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Tip revision: 1ce16c48975affcde9462298dc6f7163521ede51 authored by Dirk Roorda on 14 June 2021, 11:29:11 UTC
small fixes in distribution
Tip revision: 1ce16c4
# Display Settings.

Display options are used by




and other display functions.

This class manages

* the provisining of options with defaults,
* the overriding options by passing options as arguments to display functions
* the retrieval of option values by the rest of the application.

!!! note "distinction between interface options and display options"
    * all interface options are also display options and can be passed as arguments
      to display functions
    * interface options have a checkbox in the TF browser

baseTypes: string | iterable, optional `None`
    **interface option**
    Node types at the bottom of pretty displays.
    The default is app dependent, usually the slot type of the corpus.

condensed: boolean, optional `False`
    **interface option**
    indicates one of two modes of displaying the result list:

    *   `True`: instead of showing all results one by one,
        we show container nodes with all results in it highlighted.
        That way, we blur the distinction between the individual results,
        but it is easier to oversee where the results are.
        This is how SHEBANQ displays its query results.
        **See also the parameter `condenseType`**.
    *   `False`: make a separate display for each result tuple.
        This gives the best account of the exact result set.

    !!! caution "mixing up highlights"
        Condensing may mix-up the highlight coloring.
        If a node occurs in two results, at different positions
        in the tuple, the `colorMap` wants to assign it two colors!
        Yet one color will be chosen, and it is unpredictable which one.

condenseType: string, optional `None`
    **interface option**
    The type of container to be used for condensing results.
    The default is app dependent, usually `verse` or `tablet`.

fmt: string, optional `None`
    **interface option**
    `fmt` is the text format that will be used for the representation.
    E.g. `text-orig-full`.

    !!! hint "Text formats"
        Use `T.formats` to inspect what text formats are available in your corpus.

hideTypes: boolean | optional `True`
    **interface option**
    If `True`, hidden types are in fact hidden, otherwise the hiding of types
    has no effect.

hiddenTypes: string | iterable, optional `None`
    **interface option**
    Node types that will not be shown in displays.
    All node types can be hidden, except the slot type and the section types.
    Structure types can be hidden.

    !!! hint "Meaning"
        Nodes of hidden types will not be skipped, but they do not add visible
        structure to the display. The material under those nodes will still
        be displayed. For example, if the corpus has verses divided into half verses,
        and you are not interested in the half verse division, you can make
        half verses hidden. The content of the half verses is still shown,
        but the half verse division is gone.

    The default is app dependent, usually the empty set.

lineNumbers: boolean, optional `False`
    **interface option**
    indicates whether line numbers should be displayed.

    !!! note "source data"
        Line numbers are with respect to the source data file that is contains the
        origin material of the node in question, if a datasource provides
        a feature that contains line numbers.

    !!! caution "configuration"
        Whether a corpus has line numbers, and in which feature they are stored
        for which node types is configured in a corpus dependent app.

        If the corpus has no line numbers, the default is `None`.

plainGaps: boolean, optional `False`
    **interface option**
    indicates whether gaps types should be displayed in plain displays.
    In pretty displays gaps are marked by dotted left-right borders of the nodes
    around the gaps. In plain displays such borders are generally disruptive,
    but it is possible to show them.

prettyTypes: boolean, optional `False`
    **interface option**
    indicates whether node types should always be displayed in pretty displays.
    The node type of slot nodes is never displayed.

queryFeatures: boolean, optional `True`
    **interface option**
    indicates whether pretty displays should show the features
    mentioned in the last query and their values.

showGraphics: boolean, optional `True`
    **interface option**
    indicates whether plain and pretty displays should include associated
    graphic elements.

    !!! caution "configuration"
        Whether a corpus has graphics for some nodetypes and how to get them is configured in a
        corpus dependent app.

        If the corpus has no graphics, the default is `None`.

standardFeatures: boolean, optional `True`
    **interface option**
    indicates whether pretty displays should show standard features and their values.

withNodes: boolean, optional `False`
    **interface option**
    indicates whether node numbers should be displayed.

    !!! hint "zooming in"
        If you are in a Jupyter notebook, you can inspect in a powerful way by
        setting `withNodes=True`. Then every part of a pretty display shows
        its node number, and you can use the following APIs
        to look up all information
        about each node that the corpus has to offer:

        * **F**: `tf.core.nodefeature.NodeFeature`
        * **E**: `tf.core.edgefeature.EdgeFeature`
        * **L**: `tf.core.locality.Locality`
        * **T**: `tf.core.text.Text`

withTypes: boolean, optional `False`
    **interface option**
    indicates whether node types should be displayed.
    The node type of slot nodes is never displayed.

colorMap: dict, optional `None`
    Which nodes of a tuple (or list of tuples) will be highlighted.
    If `colorMap` is `None` or missing, all nodes will be highlighted with
    the default highlight color, which is yellow.

    But you can assign different colors to the members of the tuple:
    `colorMap` must be a dictionary that maps the positions in a tuple
    to a color.

    *   If a position is not mapped, it will not be highlighted.
    *   If it is mapped to the empty string, it gets the default highlight color.
    *   Otherwise, it should be mapped to a string that is a valid
        [CSS color](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value).

    !!! hint "color names"
        The link above points to a series of handy color names and their previews.

    !!! note "highlights takes precedence over colorMap"
        If both `highlights` and `colorMap` are given, `colorMap` is ignored.

        If you need to micro-manage, `highlights` is your thing.
        Whenever possible, use `colorMap`.

end: int, optional `None`
    `end` is the end point in the iterable of results.
    If `None`, displaying will stop after the end of the iterable.

extraFeatures: string | iterable, optional `()`
    A string or iterable of feature names.
    These features will be loaded automatically.
    In pretty displays these features will show up as `feature=value`,
    provided the value is not `None`, or something like None.

    !!! hint "Automatic loading"
        These features will load automatically, no explicit loading is

    !!! hint "values from other nodes"
        Suppose you want to display a value from a related node, e.g. a `gloss`
        that is available on `lex` nodes but not on `word` nodes, and you
        want to show it on the word nodes.
        Then you may specifiy `lex:gloss`, meaning that Text-Fabric will
        look up a `lex` node from the current node (by means of `L.u(w, otype='lex')`,
        and if it finds one, it will read the `gloss` feature from it.

full: boolean, optional `False`
    For pretty displays: indicates that the whole object should be
    displayed, even if it is big.

    !!! hint "Big objects"
        Big objects are objects of a type that is bigger than the default condense type.

highlights: dict | set, optional `{}`
    When nodes such as verses and sentences and lines and cases are displayed
    by `plain()` or `pretty()`,
    their contents is also displayed. You can selectively highlight
    those parts.

    `highlights={}` is a set or mapping of nodes that should be highlighted.
    Only nodes that are involved in the display will be highlighted.

    If `highlights` is a set, its nodes will be highlighted
    with a default color (yellow).

    If it is a dictionary, it should map nodes to colors.
    Any color that is a valid
    [CSS color](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value)

    If you map a node to the empty string, it will get the default highlight color.

    Highlights in plain display will be done, also for nodes deeply buried in the top node.
    Slots are higlighted by coloring the background,
    all other nodes by colored frames around their material.

    !!! note "one big highlights dictionary"
        It is OK to first compose a big highlights dictionary
        for many tuples of nodes,
        and then run `prettyTuple()` for many different tuples
        with the same `highlights`.
        It does not harm performance if `highlights` maps
        lots of nodes outside the tuple as well.

noneValues: set, optional `None`
    A set of values for which no display should be generated.
    The default set is `None` and the strings `NA`, `none`, `unknown`.

    !!! hint "None is useful"
        Keep `None` in the set. If not, all custom features will be displayed
        for all kinds of nodes. So you will see clause types on words,
        and part of speech on clause atoms, al with value `None`.

    !!! hint "Suppress common values"
        You can use `noneValues` also to suppress the normal values of a feature,
        in order to attract attention to the more special values, e.g.

            noneValues={None, 'NA', 'unknown', 'm', 'sg', 'p3'}

    !!! caution "None values affect all features"
        Beware of putting to much in `noneValues`.
        The contents of `noneValues` affect the display of
        all features, not only the custom features.

skipCols: set, optional `set()`
    indicates columns to skip in `show()`, `table()`, `prettyTuple()` and `plainTuple()`.
    Maybe a space-separated string of numbers, or an iterable of integers.
    Columns start at 1.

start: integer, optional `None`
    `start` is the starting point for displaying the iterable of results.
    (1 is the first one).
    If `None`, displaying starts at the first element of the iterable.

suppress: set, optional `set()`
    a set of names of features that should NOT be displayed.
    By default, quite a number of features is displayed for a node.
    If you find they clutter the display, you can turn them off

tupleFeatures: iterable of 2-tuples, optional `()`
    A bit like "extraFeatures" above, but more intricate.
    Only meant to steer the
    `A.export()` function below into outputting the
    features you choose.

    It should be a tuple of pairs

        (i, features)

    which means that to member `i` of a result tuple we assign extra `features`.

    `features` may be given as an iterable or a space separated string of feature names.

withPassage: boolean or set, optional `True`
    indicates whether a passage label should be put next to a displayed node
    or tuple of nodes.
    When passed with `table()`, or `plainTuple()`,
    the value may also be a set of integers, indicating the columns whose
    nodes will be linked with a web link
    (the first column is column 1).

from ..core.helpers import setFromValue
from .helpers import parseFeatures, SEQ_TYPES1, SEQ_TYPES2

        "condense results",
        "Group query results into containers of the selected type.",
        "hide types",
        "Do not show the outer structure of nodes of the selected types."
        "The contents of those nodes are still shown.",
        "show nodes",
        "Show the node number for every node in the results."
        " The node number is your access to all information about that node."
        " If you click on it, it will be copied to the <i>node pad</i>.",
        "show types",
        "Show the node type for every node in the results.",
        "always show types when expanded",
        "Show the node type for every node in the expanded view, even if <b>show types</b> is off.",
        "show gaps",
        "In plain displays, show the gaps in nodes by means of dotted lines.",
        "show standard features",
        "Show the standard feature values for every node in the results.",
        "show query features",
        "Show the features mentioned in the last query for every node in the results.",
        "source lines",
        "Show source line numbers with the nodes."
        " Only if the TF data has a feature for line numbers.",
        "graphic elements",
        "Show graphical companion elements with the nodes."
        " Only if the data set implements the logic for it.",

# <p><b title="withTypes">Show types</b>{longDesc}</p>

    extraFeatures=((), {}),

DISPLAY_OPTIONS.update({o[0]: o[1] for o in INTERFACE_OPTIONS})

class OptionsCurrent:
    def __init__(self, options):
        self.allKeys = set(options)
        for (k, v) in options.items():
            setattr(self, k, v)

    def get(self, k, v=None):
        return getattr(self, k, v)

    def set(self, k, v):
        setattr(self, k, v)

class Options:
    def __init__(self, app):
        self.app = app

        aContext = app.context
        interfaceDefaults = aContext.interfaceDefaults

        self.defaults = {}
        defaults = self.defaults

        for (k, v) in DISPLAY_OPTIONS.items():
            value = (
                interfaceDefaults[k] if k in interfaceDefaults else aContext.get(k, v)
            defaults[k] = value


    def reset(self, *options):
        app = self.app
        error = app.error
        defaults = self.defaults

        if options:
            current = self.current
            for option in options:
                if option not in defaults:
                    error(f'WARNING: unknown display option "{option}" will be ignored')
                current[option] = defaults[option]
            self.current = {k: v for (k, v) in defaults.items()}

    def setup(self, *options, **overrides):
        current = self.current

        for (option, value) in overrides.items():
            normValue = self.normalize(option, value)
            if not normValue:
            current[option] = normValue[1]

    def normalize(self, option, value):
        app = self.app
        api = app.api
        aContext = app.context
        allowedValues = aContext.allowedValues
        error = app.error
        defaults = self.defaults

        if option not in defaults:
            error(f'WARNING: unknown display option "{option}" will be ignored')
            return None

        if option == "extraFeatures":
            (bare, indirect) = parseFeatures(value)
            value = (bare, indirect)
        elif option == "tupleFeatures":
            if type(value) is str:
                value = value.split() if value else []
        elif option in {"suppress"}:
            if type(value) is str:
                value = set(value.split()) if value else set()
        elif option in {"skipCols"}:
            if not value:
                value = set()
            elif type(value) is str:
                value = set(int(v) for v in value.split()) if value else set()
            elif type(value) not in {set, frozenset}:
                value = set(value)
        elif option in {"withPassage"}:
            if not value:
                value = False
            elif type(value) is str:
                value = set(int(v) for v in value.split()) if value else set()
            elif type(value) in {list, tuple, dict}:
                value = set(value)
            elif type(value) is not set:
                value = True
        elif option == "highlights":
            if value is not None and type(value) is not dict:
                value = {m: "" for m in value}
        elif option in {"baseTypes", "hiddenTypes"}:
            legalValues = set(allowedValues[option])
            values = setFromValue(value)
            value = {tp for tp in values if tp in legalValues}
        return (True, value)

    def check(self, msg, options):
        app = self.app
        api = app.api
        Fotype = api.F.otype
        aContext = app.context
        allowedValues = aContext.allowedValues
        error = app.error
        current = self.current

        good = True
        for (option, value) in options.items():
            if option not in current:
                error(f'ERROR in {msg}(): unknown display option "{option}={value}"')
                good = False
            if option in {"baseTypes", "condenseType", "hiddenTypes"}:
                legalValues = set(allowedValues[option])
                if value is not None:
                    if option in {"baseTypes", "hiddenTypes"}:
                        testVal = setFromValue(value)
                        isLegal = all(v in legalValues for v in testVal)
                        isLegal = value in legalValues
                    if not isLegal:
                            f'ERROR in {msg}(): illegal node type in "{option}={value}"'
                        legalRep = ", ".join(sorted(legalValues))
                        error(f"Legal values are: {legalRep}")
                        good = False
            elif option == "extraFeatures":
                if value is not None:
                    if (
                        type(value) in SEQ_TYPES1
                        and len(value) == 2
                        and type(value[0]) in SEQ_TYPES2
                        and type(value[1]) is dict
                        indirect = value[1]
                        legalValues = set(Fotype.all)
                        isLegal = all(v in legalValues for v in indirect)
                        if not isLegal:
                                f"ERROR in {msg}(): illegal node type in"
                                f' "{option}={value}"'
                            good = False
        return good

    def distill(self, options):
        defaults = self.defaults
        current = self.current

        normOptions = {}

        for option in defaults:
            value = options.get(
                option, current.get(option, defaults[option])
            normValue = self.normalize(option, value)
            if normValue:
                normOptions[option] = normValue[1]

        return OptionsCurrent(normOptions)

    def consume(self, options, *remove):
        return {o: options[o] for o in options if o not in remove}
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