HEAD | 1b7c69d | loaded multipliers for the normalization of complex vectors in octo double precision into local variables | 17 November 2021, 01:50:30 UTC |
refs/heads/master | 1b7c69d | loaded multipliers for the normalization of complex vectors in octo double precision into local variables | 17 November 2021, 01:50:30 UTC |
refs/tags/2.4.73 | 107098e | updated files for version 1.0.1 of phcpy | 03 October 2019, 23:31:26 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.68 | 9d42262 | documented -V option when phc runs in full mode | 21 June 2019, 23:05:32 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.69 | da6c60d | updated files for version 0.9.7 of phcpy | 05 July 2019, 23:00:37 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.70 | cf5be25 | updated files for release 0.9.8 of phcpy | 25 July 2019, 22:22:54 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.71 | 4cab4ba | prepared files for version 0.9.9 of phcpy | 13 August 2019, 23:46:20 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.72 | 64e4b0b | prepared files for version 1.0.0 of phcpy | 02 September 2019, 02:01:57 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.74 | 19c1589 | fixed the __init__.py one more time to import the polynomials module when phcpy gets imported and commented out the SageMath initializations | 21 October 2019, 23:27:48 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.77 | 809f3a3 | added latest NSF grant number to phcpy documentation | 12 June 2020, 22:01:04 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.78 | bbd388a | updated files for version 1.0.5 of phcpy | 01 July 2020, 18:52:03 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.79 | 6e62d1d | set optimization flags on by default on makefile for mac os x | 30 July 2020, 23:11:33 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.80 | 4561a59 | added reference to the CAMPARY software in the documentation | 30 September 2020, 21:42:23 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.81 | 2c851a5 | added mention to CAMPARY in the README files | 01 November 2020, 00:47:53 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.82 | 425de84 | prepared files for version 1.0.9 of phcpy | 01 December 2020, 02:23:17 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.83 | 3e3df0f | small update in the phcpy documentation | 15 December 2020, 20:45:49 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.84 | 41d4c95 | updated files for version 1.1.1 of phcpy | 27 February 2021, 02:40:51 UTC |
refs/tags/v2.4.85 | 039b22f | added brief descriptions on the new folders in the source code | 30 June 2021, 23:22:40 UTC |