Raw File
Tip revision: c07f3e888f69e329fe2432c8f6e38fe65cb5ead0 authored by Steven Johnson on 04 October 2018, 01:36:36 UTC
Merge branch 'master' into srj-f16
Tip revision: c07f3e8
#include "HalideRuntime.h"
#include "HalideBuffer.h"
#include "halide_benchmark.h"
#include "halide_image_io.h"

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

extern "C" int halide_rungen_redirect_argv(void **args);
extern "C" const struct halide_filter_metadata_t *halide_rungen_redirect_metadata();

// Buffer<> uses "shape" to mean "array of halide_dimension_t", but doesn't
// provide a typedef for it (and doesn't use a vector for it in any event).
using Shape = std::vector<halide_dimension_t>;

namespace {

using Halide::Runtime::Buffer;
using Halide::Tools::FormatInfo;
using Halide::Tools::BenchmarkConfig;

bool verbose = false;
bool quiet = false;

// Standard stream output for halide_type_t
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const halide_type_t &type) {
    if (type.code == halide_type_uint && type.bits == 1) {
        stream << "bool";
    } else {
        switch (type.code) {
        case halide_type_int:
            stream << "int";
        case halide_type_uint:
            stream << "uint";
        case halide_type_float:
            stream << "float";
        case halide_type_handle:
            stream << "handle";
            stream << "#unknown";
        stream << std::to_string(type.bits);
    if (type.lanes > 1) {
        stream << "x" + std::to_string(type.lanes);
    return stream;

// Standard stream output for halide_dimension_t
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const halide_dimension_t &d) {
    stream << "[" << d.min << "," << d.extent << "," << d.stride << "]";
    return stream;

// Standard stream output for vector<halide_dimension_t>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Shape &shape) {
    stream << "[";
    bool need_comma = false;
    for (auto &d : shape) {
        if (need_comma) {
            stream << ',';
        stream << d;
        need_comma = true;
    stream << "]";
    return stream;

// Log informational output to stderr, but only in verbose mode
struct info {
    std::ostringstream msg;

    template<typename T>
    info &operator<<(const T &x) {
        if (verbose) {
            msg << x;
        return *this;

    ~info() {
        if (verbose) {
            std::cerr << msg.str();
            if (msg.str().back() != '\n') {
                std::cerr << '\n';

// Log warnings to stderr
struct warn {
    std::ostringstream msg;

    template<typename T>
    warn &operator<<(const T &x) {
        msg << x;
        return *this;

    ~warn() {
        std::cerr << "Warning: " << msg.str();
        if (msg.str().back() != '\n') {
            std::cerr << '\n';

// Log unrecoverable errors to stderr, then exit
struct fail {
    std::ostringstream msg;

    template<typename T>
    fail &operator<<(const T &x) {
        msg << x;
        return *this;

    #ifdef _MSC_VER
    #pragma warning(push)
    #pragma warning(disable:4722)  // destructor never returns, potential memory leak
    ~fail() {
        std::cerr << msg.str();
        if (msg.str().back() != '\n') {
            std::cerr << '\n';
    #ifdef _MSC_VER
    #pragma warning(pop)

// Replace the failure handlers from halide_image_io to fail()
bool IOCheckFail(bool condition, const char* msg) {
    if (!condition) {
        fail() << "Error in I/O: " << msg;
    return condition;

// Replace the standard Halide runtime function to capture print output to stdout
void rungen_halide_print(void *user_context, const char *message) {
    if (!quiet) {
        std::cout << "halide_print: " << message;

// Replace the standard Halide runtime function to capture Halide errors to fail()
void rungen_halide_error(void *user_context, const char *message) {
    fail() << "halide_error: " << message;

// Utility class for installing memory-tracking machinery into the Halide runtime
// when --track_memory is specified.
class HalideMemoryTracker {
    static HalideMemoryTracker *active;

    std::mutex tracker_mutex;

    // Total current CPU memory allocated via halide_malloc.
    // Access controlled by tracker_mutex.
    uint64_t memory_allocated;

    // High-water mark of CPU memory allocated since program start
    // (or last call to get_cpu_memory_highwater_reset).
    // Access controlled by tracker_mutex.
    uint64_t memory_highwater;

    // Map of outstanding allocation sizes.
    // Access controlled by tracker_mutex.
    std::map<void *, size_t> memory_size_map;

    void *tracker_malloc_impl(void *user_context, size_t x) {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(tracker_mutex);

        void *ptr = halide_default_malloc(user_context, x);

        memory_allocated += x;
        if (memory_highwater < memory_allocated) {
            memory_highwater = memory_allocated;
        if (memory_size_map.find(ptr) != memory_size_map.end()) {
            halide_error(user_context, "Tracking error in tracker_malloc");
        memory_size_map[ptr] = x;

        return ptr;

    void tracker_free_impl(void *user_context, void *ptr) {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(tracker_mutex);
        auto it = memory_size_map.find(ptr);
        if (it == memory_size_map.end()) {
            halide_error(user_context, "Tracking error in tracker_free");
        size_t x = it->second;
        memory_allocated -= x;
        halide_default_free(user_context, ptr);

    static void *tracker_malloc(void *user_context, size_t x) {
        return active->tracker_malloc_impl(user_context, x);

    static void tracker_free(void *user_context, void *ptr) {
        return active->tracker_free_impl(user_context, ptr);

    void install() {
        active = this;

    uint64_t allocated() {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(tracker_mutex);
        return memory_allocated;

    uint64_t highwater() {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(tracker_mutex);
        return memory_highwater;

    void highwater_reset() {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(tracker_mutex);
        memory_highwater = memory_allocated;

/* static */ HalideMemoryTracker *HalideMemoryTracker::active{nullptr};

std::vector<std::string> split_string(const std::string &source,
                                      const std::string &delim) {
    std::vector<std::string> elements;
    size_t start = 0;
    size_t found = 0;
    while ((found = source.find(delim, start)) != std::string::npos) {
        elements.push_back(source.substr(start, found - start));
        start = found + delim.size();

    // If start is exactly source.size(), the last thing in source is a
    // delimiter, in which case we want to add an empty std::string to elements.
    if (start <= source.size()) {
        elements.push_back(source.substr(start, std::string::npos));
    return elements;

std::string replace_all(const std::string &str,
                        const std::string &find,
                        const std::string &replace) {
    size_t pos = 0;
    std::string result = str;
    while ((pos = result.find(find, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
        result.replace(pos, find.length(), replace);
        pos += replace.length();
    return result;

// Must be constexpr to allow use in case clauses.
inline constexpr int halide_type_code(halide_type_code_t code, int bits) {
    return (((int) code) << 8) | bits;

// dynamic_type_dispatch is a utility for functors that want to be able
// to dynamically dispatch a halide_type_t to type-specialized code.
// To use it, a functor must be a *templated* class, e.g.
//     template<typename T> class MyFunctor { int operator()(arg1, arg2...); };
// dynamic_type_dispatch() is called with a halide_type_t as the first argument,
// followed by the arguments to the Functor's operator():
//     auto result = dynamic_type_dispatch<MyFunctor>(some_halide_type, arg1, arg2);
// Note that this means that the functor must be able to instantiate its
// operator() for all the Halide scalar types; it also means that all those
// variants *will* be instantiated (increasing code size), so this approach
// should only be used when strictly necessary.
template<template<typename> class Functor, typename... Args>
auto dynamic_type_dispatch(const halide_type_t &type, Args&&... args) ->
    decltype(std::declval<Functor<uint8_t>>()(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {

    case halide_type_code(CODE, BITS): return Functor<TYPE>()(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    switch (halide_type_code((halide_type_code_t) type.code, type.bits)) {
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_float, 32, float)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_float, 64, double)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_int, 8, int8_t)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_int, 16, int16_t)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_int, 32, int32_t)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_int, 64, int64_t)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_uint, 1, bool)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_uint, 8, uint8_t)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_uint, 16, uint16_t)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_uint, 32, uint32_t)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_uint, 64, uint64_t)
        HANDLE_CASE(halide_type_handle, 64, void*)
            fail() << "Unsupported type: " << type << "\n";
            using ReturnType = decltype(std::declval<Functor<uint8_t>>()(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
            return ReturnType();

// Functor to parse a string into one of the known Halide scalar types.
template<typename T>
struct ScalarParser {
    bool operator()(const std::string &str, halide_scalar_value_t *v) {
        std::istringstream iss(str);
        // std::setbase(0) means "infer base from input", and allows hex and octal constants
        iss >> std::setbase(0) >> *(T*)v;
        return !iss.fail() && iss.get() == EOF;

// Override for int8 and uint8, to avoid parsing as char variants
bool ScalarParser<int8_t>::operator()(const std::string &str, halide_scalar_value_t *v) {
    std::istringstream iss(str);
    int i;
    iss >> std::setbase(0) >> i;
    if (!(!iss.fail() && iss.get() == EOF) || i < -128 || i > 127) {
      return false;
    v->u.i8 = (int8_t) i;
    return true;

bool ScalarParser<uint8_t>::operator()(const std::string &str, halide_scalar_value_t *v) {
    std::istringstream iss(str);
    unsigned int u;
    iss >> std::setbase(0) >> u;
    if (!(!iss.fail() && iss.get() == EOF) || u > 255) {
      return false;
    v->u.u8 = (uint8_t) u;
    return true;

// Override for bool, since istream just expects '1' or '0'.
bool ScalarParser<bool>::operator()(const std::string &str, halide_scalar_value_t *v) {
    if (str == "true") {
        v->u.b = true;
        return true;
    if (str == "false") {
        v->u.b = false;
        return true;
    return false;

// Override for handle, since we only accept "nullptr".
bool ScalarParser<void*>::operator()(const std::string &str, halide_scalar_value_t *v) {
    if (str == "nullptr") {
        v->u.handle = nullptr;
        return true;
    return false;

// Parse a scalar when we know the corresponding C++ type at compile time.
template<typename T>
bool parse_scalar(const std::string &str, T *scalar) {
    return ScalarParser<T>()(str, (halide_scalar_value_t *) scalar);

// Dynamic-dispatch wrapper around ScalarParser.
bool parse_scalar(const halide_type_t &type,
                  const std::string &str,
                  halide_scalar_value_t *scalar) {
    return dynamic_type_dispatch<ScalarParser>(type, str, scalar);

// Parse an extent list, which should be of the form
//    [extent0, extent1...]
// Return a vector<halide_dimension_t> (aka a "shape") with the extents filled in,
// but with the min of each dimension set to zero and the stride set to the
// planar-default value.
Shape parse_extents(const std::string &extent_list) {
    if (extent_list.empty() || extent_list[0] != '[' || extent_list.back() != ']') {
        fail() << "Invalid format for extents: " << extent_list;
    Shape result;
    std::vector<std::string> extents = split_string(extent_list.substr(1, extent_list.size()-2), ",");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < extents.size(); i++) {
      const std::string &s = extents[i];
        const int stride = (i == 0) ? 1 : result[i-1].stride * result[i-1].extent;
        halide_dimension_t d = {0, 0, stride};
        if (!parse_scalar(s, &d.extent)) {
            fail() << "Invalid value for extents: " << s << " (" << extent_list << ")";
    return result;

// Given a Buffer<>, return its shape in the form of a vector<halide_dimension_t>.
// (Oddly, Buffer<> has no API to do this directly.)
Shape get_shape(const Buffer<> &b) {
    Shape s;
    for (int i = 0; i < b.dimensions(); ++i) {
    return s;

// Given a type and shape, create a new Buffer<> but *don't* allocate allocate storage for it.
Buffer<> make_with_shape(const halide_type_t &type, const Shape &shape) {
    return Buffer<>(type, nullptr, (int) shape.size(), &shape[0]);

// Given a type and shape, create a new Buffer<> and allocate storage for it.
// (Oddly, Buffer<> has an API to do this with vector-of-extent, but not vector-of-halide_dimension_t.)
Buffer<> allocate_buffer(const halide_type_t &type, const Shape &shape) {
    Buffer<> b = make_with_shape(type, shape);
    return b;

// BEGIN TODO: hacky algorithm inspired by Safelight
// (should really use the algorithm from AddImageChecks to come up with something more rigorous.)
Shape choose_output_extents(int dimensions, const Shape &defaults) {
    Shape s(dimensions);
    for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; ++i) {
        if ((size_t) i < defaults.size()) {
            s[i] = defaults[i];
        s[i].extent = (i < 2 ? 1000 : 4);
    return s;

void fix_chunky_strides(const Shape &constrained_shape, Shape *new_shape) {
    // Special-case Chunky: most "chunky" generators tend to constrain stride[0]
    // and stride[2] to exact values, leaving stride[1] unconstrained;
    // in practice, we must ensure that stride[1] == stride[0] * extent[0]
    // and stride[0] = extent[2] to get results that are not garbled.
    // This is unpleasantly hacky and will likely need aditional enhancements.
    // (Note that there are, theoretically, other stride combinations that might
    // need fixing; in practice, ~all generators that aren't planar tend
    // to be classically chunky.)
    if (new_shape->size() >= 3) {
        if (constrained_shape[2].stride == 1) {
            if (constrained_shape[0].stride >= 1) {
                // If we have stride[0] and stride[2] set to obviously-chunky,
                // then force extent[2] to match stride[0].
                (*new_shape)[2].extent = constrained_shape[0].stride;
            } else {
                // If we have stride[2] == 1 but stride[0] < 1,
                // force stride[0] = extent[2]
                (*new_shape)[0].stride = (*new_shape)[2].extent;
            // Ensure stride[1] is reasonable.
            (*new_shape)[1].stride = (*new_shape)[0].extent * (*new_shape)[0].stride;

// Given a constraint Shape (generally produced by a bounds query), update
// the input Buffer to meet those constraints, allocating and copying into
// a new Buffer if necessary.
bool adapt_input_buffer_layout(const Shape &constrained_shape, Buffer<> *buf) {
    bool shape_changed = false;
    Shape new_shape = get_shape(*buf);
    if (new_shape.size() != constrained_shape.size()) {
        fail() << "Dimension mismatch";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < constrained_shape.size(); ++i) {
        // min of nonzero means "largest value for min"
        if (constrained_shape[i].min != 0 && new_shape[i].min > constrained_shape[i].min) {
            new_shape[i].min = constrained_shape[i].min;
            shape_changed = true;
        // extent of nonzero means "largest value for extent"
        if (constrained_shape[i].extent != 0 && new_shape[i].extent > constrained_shape[i].extent) {
            new_shape[i].extent = constrained_shape[i].extent;
            shape_changed = true;
        // stride of nonzero means "required stride", stride of zero means "no constraints"
        if (constrained_shape[i].stride != 0 && new_shape[i].stride != constrained_shape[i].stride) {
            new_shape[i].stride = constrained_shape[i].stride;
            shape_changed = true;
    if (shape_changed) {
        fix_chunky_strides(constrained_shape, &new_shape);
        Buffer<> new_buf = allocate_buffer(buf->type(), new_shape);
        *buf = new_buf;
    return shape_changed;

// Given a constraint Shape (generally produced by a bounds query), create a new
// Shape that can legally be used to create and allocate a new Buffer:
// ensure that extents/strides aren't zero, do some reality checking
// on planar vs interleaved, and generally try to guess at a reasonable result.
Shape make_legal_output_buffer_shape(const Shape &constrained_shape) {
    Shape new_shape = constrained_shape;

    // Make sure that the extents and strides for these are nonzero.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < new_shape.size(); ++i) {
        if (!new_shape[i].extent) {
            // A bit of a hack: fill in unconstrained dimensions to 1... except
            // for probably-the-channels dimension, which we'll special-case to
            // fill in to 4 when possible (unless it appears to be chunky).
            // Stride will be fixed below.
            if (i == 2) {
                if (constrained_shape[0].stride >= 1 && constrained_shape[2].stride == 1) {
                    // Definitely chunky, so make extent[2] match the chunk size
                    new_shape[i].extent = constrained_shape[0].stride;
                } else {
                    // Not obviously chunky; let's go with 4 channels.
                    new_shape[i].extent = 4;
            } else {
                new_shape[i].extent = 1;

    fix_chunky_strides(constrained_shape, &new_shape);

    // If anything else is zero, just set strides to planar and hope for the best.
    bool any_strides_zero = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < new_shape.size(); ++i) {
        if (!new_shape[i].stride) {
            any_strides_zero = true;
    if (any_strides_zero) {
        // Planar
        new_shape[0].stride = 1;
        for (size_t i = 1; i < new_shape.size(); ++i) {
            new_shape[i].stride = new_shape[i - 1].stride * new_shape[i - 1].extent;
    return new_shape;
// END TODO: hacky algorithm inspired by Safelight

// Return true iff all of the dimensions in the range [first, last] have an extent of <= 1.
bool dims_in_range_are_trivial(const Buffer<> &b, int first, int last) {
    for (int d = first; d <= last; ++d) {
        if (b.dim(d).extent() > 1) {
            return false;
    return true;

// Add or subtract dimensions to the given buffer to match dims_needed,
// emitting warnings if we do so.
Buffer<> adjust_buffer_dims(const std::string &title, const std::string &name, const int dims_needed, Buffer<> b) {
    const int dims_actual = b.dimensions();
    if (dims_actual > dims_needed) {
        // Warn that we are ignoring dimensions, but only if at least one of the ignored dimensions has extent > 1
        if (!dims_in_range_are_trivial(b, dims_needed, dims_actual - 1)) {
            warn() << "Image for " << title << " \"" << name << "\" has "
                 << dims_actual << " dimensions, but only the first "
                 << dims_needed << " were used; data loss may have occurred.";
        auto old_shape = get_shape(b);
        while (b.dimensions() > dims_needed) {
            b = b.sliced(dims_needed);
        info() << "Shape for " << name << " changed: " << old_shape << " -> " << get_shape(b);
    } else if (dims_actual < dims_needed) {
        warn() << "Image for " << title << " \"" << name << "\" has "
             << dims_actual << " dimensions, but this argument requires at least "
             << dims_needed << " dimensions: adding dummy dimensions of extent 1.";
        auto old_shape = get_shape(b);
        while (b.dimensions() < dims_needed) {
            b = b.embedded(b.dimensions(), 0);
        info() << "Shape for " << name << " changed: " << old_shape << " -> " << get_shape(b);
    return b;

// Load a buffer from a pathname, adjusting the type and dimensions to
// fit the metadata's requirements as needed.
Buffer<> load_input_from_file(const std::string &pathname,
                              const halide_filter_argument_t &metadata) {
    Buffer<> b = Buffer<>(metadata.type, 0);
    info() << "Loading input " << metadata.name << " from " << pathname << " ...";
    if (!Halide::Tools::load<Buffer<>, IOCheckFail>(pathname, &b)) {
        fail() << "Unable to load input: " << pathname;
    if (b.dimensions() != metadata.dimensions) {
        b = adjust_buffer_dims("Input", metadata.name, metadata.dimensions, b);
    if (b.type() != metadata.type) {
        warn() << "Image loaded for argument \"" << metadata.name << "\" is type "
             << b.type() << " but this argument expects type "
             << metadata.type << "; data loss may have occurred.";
        b = Halide::Tools::ImageTypeConversion::convert_image(b, metadata.type);
    return b;

Buffer<> load_input(const std::string &pathname,
                    const halide_filter_argument_t &metadata) {
    std::vector<std::string> v = split_string(pathname, ":");
    if (v.size() != 2 || v[0].size() == 1) {
        return load_input_from_file(pathname, metadata);

    // Assume it's a special std::string of the form key:values
    if (v[0] == "zero") {
        auto shape = parse_extents(v[1]);
        Buffer<> b = allocate_buffer(metadata.type, shape);
        memset(b.data(), 0, b.size_in_bytes());
        return b;

    // TODO: add random options.
    // TODO: add granger-rainbow.
    // TODO: add gradients.

    fail() << "Unknown input: " << pathname;
    return Buffer<>();

struct ArgData {
    size_t index{0};
    const halide_filter_argument_t *metadata{nullptr};
    std::string raw_string;
    halide_scalar_value_t scalar_value;
    Buffer<> buffer_value;

// Run a bounds-query call with the given args, and return the shapes
// to which we are constrained.
std::vector<Shape> run_bounds_query(const std::map<std::string, ArgData> &args,
                                    const Shape &default_output_shape) {
    std::vector<void*> filter_argv(args.size(), nullptr);
    // These vectors are larger than needed, but simplifies logic downstream.
    std::vector<Buffer<>> bounds_query_buffers(args.size());
    std::vector<Shape> constrained_shapes(args.size());
    for (auto &arg_pair : args) {
        auto &arg = arg_pair.second;
        switch (arg.metadata->kind) {
        case halide_argument_kind_input_scalar:
            filter_argv[arg.index] = const_cast<halide_scalar_value_t*>(&arg.scalar_value);
        case halide_argument_kind_input_buffer:
        case halide_argument_kind_output_buffer:
            Shape shape = (arg.metadata->kind == halide_argument_kind_input_buffer) ?
                           get_shape(arg.buffer_value) :
                           choose_output_extents(arg.metadata->dimensions, default_output_shape);
            bounds_query_buffers[arg.index] = make_with_shape(arg.metadata->type, shape);
            filter_argv[arg.index] = bounds_query_buffers[arg.index].raw_buffer();

    info() << "Running bounds query...";
    // Ignore result since our halide_error() should catch everything.
    (void) halide_rungen_redirect_argv(&filter_argv[0]);

    for (auto &arg_pair : args) {
        auto &arg = arg_pair.second;
        switch (arg.metadata->kind) {
        case halide_argument_kind_input_scalar:
        case halide_argument_kind_input_buffer:
        case halide_argument_kind_output_buffer:
            constrained_shapes[arg.index] = get_shape(bounds_query_buffers[arg.index]);
    return constrained_shapes;

uint64_t calc_pixels_out(const std::map<std::string, ArgData> &args) {
    uint64_t pixels_out = 0;
    for (auto &arg_pair : args) {
        auto &arg = arg_pair.second;
        switch (arg.metadata->kind) {
            case halide_argument_kind_output_buffer: {
                // TODO: this assumes that most output is "pixel-ish", and counting the size of the first
                // two dimensions approximates the "pixel size". This is not, in general, a valid assumption,
                // but is a useful metric for benchmarking.
                Shape shape = get_shape(arg.buffer_value);
                if (shape.size() >= 2) {
                    pixels_out += shape[0].extent * shape[1].extent;
                } else if (shape.size()) {
                    pixels_out += shape[0].extent;
                } else {
                    pixels_out += 1;
    return pixels_out;

void usage(const char *argv0) {
const std::string usage = R"USAGE(
Usage: $NAME$ argument=value [argument=value... ] [flags]


    Specify the Generator's input and output values by name, in any order.

    Scalar inputs are specified in the obvious syntax, e.g.

        some_int=42 some_float=3.1415

    Buffer inputs and outputs are specified by pathname:


    We currently support JPG, PGM, PNG, PPM format. If the type or dimensions
    of the input or output file type can't support the data (e.g., your filter
    uses float32 input and output, and you load/save to PNG), we'll use the most
    robust approximation within the format and issue a warning to stdout.

    (We anticipate adding other image formats in the future, in particular,
    TIFF and TMP.)

    For inputs, there are also "pseudo-file" specifiers you can use; currently
    supported are


        This input should be an image with the given extents, and all elements
        set to zero of the appropriate type. (This is useful for benchmarking
        filters that don't have performance variances with different data.)

        (We anticipate adding other pseudo-file inputs in the future, e.g.
        various random distributions, gradients, rainbows, etc.)


        print names and types of all arguments to stdout and exit.

        Normally we attempt to guess a reasonable size for the output buffers,
        based on the size of the input buffers and bounds query; if we guess
        wrong, or you want to explicitly specify the desired output size,
        you can specify the extent of each dimension with this flag:

        --output_extents=[1000,100]   # 2 dimensions: w=1000 h = 100
        --output_extents=[100,200,3]  # 3 dimensions: w=100 h=200 c=3

        Note that if there are multiple outputs, all will be constrained
        to this shape.

        emit extra diagnostic output.

        Don't log calls to halide_print() to stdout.

        Run the filter with the given arguments many times to
        produce an estimate of average execution time; this currently
        runs "samples" sets of "iterations" each, and chooses the fastest
        sample set.

    --benchmark_min_time=DURATION_SECONDS [default = 0.1]:
        Override the default minimum desired benchmarking time; ignored if
        --benchmarks is not also specified.

    --benchmark_min_iters=NUM [default = 1]:
        Override the default minimum number of benchmarking iterations; ignored
        if --benchmarks is not also specified.

    --benchmark_max_iters=NUM [default = 1000000000]:
        Override the default maximum number of benchmarking iterations; ignored
        if --benchmarks is not also specified.

        Override Halide memory allocator to track high-water mark of memory
        allocation during run; note that this may slow down execution, so
        benchmarks may be inaccurate if you combine --benchmark with this.

Known Issues:

    * Filters running on GPU (vs CPU) have not been tested.
    * Filters using buffer layouts other than planar (e.g. interleaved/chunky)
      may be buggy.


    std::string basename = split_string(replace_all(argv0, "\\", "/"), "/").back();
    std::cout << replace_all(usage, "$NAME$", basename);

void do_describe(const halide_filter_metadata_t *md) {
    std::cout << "Filter name: \"" << md->name << "\"\n";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) md->num_arguments; ++i) {
        auto &a = md->arguments[i];
        bool is_input = a.kind != halide_argument_kind_output_buffer;
        bool is_scalar = a.kind == halide_argument_kind_input_scalar;
        std::cout << "  " << (is_input ? "Input" : "Output") << " \"" << a.name << "\" is of type ";
        if (is_scalar) {
            std::cout << a.type;
        } else {
            std::cout << "Buffer<" << a.type << "> with " << a.dimensions << " dimensions";
        std::cout << "\n";

// This logic exists in Halide::Tools, but is Internal; we're going to replicate
// it here for now since we may want slightly different logic in some cases
// for this tool.
FormatInfo best_save_format(const Buffer<> &b, const std::set<FormatInfo> &info) {
    // Perfect score is zero (exact match).
    // The larger the score, the worse the match.
    int best_score = 0x7fffffff;
    FormatInfo best{};
    const halide_type_t type = b.type();
    const int dimensions = b.dimensions();
    for (auto &f : info) {
        int score = 0;
        // If format has too-few dimensions, that's very bad.
        score += std::abs(f.dimensions - dimensions) * 128;
        // If format has too-few bits, that's pretty bad.
        score += std::abs(f.type.bits - type.bits);
        // If format has different code, that's a little bad.
        score += (f.type.code != type.code) ? 1 : 0;
        if (score < best_score) {
            best_score = score;
            best = f;

    return best;

}  // namespace

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if (argc <= 1) {
        return 0;


    const halide_filter_metadata_t *md = halide_rungen_redirect_metadata();

    std::map<std::string, ArgData> args;
    std::set<std::string> found;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) md->num_arguments; ++i) {
        std::string name = md->arguments[i].name;
        if (name.size() > 2 && name[name.size()-2] == '$' && isdigit(name[name.size()-1])) {
            // If it ends in "$3" or similar, just lop it off
            name = name.substr(0, name.size() - 2);
        ArgData arg;
        arg.index = i;
        arg.metadata = &md->arguments[i];
        if (arg.metadata->type.code == halide_type_handle) {
            // Pre-populate handle types with a default value of 'nullptr'
            // (the only legal value), so that they're ok to omit.
            arg.raw_string = "nullptr";
        args[name] = arg;

    Shape default_output_shape;
    std::vector<std::string> unknown_args;
    bool benchmark = false;
    bool track_memory = false;
    bool describe = false;
    double benchmark_min_time = BenchmarkConfig().min_time;
    uint64_t benchmark_min_iters = BenchmarkConfig().min_iters;
    uint64_t benchmark_max_iters = BenchmarkConfig().max_iters;
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
        if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
            const char *p = argv[i] + 1; // skip -
            if (p[0] == '-') {
                p++; // allow -- as well, because why not
            std::vector<std::string> v = split_string(p, "=");
            std::string flag_name = v[0];
            std::string flag_value = v.size() > 1 ? v[1] : "";
            if (v.size() > 2) {
                fail() << "Invalid argument: " << argv[i];
            if (flag_name == "verbose") {
                if (flag_value.empty()) {
                    flag_value = "true";
                if (!parse_scalar(flag_value, &verbose)) {
                    fail() << "Invalid value for flag: " << flag_name;
            } else if (flag_name == "quiet") {
                if (flag_value.empty()) {
                    flag_value = "true";
                if (!parse_scalar(flag_value, &quiet)) {
                    fail() << "Invalid value for flag: " << flag_name;
            } else if (flag_name == "describe") {
                if (flag_value.empty()) {
                    flag_value = "true";
                if (!parse_scalar(flag_value, &describe)) {
                    fail() << "Invalid value for flag: " << flag_name;
            } else if (flag_name == "track_memory") {
                if (flag_value.empty()) {
                    flag_value = "true";
                if (!parse_scalar(flag_value, &track_memory)) {
                    fail() << "Invalid value for flag: " << flag_name;
            } else if (flag_name == "benchmarks") {
                if (flag_value != "all") {
                    fail() << "The only valid value for --benchmarks is 'all'";
                benchmark = true;
            } else if (flag_name == "benchmark_min_time") {
                if (!parse_scalar(flag_value, &benchmark_min_time)) {
                    fail() << "Invalid value for flag: " << flag_name;
            } else if (flag_name == "benchmark_min_iters") {
                if (!parse_scalar(flag_value, &benchmark_min_iters)) {
                    fail() << "Invalid value for flag: " << flag_name;
            } else if (flag_name == "benchmark_max_iters") {
                if (!parse_scalar(flag_value, &benchmark_max_iters)) {
                    fail() << "Invalid value for flag: " << flag_name;
            } else if (flag_name == "output_extents") {
                default_output_shape = parse_extents(flag_value);
            } else {
                fail() << "Unknown flag: " << flag_name;
        } else {
            // Assume it's a named Input or Output for the Generator,
            // in the form name=value.
            std::vector<std::string> v = split_string(argv[i], "=");
            if (v.size() != 2 || v[0].empty() || v[1].empty()) {
                fail() << "Invalid argument: " << argv[i];
            const std::string &arg_name = v[0];
            const std::string &arg_value = v[1];
            if (args.find(arg_name) == args.end()) {
                // Gather up unknown-argument-names and show them
                // along with missing-argument-names, to make typos
                // easier to correct.
            if (arg_value.empty()) {
                fail() << "Argument value is empty for: " << arg_name;
            auto &arg = args[arg_name];
            if (!arg.raw_string.empty()) {
                fail() << "Argument value specified multiple times for: " << arg_name;
            arg.raw_string = arg_value;

    if (describe) {
        return 0;

    // It's OK to omit output arguments when we are benchmarking or tracking memory.
    bool ok_to_omit_outputs = (benchmark || track_memory);

    if (benchmark && track_memory) {
        warn() << "Using --track_memory with --benchmarks will produce inaccurate benchmark results.";

    // Check to be sure that all required arguments are specified.
    if (found.size() != args.size() || !unknown_args.empty()) {
        std::ostringstream o;
        for (auto &s : unknown_args) {
            o << "Unknown argument name: " << s << "\n";
        for (auto &arg_pair : args) {
            auto &arg = arg_pair.second;
            if (arg.raw_string.empty()) {
                if (ok_to_omit_outputs && arg.metadata->kind == halide_argument_kind_output_buffer) {
                o << "Argument value missing for: " << arg.metadata->name << "\n";
        if (!o.str().empty()) {
            fail() << o.str();

    // Parse all the input arguments, loading images as necessary.
    // (Don't handle outputs yet.)
    for (auto &arg_pair : args) {
        auto &arg_name = arg_pair.first;
        auto &arg = arg_pair.second;
        switch (arg.metadata->kind) {
        case halide_argument_kind_input_scalar: {
            if (!parse_scalar(arg.metadata->type, arg.raw_string, &arg.scalar_value)) {
                fail() << "Argument value for: " << arg_name << " could not be parsed as type "
                     << arg.metadata->type << ": "
                     << arg.raw_string;
        case halide_argument_kind_input_buffer: {
            arg.buffer_value = load_input(arg.raw_string, *arg.metadata);
            info() << "Input " << arg_name << ": Shape is " << get_shape(arg.buffer_value);
            // If there was no default_output_shape specified, use the shape of
            // the first input buffer (if any).
            // TODO: this is often a better-than-nothing guess, but not always. Add a way to defeat it?
            if (default_output_shape.empty()) {
                default_output_shape = get_shape(arg.buffer_value);
        case halide_argument_kind_output_buffer:
            // Nothing yet

    // Run a bounds query: we need to figure out how to allocate the output buffers,
    // and the input buffers might need reshaping to satisfy constraints (e.g. a chunky/interleaved layout).
    std::vector<Shape> constrained_shapes = run_bounds_query(args, default_output_shape);

    for (auto &arg_pair : args) {
        auto &arg_name = arg_pair.first;
        auto &arg = arg_pair.second;
        const Shape &constrained_shape = constrained_shapes[arg.index];
        switch (arg.metadata->kind) {
            case halide_argument_kind_input_buffer: {
                info() << "Input " << arg_name << ": Shape is " << get_shape(arg.buffer_value);
                bool updated = adapt_input_buffer_layout(constrained_shape, &arg.buffer_value);
                info() << "Input " << arg_name << ": BoundsQuery result is " << constrained_shape;
                if (updated) {
                    info() << "Input " << arg_name << ": Updated Shape is " << get_shape(arg.buffer_value);
            case halide_argument_kind_output_buffer: {
                arg.buffer_value = allocate_buffer(arg.metadata->type, make_legal_output_buffer_shape(constrained_shape));
                info() << "Output " << arg_name << ": BoundsQuery result is " << constrained_shape;
                info() << "Output " << arg_name << ": Shape is " << get_shape(arg.buffer_value);

    uint64_t pixels_out = calc_pixels_out(args);
    double megapixels = (double) pixels_out / (1024.0 * 1024.0);

    // If we're tracking memory, install the memory tracker *after* doing a bounds query.
    HalideMemoryTracker tracker;
    if (track_memory) {

        std::vector<void*> filter_argv(args.size(), nullptr);
        for (auto &arg_pair : args) {
            auto &arg = arg_pair.second;
            switch (arg.metadata->kind) {
                case halide_argument_kind_input_scalar:
                    filter_argv[arg.index] = &arg.scalar_value;
                case halide_argument_kind_input_buffer:
                case halide_argument_kind_output_buffer:
                    filter_argv[arg.index] = arg.buffer_value.raw_buffer();

        if (benchmark) {
            const auto benchmark_inner = [&filter_argv, &args]() {
                // Ignore result since our halide_error() should catch everything.
                (void) halide_rungen_redirect_argv(&filter_argv[0]);
                // Ensure that all outputs are finished, otherwise we may just be
                // measuring how long it takes to do a kernel launch for GPU code.
                for (auto &arg_pair : args) {
                    auto &arg = arg_pair.second;
                    if (arg.metadata->kind == halide_argument_kind_output_buffer) {
                        Buffer<> &b = arg.buffer_value;

            info() << "Benchmarking filter...";

            BenchmarkConfig config;
            config.min_time = benchmark_min_time;
            config.max_time = benchmark_min_time * 4;
            config.min_iters = benchmark_min_iters;
            config.max_iters = benchmark_max_iters;
            auto result = Halide::Tools::benchmark(benchmark_inner, config);

            std::cout << "Benchmark for " << md->name << " produces best case of " << result.wall_time << " sec/iter (over "
                << result.samples << " samples, "
                << result.iterations << " iterations, "
                << "accuracy " << std::setprecision(2) << (result.accuracy * 100.0) << "%).\n";
            std::cout << "Best output throughput is " << (megapixels / result.wall_time) << " mpix/sec.\n";

        } else {
            info() << "Running filter...";
            // Ignore result since our halide_error() should catch everything.
            (void) halide_rungen_redirect_argv(&filter_argv[0]);

    if (track_memory) {
        // Ensure that we copy any GPU-output buffers back to host before
        // we report on memory usage.
        for (auto &arg_pair : args) {
            auto &arg = arg_pair.second;
            if (arg.metadata->kind == halide_argument_kind_output_buffer) {
                Buffer<> &b = arg.buffer_value;
        std::cout << "Maximum Halide memory: " << tracker.highwater()
            << " bytes for output of " << megapixels << " mpix.\n";

    // Save the output(s), if necessary.
    for (auto &arg_pair : args) {
        auto &arg_name = arg_pair.first;
        auto &arg = arg_pair.second;
        if (arg.metadata->kind == halide_argument_kind_output_buffer) {
            if (!arg.raw_string.empty()) {
                info() << "Saving output " << arg_name << " to " << arg.raw_string << " ...";
                Buffer<> &b = arg.buffer_value;

                std::set<FormatInfo> savable_types;
                if (!Halide::Tools::save_query<Buffer<>, IOCheckFail>(arg.raw_string, &savable_types)) {
                    fail() << "Unable to save output: " << arg.raw_string;
                const FormatInfo best = best_save_format(b, savable_types);
                if (best.dimensions != b.dimensions()) {
                    b = adjust_buffer_dims("Output", arg_name, best.dimensions, b);
                if (best.type != b.type()) {
                    warn() << "Image for argument \"" << arg_name << "\" is of type "
                         << b.type() << " but is being saved as type "
                         << best.type << "; data loss may have occurred.";
                    b = Halide::Tools::ImageTypeConversion::convert_image(b, best.type);
                if (!Halide::Tools::save<Buffer<>, IOCheckFail>(b, arg.raw_string)) {
                    fail() << "Unable to save output: " << arg.raw_string;
            } else {
                info() << "(Output " << arg_name << " was not saved.)";

    return 0;
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