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Tip revision: 142582c769fb606c1ca301e0d684556171a41a7e authored by Torsten Hothorn on 08 March 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.0-21
Tip revision: 142582c
\title{ Chromosomal Effects of Mercury Contaminated Fish Consumption }
    The mercury level in the blood, the proportion of cells with
    abnormalities and the proportion of cells with chromosome aberrations
    for a group of consuments of mercury contaminated fish and a control
  A data frame with 39 observations on the following 4 variables.
    \item{group}{a factor with levels \code{control} and \code{exposed}.}
    \item{mercury}{the level of mercury in the blood.}
    \item{abnormal}{the proportion of cells with structural abnormalities.}
    \item{ccells}{the proportion of cells with asymmetrical or
                  incomplete-symmetrical chromosome aberrations called 
                  \eqn{C_u} cells.}

  Subjects who ate contaminated fish for more than three years in the
  \code{exposed} group and subjects of a control group are to be compared.
  Instead of a multivariate comparison, Rosenbaum (1994) 
  applied a coherence criterion. The observations are partially ordered: an
  observation is smaller than another when all three variables (\code{mercury},
  \code{abnormal} and \code{ccells}) are smaller and a score reflecting the
  `ranking' is attached to each observation. The distribution of the scores
  in both groups is to be compared and the corresponding test is called
  `POSET-test' (partially ordered sets).

    S. Skerfving, K. Hansson, C. Mangs, J. Lindsten, N. Ryman (1974),
    Methylmercury-induced chromosome damage in men.
    \emph{Environmental Research} \bold{7}, 83--98.

    P. R. Rosenbaum (1994). Coherence in observational studies.
    \emph{Biometrics} \bold{50}, 368--374.

    Torsten Hothorn, Kurt Hornik, Mark A. van de Wiel \& Achim Zeileis (2006).
    A Lego system for conditional inference, \emph{The American Statistician},
    \bold{60}(3), 257--263.


  ### coherence criterion
  coherence <- function(data) {
      x <- as.matrix(data)
      matrix(apply(x, 1, function(y)
          sum(colSums(t(x) < y) == ncol(x)) - 
          sum(colSums(t(x) > y) == ncol(x))), ncol = 1)

  ### POSET-test
  poset <- independence_test(mercury + abnormal + ccells ~ group, data =
                             mercuryfish, ytrafo = coherence)

  ### linear statistic (T in Rosenbaum's, 1994, notation)
  statistic(poset, "linear")

  ### expectation

  ### variance (there is a typo in Rosenbaum, 1994, page 371, 
  ### last paragraph Section 2)

  ### the standardized statistic

  ### and asymptotic p-value

  ### exact p-value
  independence_test(mercury + abnormal + ccells ~ group, data =
                    mercuryfish, ytrafo = coherence, distribution = "exact")

  ### multivariate analysis
  mvtest <- independence_test(mercury + abnormal + ccells ~ group, 
                              data = mercuryfish)

  ### global p-value

  ### adjusted univariate p-value
  pvalue(mvtest, method = "single-step")

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