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Tip revision: 5f23fb0b6e1d50d996ac54daaa7e637e5d8decaf authored by Software Heritage on 05 May 2020, 00:00:00 UTC
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Tip revision: 5f23fb0
* ccproc.c
* Copyright (C) 2019, Enric Meinhardt-Llopis, CMLA, ÉNS Paris-Saclay.
*                     Adapted by Tristan Dagobert to work with
*                     the cloud detector.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// This file contains the implemantation of the "ccproc" function
// It is a general tool to deal with connected components in images.
// Also, it contains the implementation of the "bfollow" function, to track
// the boundaries of these connected components in anticlockwise order.

#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "abstract_dsf.h"

// equivalence relations of floats
// A function of this signature is the most important imput parameter.  It is
// used to decide whether neighboring pixels belong to the same connected
// component or not.
typedef int (*float_equivalence_relation_t)(float,float);

// three example equivalence relations are provided:

// wheter the two floats are equal
int float_equality(float a, float b)
    return a == b;

// whether two floats are equal, or are both null
int floatnan_equality(float a, float b)
    if (isnan(a) && isnan(b)) return true;
    return a == b;

// whether they are both nan or both non-nan
int float_eq_isnan(float a, float b)
    return isnan(a) == isnan(b);

// function to sort int vectors with increasing first component
static int compare_pair_increasing(const void *aa, const void *bb)
    const int *a = (const int *)aa;
    const int *b = (const int *)bb;
    return (*a > *b) - (*a < *b);

// function to sort int vectors with decreasing first component
static int compare_pair_decreasing(const void *aa, const void *bb)
    return -compare_pair_increasing(aa, bb);

// given an image of indexes, whether a given pixel is at a boundary
// of a region of pixels of the same index
static bool idx_boundaryingP(int *idxs, int w, int h, int idx)
    int i = idx % w;
    int j = idx / w;
    assert(j*w+i == idx);
    int my_idx = idxs[idx];
    if (i-1 >= 0 && my_idx != idxs[(j+0)*w + i-1]) return true;
    if (i+1 <  w && my_idx != idxs[(j+0)*w + i+1]) return true;
    if (j-1 >= 0 && my_idx != idxs[(j-1)*w + i+0]) return true;
    if (j+1 <  h && my_idx != idxs[(j+1)*w + i+0]) return true;
    return false;

static void swapi(int *t, int i, int j)
    int tmp = t[i];
    t[i] = t[j];
    t[j] = tmp;

// whether a point is inside the image domain
static bool insideP(int w, int h, int i, int j)
    return i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < w && j < h;

// directions
//    0: ( 1, 0)
//    1: ( 0,-1)
//    2: (-1, 0)
//    3: ( 0, 1)

// get the neighbor of pixel (i,j) in the direction dir
static void get_neighbour(int *ni, int *nj, int i, int j, int dir)
    *ni = i;
    *nj = j;
    switch (dir)
    case 0:
        *ni += 1;
    case 1:
        *nj -= 1;
    case 2:
        *ni -= 1;
    case 3:
        *nj += 1;

// whether an edge (i,j,dir) is at the boundary of an eq-region
static bool pix_boundaryingP(float *x, int w, int h,
                             float_equivalence_relation_t eq, int i, int j, int dir)
    assert(insideP(w, h, i, j));
    int ni, nj;
    get_neighbour(&ni, &nj, i, j, dir);
    if (!insideP(w, h, ni, nj))
        return true;
    float vij = x[ j*w+ i];
    float vnn = x[nj*w+ni];
    return !eq(vij, vnn);

// follow the closed boundary of a connected component containing point (i,j)
// note: the output array must be pre-allocated
// out_bd is a list of triplets (i,j,dir) conforming the boundary
int bfollow(int *out_bd, float *x, int w, int h,
            float_equivalence_relation_t eq,
            int i, int j)
    assert(i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < w && j < h);

    // find a pixel that is outside, it will be used to begin the loop
    int ifirst = i;
    int jfirst = j;
    int dfirst = 1;
    while (!pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, ifirst, jfirst, dfirst))
        ifirst -= 1;

    // loop until the first boundary element is found again
    int out_n = 0;
    int dir = dfirst;
    i = ifirst;
    j = jfirst;
        assert(pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i, j, dir));
        out_bd[3*out_n + 0] = i;
        out_bd[3*out_n + 1] = j;
        out_bd[3*out_n + 2] = dir;
        out_n += 1;
        switch(dir)   // counterclockwise track (could be a table also)
        case 0:
            if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i, j, 1))
                dir = 1;
            else if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i, j-1, 0))
                j -= 1;
            else if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i+1, j-1, 3))
                i += 1;
                j -= 1;
                dir = 3;
            else exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
        case 1:
            if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i, j, 2))
                dir = 2;
            else if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i-1, j, 1))
                i -= 1;
            else if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i-1, j-1, 0))
                i -= 1;
                j -= 1;
                dir = 0;
            else exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
        case 2:
            if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i, j, 3))
                dir = 3;
            else if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i, j+1, 2))
                j += 1;
            else if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i-1, j+1, 1))
                i -= 1;
                j += 1;
                dir = 1;
            else exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
        case 3:
            if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i, j, 0))
                dir = 0;
            else if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i+1, j, 3))
                i += 1;
            else if (pix_boundaryingP(x, w, h, eq, i+1, j+1, 2))
                i += 1;
                j += 1;
                dir = 2;
            else exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    while (i != ifirst || j != jfirst || dir != dfirst);
    return out_n;

static int compute_representatives(int *rep, float *x, int w, int h,
                                   float_equivalence_relation_t eq)
    // rep[i] = i
    adsf_begin(rep, w*h);

    // join equivalent neighbors (neighbors == 4-neighbors ALWAYS)
    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
        for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
            int p0 = j*w + i;
            int p1 = j*w + i+1;
            int p2  = (j+1)*w + i;
            if (i+1 < w && eq(x[p0], x[p1])) adsf_union(rep, w*h, p0, p1);
            if (j+1 < h && eq(x[p0], x[p2])) adsf_union(rep, w*h, p0, p2);

    // canonicalize dsf (after this, the DSF is not changed anymore)
    for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
        rep[i] = adsf_find(rep, w*h, i);

    // count connected components
    int r = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
        if (rep[i] == i)
            r += 1;
    return r;

void compute_pos_and_idx(int *pos, int *idx, int *rep, int w, int h, int r)
    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
        pos[2*i + 0] = 0; // initialize areas of each region

    int rcx = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
        if (rep[i] == i)
            idx[i] = rcx;
            pos[2*rcx + 1] = i; // representative
            rcx += 1;
    assert(rcx == r);
    for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
        int j = rep[i];
        int t = idx[j];
        pos[2*t + 0] += 1;
    qsort(pos, r, 2*sizeof*pos, compare_pair_decreasing);
    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
        int ir = pos[2*i + 1];
        idx[ir] = i;
        assert(ir == rep[ir]);

static void reverse_indexes(int *out_all, int *idx, int *rep, int n)
    int *ipair = malloc(2 * n * sizeof*ipair);

    // reverse indices
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ipair[2*i + 0] = idx[rep[i]];
        ipair[2*i + 1] = i;
    qsort(ipair, n, 2*sizeof*ipair, compare_pair_increasing);

    // fill-in table of all indices
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        out_all[i] = ipair[2*i+1];


static void reorder_boundaries(int *bdsize,
                               int *idx, int *all, int *first, int *size, int w, int h, int r)
    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
        int *t = all + first[i];
        int a = 0;
        int b = size[i];
        // vector: t[0] t[1] ... t[b-1]
        while (a < b)
            if (idx_boundaryingP(idx, w, h, t[a]))
                a = a + 1;
                swapi(t, a, --b);
        bdsize[i] = a;

void assert_consistency(int *idx, int *all, int *size, int *first, int r)
    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < size[i]; j++)
            assert(idx[all[first[i] + j]] == i);

// core function
int ccproc(
    int *out_size,          // total size of each CC
    int *out_bdsize,        // boundary size of each CC
    int *out_all,           // array of all the indexes, connected
    int *out_first,         // array of first indexes of each CC
    int *out_idx,           // image with the indices of each region
    float *x, int w, int h, // input image
    float_equivalence_relation_t eq
    // pre-setup
    if (!eq)
        eq = floatnan_equality;

    // create table of representatives
    int *rep = malloc(w * h * sizeof*rep);
    int r = compute_representatives(rep, x, w, h, eq);

    // set the index/position correspondence
    int *pair = malloc(2 * r * sizeof*pair);
    int *tmpi = malloc(w*h*sizeof*tmpi);
    compute_pos_and_idx(pair, tmpi, rep, w, h, r);

    // reverse indexes and fill table with all
    reverse_indexes(out_all, tmpi, rep, w*h);

    // fill-in table of sizes
    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
        out_size[i] = pair[2*i + 0];

    // fill-in image of representatives
    for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
        out_idx[i] = tmpi[rep[i]];

    // fill-in table of first indexes
    out_first[0] = 0;
    int cx = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i < w*h; i++)
        if (rep[out_all[i-1]] != rep[out_all[i]])
            out_first[cx++] = i;
    assert(cx == r);

    // verify consistency
    assert_consistency(out_idx, out_all, out_size, out_first, r);

    // reorder out_all so that boundarying points come first
    reorder_boundaries(out_bdsize, out_idx, out_all, out_first, out_size,
                       w, h, r);

    // cleanup and exit
    return r;
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