Raw File
Tip revision: b00b162e9521a4302497c7e60de59cb7403c0c56 authored by Edzer J. Pebesma on 18 July 2009, 16:11:07 UTC
version 0.9-62
Tip revision: b00b162
% $Id: spplot.vcov.Rd,v 1.2 2007-11-16 12:59:47 edzer Exp $
\title{ Plot map matrix of prediction error variances and covariances }
Plot map matrix of prediction error variances and covariances
spplot.vcov(x, ...)
\item{x}{ Object of class SpatialPixelsDataFrame or SpatialGridDataFrame,
resulting from a krige call with multiple variables (cokriging }
\item{...}{remaining arguments passed to spplot }
\value{ The plotted object, of class trellis; see \code{spplot} in
package \pkg{sp}. }
\author{ Edzer J. Pebesma }

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