Raw File
Tip revision: 5d4651e6b550e754158930a09fc74a6f7f64fb4b authored by Torsten Hothorn on 25 January 2010, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.0-10
Tip revision: 5d4651e

### new("CovarianceMatrix", ...)
setMethod(f = "initialize", 
    signature = "CovarianceMatrix",
    definition = function(.Object, x) {
        .Object@covariance <- x

### new("Variance", ...)
setMethod(f = "initialize", 
    signature = "Variance",
    definition = function(.Object, x) {
        .Object@variance <- x

### new("IndependenceProblem", ...)
### initialized data
setMethod(f = "initialize", 
    signature = "IndependenceProblem", 
    definition = function(.Object, x, y, block = NULL, weights = NULL) {

        if (length(x) == 0) {
            cn <- colnames(x)
            rn <- rownames(x)
            x <- data.frame(x = rep(1, nrow(x)))
            rownames(x) <- rn
            colnames(x) <- cn
        if (any(is.na(x))) 
            stop(sQuote("x"), " contains missing values")
        if (any(is.na(y))) 
            stop(sQuote("y"), " contains missing values")
        if (!is.null(block) && !is.factor(block))
            stop(sQuote("block"), " is not a factor")
        if (!is.null(block) && any(is.na(block))) 
            stop(sQuote("block"), " contains missing values")
        if (!is.null(weights) && any(is.na(weights))) 
            stop(sQuote("weights"), " contains missing values")
        .Object@x <- x
        .Object@y <- y
        if (is.null(block)) {
            .Object@block <- factor(rep(0, nrow(x)))
        } else {
            if (any(table(block) < 2))
                     " contains levels with less than two observations")
            .Object@block <- block
        if (is.null(weights)) {
            .Object@weights <- rep(1.0, nrow(x))
        } else {
            .Object@weights <- as.double(weights)
        if (!validObject(.Object))
            stop("not a valid object of class ",

### new("IndependenceTestProblem", ...)
### set up test problem, i.e., transformations of the data
setMethod(f = "initialize", 
    signature = "IndependenceTestProblem",
    definition = function(.Object, ip, xtrafo = trafo, ytrafo = trafo, ...) {

        if (!extends(class(ip), "IndependenceProblem"))
            stop("Argument ", sQuote("ip"), " is not of class ", 

        .Object <- copyslots(ip, .Object)

        x <- ip@x
        y <- ip@y

        tr <- check_trafo(xtrafo(x), ytrafo(y))
        .Object@xtrans <- tr$xtrafo
        .Object@ytrans <- tr$ytrafo
        .Object@xtrafo <- xtrafo
        .Object@ytrafo <- ytrafo


### new("IndependenceLinearStatistic", ...)
### compute test statistics and their expectation / covariance matrix
setMethod(f = "initialize", 
    signature = "IndependenceLinearStatistic", 
    definition = function(.Object, itp, varonly = FALSE) {

        if (!extends(class(itp), "IndependenceTestProblem"))
            stop("Argument ", sQuote("itp"), " is not of class ",

        .Object <- copyslots(itp, .Object)

        xtrans <- itp@xtrans
        ytrans <- itp@ytrans
        weights <- itp@weights

       .Object@linearstatistic <- drop(LinearStatistic(xtrans,
                                       ytrans, weights))
        ### <REMINDER>
        ### for teststat = "max" and distribution = "approx"
        ### we don't need to covariance matrix but the variances only
        ### </REMINDER>

        ### possibly stratified by block
        if (nlevels(itp@block) == 1) {
            expcov <- ExpectCovarLinearStatistic(xtrans, ytrans, weights,
                                                 varonly = varonly)
            exp <- expcov@expectation
            cov <- expcov@covariance
        } else {
            exp <- 0
            cov <- 0
            for (lev in levels(itp@block)) {
                indx <- (itp@block == lev)
                ec <- ExpectCovarLinearStatistic(xtrans[indx,,drop = FALSE], 
                                                 ytrans[indx,,drop = FALSE], 
                                                 varonly = varonly)
                exp <- exp + ec@expectation
                cov <- cov + ec@covariance

        .Object@expectation <- drop(exp)
        if (varonly) {
            .Object@covariance <- new("Variance", drop(cov))
        } else {
            .Object@covariance <- new("CovarianceMatrix", cov)

        ### pretty names
        nm <- statnames(itp)$names
        names(.Object@expectation) <- nm

        if (extends(class(.Object@covariance), "CovarianceMatrix")) {
                colnames(.Object@covariance@covariance) <- nm
                rownames(.Object@covariance@covariance) <- nm
        if (extends(class(.Object@covariance), "Variance"))
                names(.Object@covariance@variance) <- nm

        if (any(variance(.Object) < eps()))
            warning("The conditional covariance matrix has ",
                    "zero diagonal elements")

### new("IndependenceTestStatistic", ...)
### compute test statistics and their expectation / covariance matrix
setMethod(f = "initialize", 
    signature = "IndependenceTestStatistic", 
    definition = function(.Object, itp, varonly = FALSE) {

        its <- new("IndependenceLinearStatistic", itp, varonly = varonly)

        .Object <- copyslots(its, .Object)


### new("ScalarIndependenceTestStatistic", ...)
### the basis of well known univariate tests
setMethod(f = "initialize", 
    signature = "ScalarIndependenceTestStatistic", 
    definition = function(.Object, its, 
        alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {

        if (!extends(class(its), "IndependenceTestStatistic"))
            stop("Argument ", sQuote("its"), " is not of class ",

        .Object <- copyslots(its, .Object)
        .Object@alternative <- match.arg(alternative)

        standstat <- (its@linearstatistic - expectation(its)) / 
        .Object@teststatistic <- drop(standstat)
        .Object@standardizedlinearstatistic <- drop(standstat)


### new("MaxTypeIndependenceTestStatistic", ...)
setMethod(f = "initialize", 
    signature = "MaxTypeIndependenceTestStatistic", 
    definition = function(.Object, its, 
        alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {

        if (!extends(class(its), "IndependenceTestStatistic"))
            stop("Argument ", sQuote("its"), " is not of class ",

        .Object <- copyslots(its, .Object)

        .Object@alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
        standstat <- (its@linearstatistic - expectation(its)) / 
        .Object@teststatistic <- switch(alternative,
            "less" = drop(min(standstat)),
            "greater" = drop(max(standstat)),
            "two.sided" = drop(max(abs(standstat)))
        .Object@standardizedlinearstatistic <- standstat


### new("QuadTypeIndependenceTestStatistic", ...)
setMethod(f = "initialize", 
    signature = "QuadTypeIndependenceTestStatistic",
    definition = function(.Object, its, ...) {

        if (!extends(class(its), "IndependenceTestStatistic"))
            stop("Argument ", sQuote("its"), " is not of class ",

        .Object <- copyslots(its, .Object)

        covm <- covariance(its)
        mp <- MPinv(covm, ...)
        .Object@covarianceplus <- mp$MPinv
        .Object@df <- mp$rank

        stand <- (its@linearstatistic - expectation(its))
        .Object@teststatistic <- 
            drop(stand %*% .Object@covarianceplus %*% stand)
        standstat <- (its@linearstatistic - expectation(its)) /
        .Object@standardizedlinearstatistic <- standstat


### new("SymmetryProblem", ...)
### initialized data
setMethod(f = "initialize", 
    signature = "SymmetryProblem", 
    definition = function(.Object, x, y, block = NULL, weights = NULL) {

        if (any(is.na(x))) 
            stop(sQuote("x"), " contains missing values")
        if (!is.factor(x[[1]]) || length(unique(table(x[[1]]))) != 1)
            stop(sQuote("x"), " is not a balanced factor")
        if (any(is.na(y))) 
            stop(sQuote("y"), " contains missing values")
        if (!is.null(block) && any(is.na(y))) 
            stop(sQuote("block"), " contains missing values")
        .Object@x <- x
        .Object@y <- y
        if (is.null(block)) {
            nbl <- nrow(x)/nlevels(x[[1]])
            lindx  <- tapply(1:nrow(x), x[[1]], function(x) x)
            bl <- rep(0, nrow(x))
            for (l in lindx)
                bl[l] <- 1:nbl
            .Object@block <- factor(unlist(bl))
        } else {
            .Object@block <- block
        if (is.null(weights)) {
            .Object@weights <- rep(1.0, nrow(x))
        } else {
            .Object@weights <- as.double(weights)
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