Raw File
Tip revision: 7fb7e16dce3ae0234c3082e6d6e38919ef591e58 authored by deseilligny on 28 March 2024, 14:40:58 UTC
Clino : Calib Init, Read-Write : OK (4 now...)
Tip revision: 7fb7e16
  - Required: cmake.
  - Optional: OpenMP, ccache

  - Ubuntu 20.04:
    - `sudo apt install ccache cmake`
    - If using CLang version XX and want OpenMP: `sudo apt install libomp-XX-dev`

  - MacOs:
    - Install/check XCode is installed (xcode-select --version)
    - Install brew : `/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"`
    - Install libX11,qt :
       - `brew install libX11`
       - `brew install qt`
     - Set environment variables:
       -  `export PATH="/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH"`
       -  `export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib"`
       -  `export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/llvm/include"`

Compilation (short) :

 Compile MicMac V1, then (replace N with the number of processor threads) :

    cd MMVII
    mkdir -p build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j N full (or make -j N full VERBOSE=1 to see compile command line)

  Following compilations could be run just with:

    make -j N

 Tests :

    ../bin/MMVII Bench 1

 Compilation targets :

    all|(none) : build MMVII
    full       : re-generate files for symbolic calculus and build MMVII
    rebuild    : distclean + full
    clean      : delete build products
    distclean  : delete build products and generated files for symbolic calculus

    rm -fr MMVII/build/* : reinitialize the build configuration. cmake needs to be rerun after that

 In case of SymDer-related compilation error, re-generate files for symbolic calculus :

    make full

Compilation (detail):
 - You can use `cmake -G Ninja ..` to use Ninja build system instead of the native one. (`sudo apt install ninja-build`)
 - Use `cmake --build . -j 8 [--target TARGET]` or `cmake --build . -j 8 -v [--target TARGET]` instead of make (works with all build systems)
 - Use `cmake --build . --target clean` or `cmake --build . --target distclean`
 - Use `ccmake ..` or `cmake-gui ..` to change config option:
     - Debug : -g
     - RelWithDebInfo : -O3 -g  (default)
     - Release : -O3 -DNDEBUG
   - CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER (advanced mode : 't'):
     - Allow to set compiler version and type (g++, clang)
   - vMMVII_BUILD (see bellow):
     - ON : enable compilation of vMMVII. Needs Qt >= 5.12.8
     - OFF: disable compilation of vMMVII
     - You may need to add 'CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<Qt dir>' on Windows (ex: c:\Qt\6.6.0\msvc2019_64)

Legacy :
    Compile MicMac V1, then in MMVII/bin directory:

   On first compilation or SymDer-related runtime error, synbolic derivatives code has to be generated:
    ./MMVII  GenCodeSymDer
   In case of SymDer-related compilation error, clear all generated code before compilation:
    make distclean
    /MMVII  GenCodeSymDer

To generate html doc
In MMVII directory:

    doxygen Doxyfile 

To generate pdf doc

Require latex: `sudo apt install texlive`

In MMVII/Doc directory:


Bash completion (beta)

It is possible to have MMVII command completion for Linux bash

- Requires: python3
   (Already installed by default on Ubuntu, just in case:  sudo apt install bash-completion python3)

   python3 must be known as 'python'  (ubuntu 22.04: sudo apt install python-is-python3)

- Configuration:
  - MMVII must be (fully) compiled
  - MMVII executable must be in your $PATH
  - Add to your ${HOME}/.bashrc the following line (adjust @MICMAC_SOURCE_DIR@ to your case)

   `[ -f ${HOME}/@MICMAC_SOURCE_DIR@/micmac/MMVII/bash-completion/mmvii-completion ] && . ${HOME}/@MICMAC_SOURCE_DIR@/micmac/MMVII/bash-completion/mmvii-completion`
  - Completion will be active in terminals opened after this modification.

If you're using bash on Windows, it may also works:

- You must have python >= 3.7 installed somewhere

- Edit your ~/.bash_profile and add: (adapt first 2 lines to your case)
    [ -f ${MMVII_INSTALL_PATH}/bash-completion/mmvii-completion ] && . ${MMVII_INSTALL_PATH}/bash-completion/mmvii-completion

vCommand (beta)
There is a GUI tool that can help for writing MMVII command : vMMVII

It will be automatically compiled with MMVII if development package Qt5 (or Qt6) is installed (Ubuntu 22.04: `sudo apt install qtbase5-dev`)

Windows: You may have to add Qt installation path when running cmake configuration :

`cmake .. -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\Qt\6.6.0\msvc2019_64`

Usage: just type "vMMVII" in your working directory.

- Sorry, no documentation yet

- This tool is beta: some MMVII parameters may be misinterpreted or not have the good File Dialog helper.
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