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Tip revision: 2bc58db83ea4b78c2f03644a0408f0521a46f7f0 authored by Jameson Nash on 26 August 2015, 22:13:21 UTC
define summarysize for a tuple to be same as any other iterable and only include the summarysize of env in the count when at the toplevel
Tip revision: 2bc58db
;; for debugging, display x and return it
(define (prn x)
  (with-output-to *stderr*
                  (display x) (newline))

;; return the mapping for `elt` in `alst`, or `default` if not found
(define (lookup elt alst default)
  (let ((a (assq elt alst)))
    (if a (cdr a) default)))

;; items in `s1` and not in `s2`
(define (diff s1 s2)
  (cond ((null? s1)         '())
        ((memq (car s1) s2) (diff (cdr s1) s2))
        (else               (cons (car s1) (diff (cdr s1) s2)))))

(define (has-dups lst)
  (if (null? lst)
      (or (memq (car lst) (cdr lst))
          (has-dups (cdr lst)))))

;; does `expr` contain any substructure that satisfies predicate `p`?
(define (contains p expr)
  (or (p expr)
      (and (pair? expr)
           (any (lambda (x) (contains p x))

;; does `expr` contain something `eq?` to `x`, excluding list heads and quoted exprs
(define (expr-contains-eq x expr)
  (or (eq? expr x)
      (and (pair? expr)
           (not (quoted? expr))
           (any (lambda (y) (expr-contains-eq x y))
                (cdr expr)))))

;; same as above, with predicate
(define (expr-contains-p p expr)
  (or (p expr)
      (and (pair? expr)
           (not (quoted? expr))
           (any (lambda (y) (expr-contains-p p y))
                (cdr expr)))))

;; find all subexprs satisfying `p`, applying `key` to each one
(define (expr-find-all p expr key)
  (let ((found (if (p expr)
                   (list (key expr))
    (if (or (atom? expr) (quoted? expr))
        (apply nconc
               (map (lambda (x) (expr-find-all p x key))
                    (cdr expr))))))

(define (butlast lst)
  (if (or (null? lst) (null? (cdr lst)))
      (cons (car lst) (butlast (cdr lst)))))

(define (last lst)
  (if (null? (cdr lst))
      (car lst)
      (last (cdr lst))))

(define *gensyms* '())
(define *current-gensyms* '())
(define *gensy-counter* 1)
(define (gensy)
  (if (null? *current-gensyms*)
      (let ((g (symbol (string "#s" *gensy-counter*))))
        (set! *gensy-counter* (+ *gensy-counter* 1))
        (set! *gensyms* (cons g *gensyms*))
      (begin0 (car *current-gensyms*)
              (set! *current-gensyms* (cdr *current-gensyms*)))))
(define (named-gensy name)
  (let ((g (symbol (string "#" *gensy-counter* "#" name))))
    (set! *gensy-counter* (+ *gensy-counter* 1))
(define (reset-gensyms)
  (set! *current-gensyms* *gensyms*))
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