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Tip revision: 4e9d098c89df8ff3973f2ebe5b500a84f2f6fae1 authored by Isaiah Norton on 28 April 2015, 03:29:27 UTC
Fix jl_static_eval handling of FieldRef
Tip revision: 4e9d098
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license

# printf
# int
@test (@sprintf "%d" typemax(Int64)) == "9223372036854775807"
for (fmt, val) in (("%i", "42"),
                   ("%u", "42"),
                   ("Test: %i", "Test: 42"),
                   ("%#x", "0x2a"),
                   ("%#o", "052"),
                   ("%X", "2A"),
                   ("%X", "2A"),
                   ("% i", " 42"),
                   ("%+i", "+42"),
                   ("%4i", "  42"),
                   ("%-4i", "42  "))
    @test( @eval(@sprintf($fmt, 42) == $val))

# float / BigFloat
for (fmt, val) in (("%7.2f", "   1.23"),
                   ("%-7.2f", "1.23   "),
                   ("%07.2f", "0001.23"),
                   ("%.0f", "1"),
                   ("%#.0f", "1."),
                   ("%.4e", "1.2345e+00")),
      num in (1.2345, big"1.2345")
    @test( @eval(@sprintf($fmt, $num) == $val))

# Inf / NaN handling
@test (@sprintf "%f" Inf) == "Inf"
@test (@sprintf "%f" NaN) == "NaN"
@test (@sprintf "%f" big"Inf") == "Inf"
@test (@sprintf "%f" big"NaN") == "NaN"

# scientific notation
@test (@sprintf "%.0e" 3e142) == "3e+142"
@test (@sprintf "%#.0e" 3e142) == "3.e+142"
@test (@sprintf "%.0e" big"3e142") == "3e+142"
@test (@sprintf "%#.0e" big"3e142") == "3.e+142"

# %g
for (val, res) in ((12345678., "1.23457e+07"),
                   (1234567.8, "1.23457e+06"),
                   (123456.78, "123457"),
                   (12345.678, "12345.7"),
                   (12340000.0, "1.234e+07"))
    @test( @sprintf("%.6g", val) == res)
for (val, res) in ((big"12345678.", "1.23457e+07"),
                   (big"1234567.8", "1.23457e+06"),
                   (big"123456.78", "123457"),
                   (big"12345.678", "12345.7"))
    @test( @sprintf("%.6g", val) == res)
for (fmt, val) in (("%10.5g", "     123.4"),
                   ("%+10.5g", "    +123.4"),
                   ("% 10.5g","     123.4"),
                   ("%#10.5g", "    123.40"),
                   ("%-10.5g", "123.4     "),
                   ("%-+10.5g", "+123.4    "),
                   ("%010.5g", "00000123.4")),
      num in (123.4, big"123.4")
    @test( @eval(@sprintf($fmt, $num) == $val))
@test( @sprintf( "%10.5g", -123.4 ) == "    -123.4")
@test( @sprintf( "%010.5g", -123.4 ) == "-0000123.4")
@test( @sprintf( "%.6g", 12340000.0 ) == "1.234e+07")
@test( @sprintf( "%#.6g", 12340000.0 ) == "1.23400e+07")
@test( @sprintf( "%10.5g", big"-123.4" ) == "    -123.4")
@test( @sprintf( "%010.5g", big"-123.4" ) == "-0000123.4")
@test( @sprintf( "%.6g", big"12340000.0" ) == "1.234e+07")
@test( @sprintf( "%#.6g", big"12340000.0") == "1.23400e+07")

# %g regression gh #14331
@test( @sprintf( "%.5g", 42) == "42")
@test( @sprintf( "%#.2g", 42) == "42.")
@test( @sprintf( "%#.5g", 42) == "42.000")

# hex float
@test (@sprintf "%a" 1.5) == "0x1.8p+0"
@test (@sprintf "%#.0a" 1.5) == "0x2.p+0"
@test (@sprintf "%+30a" 1/3) == "         +0x1.5555555555555p-2"

# chars
@test (@sprintf "%c" 65) == "A"
@test (@sprintf "%c" 'A') == "A"
@test (@sprintf "%c" 248) == "ø"
@test (@sprintf "%c" 'ø') == "ø"

# strings
@test (@sprintf "%s" "test") == "test"
@test (@sprintf "%s" "tést") == "tést"

# reasonably complex
@test (@sprintf "Test: %s%c%C%c%#-.0f." "t" 65 66 67 -42) == "Test: tABC-42.."

#test simple splatting
@test (@sprintf "%d%d" [1 2]...) == "12"

# combo
@test (@sprintf "%f %d %d %f" 1.0 [3 4]... 5) == "1.000000 3 4 5.000000"

# multi
@test (@sprintf "%s %f %9.5f %d %d %d %d%d%d%d" [1:6;]... [7,8,9,10]...) == "1 2.000000   3.00000 4 5 6 78910"

# comprehension
@test (@sprintf "%s %s %s %d %d %d %f %f %f" Any[10^x+y for x=1:3,y=1:3 ]...) == "11 101 1001 12 102 1002 13.000000 103.000000 1003.000000"
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