Raw File
Tip revision: c69aa96969f2c9b1cbf8c3970f9dc394bfcbd550 authored by Hans W. Borchers on 07 December 2021, 05:30:02 UTC
version 2.3.6
Tip revision: c69aa96
##  s t r 2 n u m . R

str2num <- function(S) {
    s1 <- strTrim(S)
    ls <- nchar(s1)
    if (substr(s1, ls, ls) == ';') {
        s1 <- sub(';$', '', s1)
        prit <- FALSE
    } else {
        prit <- TRUE

    s1 <- sub('^\\[', '', s1)
    s1 <- sub('\\]$', '', s1)
    s1 <- gsub(',', ' ', s1)

    s2 <- strsplit(s1, ';')[[1]]

    m  <- length(s2)
    L1 <- scan(text=s2[1], quiet = TRUE)
    n  <- length(L1)

    if (m > 1) {
        for (i in 2:m) {
            Li <- scan(text=s2[i], quiet = TRUE)
            if (n != length(Li))
                stop("All rows in Argument 's' must have the same length.")
            L1 <- rbind(L1, Li)
    L2 <- unname(L1)
    if (any(is.na(L2)) || isempty(L2)) L2 <- c()

    if (prit) print(L2)

num2str <- function(A, fmt = 3) {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(A), length(fmt) == 1)
    if (is.numeric(fmt))
        fmt = paste("%.", round(fmt), "f", sep = '')

    dm <- dim(A)
    a1 <- sprintf(fmt, A)       # a2 <- as.numeric(a1)
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(a1) <- dm           # dim(a2) <- dm
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