf5


The simplest method of installation is to use PyPI and pip::

    # pip install msprime

This will work in most cases, once the `Requirements`_ have been
satisfied. See below for platform specific build instructions when this

If you do not have root access to your machine, you can install
``msprime`` into your local Python installation as follows::

    $ pip install msprime --user

To use the ``mspms`` program you must ensure
that the ``~/.local/bin`` directory is in your ``PATH``, or
simply run it using::

    $ ~/.local/bin/mspms

To uninstall ``msprime``, simply run::

    $ pip uninstall msprime

Platform specific installation

This section contains instructions to build on platforms
that require build time flags for GSL and HDF5.

FreeBSD 10.0

Install the prerequisitites, and build ``msprime`` as follows::

    # pkg install gsl hdf5-18
    # CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib pip install msprime

This assumes that root is logged in using a bash shell. For other shells,
different methods are need to set the ``CFLAGS`` and ``LDFLAGS`` environment


First, ensure that Homebrew is installed and up-to-date::

    $ brew update

We need to ensure that the version of Python we used is installed via Homebrew
(there can be issues with linking to HDF5 if we use the built-in version of
Python or a version from Anaconda). Therefore, we install Python 3 using

    $ brew install python3
    $ pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools

The previous step can be skipped if you wish to use your own Python installation,
and already have a working pip.

Now install the dependencies and msprime::

    $ brew install gsl homebrew/science/hdf5
    $ pip3 install msprime

Check if it works::

    $ mspms 10 1 -T
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