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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
5b3f6ce corrected path names 11 November 2014, 15:38:49 UTC
fcab91d uploaded the correct version of 11 November 2014, 15:34:45 UTC
90e48cd changed path names to reflect moving submissionScripts to the repo folder 11 November 2014, 15:28:39 UTC
0f4bf5d corrected a path name 11 November 2014, 15:09:26 UTC
d9be629 added a variable for user name - to make it easier for people to modify this script for their own work 11 November 2014, 15:07:01 UTC
e8a5ca5 Commented out code for paired end reads 11 November 2014, 14:20:49 UTC
94c2d76 added a line to make the experiment folder if it does not exist 11 November 2014, 14:10:24 UTC
4e77f9a modified unzip script to take in any name for the different samples 11 November 2014, 14:06:45 UTC
7d5011f Added current scripts to submitting jobs to run star and to run star 11 November 2014, 13:27:15 UTC
8f67a7b Changed name to fastq instead of fasta 19 June 2014, 12:01:10 UTC
6311fa1 Updated unzipAndConcatenateZippedFasta to the point where it might actually work. 19 June 2014, 11:58:54 UTC
d6501d6 Playing with unzip and concatenate fasta. 18 June 2014, 17:12:56 UTC
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