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Tip revision: 086c7b8dcb2dbaf3320b0abc56a6c01f2440e58f authored by Duncan Temple Lang on 26 October 2006, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.1-1
Tip revision: 086c7b8
\title{Methods for displaying XML objects}
 These different methods attempt to provide a convenient
way to display R objects representing XML elements
when they are printed in the usual manner on
the console, files, etc. via the \code{\link{print}}
Each typically outputs its contents in the way
that they would appear in an XML document.
print.XMLNode(x, ..., indent= "", tagSeparator = "\n")
print.XMLComment(x, ..., indent = "", tagSeparator = "\n")
print.XMLTextNode(x, ..., indent = "", tagSeparator = "\n")
print.XMLCDataNode(x, ..., indent="", tagSeparator = "\n")
print.XMLProcessingInstruction(x, ..., indent="", tagSeparator = "\n")
print.XMLAttributeDef(x, ...)
print.XMLElementContent(x, ...)
print.XMLElementDef(x, ...)
print.XMLEntity(x, ...)
print.XMLEntityRef(x, ..., indent= "", tagSeparator = "\n")
print.XMLOrContent(x, ...)
print.XMLSequenceContent(x, ...)
  \item{x}{the XML object to be displayed}
  \item{...}{additional arguments for controlling the output from
  print. Currently unused.}
  \item{indent}{a prefix that is emitted before the node to indent it relative to its
    parent and child nodes. This is appended with a space at each
    succesive level of the tree.
    If no indentation is desired (e.g. when \code{\link{xmlTreeParse}}
    is called with \code{trim} and \code{ignoreBlanks}
    being \code{FALSE}) and \code{TRUE} respectively,
    one can pass the value \code{FALSE} for this \code{indent} argument.
  \item{tagSeparator}{when printing nodes, successive nodes and children
    are by default displayed on new lines for easier reading.
    One can specify a string for this argument to control how the
    elements are separated in the output.  The primary purpose of this
    argument is to allow no space between the elements, i.e. a value of \code{""}.
 Currently, \code{NULL}.
\references{\url{http://www.w3.org}, \url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSXML}}
\author{Duncan Temple Lang}

\note{We could make the node classes self describing with information
  about whether \code{ignoreBlanks} was \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} and
  if trim was TRUE or FALSE.
  This could then be used to determine the appropriate values for
  \code{indent} and \code{tagSeparator}. Adding an S3 class element
  would allow this to be done without the addition of an excessive
  number of classes.
  fileName <- system.file("exampleData", "event.xml", package ="XML")

     # Example of how to get faithful copy of the XML.
  doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName, trim = FALSE, ignoreBlanks = FALSE))
  print(doc, indent = FALSE, tagSeparator = "")

     # And now the default mechanism
  doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName))

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