Raw File
Tip revision: eba2e1f492dc26e1d409e36f966ebac8a5008ad4 authored by Gareth S Cabourn Davies on 07 September 2021, 15:54:14 UTC
error in that page_foreground was outputting integer times (#3790)
Tip revision: eba2e1f
#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Reads in and vetoes single ifo triggers, cuts, reranks and clusters them"""

import h5py, numpy, argparse, logging
from pycbc.io import hdf
from pycbc.events import stat, coinc

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)

parser.add_argument('--single-trig-file', required=True,
                    help='Path to file containing single-detector triggers in '
                         'HDF5 format. Required')
parser.add_argument('--detector', required=True, 
                    help='Detector. Required')
parser.add_argument('--bank-file', required=True,
                    help='Path to file containing template bank in HDF5 format'
                         '. Required')
                    help='Optional path to file containing veto segments')
parser.add_argument('--segment-name', default=None,
                    help='Optional, name of segment list to use for vetoes')
parser.add_argument('--filter-string', default=None,
                    help='Optional, boolean expression for filtering triggers '
                         'e.g. "self.mchirp>5."')
parser.add_argument('--min-snr', default=0., type=float,
                    help='Only keep triggers above the given SNR')
parser.add_argument('--statistic-name', dest='statname',
                    help='Name of statistic to evaluate and cluster on. '
                    'If not supplied, SNR will be used')
parser.add_argument('--statistic-files', nargs='*', default=[],
                    help='Files containing ranking statistic info')
parser.add_argument('--cluster-window', type=float,
                    help='If supplied, cluster singles by symmetrical time '
                         'window method, specify window extent from maximum'
                         'in seconds')
parser.add_argument('--store-bank-values', default=False, action='store_true',
                    help='If given also add the template bank parameters into '
                         'the output file.')
parser.add_argument('--output-file', required=True)

args = parser.parse_args()

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

outfile = h5py.File(args.output_file, 'w')
outgroup = outfile.create_group(args.detector)

# Munge together SNR cut and any other filter specified
snr_filter = 'self.snr>%f' % (args.min_snr) if args.min_snr > 0. else None 
filts = [f for f in [snr_filter, args.filter_string] if f is not None]
if len(filts) == 2:  # both an explicit filter and a min-snr
    # io.hdf uses numpy imported as np
    filter_func = 'np.logical_and(%s, %s)' % (filts[0], filts[1])
elif len(filts) == 1:
    filter_func = filts[0]
    filter_func = None

if filter_func is not None:
    logging.info('Will filter trigs using %s' % filter_func)
# Filter will be stored as self.mask attribute of sngls instance
sngls = hdf.SingleDetTriggers(args.single_trig_file, args.bank_file,\
                              args.veto_file, args.segment_name, filter_func,\

if args.statname is not None:
    logging.info('Calculating stat')
    statengine = stat.sngl_statistic_dict[args.statname](args.statistic_files)
    #  FIXME: inefficient, as we are calculating the stat on all
    #  triggers. Might need to do something complicated to fix this.
    #  Or just use files with fewer triggers :P
    stat = statengine.single(sngls.trigs)[sngls.mask]
    logging.info('Using SNR for clustering, if requested')
    stat = sngls.snr

logging.info('%i stat values found' % len(stat))

if args.cluster_window is not None:
    logging.info('Clustering over time')
    out_idx = coinc.cluster_over_time(stat, sngls.end_time,
    outgroup['cluster_window'] = args.cluster_window
    out_idx = numpy.arange(len(sngls.end_time))

logging.info('Writing %i triggers' % len(out_idx))

# get the columns to copy over
with h5py.File(args.single_trig_file, 'r') as trigfile:
    cnames = []
    # only keep datasets parallel to the original trigger list
    for n, col in trigfile[args.detector].items():
        if n.endswith('_template') or isinstance(col, h5py.Group) or\
                                                   n == u'template_boundaries':
for n in cnames:
    outgroup[n] = sngls.get_column(n)[out_idx]

if args.store_bank_values:
    for n in sngls.bank:
        if n == 'template_hash':
        outgroup[n] = sngls.get_column(n)[out_idx]

# cannot store None in a h5py attr
outgroup.attrs['filter'] = filter_func or 'None'
outgroup.attrs['cluster_window'] = args.cluster_window or 'None'

if args.statname is not None:
    outgroup['stat'] = stat[out_idx]
    outgroup.attrs['statname'] = args.statname
    outgroup.attrs['statistic_files'] = args.statistic_files

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