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Tip revision: cd555949cbbc64fe76a96c47c01128ee86b6d2b8 authored by Steven Johnson on 20 July 2021, 16:45:20 UTC
Merge branch 'master' into srj/hannk-error-checking
Tip revision: cd55594
// Note that this deliberately does *not* include PyHalide.h,
// or depend on any of the code in src: this is intended to be
// a minimal, generic wrapper to expose an arbitrary Generator
// for stub usage in Python.

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>

#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include <vector>

#include "Halide.h"

static_assert(PYBIND11_VERSION_MAJOR == 2 && PYBIND11_VERSION_MINOR >= 6,
              "Halide requires PyBind 2.6+");

static_assert(PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000,
              "We appear to be compiling against Python 2.x rather than 3.x, which is not supported.");

namespace py = pybind11;

namespace Halide {
namespace PythonBindings {

using GeneratorFactory = Internal::GeneratorFactory;
using GeneratorParamsMap = Internal::GeneratorParamsMap;
using Stub = Internal::GeneratorStub;
using StubInput = Internal::StubInput;
using StubInputBuffer = Internal::StubInputBuffer<void>;

namespace {

// This seems redundant to the code in PyError.cpp, but is necessary
// in case the Stub builder links in a separate copy of libHalide, rather
// sharing the same halide.so that is built by default.
void halide_python_error(void *, const char *msg) {
    throw Error(msg);

void halide_python_print(void *, const char *msg) {
    py::print(msg, py::arg("end") = "");

class HalidePythonCompileTimeErrorReporter : public CompileTimeErrorReporter {
    void warning(const char *msg) override {
        py::print(msg, py::arg("end") = "");

    void error(const char *msg) override {
        throw Error(msg);
        // This method must not return!

void install_error_handlers(py::module &m) {
    static HalidePythonCompileTimeErrorReporter reporter;

    Halide::Internal::JITHandlers handlers;
    handlers.custom_error = halide_python_error;
    handlers.custom_print = halide_python_print;

// Anything that defines __getitem__ looks sequencelike to pybind,
// so also check for __len_ to avoid things like Buffer and Func here.
bool is_real_sequence(const py::object &o) {
    return py::isinstance<py::sequence>(o) && py::hasattr(o, "__len__");

StubInput to_stub_input(const py::object &o) {
    // Don't use isinstance: we want to get things that
    // can be implicitly converted as well (eg ImageParam -> Func)
    try {
        return StubInput(StubInputBuffer(o.cast<Buffer<>>()));
    } catch (...) {
        // Not convertible to Buffer. Fall thru and try next.

    try {
        return StubInput(o.cast<Func>());
    } catch (...) {
        // Not convertible to Func. Fall thru and try next.

    return StubInput(o.cast<Expr>());

std::vector<StubInput> to_stub_inputs(const py::object &value) {
    if (is_real_sequence(value)) {
        std::vector<StubInput> v;
        for (const auto &o : py::reinterpret_borrow<py::sequence>(value)) {
        return v;
    } else {
        return {to_stub_input(value)};

py::object generate_impl(const GeneratorFactory &factory, const GeneratorContext &context, const py::args &args, const py::kwargs &kwargs) {
    Stub stub(context, [factory](const GeneratorContext &context) -> std::unique_ptr<Halide::Internal::GeneratorBase> {
        return factory(context);
    auto names = stub.get_names();
        << "Generators that use build() (instead of generate()+Output<>) are not supported in the Python bindings.";

    // Inputs can be specified by either positional or named args,
    // but may not be mixed. (i.e., if any inputs are specified as a named
    // arg, they all must be specified that way; otherwise they must all be
    // positional, in the order declared in the Generator.)
    // GeneratorParams can only be specified by name, and are always optional.

    std::map<std::string, std::vector<StubInput>> kw_inputs;
    for (const auto &name : names.inputs) {
        _halide_user_assert(kw_inputs.count(name) == 0);  // internal error
        kw_inputs[name] = std::vector<StubInput>{};
    size_t kw_inputs_specified = 0;

    GeneratorParamsMap generator_params;

    // Process the kwargs first.
    for (auto kw : kwargs) {
        // If the kwarg is the name of a known input, stick it in the input
        // vector. If not, stick it in the GeneratorParamsMap (if it's invalid,
        // an error will be reported further downstream).
        std::string name = kw.first.cast<std::string>();
        py::handle value = kw.second;
        auto it = kw_inputs.find(name);
        if (it != kw_inputs.end()) {
                << "Generator Input named '" << it->first << "' was specified more than once.";
            it->second = to_stub_inputs(py::cast<py::object>(value));
        } else {
            if (py::isinstance<LoopLevel>(value)) {
                generator_params[name] = value.cast<LoopLevel>();
            } else {
                generator_params[name] = py::str(value).cast<std::string>();

    std::vector<std::vector<StubInput>> inputs;

    if (args.empty()) {
        // No arguments specified positionally, so they must all be via keywords.
        _halide_user_assert(kw_inputs_specified == names.inputs.size())
            << "Expected exactly " << names.inputs.size() << " keyword args for inputs, but saw " << kw_inputs_specified << ".";
        for (const auto &name : names.inputs) {
    } else {
        // Some positional arguments, so all inputs must be positional (and none via keyword).
        _halide_user_assert(kw_inputs_specified == 0)
            << "Cannot use both positional and keyword arguments for inputs.";
        _halide_user_assert(args.size() == names.inputs.size())
            << "Expected exactly " << names.inputs.size() << " positional args for inputs, but saw " << args.size() << ".";
        for (auto arg : args) {

    // Verify everything is there
    _halide_user_assert(inputs.size() == names.inputs.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
            << "Generator Input named '" << names.inputs[i] << "' was not specified.";

    const std::vector<std::vector<Func>> outputs = stub.generate(generator_params, inputs);

    py::tuple py_outputs(outputs.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); i++) {
        py::object o;
        if (outputs[i].size() == 1) {
            // convert list-of-1 into single element
            o = py::cast(outputs[i][0]);
        } else {
            o = py::cast(outputs[i]);
        if (outputs.size() == 1) {
            // bail early, return the single object rather than a dict
            return o;
        py_outputs[i] = o;
    // An explicit "std::move" is needed here because there's
    // an implicit tuple->object conversion that inhibits it otherwise.
    return std::move(py_outputs);

void pystub_init(pybind11::module &m, const GeneratorFactory &factory) {
        "generate", [factory](const Halide::Target &target, const py::args &args, const py::kwargs &kwargs) -> py::object {
            return generate_impl(factory, Halide::GeneratorContext(target), args, kwargs);

}  // namespace
}  // namespace PythonBindings
}  // namespace Halide

extern "C" PyObject *_halide_pystub_impl(const char *module_name, const Halide::Internal::GeneratorFactory &factory) {
    int major, minor;
    if (sscanf(Py_GetVersion(), "%i.%i", &major, &minor) != 2) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "Can't parse Python version.");
        return nullptr;
    } else if (major != PY_MAJOR_VERSION || minor != PY_MINOR_VERSION) {
                     "Python version mismatch: module was compiled for "
                     "version %i.%i, while the interpreter is running "
                     "version %i.%i.",
                     PY_MAJOR_VERSION, PY_MINOR_VERSION,
                     major, minor);
        return nullptr;

    // TODO: do something meaningful with the PyModuleDef & add a doc string
    auto m = pybind11::module_::create_extension_module(module_name, nullptr, new PyModuleDef());
    try {
        Halide::PythonBindings::pystub_init(m, factory);
        return m.ptr();
    } catch (pybind11::error_already_set &e) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, e.what());
        return nullptr;
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, e.what());
        return nullptr;
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