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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
e684772 readme improved readme improved for the indoor air quality modelling section 02 March 2023, 17:31:36 UTC
afc6428 corrected address to README images images should now show via README 02 March 2023, 16:07:07 UTC
f3b42b9 improved README README now better describes indoor air quality modelling 02 March 2023, 16:01:49 UTC
aa071f8 accommodation coefficient updates partit_var module now imports the most up-to-date module for accommodation coefficient 23 February 2023, 07:49:34 UTC
cec2c94 tidied up automated calling calling can now deal with Windows and Mac conventions for separating parts of a path name 22 February 2023, 19:11:58 UTC
5088ac6 fixed time step bug now count on time steps is the same in ode_updater as it is in rec 21 February 2023, 17:00:09 UTC
cf74a00 initial concentrations on surfaces Users can now supply initial concentrations on the simulated surfaces (in addition to the gas phase), as described in README 14 February 2023, 11:10:06 UTC
c3ceeda fixed plotting bug Resolved bug that was affecting First-look plot when one size bin of particle present 13 February 2023, 10:24:18 UTC
bc3a5bb fixed bug in CIMS form Corrected saving of NO, HO2 and RO2 concentrations when pressing the Save in CIMS Form button 23 January 2023, 11:08:50 UTC
45d49e1 updated output useful to autoCONSTRAIN CHON file, concentration and change in concentration at a given time file, NO and HO2 and RO2_pool file 20 January 2023, 09:30:04 UTC
9c1d78e fixed bugs affecting CIMS output previously major bugs to CIMS output button prevented proper running, but this button now working fine (and checked against CIMS plot button) 21 December 2022, 17:46:34 UTC
e5a2e75 improving CIMS output so that CIMS-style output file created 20 December 2022, 17:05:12 UTC
731c40a minor bugs in plotter.py Resolved some minor bugs inside plotter.py, related to plotting the air quality index 15 December 2022, 15:46:57 UTC
95a4a81 AQI improved Many bugs inside air quality index estimation (inside plotter.py) fixed, so the air quality index button in GUI should work now 13 December 2022, 13:07:48 UTC
5bb9e51 air quality index added plotting function, fronted by a new button on GUI, to plot air quality index (as defined by UK-AIR website) 12 December 2022, 16:48:17 UTC
4ab380b improved PRAM inputs Setup the PRAM inputs to represent an alpha-pinene+ozone with lights on flow reactor chamber experiment 07 December 2022, 17:40:58 UTC
2e31f38 improved SMILES generator improved SMILES generator to also include Nitrogen atoms 30 November 2022, 10:57:25 UTC
d6aecdd Added xml input Inside PyCHAM/input/PRAM is a code for generating SMILE strings based on chemical scheme names that will automatically be appended to a user-specified xml file 29 November 2022, 15:18:56 UTC
9d27e00 resolved bugs around multiple particle influxes Bugs were present in pp_dursim and plotting that prevented simulations with multiple particle injections operating. Resolved in this version 28 November 2022, 11:47:34 UTC
e6f58d4 improved exp. prep. Improved the ability of exp. prep. to output useful results from simulations designed to prepare for experiments, for example in laboratories 22 November 2022, 18:04:00 UTC
22cb8de Automatic production of experiment design table Following on from designing experiments in SAPHIR*, MAC and HIRAC, now there is a button to automatically generate the key information needed for aerosol chamber design 21 November 2022, 16:46:11 UTC
6184f19 automated calling added the new automated_setup_and_call module can be called from the command line: python automated_setup_and_call.py. Which will call PyCHAM and run specified inputs without needing to interact with the GUI. For example, it can loop through realistic ranges of parameters to create a collection of outputs, ready for analysing multiple outputs across parameter space 18 November 2022, 16:42:32 UTC
6a9c3cf ode solver bug fixes Corrected the treatment of dilution in ode_solv and ode_solv_wat as previously, with more than 1 wall bin, wall concentrations were being diluted due to air exchange. Also added a button to plot carbon reservoirs with time. 15 November 2022, 18:01:23 UTC
17cd87a ind_AQ_ex included Included the indoor air quality example inside inputs 08 November 2022, 13:26:22 UTC
aaa441d atom_frac updated plotting script for atom fractions, so that inputs obtained from self rather than retr_out 04 November 2022, 17:04:04 UTC
57726a6 minor bugs minor bugs fixed, such as stopping plotting scripts from zeroing particle-phase concentrations of some components for proceeding plotting actions 02 November 2022, 17:27:41 UTC
ceb99e8 minor update fixed a bug in RO2 contribution plot and removed print command from ode_updater 02 November 2022, 10:23:50 UTC
0896c91 moved dydt_rec Moved the call to dydt_rec so that it was positioned appropriately beside the call to rec module 01 November 2022, 19:47:08 UTC
30e4e75 moved save before cham_up saving results before calling cham_up in ode_updater means that saved results represent the condition before any instantaneous changes (such as particle injection) at the saved time. 01 November 2022, 16:22:52 UTC
fe0c04b equation parsing updated the equation parsing to deal with chemical scheme that don't contain spaces around = signs and/or + signs, also updated to deal with chemical schemes that have spaces inside the reaction rate coefficient 28 October 2022, 16:05:26 UTC
c31a3cc updated UVC transmission modified the effect of setting the UVC transmission factor so that it affects the whole UVC region (100-280nm), rather than just 254nm 27 October 2022, 16:18:41 UTC
d543a86 plotting bug fixes fixed some more bugs around plotting functions 26 October 2022, 16:29:05 UTC
8082d61 bugs Bugs around changes to retr_out and allowing multiple wall bins corrected 25 October 2022, 16:48:21 UTC
a6984a4 bug fixes bug fixes, including allowing actinic flux files to be identified 21 October 2022, 16:56:23 UTC
f4a7185 updated ind_aq_ex More emissions from cleaning activity 20 October 2022, 15:30:44 UTC
334afb9 updated ind_aq_ex Improved indoor air quality example 19 October 2022, 16:37:12 UTC
0de1ed7 bug fixes Some bug fixes 18 October 2022, 15:47:43 UTC
304a2bd improved particle plotting size-segregated particle mass concentration plotting improved 13 September 2022, 16:31:22 UTC
85896e1 removed indoor air quality test results Because this is relatively a very large folder that is not required in the shared version of PyCHAM 13 September 2022, 06:57:50 UTC
8e0bce8 Minor bug fixes Some bug fixes, but also the addition of ind_AQ_ex to the input folder, which demonstrates how to simulate indoor air quality using PyCHAM 13 September 2022, 06:55:12 UTC
b40f5d1 Better particle influx representation Continuous influx of particles can now happen from the start of the simulation 07 September 2022, 16:33:59 UTC
d9d63e0 wavelength-dependent light transmission factors For example, when windows present 06 September 2022, 16:23:05 UTC
1bf4df7 bug fixes and constant influx Some bug fixes related to the new multi-wall functionality. Also, now possible to prescribe continuous influxes of components through a spreadsheet rather in the model variables file. 02 September 2022, 16:24:09 UTC
aad0e3d Important multi-wall bugs fixed Important bugs were fixed that had resulted from the new multi-wall approach. But now verified as working against the model for single wall. 22 August 2022, 14:48:39 UTC
56c3074 Minor bug fix & wall-specific volatility Fixed some bugs associated with the new function to model multiple wall bins. Also allowed user-defined vapour pressures for specific walls 19 August 2022, 16:05:02 UTC
5fe2950 Multiple Walls Now Allowed Changed many modules, including write_ode_solv and jac_setup, to allow n walls to undergo gas-wall partitioning, whereas previously only one wall was allowed 18 August 2022, 15:22:44 UTC
408fd20 Pie chart better Increased font size for labels in pie chart of contributors to a particular phase 10 August 2022, 17:03:13 UTC
131b366 Minor bugs fixed For example, gas phase plotting was crossed with Van-Krevelen. 09 August 2022, 15:37:19 UTC
b6b2c8b Improved plotting Improved plotting related to particle phase. Also moved the indexing of HOM-RO2 to prop_calc and save rather than estimating inside plotter_gp. 05 August 2022, 16:01:59 UTC
327cbc3 Volatility plotting improved Pie charts of top contributors now more informative 04 August 2022, 15:27:56 UTC
a928c4d Pie Chart for Contributions Can now plot the contributions to mass fraction for the gas-phase for oxidised non-methane carbon-containing components at a given time for the top n components 03 August 2022, 15:15:58 UTC
a345d5e VBS available for different phases The volatility basis set can now be generated for the gas or particle or gas+particle phases 02 August 2022, 15:48:16 UTC
c03f6c7 Minor bug fix Fixed bug that caused crash when user-defined number of size bins>1 but no particle number concentration defined by user 01 August 2022, 07:49:09 UTC
e71082d Minor bug fix Fixed a bug that stopped photolysis rates from being plotted after a simulation had been run 27 July 2022, 17:25:31 UTC
17196bd Error messages from middle Debugged what happens when an error message arises from middle.py 21 July 2022, 20:55:20 UTC
041af29 solar declination angle Corrected the calculation of solar declination angle inside the zenith.py module. Previously this was at a fixed value that introduced major error for natural light simulations during winter. Credit to Thai Bao Ngoc for identifying this issue 08 July 2022, 10:45:37 UTC
d61660b mass defect improved plotting options for mass defect plots improved 08 June 2022, 17:08:54 UTC
e693e81 Van Krevelen Improved Options and functioning of the Van Krevelen plots have been improved 06 June 2022, 11:41:59 UTC
0b3e23c Van Krevelen Van Krevelen plots can now be made with results from new simulations inside the plotting tab 31 May 2022, 17:48:51 UTC
4d4958c eqn_interr improved Now eqn_interr module can cope with components that appear first in the chemical scheme as a reactant and then a product - or possibly never as a product 30 May 2022, 14:51:08 UTC
2aaba25 SOA yield button SOA yield button now works 26 May 2022, 13:15:49 UTC
824392a Consumption Consumption calculation corrected 25 May 2022, 16:42:29 UTC
b6fe281 Minor Corrections Like allowing setting of cosx and secx 23 May 2022, 15:30:06 UTC
d3727c6 Radical plotting Improved plotting of radical analysis, so that a minimum carbon number for radicals can be set by the user 12 May 2022, 11:54:08 UTC
6278f11 Ozone isopleths Improved functionality of plotting ozone isopleths 11 May 2022, 17:53:46 UTC
d583b7d Generation counting and input checking Generation counting can now deal with single carbon components. User input check now deals with bas chemical scheme markers. 09 May 2022, 11:22:29 UTC
5af59dc Ozone isopleth Function added to plot tab that allows user to see the ozone isopleth across the NOx and VOC space relevant to the simulation in question 06 May 2022, 13:23:19 UTC
66943ee continuous influx of water To accelerate ODE solver computation time, and consistency with gas-particle partitioning treatment, any continuous injection and/or dilution of water is treated in the ode solver for gas-particle partitioning of water rather than in the ode solver for all other processes. 03 May 2022, 15:27:16 UTC
e477642 generation numbers saved Generation numbers of each component are saved to output 28 April 2022, 12:49:53 UTC
6a09fa8 generation identification For all components, eqn_interr now identifies its generation number (where the unoxidised initial VOC is zero generation). Originally intended for distinguishing radicals of different generation. 28 April 2022, 10:09:10 UTC
2eadd22 input check Improved checks on user input 22 April 2022, 06:56:08 UTC
0e0e143 README improved Added an output section to README so that users can apply their own code to analyse results 12 April 2022, 15:15:11 UTC
1d448cb radical plotting Improved plotting of RO2 and RO radicals in Radicals tab 31 March 2022, 11:48:29 UTC
4196a0d RO fluxes Under Plotting/Radicals tab users can now plot the flux of alkoxy radicals in order of flux and they can track all alkoxy radicals fluxes using the tracked_comp model variable (as explained in README) 30 March 2022, 15:14:13 UTC
c20cd87 Radical pool plots Improved ability to plot radical-related properties 30 March 2022, 09:59:15 UTC
98df373 radicals & checks Can now plot contribution to certain radical pools in plotting tab. Also, improved the checks on reaction rate coefficients when checking user-supplied chemical schemes 29 March 2022, 17:04:41 UTC
ea8a0e1 small bug Fixed issue in init_conc that was causing crash when a component with initial concentration provided by user not recognised 25 March 2022, 18:26:53 UTC
75e5dd4 self.obs_file big fixed self.obs_file is cleared after each new selection of input files now 24 March 2022, 16:52:30 UTC
315275e README updated Very small clarification made to seedx model variable description 24 March 2022, 11:05:22 UTC
4968b54 README updated Updates to several sections of README including a new gas-particle partitioning section to improve user experience 24 March 2022, 10:56:16 UTC
57c11cf fixed concentrations components Fixed default values for the indices of components with concentrations fixed to observed 16 March 2022, 11:24:45 UTC
13627b5 User dialogue Rather than crash if a component is provided that isn't present in the chemical scheme, followed by the observed and modelled plot button pressed, now an error message is shown 14 March 2022, 16:40:28 UTC
366ac51 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/simonom/PyCHAM 09 March 2022, 18:10:40 UTC
0b3385c fixed to observations Now able to fix the concentrations of certain components to an observation file, as described in README 09 March 2022, 18:10:23 UTC
5554fe0 Merge pull request #22 from baongocthai/patch-2 gas-particle partitioning rate: species conc.<0 08 March 2022, 09:24:49 UTC
a5bd719 gas-particle partitioning rate: species conc.<0 Line 222 to calculate dd_trouble: gas-particle partitioning rate (molecules/cm3/s) for species with negative concentration - kimt has shape (no. of size bins, negative components) - Csit has shape (no. of size bins, negative components) Error occurs when running PyCHAM because, in line 222 calculation, kimt[isb,:] has different shape compared to Csit -> ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together between 2 matrix of different shapes Therefore, propose the following change: -> kimt[isb, :]) to kimt on line 222 08 March 2022, 07:25:26 UTC
db151aa molar mass display can now see molar masses of components through drop-down button in simulate tab 03 March 2022, 14:50:01 UTC
1d630ec Negative output allowed Functionality added in a backward compatible manner: ode solver results are allowed to be negative, if the negative value is relatively tiny. This allows complex systems to have components that tend toward zero but which must (according to the solver limits) fluctuate about zero to do this 03 March 2022, 10:51:44 UTC
f86c2a1 stability check limited negativity allowed when checking for solver stability in ode_updater following call to ode_solv 02 March 2022, 17:20:50 UTC
49816a0 time issue Fixed numerical issue with knowing when recording interval was reached when interval less than 1 second 01 March 2022, 17:23:30 UTC
ced218c lat fix latitude corrected back to radians from degrees in zenith 24 February 2022, 16:39:49 UTC
d7a3885 self improvement moved input file identifiers to self to make code tidier and reduce dependence on pickle 24 February 2022, 13:49:33 UTC
5308adb zenith, README Corrected inputs to zenith call from photolysisRates module. Improved README for users who have light intensity expressed as Watts 23 February 2022, 19:19:24 UTC
23d08d3 self More variables moved to self for tidier code 23 February 2022, 14:24:12 UTC
5799122 self improvement Moved more variables into self to make code tidier 22 February 2022, 11:46:20 UTC
d7716ce Photolysis Rate Checker Check for photolysis rates in simulate tab updated so that legend corresponds directly to MCM numbers, i.e., #1 in legend corresponds to J<1> in MCM 21 February 2022, 11:57:43 UTC
1834bbe Model Variable Transferred some model variable objects into self 21 February 2022, 10:35:44 UTC
b99cb46 PRINT Removed excess print statement from gui module, updated MAC actinic flux file 16 February 2022, 20:14:34 UTC
043ce97 xls improvement More checks on user input provided for plotting model results against observations 16 February 2022, 14:55:18 UTC
078feb3 openpyxl openpyxl module added to module list in environment setup files 16 February 2022, 14:38:04 UTC
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