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Tip revision: 32ab29b00ab206d2f243dd4938c90ff48ffdb74d authored by Steven G. Johnson on 30 November 2016, 21:20:52 UTC
separated julia_charmap into its own file to make it easier to update
Tip revision: 32ab29b
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license

types = [

# Nullable{T}() = new(true)
for T in types
    x = Nullable{T}()
    @test x.hasvalue === false
    @test isa(x.value, T)
    @test eltype(Nullable{T}) === T
    @test eltype(x) === T

# Nullable{T}(value::T) = new(false, value)
for T in types
    x = Nullable{T}(zero(T))
    @test x.hasvalue === true
    @test isa(x.value, T)
    @test x.value === zero(T)
    @test eltype(x) === T

    x = Nullable{T}(one(T))
    @test x.hasvalue === true
    @test isa(x.value, T)
    @test x.value === one(T)
    @test eltype(x) === T

# Nullable{T}(value::T, hasvalue::Bool) = new(hasvalue, value)
for T in types
    x = Nullable{T}(zero(T), true)
    @test x.hasvalue === true
    @test isa(x.value, T)
    @test x.value === zero(T)
    @test eltype(x) === T

    x = Nullable{T}(zero(T), false)
    @test x.hasvalue === false
    @test isa(x.value, T)
    @test eltype(Nullable{T}) === T
    @test eltype(x) === T

# immutable NullException <: Exception
@test isa(NullException(), NullException)
@test_throws NullException throw(NullException())

# Nullable{T}(value::T) = Nullable{T}(value)
for T in types
    v = zero(T)
    x = Nullable(v)
    @test x.hasvalue === true
    @test isa(x.value, T)
    @test x.value === v

    v = one(T)
    x = Nullable(v)
    @test x.hasvalue === true
    @test isa(x.value, T)
    @test x.value === v

# show{T}(io::IO, x::Nullable{T})
io1 = IOBuffer()
io2 = IOBuffer()
for (i, T) in enumerate(types)
    x1 = Nullable{T}()
    x2 = Nullable(zero(T))
    x3 = Nullable(one(T))
    show(io1, x1)
    @test String(take!(io1)) == @sprintf("Nullable{%s}()", T)
    show(io1, x2)
    showcompact(io2, get(x2))
    @test String(take!(io1)) == @sprintf("Nullable{%s}(%s)", T, String(take!(io2)))
    show(io1, x3)
    showcompact(io2, get(x3))
    @test String(take!(io1)) == @sprintf("Nullable{%s}(%s)", T, String(take!(io2)))

    a1 = [x2]
    show(IOContext(io1, compact=false), a1)
    show(IOContext(io2, compact=false), x2)
    @test String(take!(io1)) ==
        @sprintf("Nullable{%s}[%s]", string(T), String(take!(io2)))

    show(io1, a1)
    show(IOContext(io2, compact=true), x2)
    @test String(take!(io1)) ==
        @sprintf("Nullable{%s}[%s]", string(T), String(take!(io2)))

module NullableTestEnum
const curmod = current_module()
const curmod_name = fullname(curmod)
const curmod_prefix = "$(["$m." for m in curmod_name]...)"
io = IOBuffer()
@enum TestEnum a b
show(io, Nullable(a))
Base.Test.@test String(take!(io)) == "Nullable{$(curmod_prefix)TestEnum}(a)"

# showcompact(io::IO, x::Nullable)
io1 = IOBuffer()
io2 = IOBuffer()
for (i, T) in enumerate(types)
    x1 = Nullable{T}()
    x2 = Nullable(zero(T))
    x3 = Nullable(one(T))
    showcompact(io1, x1)
    @test String(take!(io1)) == "#NULL"
    showcompact(io1, x2)
    showcompact(io2, get(x2))
    @test String(take!(io1)) == String(take!(io2))
    showcompact(io1, x3)
    showcompact(io2, get(x3))
    @test String(take!(io1)) == String(take!(io2))

    a1 = [x2]
    showcompact(io1, a1)
    showcompact(io2, x2)
    @test String(take!(io1)) ==
        @sprintf("Nullable{%s}[%s]", string(T), String(take!(io2)))

# get(x::Nullable)
for T in types
    x1 = Nullable{T}()
    x2 = Nullable(zero(T))
    x3 = Nullable(one(T))

    @test_throws NullException get(x1)
    @test get(x2) === zero(T)
    @test get(x3) === one(T)

@test_throws NullException get(Nullable())

# get{S, T}(x::Nullable{S}, y::T)
for T in types
    x0 = Nullable()
    x1 = Nullable{T}()
    x2 = Nullable(zero(T))
    x3 = Nullable(one(T))

    @test get(x0, zero(T)) === zero(T)
    @test get(x0, one(T)) === one(T)
    @test get(x1, zero(T)) === zero(T)
    @test get(x1, one(T)) === one(T)
    @test get(x2, one(T)) === zero(T)
    @test get(x3, zero(T)) === one(T)

for T in types
    # unsafe_get(x::Nullable)
    x1 = Nullable{T}()
    x2 = Nullable(zero(T))
    x3 = Nullable(one(T))
    a = rand(T)
    x4 = Nullable(a)

    @test isa(unsafe_get(x1), T)
    @test unsafe_get(x2) === zero(T)
    @test unsafe_get(x3) === one(T)
    @test unsafe_get(x4) === a

    # unsafe_get(x)
    x2 = zero(T)
    x3 = one(T)
    x4 = rand(T)

    @test unsafe_get(x2) === zero(T)
    @test unsafe_get(x3) === one(T)
    @test unsafe_get(x4) === x4

@test_throws UndefRefError unsafe_get(Nullable())
@test_throws UndefRefError unsafe_get(Nullable{String}())
@test_throws UndefRefError unsafe_get(Nullable{Array}())

for T in types
    # isnull(x::Nullable)
    x1 = Nullable{T}()
    x2 = Nullable(zero(T))
    x3 = Nullable(one(T))

    @test isnull(x1) === true
    @test isnull(x2) === false
    @test isnull(x3) === false

    # isnull(x)
    x1 = zero(T)
    x2 = one(T)
    x3 = rand(T)

    @test isnull(x1) === false
    @test isnull(x2) === false
    @test isnull(x3) === false

@test isnull(Nullable())

# function =={S, T}(x::Nullable{S}, y::Nullable{T})
for T in types
    x0 = Nullable()
    x1 = Nullable{T}()
    x2 = Nullable{T}()
    x3 = Nullable(zero(T))
    x4 = Nullable(one(T))

    @test_throws NullException (x0 == x1)
    @test_throws NullException (x0 == x2)
    @test_throws NullException (x0 == x3)
    @test_throws NullException (x0 == x4)

    @test_throws NullException (x1 == x1)
    @test_throws NullException (x1 == x2)
    @test_throws NullException (x1 == x3)
    @test_throws NullException (x1 == x4)

    @test_throws NullException (x2 == x1)
    @test_throws NullException (x2 == x2)
    @test_throws NullException (x2 == x3)
    @test_throws NullException (x2 == x4)

    @test_throws NullException (x3 == x1)
    @test_throws NullException (x3 == x2)
    @test_throws NullException (x3 == x3)
    @test_throws NullException (x3 == x4)

    @test_throws NullException (x4 == x1)
    @test_throws NullException (x4 == x2)
    @test_throws NullException (x4 == x3)
    @test_throws NullException (x4 == x4)

# function hash(x::Nullable, h::UInt)
for T in types
    x0 = Nullable()
    x1 = Nullable{T}()
    x2 = Nullable{T}()
    x3 = Nullable(zero(T))
    x4 = Nullable(one(T))

    @test isa(hash(x0), UInt)
    @test isa(hash(x1), UInt)
    @test isa(hash(x2), UInt)
    @test isa(hash(x3), UInt)
    @test isa(hash(x4), UInt)

    @test hash(x0) == hash(x2)
    @test hash(x0) != hash(x3)
    @test hash(x0) != hash(x4)
    @test hash(x1) == hash(x2)
    @test hash(x1) != hash(x3)
    @test hash(x1) != hash(x4)
    @test hash(x2) != hash(x3)
    @test hash(x2) != hash(x4)
    @test hash(x3) != hash(x4)

type TestNType{T}

for T in types
    x1 = TestNType{T}(Nullable{T}())
    @test isnull(x1.v)
    x1.v = one(T)
    @test !isnull(x1.v)
    @test get(x1.v, one(T)) === one(T)

# Operators
TestTypes = Union{Base.NullSafeTypes, BigInt, BigFloat,
                  Complex{Int}, Complex{Float64}, Complex{BigFloat},
                  Rational{Int}, Rational{BigInt}}.types
for S in TestTypes, T in TestTypes
    u0 = zero(S)
    u1 = one(S)
    if S <: AbstractFloat
        u2 = S(NaN)
    elseif S <: Complex && S.parameters[1] <: AbstractFloat
        u2 = S(NaN, NaN)
        u2 = u1

    v0 = zero(T)
    v1 = one(T)
    if T <: AbstractFloat
        v2 = T(NaN)
    elseif T <: Complex && T.parameters[1] <: AbstractFloat
        v2 = T(NaN, NaN)
        v2 = v1

    for u in (u0, u1, u2), v in (v0, v1, v2)
        # function isequal(x::Nullable, y::Nullable)
        @test isequal(Nullable(u), Nullable(v)) === isequal(u, v)
        @test isequal(Nullable(u), Nullable(u)) === true
        @test isequal(Nullable(v), Nullable(v)) === true

        @test isequal(Nullable(u), Nullable(v, false)) === false
        @test isequal(Nullable(u, false), Nullable(v)) === false
        @test isequal(Nullable(u, false), Nullable(v, false)) === true

        @test isequal(Nullable(u), Nullable{T}()) === false
        @test isequal(Nullable{S}(), Nullable(v)) === false
        @test isequal(Nullable{S}(), Nullable{T}()) === true

        @test isequal(Nullable(u), Nullable()) === false
        @test isequal(Nullable(), Nullable(v)) === false
        @test isequal(Nullable{S}(), Nullable()) === true
        @test isequal(Nullable(), Nullable{T}()) === true
        @test isequal(Nullable(), Nullable()) === true

        # function isless(x::Nullable, y::Nullable)
        if S <: Real && T <: Real
            @test isless(Nullable(u), Nullable(v)) === isless(u, v)
            @test isless(Nullable(u), Nullable(u)) === false
            @test isless(Nullable(v), Nullable(v)) === false

            @test isless(Nullable(u), Nullable(v, false)) === true
            @test isless(Nullable(u, false), Nullable(v)) === false
            @test isless(Nullable(u, false), Nullable(v, false)) === false

            @test isless(Nullable(u), Nullable{T}()) === true
            @test isless(Nullable{S}(), Nullable(v)) === false
            @test isless(Nullable{S}(), Nullable{T}()) === false

            @test isless(Nullable(u), Nullable()) === true
            @test isless(Nullable(), Nullable(v)) === false
            @test isless(Nullable{S}(), Nullable()) === false
            @test isless(Nullable(), Nullable{T}()) === false
            @test isless(Nullable(), Nullable()) === false

# issue #9462
for T in types
    @test isa(convert(Nullable{Number}, Nullable(one(T))), Nullable{Number})
    @test isa(convert(Nullable{Number}, one(T)), Nullable{Number})
    @test isa(convert(Nullable{T}, one(T)), Nullable{T})
    @test isa(convert(Nullable{Any}, Nullable(one(T))), Nullable{Any})
    @test isa(convert(Nullable{Any}, one(T)), Nullable{Any})

    # one(T) is convertible to every type in types
    # let's test that with Nullables
    for S in types
        @test isa(convert(Nullable{T}, one(S)), Nullable{T})

@test isnull(convert(Nullable, nothing))
@test isnull(convert(Nullable{Int}, nothing))
@test isa(convert(Nullable{Int}, nothing), Nullable{Int})

@test convert(Nullable, 1) === Nullable(1)
@test convert(Nullable, Nullable(1)) === Nullable(1)
@test isequal(convert(Nullable, "a"), Nullable("a"))
@test isequal(convert(Nullable, Nullable("a")), Nullable("a"))

@test promote_type(Nullable{Int}, Int) === Nullable{Int}
@test promote_type(Nullable{Union{}}, Int) === Nullable{Int}
@test promote_type(Nullable{Float64}, Nullable{Int}) === Nullable{Float64}
@test promote_type(Nullable{Union{}}, Nullable{Int}) === Nullable{Int}
@test promote_type(Nullable{Date}, Nullable{DateTime}) === Nullable{DateTime}

@test Base.promote_op(+, Nullable{Int}, Nullable{Int}) == Nullable{Int}
@test Base.promote_op(-, Nullable{Int}, Nullable{Int}) == Nullable{Int}
@test Base.promote_op(+, Nullable{Float64}, Nullable{Int}) == Nullable{Float64}
@test Base.promote_op(-, Nullable{Float64}, Nullable{Int}) == Nullable{Float64}
@test Base.promote_op(-, Nullable{DateTime}, Nullable{DateTime}) == Nullable{Base.Dates.Millisecond}

# issue #11675
@test repr(Nullable()) == "Nullable{Union{}}()"

# issue #19270
let f19270{S,T}(x::S, y::T) = Base.promote_op(^, S, T)
    @test f19270(Nullable(0.0f0), Nullable(BigInt(0))) == Nullable{Float32}
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