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Tip revision: 60fafa14b471f505570c2c85e69cb2cf2e495536 authored by Torsten Hothorn on 15 June 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.2-13
Tip revision: 60fafa1
\title{ Toxicological Study on Female Wistar Rats }
  ASAT-values for a new compound and a control group of 34 female Wistar
  A data frame with 34 observations on the following 2 variables.
    \item{asat}{the ASAT-values (a liver enzyme)}
    \item{group}{a factor with levels \code{Compound} and \code{Control}.}
  The aim of this toxicological study is the proof of safety for the new
compound. The data are originally given in Hothorn (1992) and reproduced in
Hauschke et al. (1999).

  Ludwig A. Hothorn (1992), Biometrische Analyse toxikologischer Untersuchungen.
  In: J. Adams (ed.): \emph{Statistisches Know how in der medizinischen 
  Forschung.} Ullstein-Mosby, Berlin, 475--590.


  Dieter Hauschke, Meinhard Kieser & Ludwig A. Hothorn (1999), 
  Proof of safety in
  toxicology based on the ratio of two means for normally distributed data.
  \emph{Biometrical Journal}, \bold{41}(3), 295--304.

  Rafael Pfl{\"u}ger & Torsten Hothorn (2002),
  Assessing Equivalence Tests with Respect to their Expected
  $p$-Value. \emph{Biometrical Journal}, \bold{44}(8), 1002--1027.


data(asat, package = "coin")

### proof-of-safety based on ratio of medians
pos <- wilcox_test(I(log(asat)) ~ group, data = asat, alternative = "less", 
                   conf.int = TRUE, distribution = "exact")

### one-sided confidence set. Safety cannot be concluded since the effect of
### the compound exceeds 20\% of the control median

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