Raw File
Tip revision: 055b549a4f0290b364e0cec703f82468734f5962 authored by brharrington on 10 July 2024, 15:46:53 UTC
lwc-events: add pre-filter method for events (#1672)
Tip revision: 055b549
# Map stdin to /dev/null to avoid interactive prompts if there is some failure related to the
# build script.
	SBT := cat /dev/null | project/sbt
	SBT := cat /dev/null | project/sbt ++${TRAVIS_SCALA_VERSION}

WIKI_PRG        := atlas-wiki/runMain com.netflix.atlas.wiki.Main
WIKI_INPUT_DIR  := $(shell pwd)/atlas-wiki/src/main/resources
WIKI_OUTPUT_DIR := $(shell pwd)/target/atlas.wiki

LAUNCHER_JAR_URL := https://jcenter.bintray.com/com/netflix/iep/iep-launcher/2.1.9/iep-launcher-2.1.9.jar

.PHONY: build snapshot release clean format update-wiki publish-wiki

	$(SBT) clean test checkLicenseHeaders scalafmtCheckAll

	# Travis uses a depth when fetching git data so the tags needed for versioning may not
	# be available unless we explicitly fetch them
	git fetch --unshallow --tags
	$(SBT) storeBintrayCredentials
	$(SBT) clean test checkLicenseHeaders publish

	# Travis uses a depth when fetching git data so the tags needed for versioning may not
	# be available unless we explicitly fetch them
	git fetch --unshallow --tags

	# Storing the bintray credentials needs to be done as a separate command so they will
	# be available early enough for the publish task.
	# The storeBintrayCredentials still needs to be on the subsequent command or we get:
	# [error] (iep-service/*:bintrayEnsureCredentials) java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
	$(SBT) storeBintrayCredentials
	$(SBT) clean test checkLicenseHeaders storeBintrayCredentials publish bintrayRelease

	$(SBT) clean

	$(SBT) formatLicenseHeaders scalafmtAll

	mkdir -p target
	git clone git@github.com:Netflix/atlas.wiki.git $(WIKI_OUTPUT_DIR)

update-wiki: $(WIKI_OUTPUT_DIR)
	cd $(WIKI_OUTPUT_DIR) && git rm -rf *

publish-wiki: update-wiki
	cd $(WIKI_OUTPUT_DIR) && git add * && git status
	cd $(WIKI_OUTPUT_DIR) && git commit -a -m "update wiki"
	cd $(WIKI_OUTPUT_DIR) && git push origin master

	mkdir -p target
	curl -L $(LAUNCHER_JAR_URL) -o target/iep-launcher.jar
	java -classpath target/iep-launcher.jar com.netflix.iep.launcher.JarBuilder \
		target/standalone.jar com.netflix.atlas.standalone.Main \
		`$(SBT) "export atlas-standalone/runtime:fullClasspath" | tail -n1 | sed 's/:/ /g'`
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