Raw File
Tip revision: 27fa41066bf09a3c1ca00fd333f72755e481b16f authored by H.F on 13 April 2021, 10:57:05 UTC
upload running script
Tip revision: 27fa410
using FileIO
using Images
using ImageSegmentation
using Statistics

Use Laplace of Gaussian(LoG) filter extract cell from raw 3d image
Version Comment
0.1		initial 
0.2		only LoG

Generate border form watershed result
function watershedborder(watershed_segments)
    marker_border = BitArray(undef, size(watershed_segments.image_indexmap));
    marker_border .= false
    for label in watershed_segments.segment_labels
        marker_border .|= ((watershed_segments.image_indexmap.==label) .⊻ erode(watershed_segments.image_indexmap .==label));

Use LoG fiter raw image to extract cell
function split_cell_LoG(stack::Array{Gray{Normed{UInt16,16}},4}; 
                        LoG::Integer=40, thres = -1e-7)
	println("Applying LoG(40) at Maximum Z Projection")
    #img_edge = zeros(N0f16, 1900, 1300, time);
    #mask_edge = zeros(Int16, 1900, 1300, time);
    h, w, d, time = size(stack)
    #local mask_markers = zeros(Bool, h, w, time);
    local mask_markers = Array{Bool}(undef, h, w, time);
	GC.gc() # garbage clean imediately to avoid double free insize threads.@threads
    #@inbounds Threads.@threads for t in 1:time  #use 40 threads slow down speed. may due to gc time
    @inbounds for t in 1:time  #use 40 threads slow down speed. may due to gc time
		# remove possion noise with median filter on maximum z-project image
		#local imgx = mapwindow(median!, 
        # maximum(view(stack, :, :, :, t), dims=3)[:,:,1], (5,5));
        # LoG will blur image to low image struture under \sigma,
        # So I remove median filter
        local imgx = maximum(view(stack, :, :, :, t), dims=3)[:,:,1];
		# extract intensity info with LoG
        mask_markers[:,:,t] = imfilter(imgx, Kernel.LoG(LoG)) .< thres ;
        #imgx_dist = distance_transform(feature_transform(imgx_log));
		# filter markers for watershed
        #imgx_markers = label_components( imgx_dist .> 50);
		#mask_markers[:,:,i] = imgx_markers
        #imgx_segments = watershed( imfilter(1 .- imgx, Kernel.gaussian(9)), imgx_markers);
        #img_edge[:,:,i] = .~watershedborder(imgx_segments).*imgx;
        #mask_clear[:,:,i] = extract_nucleus( imgx, imgx_segments) .> 0;
		#mask_edge[:,:,i] = imgx_segments.image_indexmap;

#data_dir = "/datahub/rawdata/tandeng/mRNA_imaging/mRNA_confocal_hamamatsu-60X-TIRF";
#img_16_2 = load(File(format"TIFF", "$data_dir/20200316/HE7-11-1-80uw-PWM_1_s2.ome.tiff"));

#@time edge, clear = split_cell_LoG(img_16_2, 137);
#res_dir = "/datahub/rawdata/tandeng/mRNA_imaging/CoutingmRNA.jl"
#save("output/img_16_2_edge_all.tiff", edge);
#save("output/img_16_2_clear_all.tiff", clear);
#h5write("output/img_16_2_clear_all.h5", "img", rawview(clear));
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