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Tip revision: 12173496c6b934b4bc9d81609e19178b9675310f authored by Martin Schlather on 25 July 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.0.30
Tip revision: 1217349
\title{Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields}
  The package \code{RandomFields} offers various tools for
    \item{\bold{simulation}} of different kinds
    of random fields, including
      \item multivariate, spatial, spatio-temporal Gaussian random fields,
      \item Poisson fields, binary fields, Chi2 fields and
      \item max-stable fields.
    It can also deal with non-stationarity and anisotropy of these
    processes and conditional simulation (for Gaussian random fields,
    \item{\bold{model estimation (ML) and inference (tests)
	for regionalizd variables}} and data analysis,

    \item{\bold{model estimation for (geostatistical) linear (mixed) models}}

  The following features are provided by the package:
    \item \bold{Simulation}
      \item \command{\link{RFsimulate}}: Simulation
      of random fields,
      including conditional simulation. For a list of all covariance
      functions and variogram models see \command{\link{RMmodel}}.
      Use \command{\link{plot}} for visualisation of the result.
      \item \bold{ Estimation} of parameters
	\item \command{\link{RFfit}} : general function for estimating
	\item \command{\link{RFhurst}} : estimation of the Hurst parameter
	\item \command{\link{RFfractaldim}} : estimation of the fractal
	\item \command{\link{RFempiricalvariogram}} : calculates
	the empirical variogram 
    \item \bold{Prediction (for Gaussian random fields)} 
      \item \command{\link{RFinterpolate}} : kriging, including imputing
    \item \bold{Inference (for Gaussian random fields)} 
      \item \command{\link{RFcrossvalidate}} : cross validation
      \item \command{\link{RFratiotest}} : likelihood ratio test
      \item \command{\link[=AIC.RF_fit]{AIC}}, 
      \command{\link[=BIC.RF_fit]{BIC}}, \command{\link[=anova.RF_fit]{anova}},
    \item \bold{Models}
      \item For a list of covariance and variogram models --e.g. for
      \bold{geostatistical} purposes-- see \command{\link{RMmodel}}. More
      sophisticated models 
      and covariance function operators are included. 
      \item To apply the offered package procedures to \bold{mixed models}
      -- e.g. appearing in genetical data analysis-- see
      \item models are evaluated by \command{\link{RFcov}},
      \command{\link{RFvariogram}} and \command{\link{RFcovmatrix}}.
      For a quick impression use \code{\link{plot}()model}.
    \item \bold{Data and example studies}:
    Some data sets and published code are provided to illustrate the
    syntax and structure of the package functions. 
      \item \code{\link{soil}} : soil physical data
      \item \code{\link{weather}} : UWME weather data
      \item \code{\link{papers}} : code used in the papers published by
      the author(s)

    \item \bold{Graphics}
      \item Fitting a covariance function manually
      \item the generic function \command{\link[graphics]{plot}}
    \item \bold{S3 and S4 objects}
      \item The functions return S4 objects
      if \code{\link[=RFoptions]{spConform=TRUE}}.
      This is the default.
      If \code{\link[=RFoptions]{spConform=FALSE}},
      simple objects as in version 2 are returned.
      These simple objects are frequently provided with an S3 class
      \item \command{\link[graphics]{plot}},
      \command{\link[base]{print}}, \command{\link[base]{summary}},
      sometimes also \command{\link[utils]{str}} recognise these S3 and S4
      Further generic functions are available for fitted models,
      see \sQuote{Inference} above. 
      \item \bold{Note} that, in many cases, \command{print} will return
      an invisible list.  This list contains the main information of the
      S4 object in an accessible way and is in many cases the
      information obtained from \code{summary}. See examples below.
    \item \bold{Advanced} users, package programmers
      \item may use \sQuote{./configure
	--with-tk-config=/usr/lib/tk8.5/tkConfig.sh} to configure R
      \item might  decide on a large variety of arguments of the 
      simulation and estimation procedures using the function

  A list of changings from  Version 2 to Version 3 can be found
  in \link{MajorRevisions}.

% In the beta version, the following functionalities are currently
% not available:
% \itemize{
% \item \command{\link{ShowModels}}
% \item numerical evaluation of the covariance function in tbm2
% \item Harvard Rue's Markov fields 
% }

  See also  \link{RC}, \link{RF}, \link{RM}, \link{RP}, \link{RR}
  The following packages enable further
  features in RandomFields:
  \pkg{optimx}, \pkg{soma}, \pkg{GenSA}, \pkg{minqa}, \pkg{pso},
  \pkg{DEoptim}, \pkg{nloptr}, \pkg{RColorBrewer}, \pkg{colorspace}

  Current updates are available through \url{http://ms.math.uni-mannheim.de/de/publications/software}.

\author{Martin Schlather, \email{schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de}
    Singleton, R.C. (1979). In \emph{Programs for Digital Signal Processing} 
    Ed.: Digital Signal Processing Committee and IEEE Acoustics,
    Speech, and Signal Processing Committe (1979)
    IEEE press.
    Schlather, M., Malinowski, A., Menck, P.J., Oesting, M. and
    Strokorb, K. (2013) 
    \R package \pkg{RandomFields}: Analysis and simulation of
    multivariate random fields and more. \emph{Submitted to JSS}
    \item Contributions to version 3.0 and following:\cr
    Felix Ballani (TU Bergakademie Freiberg; Poisson Polygons, 2014) \cr
    Daphne Boecker (Univ. Goettingen; RFgui, 2011)\cr   
    Katharina Burmeister (Univ. Goettingen; testing, 2012)\cr
    Sebastian Engelke (Univ. Goettingen; RFempiricalvariogram, 2011-12)\cr
    Sebastian Gross (Univ. Goettingen; tilde formulae, 2011)\cr
    Alexander Malinowski (Univ. Mannheim; S3, S4 classes 2011-13)\cr
    Juliane Manitz (Univ. Goettingen; testing, 2012)\cr
    Johannes Martini (Univ. Goettingen; RFempiricalvariogram,
    Ulrike Ober (Univ. Goettingen; help pages, testing, 2011-12)\cr
    Marco Oesting (Univ. Mannheim; Brown-Resnick processes, Kriging, Trend,
    Kirstin Strokorb (Univ. Mannheim; help pages, 2011-13)\cr
    \item Contributions to version 2.0 and following:\cr
    Peter Menck (Univ. Goettingen; multivariate circulant embedding)\cr
    R Core Team, Richard Singleton (fft.c and advice) 
    \item Contributions to version 1 and following:\cr
    Ben Pfaff, 12167 Airport Rd, DeWitt MI 48820, USA making available
    an algorithm for AVL trees (avltr*)
  Paulo Ribeiro : many comments on Version 3.0.27 and code delivered by
  means of \pkg{geoR}\cr
  Patrick Brown : comments on Version 3\cr
  Paulo Riberio : comments on Version 1\cr
  Martin Maechler : advice for Version 1
\section{Financial support}{
 V3.0 has been financially supported by the German Science Foundation
 (DFG) through the Research Training Group 1953 \sQuote{Statistical
 Modeling of Complex Systems and Processes --- Advanced Nonparametric
 Approaches} (2013-2018).
 V3.0 has been financially supported by Volkswagen Stiftung within
 the project \sQuote{WEX-MOP} (2011-2014).
 Alpha versions for V3.0 have been
 financially supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG) through the
 Research Training Groups 1644 \sQuote{Scaling problems in Statistics}
 and 1023 \sQuote{Identification in Mathematical Models} (2008-13).
 V1.0 has been financially supported by
 the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology 
 (BMFT) grant PT BEO 51-0339476C during 2000-03.
 V1.0 has been financially supported by the EU TMR network
 ERB-FMRX-CT96-0095 on
 ``Computational and statistical methods for the analysis of spatial
 data'' in 1999.
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

# Compare:
model <- RMexp(scale=2) + RMnugget(var=3)
str(model)  ## S4 object

model <- summary(RMexp(scale=2) + RMnugget(var=3))
str(model)  ## list style as in version 2 of RandomFields



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