Raw File
Tip revision: 6bdb3950bdf64152e74bae72f566c25ab7509881 authored by Tony Kelman on 07 May 2017, 00:00:24 UTC
Tag v0.6.0-rc1
Tip revision: 6bdb395
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license

# string escaping & unescaping
cx = Any[
    0x00000000      '\0'        "\\0"
    0x00000001      '\x01'      "\\x01"
    0x00000006      '\x06'      "\\x06"
    0x00000007      '\a'        "\\a"
    0x00000008      '\b'        "\\b"
    0x00000009      '\t'        "\\t"
    0x0000000a      '\n'        "\\n"
    0x0000000b      '\v'        "\\v"
    0x0000000c      '\f'        "\\f"
    0x0000000d      '\r'        "\\r"
    0x0000000e      '\x0e'      "\\x0e"
    0x0000001a      '\x1a'      "\\x1a"
    0x0000001b      '\e'        "\\e"
    0x0000001c      '\x1c'      "\\x1c"
    0x0000001f      '\x1f'      "\\x1f"
    0x00000020      ' '         " "
    0x0000002f      '/'         "/"
    0x00000030      '0'         "0"
    0x00000039      '9'         "9"
    0x0000003a      ':'         ":"
    0x00000040      '@'         "@"
    0x00000041      'A'         "A"
    0x0000005a      'Z'         "Z"
    0x0000005b      '['         "["
    0x00000060      '`'         "`"
    0x00000061      'a'         "a"
    0x0000007a      'z'         "z"
    0x0000007b      '{'         "{"
    0x0000007e      '~'         "~"
    0x0000007f      '\x7f'      "\\x7f"
    0x000000bf      '\ubf'      "\\ubf"
    0x000000ff      '\uff'      "\\uff"
    0x00000100      '\u100'     "\\u100"
    0x000001ff      '\u1ff'     "\\u1ff"
    0x00000fff      '\ufff'     "\\ufff"
    0x00001000      '\u1000'    "\\u1000"
    0x00001fff      '\u1fff'    "\\u1fff"
    0x0000ffff      '\uffff'    "\\uffff"
    0x00010000      '\U10000'   "\\U10000"
    0x0001ffff      '\U1ffff'   "\\U1ffff"
    0x0002ffff      '\U2ffff'   "\\U2ffff"
    0x00030000      '\U30000'   "\\U30000"
    0x000dffff      '\Udffff'   "\\Udffff"
    0x000e0000      '\Ue0000'   "\\Ue0000"
    0x000effff      '\Ueffff'   "\\Ueffff"
    0x000f0000      '\Uf0000'   "\\Uf0000"
    0x000fffff      '\Ufffff'   "\\Ufffff"
    0x00100000      '\U100000'  "\\U100000"
    0x0010ffff      '\U10ffff'  "\\U10ffff"

for i = 1:size(cx,1)
    cp, ch, st = cx[i,:]
    @test cp == convert(UInt32, ch)
    @test string(ch) == unescape_string(st)
    if isascii(ch) || !isprint(ch)
        @test st == escape_string(string(ch))
    for j = 1:size(cx,1)
        str = string(ch, cx[j,2])
        @test str == unescape_string(escape_string(str))
    @test repr(ch) == "'$(isprint(ch) ? ch : st)'"

for i = 0:0x7f, p = ["","\0","x","xxx","\x7f","\uFF","\uFFF",
    c = Char(i)
    cp = string(c,p)
    op = string(Char(div(i,8)), oct(i%8), p)
    hp = string(Char(div(i,16)), hex(i%16), p)
    @test string(unescape_string(string("\\",oct(i,1),p))) == cp
    @test string(unescape_string(string("\\",oct(i,2),p))) == cp
    @test string(unescape_string(string("\\",oct(i,3),p))) == cp
    @test string(unescape_string(string("\\",oct(i,4),p))) == op
    @test string(unescape_string(string("\\x",hex(i,1),p))) == cp
    @test string(unescape_string(string("\\x",hex(i,2),p))) == cp
    @test string(unescape_string(string("\\x",hex(i,3),p))) == hp

@test "\z" == unescape_string("\z") == "z"
@test "\X" == unescape_string("\X") == "X"
@test "\AbC" == unescape_string("\AbC") == "AbC"

@test "\0" == unescape_string("\\0")
@test "\1" == unescape_string("\\1")
@test "\7" == unescape_string("\\7")
@test "\0x" == unescape_string("\\0x")
@test "\1x" == unescape_string("\\1x")
@test "\7x" == unescape_string("\\7x")
@test "\00" == unescape_string("\\00")
@test "\01" == unescape_string("\\01")
@test "\07" == unescape_string("\\07")
@test "\70" == unescape_string("\\70")
@test "\71" == unescape_string("\\71")
@test "\77" == unescape_string("\\77")
@test "\00x" == unescape_string("\\00x")
@test "\01x" == unescape_string("\\01x")
@test "\07x" == unescape_string("\\07x")
@test "\70x" == unescape_string("\\70x")
@test "\71x" == unescape_string("\\71x")
@test "\77x" == unescape_string("\\77x")
@test "\000" == unescape_string("\\000")
@test "\001" == unescape_string("\\001")
@test "\007" == unescape_string("\\007")
@test "\070" == unescape_string("\\070")
@test "\071" == unescape_string("\\071")
@test "\077" == unescape_string("\\077")
@test "\170" == unescape_string("\\170")
@test "\171" == unescape_string("\\171")
@test "\177" == unescape_string("\\177")
@test "\0001" == unescape_string("\\0001")
@test "\0011" == unescape_string("\\0011")
@test "\0071" == unescape_string("\\0071")
@test "\0701" == unescape_string("\\0701")
@test "\0711" == unescape_string("\\0711")
@test "\0771" == unescape_string("\\0771")
@test "\1701" == unescape_string("\\1701")
@test "\1711" == unescape_string("\\1711")
@test "\1771" == unescape_string("\\1771")

@test "\x0" == unescape_string("\\x0")
@test "\x1" == unescape_string("\\x1")
@test "\xf" == unescape_string("\\xf")
@test "\xF" == unescape_string("\\xF")
@test "\x0x" == unescape_string("\\x0x")
@test "\x1x" == unescape_string("\\x1x")
@test "\xfx" == unescape_string("\\xfx")
@test "\xFx" == unescape_string("\\xFx")
@test "\x00" == unescape_string("\\x00")
@test "\x01" == unescape_string("\\x01")
@test "\x0f" == unescape_string("\\x0f")
@test "\x0F" == unescape_string("\\x0F")

# Tests of join()
@test join([]) == ""
@test join(["a"],"?") == "a"
@test join("HELLO",'-') == "H-E-L-L-O"
@test join(1:5, ", ", " and ") == "1, 2, 3, 4 and 5"
@test join(["apples", "bananas", "pineapples"], ", ", " and ") == "apples, bananas and pineapples"

# issue #9178 `join` calls `done()` twice on the iterables
mutable struct i9178
Base.start(jt::i9178) = (jt.nnext=0 ; jt.ndone=0 ; 0)
Base.done(jt::i9178, n) = (jt.ndone += 1 ; n > 3)
Base.next(jt::i9178, n) = (jt.nnext += 1 ; ("$(jt.nnext),$(jt.ndone)", n+1))
@test join(i9178(0,0), ";") == "1,1;2,2;3,3;4,4"

# quotes + interpolation (issue #455)
@test "$("string")" == "string"
arr = ["a","b","c"]
@test "[$(join(arr, " - "))]" == "[a - b - c]"

# join with empty input
myio = IOBuffer()
join(myio, "", "", 1)
@test isempty(take!(myio))

# unescape_chars
@test Base.unescape_chars("\\t","t") == "t"
@test_throws ArgumentError unescape_string(IOBuffer(), string('\\',"xZ"))
@test_throws ArgumentError unescape_string(IOBuffer(), string('\\',"777"))

# 11659
# The indentation code was not correctly counting tab stops
@test Base.indentation("      \t") == (8, true)
@test Base.indentation("  \tfoob") == (8, false)
@test Base.indentation(" \t \t")   == (16, true)

@test Base.unindent("\tfoo",0) == "\tfoo"
@test Base.unindent("\tfoo",4) == "    foo"
@test Base.unindent("    \tfoo",4) == "    foo"
@test Base.unindent("\t\n    \tfoo",4) == "    \n    foo"
@test Base.unindent("\tfoo\tbar",4) == "    foo     bar"
@test Base.unindent("\n\tfoo",4) == "\n    foo"
@test Base.unindent("\n    \tfoo",4) == "\n    foo"
@test Base.unindent("\n\t\n    \tfoo",4) == "\n    \n    foo"
@test Base.unindent("\n\tfoo\tbar",4) == "\n    foo     bar"

# Tests of raw_str macro
@test raw"$" == "\$"
@test raw"\n" == "\\n"
@test raw"\t" == "\\t"

s1 = raw"""
     lorem ipsum\n
     $x = 1$

s2 = """
     lorem ipsum\\n
     \$x = 1\$

@test s1 == s2
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