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Tip revision: a947044de274774a36885b69ecdf1d8e5551344a authored by Jameson Nash on 04 June 2016, 16:34:05 UTC
add function to compute the type of the vararg variable in a method signature
Tip revision: a947044
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license

    Generator(f, iter)

Given a function `f` and an iterator `iter`, construct an iterator that yields
the values of `f` applied to the elements of `iter`.
The syntax `f(x) for x in iter` is syntax for constructing an instance of this
immutable Generator{I,F}

Generator(f, c1, c...) = Generator(a->f(a...), zip(c1, c...))

Generator{T,I}(::Type{T}, iter::I) = Generator{I,Type{T}}(T, iter)

start(g::Generator) = start(g.iter)
done(g::Generator, s) = done(g.iter, s)
function next(g::Generator, s)
    v, s2 = next(g.iter, s)
    g.f(v), s2

## iterator traits

abstract IteratorSize
immutable SizeUnknown <: IteratorSize end
immutable HasLength <: IteratorSize end
immutable HasShape <: IteratorSize end
immutable IsInfinite <: IteratorSize end

iteratorsize(x) = iteratorsize(typeof(x))
iteratorsize(::Type) = HasLength()  # HasLength is the default

and_iteratorsize{T}(isz::T, ::T) = isz
and_iteratorsize(::HasLength, ::HasShape) = HasLength()
and_iteratorsize(::HasShape, ::HasLength) = HasLength()
and_iteratorsize(a, b) = SizeUnknown()

abstract IteratorEltype
immutable EltypeUnknown <: IteratorEltype end
immutable HasEltype <: IteratorEltype end

iteratoreltype(x) = iteratoreltype(typeof(x))
iteratoreltype(::Type) = HasEltype()  # HasEltype is the default

and_iteratoreltype{T}(iel::T, ::T) = iel
and_iteratoreltype(a, b) = EltypeUnknown()

iteratorsize{T<:AbstractArray}(::Type{T}) = HasShape()
iteratorsize{I,F}(::Type{Generator{I,F}}) = iteratorsize(I)
length(g::Generator) = length(g.iter)
size(g::Generator) = size(g.iter)
ndims(g::Generator) = ndims(g.iter)

iteratoreltype{I,T}(::Type{Generator{I,T}}) = EltypeUnknown()
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