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Tip revision: 0873f166513fc71e2c73f0df69f92bb02411a6f8 authored by Hugh Salimbeni on 16 August 2019, 14:15:33 UTC
added kernel
Tip revision: 0873f16
# Copyright 2017 Artem Artemev @awav
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import abc
import enum
import inspect
import decorator

# TODO(@awav): Introducing global variable is not best idea for managing compilation, but
# necessary for context manager support.
# Inspect approach works well, except that I have a concern that it can be slow when
# nesting is too deep and it doesn't work well with context managers, because the code which
# is run inside `with` statement doesn't have an access to the frame which caused it.

class AutoBuildStatus(enum.Enum):
    This enum class is used for safe marking current status for global and local
    autobuild settings. It must never be used outside of the project.
    __autobuild_enabled_global__ = True

    BUILD = 1
    IGNORE = 2
    FOLLOW = 3

class AutobuildFunctionMaker(decorator.FunctionMaker):
    This overwrites the __init__ of decorator.FunctionMaker to insert the autobuild keyword argument.

    def __init__(self, func=None, name=None, signature=None,
                 defaults=None, doc=None, module=None, funcdict=None):
        super().__init__(func=func, name=name, signature=signature, defaults=defaults,
                         doc=doc, module=module, funcdict=funcdict)

        if not func or not inspect.isfunction(func):

        # We need to add the autobuild keyword argument manually.
        if 'autobuild' in self.kwonlyargs:

        if self.kwonlydefaults is None:
            self.kwonlydefaults = {}
        self.kwonlydefaults['autobuild'] = True

        # The following is copied from decorator.FunctionMaker.__init__,
        # as we need to reconstruct self.signature and self.shortsignature
        # from scratch having added the autobuild keyword argument:
        allargs = list(self.args)
        allshortargs = list(self.args)
        if self.varargs:
            allargs.append('*' + self.varargs)
            allshortargs.append('*' + self.varargs)
        elif self.kwonlyargs:
            allargs.append('*')  # single star syntax
        for a in self.kwonlyargs:
            allargs.append('%s=None' % a)
            allshortargs.append('%s=%s' % (a, a))
        if self.varkw:
            allargs.append('**' + self.varkw)
            allshortargs.append('**' + self.varkw)
        self.signature = ', '.join(allargs)
        self.shortsignature = ', '.join(allshortargs)

        if signature is not None:
            self.signature = signature
        # Everything else was set up already by the super().__init__().

def autobuild_decorate(func, caller):
    autobuild_decorate(func, caller) decorates a function using a caller.
    Allows for an extra `autobuild` keyword arg.
    The only difference to decorator.decorate() is to use our custom AutobuildFunctionMaker instead.
    evaldict = dict(_call_=caller, _func_=func)
    fun = AutobuildFunctionMaker.create(
        func, "return _call_(_func_, %(shortsignature)s)",
        evaldict, __wrapped__=func)
    if hasattr(func, '__qualname__'):
        fun.__qualname__ = func.__qualname__
    return fun

class AutoBuild(abc.ABCMeta):
    AutoBuild meta class is used for changing an initializing behaviour at its descendants.
    Whenever an object defined with this metaclass is created - the `build` and `initialize`
    methods of ICompilable interface are called immediately after object's __init__ function.

    It also modifies input dictionary arguments for any class which uses
    AutoBuild as metaclass. It adds `autobuild` option, using it you can control either
    ICompilable object builds itself at instantiation or delay it, so that you could run
    compilation later.

    For example a class defined without AutoBuild metaclass will raise TypeError. But if you
    defined a class with AutoBuild metaclass, then it modifies the class __init__ method and
    adds `autobuild` option to any successor of that class.

    class A(metaclass=AutoBuild):
        def __init__(self):

    class B():
        def __init__(self):

    a = A(autobuild=False) # works fine, even when __init__ argument list is empty.
    b = B(autobuild=False) # raises TypeError exception.

    _autobuild_arg = 'autobuild'

    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
        new_cls = super(AutoBuild, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
        if getattr(new_cls.__init__, '_autobuild_wrapped_', False):
            # The decorator hack to make the autobuild keyword argument work does not play nicely
            # with recursive wrapping. If we already wrapped this __init__ (because a class does
            # not overwrite its superclass's __init__), just let it be.
            return new_cls

        def init_wrapper(origin_init, self, *args, **kwargs):
            The `kwargs` may or may not contain 'autobuild' option. This option is
            inherited implicitly by all classes.
            autobuild = kwargs.pop(AutoBuild._autobuild_arg, True)
            __execute_autobuild__ = AutoBuildStatus.BUILD if autobuild else AutoBuildStatus.IGNORE
            tag = '__execute_autobuild__'
            frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
            while autobuild and frame:
                if isinstance(frame.f_locals.get(tag, None), AutoBuildStatus):
                    __execute_autobuild__ = AutoBuildStatus.FOLLOW
                frame = frame.f_back
            origin_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
            autobuild_on = __execute_autobuild__ == AutoBuildStatus.BUILD
            global_autobuild_on = AutoBuildStatus.__autobuild_enabled_global__
            if autobuild_on and global_autobuild_on:

        # Keep the original __init__'s signature and documentation:
        __init__ = autobuild_decorate(new_cls.__init__, init_wrapper)

        # Track that this specific method already got wrapped:
        __init__._autobuild_wrapped_ = True

        setattr(new_cls, '__init__', __init__)
        return new_cls

class Build(enum.Enum):
    ICompilable object status.
    ICompilable object can be built within one and only one graph, therefore this status
    express either object was built using particular graph. NOT_COMPATIBLE_GRAPH is
    a special case of status, which shows that compilable object embedded in a graph,
    but the user is checking status for different one.

    YES = 1
    NO = 0  # pylint: disable=C0103

class ICompilable(metaclass=AutoBuild):
    def __init__(self):
        # We need an empty __init__ so that the AutoBuild decorator magic works.
        # Otherwise, the type of __init__ would be wrapper_descriptor, not a function.

    def graph(self):
        TensorFlow graph property.

        :return: tf.Graph which was used during building.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def feeds(self):
        TensorFlow feed dictionary for passing to tf.Session.run()

        :return: TensorFlow feed dictionary or None.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def initializables(self):
        List of TensorFlow tensors which must be initialized.
        This list is necessary for successfull _initialize_ call.

        :return: List of TensorFlow variables, data iterators or both,
            which are capable to be initialized.

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def initializable_feeds(self):
        Feed dictionary which will be used along with `initializables` list
        at `initialize` function.

        :return: Standard TensorFlow feed dictionary which must be used at
            at initialization.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def initialize(self, session=None, force=False):
        This method initializes all TensorFlow tensors listed by `initializables`
        property with the aid of feed dictionary presented by `initializable_feeds`.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def build(self):
        Public method for building tensors defined by ICompilable object at default
        TensorFlow graph. Wrapper for internal `_build` method.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def compile(self, session=None):
        Two-phase method. At first it builds tensors and then initializes them at
        for a specific session session.

        :param session: TensorFlow session.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def is_built(self, graph):
        Checks if tensors belonging to this ICompilable object were built for
        the `graph` argument.

        :param graph: TensorFlow graph.
        :return: `Build` status.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def clear(self):
        Clears out tensors from ICompilable object and removes all ties with them.
        raise NotImplementedError()
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