Raw File
Tip revision: 9a7ef504439bf7295dd910081c2780077e16fad0 authored by Alex Nitz on 20 March 2024, 15:51:52 UTC
don't keep file open within injectionset (#4667)
Tip revision: 9a7ef50
#!/bin/env python
""" Make histograms of single detector triggers

import numpy, argparse, h5py, logging, sys
import pycbc.version, pycbc.results, pycbc.io
from itertools import cycle
from matplotlib import use; use('Agg')
from matplotlib import pyplot
from pycbc.events import background_bin_from_string, veto, ranking

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=pycbc.version.git_verbose_msg)
parser.add_argument('--trigger-file', required=True,
                    help="Combined single detector hdf trigger file")
                    help="segment xml file, indicates which triggers to ignore")
                    help="name of segment list in the veto file")
                    help="name of value to histogram")
parser.add_argument('--bank-file', default="",
                    help='template bank hdf file')
parser.add_argument('--background-bins', nargs='+',
                    help='list of background bin format strings')
parser.add_argument('--bins', default=100, type=int,
                    help="number of bins in histogram")
parser.add_argument('--x-max', type=float)
parser.add_argument('--x-min', type=float, default=6,
                    help="Minimum x-value. Default 6")
parser.add_argument('--special-time', type=float,
                    help="plot triggers within +-1s of a given time in a "
                         "different color (black)")
args = parser.parse_args()

# sanity check command line options
if args.special_time and args.background_bins:
    raise ValueError("Cannot use both --special-time and --background-bins")

# setup logging

# read trigger file to determine IFO
f = h5py.File(args.trigger_file, 'r')
ifo = tuple(f.keys())[0]

# Apply presort if we can; if we can't, load everything but it may be
# inefficient
xv = args.x_var if args.x_var in ranking.sngls_ranking_function_dict else None
xt = args.x_min if args.x_var in ranking.sngls_ranking_function_dict else None

# read single-detector triggers
trigs = pycbc.io.SingleDetTriggers(

# get x values and find the maximum x value
val = getattr(trigs, args.x_var)
x_max = args.x_max if args.x_max else val.max() * 1.1

# create a figure to add a histogram
fig = pyplot.figure(0)

# command line says to plot triggers around a certain time
if args.special_time:
    time = getattr(trigs, 'end_time')
    val_special = val[abs(time-args.special_time) < 1]
    val_boring = val[abs(time-args.special_time) >= 1]
    binvals = numpy.linspace(args.x_min, x_max, args.bins, endpoint=True)
    pyplot.hist([val_boring, val_special], bins=binvals, histtype='stepfilled',
               stacked=True, color=[pycbc.results.ifo_color(ifo), 'k'],
          label=['Other times', 'Triggers near %i' % (int(args.special_time))])
    pyplot.legend(loc='upper right')

# command line says to plot triggers in each background bin
elif args.background_bins:

    # get a dict where key is each bin's name and value is a list of indexes
    # for the triggers in that bin
    bank_data = {'mass1' : trigs.mass1,
                 'mass2' : trigs.mass2,
                 'spin1z' : trigs.spin1z,
                 'spin2z' : trigs.spin2z,
    locs_dict = background_bin_from_string(args.background_bins, bank_data)
    # get a list of bin names and a corresponding list for x values
    loc_bin_keys = [key for key in locs_dict.keys()]
    loc_bin_vals = [val[locs_dict[key]] for key in loc_bin_keys]

    # assign a color for each bin
    color_cycle = cycle(['red', 'green', 'blue', 'black', 'magenta', 'cyan'])
    loc_bin_colors = [next(color_cycle) for key in loc_bin_keys]

    # get number of overflows for each background bin
    loc_bin_overflows = [len(vals[vals>=x_max]) for vals in loc_bin_vals]
    num_bins = len(loc_bin_overflows)

    # remove overflow triggers from plotting
    loc_bin_vals = [vals[vals<x_max] for vals in loc_bin_vals]

    # plot histograms
    pyplot.hist(loc_bin_vals, bins=args.bins, histtype='step',
                stacked=False, label=loc_bin_keys, color=loc_bin_colors)
    pyplot.legend(loc='upper right')

    # plot overflow bin
    rects = pyplot.bar(num_bins*[x_max+0.05],
                      loc_bin_overflows, .5,
                      facecolor='None', edgecolor=loc_bin_colors)

    # write text for overflow bin
    text_left = rects[0].get_x()
    text_height = 1.10 * max([rect.get_height() for rect in rects])
    pyplot.text(text_left, text_height, '%s+'%x_max)

# plot all triggers in a single label
    pycbc.results.hist_overflow(val, x_max, bins=args.bins,

# format plot
ax = pyplot.gca()
pyplot.ylabel('Number of triggers')

# set x lower limit on plot
if args.x_min:

# set x upper limit on plot
if args.x_max:
    if len(numpy.where(val > args.x_max)[0]):
        overflow = 1
        overflow = 0

    pyplot.xlim(xmax=args.x_max + overflow)

# add a grid to the plot

# add meta data and save figure
pycbc.results.save_fig_with_metadata(fig, args.output_file,
                title = '%s: %s histogram of single detector triggers' % (ifo, args.x_var),
                caption = 'Histogram of single detector triggers',
                cmd = ' '.join(sys.argv))

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