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Tip revision: c079d94c77478072a0c1c96f0172e3a599698cc2 authored by Simon Kornblith on 07 February 2015, 06:04:13 UTC
Wrap SPQR from SuiteSparse
Tip revision: c079d94
# code_native / code_llvm (issue #8239)
# It's hard to really test these, but just running them should be
# sufficient to catch segfault bugs.

function test_code_reflection(freflect, f, types)
    iob = IOBuffer()
    freflect(iob, f, types)
    str = takebuf_string(iob)
    @test !isempty(str)

println(STDERR, "The following 'Returned code...' warnings indicate normal behavior:")
test_code_reflection(code_native, ismatch, (Regex, AbstractString))
test_code_reflection(code_native, +, (Int, Int))
test_code_reflection(code_native, +, (Array{Float32}, Array{Float32}))

test_code_reflection(code_llvm, ismatch, (Regex, AbstractString))
test_code_reflection(code_llvm, +, (Int, Int))
test_code_reflection(code_llvm, +, (Array{Float32}, Array{Float32}))

@test_throws Exception code_native(+, Int, Int)
@test_throws Exception code_native(+, Array{Float32}, Array{Float32})

@test_throws Exception code_llvm(+, Int, Int)
@test_throws Exception code_llvm(+, Array{Float32}, Array{Float32})

# code_warntype
module WarnType
using Base.Test

iob = IOBuffer()

pos_stable(x) = x > 0 ? x : zero(x)
pos_unstable(x) = x > 0 ? x : 0

tag = Base.have_color ? Base.text_colors[:red] : "UNION"
code_warntype(iob, pos_unstable, (Float64,))
str = takebuf_string(iob)
@test !isempty(search(str, tag))
code_warntype(iob, pos_stable, (Float64,))
str = takebuf_string(iob)
@test isempty(search(str, tag))

type Stable{T,N}
type Unstable{T}
Base.getindex(A::Stable, i) = A.A[i]
Base.getindex(A::Unstable, i) = A.A[i]

tag = Base.have_color ? Base.text_colors[:red] : "ARRAY{FLOAT64,N}"
code_warntype(iob, getindex, (Unstable{Float64},Int))
str = takebuf_string(iob)
@test !isempty(search(str, tag))
code_warntype(iob, getindex, (Stable{Float64,2},Int))
str = takebuf_string(iob)
@test isempty(search(str, tag))
code_warntype(iob, getindex, (Stable{Float64},Int))
str = takebuf_string(iob)
@test !isempty(search(str, tag))


# isbits

@test !isbits(Array{Int})
@test isbits(Float32)
@test isbits(Int)
@test !isbits(AbstractString)
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