- refs/heads/add_bitshuffle
- refs/heads/add_feko_read
- refs/heads/allow-extrap-in-beam
- refs/heads/allow_exclude_ants
- refs/heads/allow_power_units
- refs/heads/bench_updates
- refs/heads/bitshuffle_v2
- refs/heads/combine_uvdata_func
- refs/heads/double_prec_uvws
- refs/heads/faster-interp
- refs/heads/faster-uvh5-indexing
- refs/heads/fits_speedup
- refs/heads/fix-cst-beam-read
- refs/heads/fix_mwa_beams
- refs/heads/fix_mwa_van_vleck_bug
- refs/heads/frame_attr
- refs/heads/joss_update
- refs/heads/lower-memory-beam-interp
- refs/heads/main
- refs/heads/miriad_tweaks_v3
- refs/heads/mwa_corr_fits_select
- refs/heads/mwa_van_vleck_2
- refs/heads/near_field
- refs/heads/ovro-lwa
- refs/heads/py03
- refs/heads/simple-set-antdiam
- refs/heads/sma_dev
- refs/heads/snap_convert
- refs/heads/use_gh_cache
- refs/tags/V2.1.5
- refs/tags/v1.1
- refs/tags/v1.2
- refs/tags/v1.3
- refs/tags/v1.4
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- refs/tags/v2.4.5
- refs/tags/v3.0.0
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pyuvdata |