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Tip revision: 3761634813d1919839c89dc9c331a09add5cd19d authored by Katharine Hyatt on 30 September 2023, 00:32:35 UTC
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using Test
using Base.Threads

@testset "Task threadpools" begin
    c = Channel{Symbol}() do c; put!(c, threadpool(current_task())); end
    @test take!(c) === threadpool(current_task())
    c = Channel{Symbol}(spawn = true) do c; put!(c, threadpool(current_task())); end
    @test take!(c) === :default
    c = Channel{Symbol}(threadpool = :interactive) do c; put!(c, threadpool(current_task())); end
    @test take!(c) === :interactive
    @test_throws ArgumentError Channel{Symbol}(threadpool = :foo) do c; put!(c, :foo); end
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