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Tip revision: b633b8b31bf2fc66feaefe80a10410b2625eb9c8 authored by Torsten Hothorn on 16 November 2015, 16:20:12 UTC
version 1.1-2
Tip revision: b633b8b

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> ### Regression tests for the r x c x K problem, i.e.,
> ### testing the independence of a factor
> ### `y' and a factor factor `x' (possibly blocked)
> set.seed(290875)
> library("coin")
Loading required package: survival
> isequal <- coin:::isequal
> options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
> ### generate data: 2 x 2 x K
> dat <- data.frame(x = gl(2, 50), y = gl(2, 50)[sample(1:100)],
+                   block = gl(10, 10)[sample(1:100)])[sample(1:100, 75),]
> ### Pearsons Chisq Test, asymptotic distribution
> ptwo <- chisq.test(table(dat$x, dat$y), correct = FALSE)$p.value
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(chisq_test(y ~ x, data = dat)), ptwo))
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(chisq_test(table(dat$y, dat$x))), ptwo))
> ### Cochran-Mantel-Haenzel Test, asymptotic distribution
> ptwo <- drop(mantelhaen.test(table(dat$x, dat$y, dat$block),
+                              correct = FALSE)$p.value)
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(cmh_test(y ~ x | block, data = dat)), ptwo))
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(cmh_test(table(dat$y, dat$x, dat$block))), ptwo))
> ### generate data: r x c x K
> dat <- data.frame(x = gl(4, 25), y = gl(4, 25)[sample(1:100)],
+                   block = gl(2, 50)[sample(1:100)])
> ### Cochran-Mantel-Haenzel Test, asymptotic distribution
> ### (was wrong in R < 2.1.0)
> ptwo <- drop(mantelhaen.test(table(dat$y, dat$x, dat$block),
+                              correct = FALSE)$p.value)
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(cmh_test(y ~ x | block, data = dat)), ptwo))
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(cmh_test(table(dat$y, dat$x, dat$block))), ptwo))
> ### generate data: r x c x K
> dat <- data.frame(x = gl(4, 25), y = gl(5, 20)[sample(1:100)],
+                   block = gl(2, 50)[sample(1:100)])
> ### Cochran-Mantel-Haenzel Test, asymptotic distribution
> ### (was wrong in R < 2.1.0)
> ptwo <- drop(mantelhaen.test(table(dat$y, dat$x, dat$block),
+                              correct = FALSE)$p.value)
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(cmh_test(y ~ x | block, data = dat)), ptwo))
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(cmh_test(table(dat$y, dat$x, dat$block))), ptwo))
> ### 2x2 table and maxstat
> x <- c(rep(1,51), rep(2,49))
> y <- factor(c(rep(0,49), rep(1,51)))[sample(1:100)]
> stopifnot(isequal(as.vector(statistic(independence_test(table(x, y)))),
+ as.vector(statistic(maxstat_test(y ~ x )))))
> ### maxstat for multiple, ordered and unordered covariates
> dat <- data.frame(w = rnorm(100), x = runif(100), y = gl(4, 25)[sample(1:100)],
+                   z = ordered(gl(4, 25)[sample(1:100)]))
> mt <- maxstat_test(w ~ x, data = dat)
> mt

	Asymptotic Generalized Maximally Selected Statistics

data:  w by x
maxT = 2.3738, p-value = 0.184
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
sample estimates:
  "best" cutpoint: <= 0.9060508

> est <- mt@estimates$estimate$cutpoint
> stopifnot(isequal(statistic(mt),
+                   abs(statistic(independence_test(w ~ (x <= est), data = dat)))))
> mt <- maxstat_test(w ~ y, data = dat)
> mt

	Asymptotic Generalized Maximally Selected Statistics

data:  w by y (1, 2, 3, 4)
maxT = 0.7294, p-value = 0.8905
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
sample estimates:
  "best" cutpoint: {1, 2, 3} vs. {4}

> est <- mt@estimates$estimate$cutpoint
> xx <- dat$y %in% est
> stopifnot(isequal(statistic(mt),
+                   abs(statistic(independence_test(w ~ xx, data = dat)))))
> mt <- maxstat_test(w ~ z, data = dat)
> mt

	Asymptotic Generalized Maximally Selected Statistics

data:  w by z (1 < 2 < 3 < 4)
maxT = 0.52218, p-value = 0.9125
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
sample estimates:
  "best" cutpoint: {1} vs. {2, 3, 4}

> est <- mt@estimates$estimate$cutpoint
> xx <- dat$z <= est
> stopifnot(isequal(statistic(mt),
+                   abs(statistic(independence_test(w ~ xx, data = dat)))))
> mt <- maxstat_test(w ~ x + y + z, data = dat)
> mt

	Asymptotic Generalized Maximally Selected Statistics

data:  w by x, y, z(ordered)
maxT = 2.3738, p-value = 0.286
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
sample estimates:
  "best" cutpoint: <= 0.9060508
       covariable: x

> est <- mt@estimates$estimate
> xsel <- dat[[est[[1]]]]
> if (is.factor(xsel) && !is.ordered(xsel)) {
+     xx <- xsel %in% est[2]
+ } else {
+     xx <- xsel <= est[2]
+ }
> stopifnot(isequal(statistic(mt),
+                   abs(statistic(independence_test(w ~ xx, data = dat)))))
> ### marginal homogeneity
> rating <- c("low", "moderate", "high")
> x <- as.table(matrix(c(20, 10,  5,
+                        3, 30, 15,
+                        0,  5, 40),
+                      ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE,
+                      dimnames = list(Rater1 = rating, Rater2 = rating)))
> ### test statistic W_0 = 13.76
> ### see http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jsuebersax/mcnemar.htm
> stopifnot(all.equal(round(statistic(mh_test(x)), 2), 13.76))
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
   2.26    0.10    2.49 
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