Raw File
Tip revision: 9ee7aebbd4099fb9a462c14f75a73eb3755b1612 authored by Duncan Temple Lang on 03 October 2007, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.93-2
Tip revision: 9ee7aeb
xmlTree <-
  # Create an XML document using internal nodes and help to manage
  # the state for the user rather than requiring them to manage
  # the individual nodes. For the most part, the two approaches
  # are relatively similar in complexity.
function(tag = NULL, attrs = NULL, dtd=NULL, namespaces = list(),
          doc = newXMLDoc(dtd, namespaces))
  # Allows a DOCTYPE, etc. at the beginning by specifying dtd as 
  # a vector of 1, 2, 3 elements passed to newXMLDTDNode() or
  # as an XMLDTDNode directly.
 currentNodes <- list(doc)  # the stack of nodes
 isXML2 <- libxmlVersion()$major != "1" 

     # if we are given a DTD, add it to the document.
 if(!is.null(dtd)) {
   if(isXML2) {
     node = NULL
     if(is(dtd, "XMLDTDNode"))
       node = dtd
     else if(is.character(dtd) && dtd[1] != "")
       node = newXMLDTDNode(dtd, doc = doc)

     if(!is.null(node)) {
       addChildren(doc, node)
       currentNodes[[2]] <- node #???XXX
   } else
     warning("DTDs not supported in R for libxml 1.*. Use libxml2 instead.")
 definedNamespaces = list()
 defaultNamespace = NULL
 addNamespaceDefinitions = is.null(tag)
 setActiveNamespace = function(ns) {
                         defaultNamespace <<- ns
 asXMLNode <- function(x) {
        if(is(x, "XMLInternalNode"))
        v = if(is.list(x)) 
               lapply(x, asXMLNode)
               newXMLTextNode(as.character(x), doc = doc)


 setNamespace <- function(node, namespace = defaultNamespace) {
         # if there is no namespace or if we have one and no names on the namespace
      if(length(namespace) == 0 || ! ( length(namespace) == 1 && is.null(names(namespace)) ) )


if(FALSE) {      
a =    xmlNamespaceDefinitions(node)
b = namespaceDeclarations(node, TRUE)      
#end debugging
     if(!is.na(match(namespace, names(namespaces))) && is.na(match(namespace, names(definedNamespaces)))) {
       ns <- .Call("R_xmlNewNs", node, namespaces[[namespace]], namespace)
       definedNamespaces[[namespace]] <<- ns

     setXMLNamespace(node,  definedNamespaces[[namespace]])
#old     setInternalNamespace( node, definedNamespaces[[namespace]])

 # namespace is intended to be the namespace for this node
 # and not any definitions.
 # How do we define new namespaces with this function?
 # Can we add them to attrs. No!
 addTag <- function(name, ..., attrs = NULL,
                    close = TRUE, namespace = defaultNamespace, .children = list(...) )

   if(inherits(name, "XMLInternalNode")) {
     addChildren(currentNodes[[1]], name)
     currentNodes <<- c(node, currentNodes)
     addChildren(node, kids = .children)
       currentNodes <<- currentNodes[-1]
   # if the user gives us something like "r" for the namespace as opposed to
   #  c(r = "http:...") then we try to match the prefix in an earlier node
   # ??? Should we use the defined namespaces in the document?
if(FALSE) {   
   if(length(namespace) == 1 && length(names(namespace)) == 0) {
     tmp = namespace
     if(length(currentNodes)) {
       defs = namespaceDeclarations(currentNodes[[1]], TRUE)
       i = match(namespace, names(defs))
         namespace = defs[[i]]

      storage.mode(attrs) <- "character"

   if(inherits(name, "XMLInternalNode"))
      node = name
   else {
      node <- newXMLNode(name, attrs = attrs, namespace = namespace, doc = doc,
                            parent = if(length(currentNodes) > 1) currentNodes[[1]] else xmlRoot(currentNodes[[1]]),
                          namespaceDefinitions = if(addNamespaceDefinitions) namespaces else NULL)

      if(addNamespaceDefinitions) {
#       lapply(seq(along = namespaces),
#               function(i)
#                   setXMLNamespace(node, namespaces[[i]], names(namespaces)[i]))
        addNamespaceDefinitions <<- FALSE

#   if(length(currentNodes) > 1) 
#      addChildren(currentNodes[[1]], node)

   currentNodes <<- c(node, currentNodes)

#   if(!inherits(name, "XMLInternalNode"))
#      setNamespace(node, namespace)      

   for(i in .children) 
      addChildren(node, asXMLNode(i))  # vectorize XXX

   if(close == TRUE)

 closeTag <- function(name="") {

   if(nargs() == 0) {
     tmp <- currentNodes[[1]]
     currentNodes <<- currentNodes[-1]
   } else if( is.character(name) ) {

     w = sapply(currentNodes, inherits, "XMLInternalElementNode")
     useNamespace = length(grep(":", name)) > 0
     ids = sapply(currentNodes[ w ], xmlName, useNamespace)
     tmp = list()
     for(id in name) {
        i = which(id == ids)
        if(length(i) == 0)
          stop("Cannot close tag for node with name ", id, " - no such node open")
        tmp = c(tmp, currentNodes[1:i])
        currentNodes <<- currentNodes[-c(1:i)]
        ids = ids[-(1:i)]
   } else if(is(name, "numeric")) {
       num = name
       if(is.na(num) || num == -1) 
              # close all of the nodes, except the document node.
           w = seq(along = currentNodes[- length(currentNodes)])
       else if(length(num) == 1) 
           w = 1:num
           w = num
       tmp = currentNodes[ w ]
       currentNodes <<- currentNodes[ - w ]


 add = function(node, parent = currentNodes[[1]], close = TRUE) {
        if(!is.null(parent)) {
            addChildren(parent, node)
              currentNodes <<- c(node, currentNodes)
 addComment <- function(...) {
   add(newXMLCommentNode(paste(as.character(list(...)), sep=""), doc = doc))

 addCData <- function(text) {
   add(newXMLCDataNode(text, doc = doc))

 addPI <- function(name, text) {
   add(newXMLPINode(name, text, doc = doc), NULL)

   # deal with the top-level node the user may have supplied.
 if(!is.null(tag)) {
   if(is.character(tag)) {
     node = addTag(tag, attrs = attrs, namespace = namespaces, close = FALSE)
   } else if(is(tag, "XMLInternalNode")) {
     if(is.null(xmlParent(node))) # if we have a DTD node, need to add it to that or parallel to that?
       addChildren(doc, node)


 v <- list(
         addTag = addTag,
         addNode = addTag,           
         addCData = addCData,
         addPI = addPI,
         closeTag = closeTag,
         closeNode = closeTag,
         addComment = addComment,
         setNamespace = setActiveNamespace,
         value = function() doc,
         doc = function() doc,
         add = function(...){}

 class(v) <- c("XMLInternalDOM", "XMLOutputStream")

# Also in xmlNodes.R

setAs("XMLInternalNode", "XMLNode",

setGeneric("free", function(obj) standardGeneric("free"))

setMethod("free", "XMLInternalDocument",
           function(obj)  .Call("R_XMLInternalDocument_free", obj))

xmlRoot.XMLInternalDOM =
function(x, ...)

xmlRoot.XMLInternalElement =
function(x, ...)
  xmlRoot(as(x, "XMLInternalDocument"))
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