Raw File
Tip revision: bdc11743a1e8d283d4b9b12cc1b17930c12b0518 authored by Jean Kossaifi on 07 December 2020, 19:05:18 UTC
DOC: fix class documentation
Tip revision: bdc1174
    import mxnet as mx
except ImportError as error:
    message = ('Impossible to import MXNet.\n'
               'To use TensorLy with the MXNet backend, '
               'you must first install MXNet!')
    raise ImportError(message) from error

import math
import warnings

import numpy
from mxnet import nd
from mxnet.ndarray import reshape, dot, transpose, stack

from .core import Backend

class MxnetBackend(Backend):
    backend_name = 'mxnet'

    def context(tensor):
        return {'ctx': tensor.context, 'dtype': tensor.dtype}

    def tensor(data, ctx=mx.cpu(), dtype=numpy.float32):
        if dtype is None and isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray):
            dtype = data.dtype
        return nd.array(data, ctx=ctx, dtype=dtype)

    def is_tensor(tensor):
        return isinstance(tensor, nd.NDArray)

    def to_numpy(tensor):
        if isinstance(tensor, nd.NDArray):
            return tensor.asnumpy()
        elif isinstance(tensor, numpy.ndarray):
            return tensor
            return numpy.array(tensor)

    def shape(tensor):
        return tensor.shape

    def ndim(tensor):
        return tensor.ndim

    def reshape(tensor, shape):
        if not shape:
            shape = [1]
        return nd.reshape(tensor, shape)

    def solve(self, matrix1, matrix2):
        ctx = self.context(matrix1)
        matrix1 = self.to_numpy(matrix1)
        matrix2 = self.to_numpy(matrix2)
        res = numpy.linalg.solve(matrix1, matrix2)
        return self.tensor(res, **ctx)

    def min(tensor, *args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(tensor, nd.NDArray):
            return nd.min(tensor, *args, **kwargs).asscalar()
            return numpy.min(tensor, *args, **kwargs)

    def max(tensor, *args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(tensor, nd.NDArray):
            return nd.max(tensor, *args, **kwargs).asscalar()
            return numpy.max(tensor, *args, **kwargs)

    def argmax(data=None, axis=None):
        res = nd.argmax(data, axis)
        if res.shape == (1,):
            return res.astype('int32').asscalar()
            return res

    def argmin(data=None, axis=None):
        res = nd.argmin(data, axis)
        if res.shape == (1,):
            return res.astype('int32').asscalar()
            return res

    def abs(tensor, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(tensor, nd.NDArray):
            return nd.abs(tensor, **kwargs)
            return numpy.abs(tensor, **kwargs)

    def norm(tensor, order=2, axis=None):
        # handle difference in default axis notation
        if axis is None:
            axis = ()

        if order == 'inf':
            res = nd.max(nd.abs(tensor), axis=axis)
        elif order == 1:
            res = nd.sum(nd.abs(tensor), axis=axis)
        elif order == 2:
            res = nd.sqrt(nd.sum(tensor**2, axis=axis))
            res = nd.sum(nd.abs(tensor)**order, axis=axis)**(1 / order)

        if res.shape == (1,):
            return res.asscalar()

        return res

    def qr(self, matrix):
        s1, s2 = matrix.shape
        if s2 < s1:
            # NOTE - should be replaced with geqrf when available
            Q, L = nd.linalg.gelqf(matrix.T)
            return Q.T, L.T

        warnings.warn('This version of MXNet does not include the linear '
                      'algebra function gelqf(). Substituting with numpy.')
        ctx = self.context(matrix)
        Q, R = numpy.linalg.qr(self.to_numpy(matrix))
        return self.tensor(Q, **ctx), self.tensor(R, **ctx)

    def clip(tensor, a_min=None, a_max=None, indlace=False):
        if a_min is not None and a_max is not None:
            if indlace:
                nd.max(nd.min(tensor, a_max, out=tensor), a_min, out=tensor)
                tensor = nd.maximum(nd.minimum(tensor, a_max), a_min)
        elif min is not None:
            if indlace:
                nd.max(tensor, a_min, out=tensor)
                tensor = nd.maximum(tensor, a_min)
        elif max is not None:
            if indlace:
                nd.min(tensor, a_max, out=tensor)
                tensor = nd.minimum(tensor, a_max)
        return tensor

    def all(tensor):
        return nd.sum(tensor != 0).asscalar()

    def conj(x, *args, **kwargs):
        """WARNING: IDENTITY FUNCTION (does nothing)

            This backend currently does not support complex tensors
        return x

    def moveaxis(self, tensor, source, target):
        axes = list(range(self.ndim(tensor)))
        if source < 0: source = axes[source]
        if target < 0: target = axes[target]
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError('Source should verify 0 <= source < tensor.ndim'
                             'Got %d' % source)
            axes.insert(target, source)
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError('Destination should verify 0 <= destination < tensor.ndim'
                             'Got %d' % target)
        return transpose(tensor, axes)

    def mean(tensor, axis=None, **kwargs):
        if axis is None:
            axis = ()
        res = nd.mean(tensor, axis=axis, **kwargs)
        if res.shape == (1,):
            return res.asscalar()
            return res

    def sum(tensor, axis=None, **kwargs):
        if axis is None:
            axis = ()
        res = nd.sum(tensor, axis=axis, **kwargs)
        if res.shape == (1,):
            return res.asscalar()
            return res

    def sqrt(tensor, *args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(tensor, nd.NDArray):
            return nd.sqrt(tensor, *args, **kwargs)
            return math.sqrt(tensor)

    def copy(tensor):
        return tensor.copy()

    def concatenate(tensors, axis):
        return nd.concat(*tensors, dim=axis)

    def stack(self, arrays, axis=0):
        res = nd.stack(*arrays, axis=axis)
        # Ugly fix for stacking zero-order tensors that are of shape (1, ) in MXNet
        if self.ndim(res) == 2 and self.shape(res) == (len(arrays), 1):
            return res.squeeze()
        return res

    def symeig_svd(self, matrix, n_eigenvecs=None, **kwargs):
        """Computes a truncated SVD on `matrix` using symeig

            Uses symeig on matrix.T.dot(matrix) or its transpose

        matrix : 2D-array
        n_eigenvecs : int, optional, default is None
            if specified, number of eigen[vectors-values] to return
        **kwargs : optional
            kwargs are used to absorb the difference of parameters among the other SVD functions

        U : 2D-array
            of shape (matrix.shape[0], n_eigenvecs)
            contains the right singular vectors
        S : 1D-array
            of shape (n_eigenvecs, )
            contains the singular values of `matrix`
        V : 2D-array
            of shape (n_eigenvecs, matrix.shape[1])
            contains the left singular vectors
        # Check that matrix is... a matrix!
        if self.ndim(matrix) != 2:
            raise ValueError('matrix be a matrix. matrix.ndim is %d != 2'
                             % self.ndim(matrix))

        dim_1, dim_2 = self.shape(matrix)
        if dim_1 <= dim_2:
            min_dim = dim_1
            max_dim = dim_2
            min_dim = dim_2
            max_dim = dim_1

        if n_eigenvecs is None:
            n_eigenvecs = max_dim

        if min_dim <= n_eigenvecs:
            if n_eigenvecs > max_dim:
                warnings.warn('Trying to compute SVD with n_eigenvecs={0}, which '
                              'is larger than max(matrix.shape)={1}. Setting '
                              'n_eigenvecs to {1}'.format(n_eigenvecs, max_dim))
                n_eigenvecs = max_dim
            # we compute decomposition on the largest of the two to keep more eigenvecs
            dim_1, dim_2 = dim_2, dim_1

        if dim_1 < dim_2:
            U, S = nd.linalg.syevd(dot(matrix, transpose(matrix)))
            S = self.sqrt(S)
            V = dot(transpose(matrix), U / reshape(S, (1, -1)))
            V, S = nd.linalg.syevd(dot(transpose(matrix), matrix))
            S = self.sqrt(S)
            U = dot(matrix, V) / reshape(S, (1, -1))

        U, S, V = U[:, ::-1], S[::-1], transpose(V)[::-1, :]
        return U[:, :n_eigenvecs], S[:n_eigenvecs], V[:n_eigenvecs, :]

    def SVD_FUNS(self):
        return {'numpy_svd': self.partial_svd,
                'symeig_svd': self.symeig_svd}
    def sort(tensor, axis, descending = False):
        if descending:
            is_ascend = False
            is_ascend = True

        return mx.ndarray.sort(tensor, axis=axis, is_ascend = is_ascend)

for name in ['float64', 'float32', 'int64', 'int32']:
    MxnetBackend.register_method(name, getattr(numpy, name))

for name in ['arange', 'zeros', 'zeros_like', 'ones', 'eye', 'dot',
             'transpose', 'where', 'sign', 'prod', 'diag']:
    MxnetBackend.register_method(name, getattr(nd, name))
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