Raw File
Tip revision: f9f6fefb75eaa0b0812dce009dc1bb31f512842f authored by Harald Schilly on 04 October 2022, 13:50:20 UTC
store/param encoding: only encode whitelisted params and fix user selection
Tip revision: f9f6fef
# CoCalc

#### <u>_**Co**_</u>_llaborative_ <u>_**Calc**_</u>_ulation_

**CoCalc** is an online collaborative workspace for doing sophisticated calculations that arise in teaching, research, and authoring documents.This includes working with the full data science and scientific Python stack, [SageMath](https://www.sagemath.org),[Julia](https://julialang.org), [R Statistics](https://cocalc.com/doc/r-statistical-software.html),[Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), and much more.It also offers capabilities to author documents in [LaTeX](https://cocalc.com/doc/latex-editor.html), R/knitr and Markdown,storing and organizing files, a web-based [Linux Terminal](https://doc.cocalc.com/terminal.html), an [X11 graphical desktop](https://doc.cocalc.com/x11.html), and communication tools like a [chatrooms](https://doc.cocalc.com/chat.html),[course management](https://cocalc.com/doc/teaching.html) and more.It is the best choice for [teaching remote scientific courses](https://cocalc.com/doc/teaching.html).

## Website

- [CoCalc](https://cocalc.com/index.html) -- commercial CoCalc hosting and support
- [CoCalc user manual](https://doc.cocalc.com/) -- learn how to use CoCalc
- [Code GitHub repository](https://github.com/sagemathinc/cocalc) -- source code of CoCalc
- [CoCalc-Docker](https://github.com/sagemathinc/cocalc-docker) -- run CoCalc on your own computer (using Docker)
- [CoCalc mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cocalc) -- discuss CoCalc via email
- [CoCalc Discord server](https://discord.gg/nEHs2GK) -- chat about CoCalc

## Install CoCalc on your server or computer

You can easily use CoCalc on your own computer for free by [**running a Docker image**](https://github.com/sagemathinc/cocalc-docker).

## History

_CoCalc_ was formerly called _SageMathCloud_.
It started to offer way more than just SageMath and hence outgrew itself.
The name was coined in fall 2016 and changed around spring 2017.

## Contributors

### YOU?!

New -- Feb 2022:  If you want to work on something at https://github.com/sagemathinc/cocalc/issues, [contact us](email:help@cocalc.com), and we might be able to pay you!

### Contributors

- Harald Schilly
- Hal Snyder
- William Stein
- Travis Scholl
- John Jeng
- Greg Bard
- Rob Beezer
- Keith Clawson
- Tim Clemans
- Andy Huchala
- Jon Lee
- Simon Luu
- Nicholas Ruhland
- Todd Zimmerman

... and _many_ others: See https://github.com/sagemathinc/cocalc/graphs/contributors

## Copyright/License

The copyright of CoCalc is owned by SageMath, Inc., and the source code
here is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3+
subject to the "Commons Clause" License Condition v1.0.

See the included file LICENSE.md and [Commons Clause](https://commonsclause.com/).

None of the frontend or server dependencies of CoCalc are themselves GPL
licensed; they all have non-viral liberal licenses. If want to host
your own CoCalc at a company, and need a different AGPL-free license,
please contact [help@sagemath.com](mailto:help@sagemath.com).

To clarify the above in relation to the "commons clause":

- you can setup CoCalc at your own educational institution for teaching and research
- any kind of work you do on CoCalc itself is not impacted
- if you are unsure about whether your use of CoCalc is not allowed by "commons clause", do not hesitate to email us at [help@cocalc.com](mailto:help@cocalc.com).

## Trademark

"CoCalc" is a [registered trademark](http://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=87155974&caseType=SERIAL_NO&searchType=statusSearch) of SageMath, Inc.

## Development

The scripts [here](https://github.com/sagemathinc/cocalc/tree/master/src/dev) might be helpful. &nbsp;We do most of our development of CoCalc on https://cocalc.com itself.  CoCalc requires npm version at least 7.

## Acknowledgements

### Browserstack

We are grateful to BrowserStack for providing infrastructure to test CoCalc.
<a href="https://www.browserstack.com" target="_blank"><img alt='' src='http://i.imgur.com/VProOTR.png' width=128 height=undefined title=''/></a>

### Google

We thank Google for donating over \$150K in cloud credits since 2014 to support this project.
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