Raw File
Tip revision: b811cc629d9fb689a4d7b6b6279229563cc643ed authored by Anne-Laure on 13 March 2024, 09:28:11 UTC
Dal_node/Amplificator: parent triggers child’s exit
Tip revision: b811cc6

# Update the repository of opam packages used by tezos.  Tezos uses a
# private, shrunk down, opam repository to store all its
# dependencies. This is generated by the official opam repository
# (branch master) and then filtered using opam admin to include only
# the cone of tezos dependencies.  This repository is then used to
# create the based opam image used by the CI to compile tezos and to
# generate the docker images.  From time to time, when it is necessary
# to update a dependency, this repository should be manually
# refreshed. This script takes care of generating a patch for the
# private opam tezos repository. This patch must be applied manually
# w.r.t. the master branch. The procedure is as follows :
# 1. Update the variable `full_opam_repository_tag` in `version.sh` to
#    a commit hash from the master branch of the official
#    opam-repository. All the required packages will be extracted from
#    this snapshot to the repo.
# 2. Run this script, it will generate a file `opam_repo.patch`
# 3. Review the patch.
# 4. In the tezos opam-repository, create a new branch from master and
#    apply this patch. Push the patch and create a merge request. A
#    new docker image with all the prebuilt dependencies will be
#    created by the CI.
# 5. Update the variable `opam_repository_tag` in `scripts/version.sh`
#    and the variable `build_deps_image_version` in `.gitlab-ci.yml`
#    with the hash of the newly created commit in `tezos/opam-repository`.
# 6. Enjoy your new dependencies

set -e

target="$(pwd)"/opam_repo.patch tmp_dir=$(mktemp -dt tezos_deps_opam.XXXXXXXX)

cleanup() {
  set +e
  echo Cleaning up...
  rm -rf "$tmp_dir"
  rm -rf Dockerfile
trap cleanup EXIT INT

script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && echo "$(pwd -P)/")"
src_dir="$(dirname "$script_dir")"

# shellcheck source=scripts/version.sh
. "$script_dir"/version.sh

## Shallow clone of opam repository (requires git protocol version 2)
export GIT_WORK_TREE="$tmp_dir"
export GIT_DIR="$GIT_WORK_TREE/.git"
git init
git config --local protocol.version 2
git remote add origin https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository
git fetch --depth 1 origin "$full_opam_repository_tag"

## Adding the various tezos packages

mkdir -p "$tmp_dir"/packages/octez-deps/octez-deps.dev
cp opam/virtual/octez-deps.opam.locked "$tmp_dir"/packages/octez-deps/octez-deps.dev/opam

## Filtering unrequired packages
cd "$tmp_dir"
git reset --hard "$full_opam_repository_tag"

## we add a dummy package that conflict with all "hidden" packages
mkdir -p $dummy_path
echo 'opam-version: "2.0"' > $dummy_opam
echo "depends: [ \"ocaml\" { = \"$ocaml_version\" } ]" >> $dummy_opam
echo 'conflicts:[' >> $dummy_opam
grep -r "^flags: *\[ *avoid-version *\]" -l ./ | LC_COLLATE=C sort -u | while read -r f; do
  f=$(dirname "$f")
  f=$(basename "$f")
  p=$(echo "$f" | cut -d '.' -f '1')
  v=$(echo "$f" | cut -d '.' -f '2-')
  echo "\"$p\" {= \"$v\"}" >> $dummy_opam
# FIXME: https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/issues/5832
# opam unintentionally picks up a windows dependency. We add a
# conflict here to work around it.
echo '"ocamlbuild" {= "0.14.2+win" }' >> $dummy_opam
echo ']' >> $dummy_opam

# Opam < 2.1 requires opam-depext as a plugin, later versions include it
# natively:
case $(opam --version) in
2.0.*) opam_depext_dep="opam-depext," ;;
*) opam_depext_dep="" ;;
#shellcheck disable=SC2086
OPAMSOLVERTIMEOUT=600 opam admin filter --yes --resolve \
## - ocaml-base-compiler has to be explicitely listed for the solver
##   to not prefer the "variant" `system` of the compiler
## - odoc is used by the CI to generate the doc
## - ledgerwallet-tezos is an optional dependency of signer-services
##   we want to have when building released binaries
## - caqti-driver-postgresq is needed by tps measurement software to
##   read tezos-indexer databases
## - js_of_ocaml-lwt is an optional dependency of tezt which is needed
##   to build tezt.js, and we do want to run some tests using nodejs

## Adding useful compiler variants
for variant in afl flambda fp; do
  git checkout packages/ocaml-option-$variant/ocaml-option-$variant.1

## Removing temporary hacks
rm -r "$tmp_dir"/packages/octez-deps
rm -r "$tmp_dir"/packages/$dummy_pkg

## Checkout tezos/opam-repository while keeping the working directory
git remote add tezos $opam_repository_git
git fetch --depth 1 tezos "$opam_repository_tag"
git reset "$opam_repository_tag"

## opam.2.1 will try to delete opam-depext, we should restore it.
if [ ! -d packages/opam-depext ]; then
  git checkout HEAD -- packages/opam-depext

## Adding safer hashes
cp -rf packages packages.bak

opam admin add-hashes sha256 sha512

(cd "$src_dir" && dune build src/tooling/opam-lint/opam_lint.exe)
for i in $(cd packages && find ./ -name opam); do
  "$src_dir/_build/default/src/tooling/opam-lint/opam_lint.exe" "packages/$i" "packages.bak/$i"
rm -rf packages.bak

## Generating the diff!
git add packages
git diff HEAD -- packages > "$target"

echo "Wrote proposed update in: $target."
echo 'Please add this patch to: https://gitlab.com/tezos/opam-repository'
echo 'And update accordingly the commit hash in: .gitlab/ci/templates.yml and scripts/version.sh'
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