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Tip revision: edce3fbb7ce8b72fd316f77f13ff3f1d75091a52 authored by Software Heritage on 19 February 2016, 00:00:00 UTC
ipol: Deposit 1282 in collection ipol
Tip revision: edce3fb
// This program is free software: you can use, modify and/or redistribute it
// under the terms of the simplified BSD License. You should have received a
// copy of this license along this program. If not, see
// <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html>.
// Copyright (C) 2012, Javier Sánchez Pérez <jsanchez@dis.ulpgc.es>
// Copyright (C) 2013,2015 Nelson Monzón López <nmonzon@ctim.es>
// Copyright (C) 2014, Agustín Salgado de la Nuez <asalgado@dis.ulpgc.es>
// All rights reserved.

extern "C"
#include "iio.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

#include "robust_expo_methods.h"

#define PAR_DEFAULT_TOL 0.0001

using namespace std;

 *  Function to read images using the iio library
 *  It allocates memory for the image and returns true if it
 *  correctly reads the image.
bool read_image(const char *fname, float **f, int &nx, int &ny, int &nz){
	*f = iio_read_image_float_vec(fname, &nx, &ny, &nz);
	return *f ? true : false;
 *  Main program:
 *   This program reads the following parameters from the console and
 *   then computes the optical flow:
 *   -I1          first image
 *   -I2          second image
 *   -out_file    name of the output flow field
 *   -processors  number of threads used with the OpenMP library
 *   -method_type Choose Diffusion Tensor to use with the method (DF, DF-Beta or DF-Auto)
 *   -alpha       smoothing parameter
 *   -gamma       gradient constancy parameter
 *   -lambda	  Coeficient for exponential smoothing factor
 *   -nscales     number of scales for the pyramidal approach
 *   -zoom_factor reduction factor for creating the scales
 *   -TOL         stopping criterion threshold for the iterative process
 *   -inner_iter  number of inner iterations
 *   -outer_iter  number of outer iterations
 *   -verbose     Switch on/off messages
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){

  if (argc < 3){
    cout << "Usage: " << argv[0]
	      << " I1 I2 [out_file processors"
	      << " method_type alpha gamma lambda"
	      << " nscales zoom_factor TOL"
	      << " inner_iter outer_iter verbose]"
	      << endl;      
      int i = 1, nx, ny, nz, nx1, ny1, nz1;

      //read parameters from the console
      const char *image1  = argv[i++];
      const char *image2  = argv[i++];      
      const char *outfile = (argc >= 4) ? argv[i++] : "flow.flo";
      int   nproc         = (argc > i)  ? atoi (argv[i++]) : PAR_DEFAULT_NPROC;

      int   method_type = (argc > i) ? atoi (argv[i++]) : PAR_DEFAULT_METHOD;
      float alpha       = (argc > i) ? atof (argv[i++]) : PAR_DEFAULT_ALPHA;
      float gamma       = (argc > i) ? atof (argv[i++]) : PAR_DEFAULT_GAMMA;
      float lambda     	= (argc > i) ? atof (argv[i++])  : PAR_DEFAULT_LAMBDA; 
      int   nscales     = (argc > i) ? atoi (argv[i++]) : PAR_DEFAULT_NSCALES;
      float zfactor     = (argc > i) ? atof (argv[i++]) : PAR_DEFAULT_ZFACTOR;
      float TOL         = (argc > i) ? atof (argv[i++]) : PAR_DEFAULT_TOL;
      int   initer      = (argc > i) ? atoi (argv[i++]) : PAR_DEFAULT_INNER_ITER;
      int   outiter     = (argc > i) ? atoi (argv[i++]) : PAR_DEFAULT_OUTER_ITER;
      int   verbose	= (argc > i) ? atoi (argv[i])   : PAR_DEFAULT_VERBOSE; 

      //check parameters
      if (nproc > 0)                          omp_set_num_threads (nproc);
      if (method_type < 1 || method_type > 3) method_type = PAR_DEFAULT_METHOD;
      if (alpha <= 0) 	                      alpha       = PAR_DEFAULT_ALPHA;
      if (gamma < 0)                          gamma       = PAR_DEFAULT_GAMMA;
      if (lambda < 0)                         lambda      = PAR_DEFAULT_LAMBDA;
      if (nscales <= 0)                       nscales     = PAR_DEFAULT_NSCALES;
      if (zfactor <= 0 || zfactor >= 1)       zfactor     = PAR_DEFAULT_ZFACTOR;
      if (TOL <= 0)                           TOL         = PAR_DEFAULT_TOL;
      if (initer <= 0)                        initer      = PAR_DEFAULT_INNER_ITER;
      if (outiter <= 0)                       outiter     = PAR_DEFAULT_OUTER_ITER;

      float *I1, *I2;

      //read the input images
      bool correct1 = read_image (image1, &I1, nx, ny, nz);
      bool correct2 = read_image (image2, &I2, nx1, ny1, nz1);

      // if the images are correct, compute the optical flow
      if (correct1 && correct2 && nx == nx1 && ny == ny1 && nz == nz1){
	  //set the number of scales according to the size of the
	  //images.  The value N is computed to assure that the smaller
	  //images of the pyramid don't have a size smaller than 16x16
	  const float N =  1 + log (std::min (nx, ny) / 16.) / log (1. / zfactor);
	  if ((int) N < nscales) nscales = (int) N;
	  cout  << endl 
                << " ncores:" << nproc   << " method_type:" << method_type 
                << " alpha:"  << alpha   << " gamma:"       << gamma << " lambda:" << lambda 
		<< " scales:" << nscales << " nu:"          << zfactor << " TOL:"  << TOL 
                << " inner:"  << initer  << " outer:"       << outiter << endl;

	//allocate memory for the flow
	  float *u = new float[nx * ny];
	  float *v = new float[nx * ny];
	  //compute the optic flow
		I1, I2, u, v, nx, ny, nz, 
                method_type, alpha, gamma, lambda, 
		nscales, zfactor, TOL, initer, outiter, verbose

          //save the flow 
	  float *f = new float[nx * ny * 2];
	  for (int i = 0; i < nx * ny; i++){
	      f[2 * i] = u[i];
	      f[2 * i + 1] = v[i];
	  iio_save_image_float_vec ((char *) outfile, f, nx, ny, 2);
	  //free dynamic memory
	  free (I1);
	  free (I2);
    else cerr << "Cannot read the images or the size of the images are not equal" << endl;

  return 0;
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